Pei Yuanshao!

General of the Yellow Turban Army.

Wang Hao was very clear about this.

The other side even sent out such a person.

It seems that the Yellow Turbans outside the city have basically reached their limit.

This certainly does not mean that their troops have been exhausted to the limit, but that the other side is extremely eager to take over Yecheng.

Although Yecheng is facing greater pressure, it also reflects from the side that the reinforcements from the court should be on the way.

Otherwise, Zhang Liang can consume it slowly, there is no need to be so anxious!

After realizing this.

Wang Hao was completely relieved!

The crazier the Yellow Turbans are, the closer they are to death.

As long as they can survive this period of time, they will surely usher in the final victory.

"So you are Wang Hao!"

Pei Yuanshao's eyes were red with anger. When he heard Wang Hao's name, his anger rose to his throat.

At the beginning, Wang Hao defeated the Yellow Turbans with gold juice, which made his general spit blood.

As a subordinate, Pei Yuanshao naturally remembered the name of the city guard and was ready to take revenge at any time.


When the enemies meet, they are particularly jealous.

How could Pei Yuanshao bear it anymore? He picked up his long sword and rushed over:

""You bastard, give me your life!""


A cold light flashed.

The long sword crossed the sky and rushed straight to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao's eyes were quick and his hands were even faster!

He stabbed with his spear, which was fast, fierce and accurate, like a dragon out of the sea, rushing straight to Pei Yuanshao's face.

An inch longer, an inch stronger; an inch shorter, an inch more dangerous!

The advantage of Wang Hao's long weapon was fully demonstrated at this moment.

Pei Yuanshao's sword tip had only stabbed halfway, and Wang Hao's spear head had already rushed in front of him.

"Not good!"

Pei Yuanshao said secretly, and subconsciously dodged to the side to avoid Wang Hao's spear.

He wanted to distance himself from Wang Hao first, and then wait for an opportunity to attack, or simply pick up a spear from the ground to make up for the fatal weakness of short weapons.


How could Wang Hao give him this chance.

He missed the first strike, and immediately changed his moves, holding the spear and rushing forward, continuing to attack!

Even a lion will use all its strength to fight a rabbit.

What's more, Wang Hao is not a lion, but just an elite soldier!

And the opponent is at least a Yellow Turban general, although he is only a third-rate general.

But even so, Wang Hao will never underestimate any opponent!




The cold light flashed, and the gun flowers bloomed.

Endless splendor covered Pei Yuanshao!

Pei Yuanshao was shocked and hurriedly raised his sword to block.




The golden sound exploded, and sparks splashed.

In the blink of an eye.

The two sides fought for several rounds.

Wang Hao used a move of Overlord Shattering Mountains and Rivers, and the iron spear fell from the sky and chopped towards Pei Yuanshao's head.



Sparks flew where the spear and sword intersected. A deafening golden sound exploded.

Even though Pei Yuanshao held the sword with both hands, he could clearly feel a strong force flowing along the spear shaft, along his arms, and into his body, constantly impacting his internal organs and meridians.

This feeling......

The pain is really unbearable!

"Damn it!"

"What a powerful force.

Pei Yuanshao gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly.

At the same time, he pulled his left foot back and sat down to try to remove the force from Wang Hao's spear.

Wang Hao was also stunned!

He really didn't expect it!

A great Yellow Turban general actually posed in front of him.

I have to admit!

Pei Yuanshao's force removal trick is so cool!

Even Wang Hao couldn't help but marvel at it, it was really beautiful.

This is the difference in combat experience!

Although Wang Hao has a high skill level and good strength.

Logically speaking, his experience value will not be low!

But damn.........

Since crossing over,

Wang Hao's combat experience was all about dealing with Yellow Turban soldiers.

Although he killed many Yellow Turban officers with 5,000 or 6,000 experience points today, they were all low-ranking officers, not Yellow Turban generals at all.

He lacked experience in fighting Yellow Turban generals!

Therefore! He failed to defend against Pei Yuanshao's trick of dissipating force.

At the same time, Pei Yuanshao picked up a spear and swept it across, whistling towards Wang Hao's legs.

""Lord, be careful!"

Zhang Nan saw this and shouted to remind Wang Hao.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely jump up and dodge at this time.

In this way, the suppressed Pei Yuanshao would definitely fight back and reverse the situation!

But Wang Hao did not do so.

His eyes clearly captured the opponent's movements.

Immediately afterwards! He raised his foot and stepped hard!

The spear shaft was actually stepped directly under his feet.

At the same time, Wang Hao twisted the iron spear in his palm, and with a move of Overlord Drill, he spun and whistled out.


The iron spear knocked away the opponent's long sword and continued to rush forward.

With a puff, it pierced into Pei Yuanshao's heart and died on the spot.


Congratulations on successfully fighting across levels.

Reward: Black Iron Cold Spear × 1;


Just when I was worried about not having a handy weapon, it came again.

Wang Hao was secretly happy.

However, he did not take it out at the first time, which would inevitably arouse people's suspicion.

After the war is over, find a place where no one is, take it out, and say it is a captured weapon, and no one will doubt it.

And now!

He picked up Pei Yuanshao's body with a spear and shouted loudly:

"Pei Yuanshao has been executed!"

"If you are not afraid of death, come here if you have the guts!"


Thank you readers for your support with flowers!

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