War horses have different levels.

After all, different war horses have an impact on the combat of military generals.

For example, if Guan Erye didn't have the Red Hare, could he still easily kill Yan Liang and Wen Chou?

For another example, if Cao Aman didn't have the claws of Huang Feidian and Jueying, could he still escape from the dead end again and again? Also

, if Liu Da'er didn't have Lu, could he still jump over the Tanxi River west of Xiangyang City and escape from Cai Mao's capture?

The answer is obviously no!

Therefore, war horses have a great impact on military generals.

According to the settings in the game.

War horses are divided from low to high into: poor horses, strong horses, war horses, good horses, and BMWs.

In fact.

Poor horses cannot be used as war horses!

At best, they are just a tool for transporting food and grass in the army, so they belong to the lowest level.

Healthy horses are slightly higher than poor horses.

But the speed is average, the endurance is long, and they can run long distances.

War horses!

It is the standard configuration of cavalry in the army.

It is also the minimum level requirement for cavalry combat.

As for good horses!

Normally, it is not assigned to cavalry.

It is more used by scouts to convey correspondence or senior officials.

Therefore, it has extremely high requirements for speed and endurance.

Generally speaking, most of the good horses are Yanqi horses introduced from the Western Regions.

It has a wide and deep body, a good belly shape, long and strong limbs, and a small hoof that is good at running.

It has a nickname, called"sea horse", because it is also good at swimming.

If possible, Yanqi horses can swim for 20 to 30 kilometers without any problem, and can also carry their owners to swim together.

Yanqi horses!

It is truly crossing rivers and rivers as if walking on flat ground.

Therefore, it plays an extremely important role in war horses.

This good horse in front of you!

It is the Yanqi horse introduced from the Western Regions.

However, it is a hybrid breed, which is more suitable for the living conditions of the Han Dynasty.

After all, some BMW-level breeds can be called BMWs in their original habitats, but once they are moved to other places, they will lose the quality of BMWs due to various problems.

For example, the sweat-blood horse.

When it was in the Western Regions, it could ooze bloody sweat all over its body, so it was called the sweat-blood horse.

But when it came to the Central Plains, it would lose this ability due to acclimatization, and even die.

At this time, it was necessary to breed horses with BMW functions but suitable for survival in the Central Plains through hybridization.

Therefore, most of the Western Region horses in the Central Plains were bred through hybridization.

"I want this horse!"

Wang Hao pointed at the Yanqi horse that was as red as charcoal and said,"May I have it?""


Li Xiong frowned visibly, paused for a moment, and said softly:"Wang Junhou really has a sharp eye, he chose the best horse in this county at first sight!"


Li Xiong exhaled a breath of turbid air and smiled calmly:"Since I promised you to choose at will, then I can only give it up. From today on, you are its owner."

Wang Hao was overjoyed and clasped his hands and said:"Thank you, County Lieutenant!"


Congratulations on getting a good horse.

You can change your job to cavalry. Do you want to change your job?

""Change job!"

Wang Hao did not hesitate.

There are two basic types of soldiers: light cavalry and archer cavalry.

Wang Hao naturally possessed both and changed his job together.

Sure enough!

There are more cavalry skills.

Basic riding (0/100)

Basic archery cavalry combat (80/100)

Basic spear cavalry combat (80/100)

It is worth mentioning that.

Whether it is bow cavalry combat or spear cavalry combat.

Its proficiency, to a certain extent, affects the bow and spear of infantry combat.

Since Wang Hao has already brushed the bow and spear skills to a high level.


The initial proficiency of both is 80 points.

Wang Hao just glanced at the attribute panel roughly, and after having a general understanding, he entered the stable and led out the horse.

Touching the mane of the warhorse, Wang Hao smiled and said:

"Look at you, you are as red as fire!"

"That's better......"

After a little thought, Wang Hao said softly:"Let's call you Chiyang!"~~~

The warhorse snorted.

Wang Hao smiled and said,"Okay, then I'll call you Chiyang."

After that, he climbed onto the horse, sat upright, and tried to walk slowly.

It was a bit uncomfortable because it pounded his butt.

And there was only one stirrup, so his body felt a little unbalanced, and he had to use his legs to clamp it tightly.

When he walked forward slowly, it felt jerky, and it was difficult to keep the same rhythm as the warhorse.

Maybe, if he went a little faster, he might be thrown off.

This made Wang Hao feel that riding a horse was definitely not an ordinary thing.


Li Xiong pinched a wisp of beard under his chin and smiled:"It seems that Wang Junhou has never ridden a horse, right?"

Wang Hao nodded:"Well, this is the first time! But I will work hard to learn!"

Li Xiong hummed:"It's time to learn well. As a general, there is no future if you can't ride and fight. I finally understand why you want a war horse!"

"Thank you, County Lieutenant."

Wang Hao bowed again.

He was very satisfied with Chiyang.


Li Xiong nodded:"Go, hurry back to the East Gate, defense is more important."

Wang Hao:"Yes!"

After saying that, he turned over and got off the horse, led away.

As soon as he left the county government, a voice rang out:

""Huh? You picked this horse?"

It was Li Lu.

Wang Hao guessed it and looked in the direction of the voice:"Why? Do you know him?" Li

Lu nodded:"Of course, it is the county lieutenant's mount, and it was bought for 18,000 yuan that year."


Wang Hao couldn't help but gasp:"This......How do you know?"

Li Lu smiled and said,"I'm his brother, how could I not know?"

Li Xiong!

Li Lu!

Wang Hao was stunned.


The goal is 12,000 flowers, I don’t know if I can reach it!

I beg readers to support me!

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