Changshan is different from Weijun.

It is backed by the Taihang Mountains and borders only Bingzhou.

But Weijun is located at the junction of Jizhou, Yanzhou, and Sili.

It is well connected and is an important channel to Hanoi!

Therefore, Zhang Liang was in charge of Weijun at the beginning, and the total force added up to 30,000 to 40,000.

Changshan was only in charge of any general in the Yellow Turbans, and the total force was no more than 10,000.

Precisely because the Yellow Turbans had few troops in Changshan!

Therefore, there were many surviving soldiers of Changshan's militia!

There were more than 200 people in Zhao Feng's unit alone!

As of now!

Wang Hao has a total of more than 400 troops.

Zhao Feng is still a military marquis, and he is equivalent to Gao Lan in the army. Wang Hao did not select the strong from the Yellow Turban captives to join his own troops.

Because, after all, the captives are Yellow Turbans. If they turn against each other on the battlefield, wouldn't it be more than worth the loss?

Wang Hao left all the seven or eight thousand Yellow Turban captives to Chen Lan, and only selected some weapons and equipment.

Of course, they also took away the warhorse of the Yellow Turban commander!

This thing is a treasure!

There are only three horses in Wang Hao's army!

Although they are so poor that they are almost making money, the overall trend remains positive.......

The army has doubled in strength.

And they are all experienced warriors.

Wang Hao comforted himself: There will be bread and milk!

The army left Changshan and headed straight for Handan.

Not long after, they returned to Handan.


Lu Zhi's army had already left Handan.

Fortunately, he sent someone to stay behind and tell Wang Hao to march into Julu.

This is the rhythm of preparing to fight Zhang Jiao to the death!

Wang Hao did not delay and went straight to Julu Chizhang to join the main force.

Julu is indeed Zhang Jiao's lair!


Even the air is filled with the breath of war.

Wang Hao went all the way and encountered small groups of Yellow Turbans blocking him no less than ten times.

However, he did not mind the trouble and sent troops to encircle and suppress them every time, just as a kind of training.

At the same time, the proficiency of spear and cavalry warfare has also increased by about one-fifth.

Of course, Wang Hao's purpose is not to brush up the skill proficiency, but to let Zhao Feng and Gao Lan fight together, strive to integrate as soon as possible, and become familiar with their own combat habits.

Zhao Feng did not disappoint Wang Hao!

He quickly became familiar with Wang Hao's combat routines and got along well with Gao Lan, Zhang Nan and others.

By the time they arrived at Chizhang, the troops were almost indistinguishable from each other.

"How many?"

"Four hundred and thirty-six people?"

Lu Zhi, the head of the military tent, was dumbfounded and stood there in shock.

"That's right!"

Wang Hao nodded.

"You kid......"

Lu Zhi exhaled a breath of foul air:"You are quite capable!" Wang

Hao bowed and saluted:"The rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of every citizen, and we, the local militia, also have patriotic feelings!"

""Every man has his share of responsibility for the rise and fall of a country!"

Lu Zhi looked at Wang Hao with an incredible look in his eyes:"You can say such words, which makes me look at you differently. Well, 400 people are 400 people, after all, you are a Sima of a separate department!" The Sima of a separate department is normally composed of about 800 people.

Because of the word"separate department", its flexibility is actually very large.

If it is a trusted and direct descendant, the strength of the army may be one thousand, or even fifteen hundred or two thousand!

But considering Wang Hao's current embarrassing situation, it is Lu Zhi's grace to reach 800 people.

After all, it takes food and grass to raise soldiers and horses!

Especially in this year, food and grass are much more expensive than soldiers and horses.

It doesn't mean that you can have as many soldiers and horses as you want.

The key issue is how much food and grass you have!

To tell the truth, the amount of food and grass you have directly determines the number of your soldiers and horses.

Therefore, in the late Han Dynasty, many heroes emerged, and even a scum like Yuan Shu Scum, can have hundreds of thousands of troops.

It's not because he implemented benevolent policies, but because he occupied Nanyang first and Shouchun later. These places are all large grain-producing counties!

Wang Hao can develop troops, but the grain and grass are controlled by Lu Zhi. If he doesn't get his affirmation, no matter how many troops he develops, they will all be disbanded!

No way!

Reality is so embarrassing!

Fortunately, Lu Zhi is at least an honest official with his own principles and bottom line.

Since he promised Wang Hao, he won't go back on his word!

And as long as Wang Hao doesn't go too far and expand wantonly, Lu Zhi will definitely turn a blind eye!

As long as you know the right measure, everyone can live in peace!

Wang Hao hurriedly clasped his hands and clasped his fists:"Thank you, Lu Zhonglang!"

Lu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief:"Okay, since you are back, you should still be responsible for the security of the camp. Zhang Jiao has been making frequent small moves recently. You need to be more careful and never be careless!"

Wang Hao promised in response, and then bowed and left.

Out of the big tent.

His hanging heart finally let go.

Before he took two steps, Zhao Feng came up and asked anxiously:"Sima, how is it?"

Wang Hao nodded and said,"Don't worry, it's done."

Zhao Feng was overjoyed and clasped his hands together,"Thank you, Sima!"

Although they are both military marquises, the military marquises under Lu Zhi and the military marquises in Changshan County are two different concepts.

After all!

One belongs to the central government and is close to the center of power; while the other belongs to the local area, and after the war is over, he can only serve in the county.

The two are incomparable!

For Zhao Feng, who came from a poor family, there is an insurmountable gap between them!

"Let's go back to the barracks. We have been running for many days. I think everyone is tired."

"Yes!"Zhao Feng nodded,"It just so happens that the camp is cooking, we can improve the food a little bit."

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