
County government. County

Magistrate Xu Feng packed his bag and glanced back at the familiar Council Hall, tears streaming down his cheeks. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a voice rang in his ears:

"What? You really want to go alone quietly?"

It was Lu Zhi.

Xu Feng immediately figured it out.

He stopped, looked back at Lu Zhi, and shrugged awkwardly:"Not leaving? Staying here and being despised? I, Xu Feng, am not as shameless as you, Lu Zigan!"

"Brother Xu!"

Lu Zhi hurriedly came forward and said,"Don't worry, I will arrange this matter properly. I hope you can stay and help me, just as if you are helping your junior brother." Lu

Zhi and Xu Feng were both disciples of Ma Rong.......

Disciples are also divided into different levels.

Now Lu Zhi is already a highly respected General of the North, while Xu Feng is only the magistrate of Ye County.


Xu Feng snorted lightly:"With your ability, Lu Zigan, and the elite troops of the five battalions of the Northern Army in your hands, you will not worry about not being able to destroy the demon Zhang Jiao. What's the point of me staying or not?"

Xu Feng knew that Lu Zhi was very powerful!

Back then, Lu Zhi was ordered to conquer the Lujiang rebels. At that time, he was just a Confucian general, and no one was optimistic about him.

But who could have thought that Lu Zhi would hit a home run, killing the bandits and frightening them, and fleeing in panic. It was precisely because of this record that Liu Hong ordered Lu Zhi to be the General of the North Central Army and go straight to the Yellow Turbans' lair to fight a decisive battle with them!

Although the Yellow Turbans were powerful and far superior to any previous rebellion.

But after this battle, Xu Feng deeply realized that the Yellow Turbans were just a hollow shell. Except for the large number of troops, they were useless. Otherwise, they would not have been killed into such a bear-like state by his temporary troops!

He could still have such a record, let alone him, Lu Zhi!

Lu Zhi asked him to stay, but he wanted to save his future for the sake of his fellow disciples.

"Brother Xu!"

"Don't say any more."

Xu Feng waved his hand to stop him:"I have made up my mind. I will resign from my post and retire. From now on, I will not care about worldly affairs and will devote myself to learning!"

Lu Zhi immediately took over the conversation:"Of course I understand Brother Xu's intentions, but I kept Brother Xu for the future of our ancient prose school. Don't you want to lend me a hand?"

Although Confucianism has been the most popular school of thought in the Han Dynasty since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty abolished all schools of thought and respected Confucianism alone.


This does not mean that the culture is unified and there is no struggle.

In fact, there has always been a struggle within the Confucianism of the Han Dynasty, that is, the struggle between the New Text School and the Old Text School.

The New Text School focuses on the subtle words and great meanings, that is, the idealist mysticism of the correspondence between heaven and man; while the Old Text School also talks about disasters, but it pays more attention to exegesis and has slightly less mysticism.

The Confucianism that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty abolished all schools of thought and respected Confucianism alone is the New Text School.

The New Text School is also the orthodoxy of the Confucian classics of the Han Dynasty!

Eight or nine out of ten Confucian scholars in the court are from the New Text School.

But there are also very few who are from the Old Text School, such as Lu Zhi, the General of the North!

The history books record that Lu Zhi is resolute and has a bad relationship with the scholars. In fact, it has something to do with the struggle between the Old and New Texts.

In fact!

Lu Zhi is very lonely!

The higher the position, the lonelier he is!

Because of this, he wanted to do his best to protect Xu Feng, taking advantage of the huge wave of the Yellow Turbans to add another heavyweight figure to the power of ancient Chinese classics!

Lu Zhi was very sure that he had the ability!


Xu Feng lost his fighting spirit.

He let out a long breath and said,"Zi Gan, I understand what you mean, but I decided to leave because of the consideration of ancient Chinese classics. If this matter is exposed, you may also be affected."

"I can't do this!"

"Otherwise, our lineage of ancient Confucian classics will be completely cut off!"

In fact.

The dispute between ancient and modern literature.

On the surface, it is a struggle of Confucian culture.

But in fact, it is a competition for limited official positions within the Han Dynasty.

Today, modern Confucian classics are the orthodox official school, and most of the court officials are disciples of modern Confucian classics; and if ancient Confucian classics are the orthodox official school, then most of the court officials must be disciples of ancient Confucian classics.

In the final analysis, it is still due to interests!

Precisely because of the interests involved, the modern Confucian school will never yield or make concessions.

Once the matter of burning corpses is exposed.

Whether Xu Feng can be an official is another matter, but Lu Zhi will definitely be implicated.

Xu Feng saw through this.


He resolutely left, disappeared from then on, and drank horses in the rivers and lakes.

Lu Zhi sighed:"Okay, since you have decided, let me send you off again!"

After that, Lu Zhi picked up Xu Feng's backpack and walked out of the county together.

Da! Da! Da!

The sound of horse hooves drove out of Yecheng

"Brother Xu, if I'm not mistaken, this plan did not come from you, but from the one named Wang Hao, right?"

"So what if it is? So what if it isn’t?"

"Oh, nothing, I just feel sorry for you, it's not your fault, but you insist on bearing it."

"But after all, I agreed!"

"Brother Xu, can you answer a question for me?"

"Go ahead, I'll try to answer."

"What's so special about Wang Hao that makes you do this?"


Then, there was a silence.

Even Xu Feng himself didn't know why he was like this.

""County Master! County Master!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded outside the car.

Xu Feng lifted the car curtain and looked up.

He saw a red lightning rushing towards him, waving at him.

It was Wang Hao!

Xu Feng recognized him at a glance.


Stop the car!~~~

The carriage stopped.

Wang Hao rode over, clasped his fists and said:

"County Master, I don’t know your name yet!"

Xu Feng smiled:

"Xu Feng is from Runan."

Wang Hao dismounted and bowed solemnly:

"County Magistrate Xu, please accept Wang Hao's greetings!"

Xu Feng hurriedly stopped him:

"Sima Wang, what are you doing?"

Wang Hao stood up and said:

"County Xu, today I, Wang Hao, am of low status and cannot promise you anything!"

"But I will never forget your great kindness!"

"One day, when I, Wang Hao, become very successful, I will repay you a hundredfold!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly:

"Sima Wang!"

"Remember, you don't owe me anything."

"Kill the enemy well. With your ability, it is not a dream to be a marquis or a general!"

After saying that, Xu Feng lowered the curtain and said,"Let's go!"

But the next second , he couldn't hold back any more.

Two lines of hot tears burst out of his eyes.


Here we go.

The battle of Ye County has come to a successful conclusion.

Next, we will defeat the Yellow Turbans and launch a counterattack!

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