
"Lu Zhonglang, the infantry battalion occupied the Yellow Turban camp!"


Lu Zhi was overjoyed:"Send the order to pursue the victory, and there must be no mistakes!"



"The Yellow Turbans on the front line were all defeated!"


Lu Zhi was even more pleased:"How is the situation in the cavalry camp?"

"I will send someone to inquire about this."

"Go quickly!"......


"The Tunqiying sent a message of defeat, the Yellow Turbans were defeated, and they are chasing the bandits"


Lu Zhi almost jumped up with excitement:"We have turned the tide and the Yellow Turbans will never be able to fight again! Notify all the frontline camps to kill the enemy with all their strength and annihilate the Yellow Turbans' living forces!"


Lu Zhi was completely relieved.

This night!

It was so thrilling.

He thought that Zhang Jue had seen through his plan, and the five battalions of the Northern Army would face an unprecedented blow.

But who could have thought!

Wang Hao's sudden appearance caused a shocking reversal of the entire battle situation!

Although he only had 400 brave soldiers, he cooperated with the Changshui Camp to burn the Yellow Turbans and destroy the camp!


He went all the way north! He successively assisted the Infantry Battalion and the Yueqi Battalion to capture the Yellow Turban Camp.

In the end, he helped the Tunqi Battalion, which was deeply besieged, to kill the Yellow Turban general and turn the tide! To put it bluntly!

It was Wang Hao who saved the Northern Army and saved him, Lu Zhi!

If Wang Hao had not raided in the middle of the night in this battle, it might be unknown who would win!

With such a great achievement, Lu Zhi didn't know what to reward him with!

Military position?

The personnel of the five battalions of the Northern Army were appointed by the court and could not be increased or reduced at will.

Lu Zhi was powerless to do anything about this.

In addition, Wang Hao was already Sima of a separate army, the highest military position in an independent army.

The only thing Lu Zhi could do to help him was to acquiesce in his expansion of the army.

But even so!

It was just to allow him to increase the number of troops from 800 to 1,000, or 2,000.

But what kind of reward was this?

Lu Zhi thought about it.

There was nothing he could do to help Wang Hao in terms of military position for the time being.

In this case, he could only start with the appointment and dismissal of officials after the war.


Wang Hao is a commoner.

If he had held an official position before, even if it was just a county magistrate, county lieutenant, or even a small official of 300 or 400 stones, he would have a way to help him go further.

Perhaps, it is possible to get a county governor of 2,000 stones! After all, it was after the outbreak of the Yellow Turbans!

Officials in various counties fled upon hearing the news, and there was a serious shortage.

After the war is over, the court will definitely select and promote from the meritorious officials.

Those who were previously county magistrates and county lieutenants may become county magistrates and captains next.

Those who were previously county magistrates and county governors may be able to directly enter the central government for training next!

But only these commoner rural warriors have the most difficult time!

The Han Dynasty has its own promotion system, and it cannot be jumped at will.

Even if you have outstanding merits and can be promoted by exception, you must not do it too much.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause public outrage!

Lu Zhi knew that he did not have a good relationship with his colleagues in the court.

Therefore, even if you can be promoted by exception, the degree of skipping cannot be too much.

Otherwise, good intentions will not be achieved, and you may do bad things!

This point!

Lu Zhi knew it too well.

He thought hard and vowed to help Wang Hao get the best result within his ability!

This was not a deliberate means to win over Wang Hao!

It was just that he didn't want the pillars of the court to be buried in the discrimination of the family!


After a night of fierce fighting,


Hao collapsed on his horse, not wanting to move!

Suddenly, the system's voice sounded in his mind:


The battle is over.

Because the host has performed very well, please accept the rewards:

Reward: Goose Feather Mail × 1;

Reward: Gilded Overlord Helmet × 1;

Reward: Chasing Wind and Chasing Sun Boots × 1;

Reward: Intelligence +2; Command +2;


Wang Hao couldn't help but gasp.

He was originally listless, but he sat up straight.

You know, this is the first time he has received so many rewards. There are three pieces of equipment, and 4 attribute improvements.

Intelligence and commander are fine.

Wang Hao has gotten used to this.

But the equipment rewarded by the system is really good stuff.

The previous black iron cold spear can increase 1 point of force; and the various equipment rewarded this time can also improve Wang Hao's hidden attributes.

The most direct improvement is his own defense!

Goose feather chain mail protects the body; gilded overlord helmet protects the head; chasing wind and chasing the sun boots protect the legs and feet!

To put it bluntly, with this set of clothes.

Wang Hao's configuration at the military commander stage is basically complete!

When he goes to the battlefield again in the future, Wang Hao's survivability will be greatly improved.

Of course!

These equipment are not without disadvantages.

That is, it will increase the weight and affect the speed of the warhorse.

Fortunately, Wang Hao's Chiyang is a good horse, and this weight is not a big problem for it.

In the future, if the system can reward another BMW, or get Lü Bu's Red Hare, Cao Cao's claws Huang Feidian and Jueying, then there will be no problem!

Wang Hao was secretly happy.

At some point, Gao Lan rode up and whispered:

"Sima, I have just carefully counted"

"In this battle, we lost 47 people, 86 people were lightly wounded, and 22 people were seriously injured. The total number of casualties reached 155, which is almost half of the troops."

Wang Hao hummed and nodded:

"I got it! You must quickly gather the wounded. The lightly wounded should be put on horses, and the seriously wounded should be put on stretchers. As long as they can breathe, carry them all back. Don’t abandon any of your brothers!"

Gao Lan clasped his hands and said,"Yes!"

"Oh, right!"

When Gao Lan was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something:"Sima, Zhao Feng is also injured!"

"Oh?" Wang Hao frowned,"What's the situation?"

"It's okay for now." Gao Lan sighed,"But there may be sequelae!"

"Sequelae?"Wang Hao thought���I became nervous,"Is my life in danger?"

"Yes, there is!" Gao Lan nodded,"But as long as it is well protected, the possibility of recurrence is still relatively low."

"Where is he? I'll go check it out!"

"The one lying on the stretcher in front is him."

Wang Hao looked in the direction Gao Lan pointed.

Sure enough, he saw Zhao Feng lying on the stretcher, his body wrapped with white bandages.

Wang Hao came up to Zhao Feng and got off his horse:"What happened to you?"

Zhao Feng smiled innocently:"Well, it's nothing actually. It was almost dawn, and an arrow shot by a Yellow Turban soldier pierced a small hole in my body. It's no problem, Sima, don't worry!"


Wang Hao touched it lightly.

Zhao Feng immediately gasped, and the huge pearl rolled down.

"You kid, you are so stubborn!"

"The main problem is the bad location. If it was on the arm or leg, it wouldn't be so exaggerated."

"Take good care of your injuries!"

Wang Hao didn't know what to say:"I will find a way to find a doctor for you. The team will be led by Gao Lan for the time being, so don't worry!"

Zhao Feng smiled:"Thank you, Sima!"


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