Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of the golden bells rang out, and the flames of war were raging!

In the camp, the soldiers of the Tunqi Battalion fought hard, and countless people were killed and wounded!

Xu Min was very distressed!

The Yellow Turbans seemed to have a countermeasure.

The key parts of the camp were all blocked by chevaux de frise, and they were surrounded in such a narrow space. The front army fought hard, and the rear army fought desperately to block it. The rain of arrows covered the sky. This was simply deliberately targeting him!

It was a trap!

It must be a trap!

But Xu Min did not give up, and still commanded the battle with all his strength.

"Be careful to protect yourself from arrows overhead!"

"Sima Li, stop the bandits for me, don't let them rush in!"

"Lao Lu, even if it costs your life, you must clear a path for the army!"

"Hold on, everyone! Reinforcements will surely arrive!"


Clang! Clang! Clang!

Xu Min held the horse spear in his hand and flicked it left and right.

The arrows that were covering the sky were easily deflected by him and could not get close to him.......

The soldiers of the Tunqi Battalion under his command were not so lucky.

It seemed like just a blink of an eye.

The soldiers of the Tunqi Battalion fell down like wheat being cut.

As of now!

More than half of the Tunqi Battalion has been lost!

Although Xu Min felt distressed, he had no way to deal with it.

"Captain, will reinforcements come?"

"Yes, Captain, do we have any other troops?"

"No one will help us, we will all die today!"


Although the Tunqi Battalion was the elite of the imperial court, they were also human beings after all, and they would panic!

At this moment, the morale of the Tunqi Battalion had dropped to the freezing point and was on the verge of collapse!


As the commander of the three armies, Xu Min naturally could not sit idly by and watch the situation escalate.

He fought back without hesitation and shouted:

"Nonsense! Lu Zhonglang will never give up on us!"

"We must have confidence in Lu Zhonglang. He is just a peasant. How can he destroy our cavalry camp?"

"Remember! You are all the most elite soldiers of the Han Dynasty. Even if you die, you must die on the way to the charge!"

The voice is like a bell, and it is as loud as thunder!

Holding the iron spear in hand, Xu Min rode forward and shouted loudly:

"Soldiers, listen up!"

"Follow me to attack the rear camp, and make sure to tear open a gap!"

Generals are willing to die, and soldiers are willing to sacrifice their lives!

Xu Min personally took the lead, and immediately inspired the three armies.

Many elite soldiers followed with spears and rushed straight to the rear camp.


Another wave of attacks was defeated.

Above the barricades, a row of spears were neatly arranged!

The spear tips were dripping with blood, and under the light of the fire, they looked particularly weird!

Xu Min was heartbroken!


But it's all the blood of the soldiers of the Tunqi Camp!

As long as the soldiers of the Tunqi Camp dare to charge, the other side will definitely give an order and charge into the forest of spears!

I have to admit.

Although this set of tactics is simple, it is extremely effective.

Xu Min looked around and saw the Yellow Turban commander behind the forest of spears, holding a large iron sword, sitting upright on his horse.

Although he has few troops, he is calm and at ease, and commands with confidence!

Just by this demeanor, Xu Min can guess that the other side is a brave general who is well versed in military tactics!

"Damn it!"

Xu Min gritted his teeth.

He had never thought that there was such a person among the Yellow Turbans.

Xu Min's eyes swept across the bandit generals and looked at the corpses lying in all directions under the barricades. The anger in his heart suddenly rose like a raging fire.

The brothers who had fought bloody battles together, actually fell under the opponent's spears like this!

Xu Min could no longer bear it and immediately ordered:

"All the troops dismounted and prepared for foot combat!"

Abandon horse combat and adopt foot combat!

This is a tactic that was adopted out of helplessness!

After all, this set of tactics of barricades is aimed at cavalry.

Xu Min's idea is also very simple. Since cavalry is not good, let's transform into infantry!

Use horse lances to fight against spears!


There is still a glimmer of hope!

Xu Min dismounted himself, holding the spear in both hands, and roared with thunder:

"Brothers, we are the elite of the Northern Army, the Han cavalry!"

"Even if he is behind bars, he is no match for these peasants!"

"Everyone, grab your weapons, keep your eyes on the enemy, and charge with me!"

"Kill one and you break even, kill two and you profit!"

"The soldiers of my Tunqi Battalion must die on the way to the charge!"


A roar rang out.

It was like a thunderclap in the flat ground.

More than a hundred elite cavalry soldiers abandoned their horses and followed Xu Min, bravely moving forward!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The spear forest on the horses stabbed fiercely.

Xu Min blocked with his horse lance, and at the same time, he stabbed back with his lance!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He easily cut off more than ten spears in a row!

Taking advantage of this gap, Xu Min held the lance in one hand and rushed forward.


A lance rushed forward.

The yellow turban in front of him was immediately knocked out and torn open!

But Xu Min had no time to expand the victory, and the elite yellow turbans made up for it and re-arranged the battle!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The spear forest rose again and rushed out together.

Xu Min dodged and stepped back, and while he was facing the sky, three or four spear tips were actually close to his cheek and whistled past!

""Damn it!"

Xu Min gritted his teeth.

He tapped the ground with his toes, and with his legs as the axis, he suddenly turned in the air. With a clang, the sword tip came out, and the cold light flashed.

All the spears above were broken.

Xu Min took advantage of the situation and rushed forward, trying to use this gap to break the opponent's spear forest and horse-barricade formation!

But who would have thought!

Before he reached the horse- barricade, a divine arrow whistled and rushed straight to his face.

Xu Min had to dodge, and when he turned around, the opponent's formation was formed again, and the spears were heading straight for him!


Xu Min glanced at the enemy.

He suddenly discovered that the enemy commander was holding a crossbow, and the bowstring was trembling slightly.

It was obvious!

The arrow just now was shot by him!

Although the Tunqiying was a heavy cavalry, they were also very good at shooting.

With just this one arrow, Xu Min knew that the enemy's martial arts were extremely high, even slightly better than his own!

No wonder his Sima couldn't break through the enemy's formation for a long time!

Not to mention them, even Xu Min himself would not find it that easy!

Just when Xu Min was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do!


A voice sounded faintly in the air:

"Under the command of the General of the Northern Army, the Sima Wang Hao of the other army is coming!"

"I am Wang Hao, a small Yellow Turban thief, and I am ready to die!"

"Don't worry, Captain Xu, the Sima Wang Hao from another army is coming!"


The sound came in waves.

Like a tidal wave.

Wang Hao?

Xu Min was stunned.

He had no idea how the other party came to kill him.

While he was stunned, he could clearly see a wave of arrows whizzing in the darkness.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

More than ten of the Yellow Turban elites were caught off guard and fell in an instant.

You know, there were not many Yellow Turban soldiers and horses in the rear camp, and more than ten people were killed at once!

For them, it was definitely a huge loss!

However, the next second!

In the darkness shrouded in the night.

A red lightning blasted out.

Wang Hao put an arrow on the string and stretched it to the full moon.


The arrows were like stars, whizzing in.

Xu Min thought that the opponent's target would be the soldiers guarding the camp!

But he never thought that the arrows passed the soldiers guarding the camp and actually hit the Yellow Turban commander on the warhorse!

Is this going to.........

Is this the rhythm of beheading with one arrow and deciding the fate of the world?

Xu Min subconsciously praised:

"Good archery!"


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