【List of legion members:]

Li Le: Military Strength 11; Intelligence 9; Politics 3; Commander 2;

Tie Niu: Military Strength 15; Intelligence 6; Politics 2; Commander 1;......

Wang Mazi: Military Strength 5; Intelligence 6; Politics 4; Command 1;

Wang Hao took a quick look.

He had to admit that it was really terrible.

Although Wang Hao was promoted to Sergeant.

But to be honest, this kind of temporary appointment on the battlefield is not very meaningful.

After all, this is only the first round of attack by the Yellow Turbans. Whether they can survive the subsequent strong attacks is really a question.

Of course, Wang Hao will not give up on them and ignore them because of this.

On the contrary, he will try his best to support them and teach them.

"We are local militia, and the Yellow Turbans are not divine generals!"

"If you stab it with a knife, it will still leave a bloody hole and you will still die!"

"Therefore, when two armies are fighting, the most important thing is morale, the kind of morale where there is nothing to worry about but the enemy!"

"Do you understand?"

Wang Hao briefly explained his preparations.

After listening, the four people nodded quickly:"Don't worry, Sergeant, we won't embarrass you!"

Wang���He hummed,"Very good! When the Yellow Turbans attack, remember to follow me closely. Actions speak louder than words. What you can learn depends on your own understanding!"

The four nodded,"Got it!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, the drum sounded again.

Wang Hao turned his head and looked outside the city.

Sure enough.

The Yellow Turbans came again.

Wang Hao stepped on the wall and smiled,"I'll tell you a secret!"

Li Le frowned,"What secret?"

Wang Hao smiled and said,"You guys, just treat the Yellow Turbans as mobile military merits. The more you kill, the more military merits you will get, and the more rewards you will get. Then you won't be afraid!"

"Military merit?"

Li Le took a deep breath and clenched the knife in his hand:"It seems to be of some use."

Wang Hao patted his shoulder:"Of course!"

"Release the arrows, release the arrows for me!"

The military order sounded, and Wang Hao suddenly stood up, picked up the bow and put the arrow on it.

He was promoted to a longbow soldier, and he could clearly feel the difference from before.

First, his arm strength was stronger; second, his eyesight was also stronger!

Third, his perception was stronger!



Hands! Whoosh!

The arrow whistled and hit a yellow turban.

Primary Archery (5/1000)

The distance was still a little too far, and it only injured, not killed.

Wang Hao was a little disappointed.

But this scene fell into the eyes of Li Le, Tie Niu and others, and they immediately turned to look up to the God of Archery.

"The sergeant is so amazing, he actually hit the target with one arrow from such a long distance!"

"Yes, if I could have the archery skills of the sergeant, I would have nothing to fear!"

"Sergeant, that's awesome!"

"Worship the corporal!"


Wang Hao, however, looked cold and said,"Stop talking nonsense, pay attention to my movements, and the Yellow Turbans under the city. On the battlefield, the most important thing is not to flatter, but to save your life!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Wang Hao shot arrows one after another, and almost every arrow hit the target.

As the Yellow Turbans got closer, his kill rate continued to rise.

In just a few breaths, his basic archery proficiency had reached 110.

"Sergeant, the Yellow Turbans are coming!"

"Don't be afraid, they are giving you military merits, hit them hard!"


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

A flurry of arrows shot down, and the yellow turbans that had climbed up fell down one after another.

Although someone was competing with him for the head, Wang Hao didn't care at all. Military merits are common, the key is to have a life to get it.

For Wang Hao, cultivating a strong army is much better than personal heroism.

However, even so, his basic archery proficiency has been raised to 240 points.

More than doubled!

"Wang Hao, bring two people and come here!"

Not far away, Li Lu, the military commander, called out.

Wang Hao looked over and saw a gap in the city wall. Seven or eight Yellow Turbans climbed up. The situation was critical.

"You guys stay here and don't run around!"

Wang Hao gave the order without hesitation, and pulled out his hatchet and rushed forward.

Puff! Puff!

With a furious chop on the left, he killed a yellow turban; with a chop on the right, he cut off the thief's arm!

Immediately afterwards, he chopped with his backhand again, ending the other person's life!


There were too many Yellow Turbans.

Wang Hao had just killed two people when seven or eight people immediately surrounded him.

Although Wang Hao was brave, with his current strength, it really fits the saying: two fists cannot beat four hands!

But the soldiers around him had already been scared out of their wits, and they avoided him one by one, and dared not step forward to fight side by side with Wang Hao!


Wang Hao knocked the Yellow Turban weapons aside with his sword and roared,"Brothers, behind us are the people in the city, your fathers, fellow villagers, brothers and sisters. If you retreat, they will die!"

"Everyone, take up your weapons!"

"Fight the Yellow Turbans to the death!"


"When two men meet on a narrow road, the bravest one wins!!!"

This roar!

It was like spring thunder bursting out of his mouth, and thunderbolts vibrating on the tip of his tongue.

A sense of awe and domineering aura instantly spread throughout the entire city.

Everyone's eyes looked over at the same time! Wang Hao knocked the opponent's weapon away, holding a hatchet, angrily chopped on the yellow turban's neck, blood spurted out, and under the illumination of the sun, it was like a god of war possessed!


Instantly, the city defenders roared like crazy.

They raised their weapons, no longer cowardly, but turned into wild wolves, howling and rushing forward!


Congratulations on comprehending the legion skill Encouragement, force +1; Command +3;


Still need 200 flowers, more updates!

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