At this moment!

Wang Hao did not hesitate to tell all the methods such as boiling gold juice, Zhuyu powder, and sword net.

The county magistrate heard it and suddenly understood. He nodded continuously:"Okay! That's great! The county will immediately order people to prepare the materials according to your method. If you can hold on until the imperial army arrives, you will be the first to achieve success!"

"Thank you, County Magistrate, for your cultivation!"


Changing the subject, Wang Hao bowed again:"Now we are all in the same trench. We were able to hold out until the army arrived. This is the result of our joint efforts. The merits of the battle naturally belong to everyone."

"I just made some suggestions. As for how to implement them, it will naturally be done by the county magistrate, the county lieutenant, and the generals in the palace. How dare I take credit for it!"

Wang Hao knew his capital too well.

Born in poverty, he had no connections, and only had military power.

If he wanted to trample on everyone with his insignificant military exploits, then his career would definitely not go far!

Wang Hao would naturally not do such a thing that would make too many enemies.

On the contrary, if the credit was distributed, then the enemies would become allies, and stepping on people would become praising people, and his career would be smoother!

Don't you see that the county magistrate's eyes really lit up and he kept nodding:

"What a good Wang Hao, you take credit for your achievements without being arrogant. This county will remember you."

At the same time, the generals standing in the hall also cast admiring glances:

"Captain Wang came up with brilliant ideas and helped us defend the city. I will always remember this kindness!"

"If I'm not mistaken, Captain Wang must have read military books, otherwise how could he come up with so many brilliant strategies!"

"With Captain Wang’s help, you and I won’t have to worry about stopping the Yellow Turbans outside the city!"


The soldiers praised Wang Hao to the sky.

The county magistrate was very satisfied with this. He was worried about how to stabilize the army's morale. He never thought that Wang Hao's few words would boost the confidence of the soldiers!

He pinched the goatee under his chin.

He pondered for a moment.

The county magistrate took the opportunity to throw out a reward for Wang Hao:

"Wang Hao!"


"Considering that you have made many outstanding achievements and proposed five strategies for defending the city for the county today, this is enough to prove your ability, which is definitely not something a small captain can do!"

After a pause, the county magistrate straightened his posture and said in a sonorous voice:"Now, I will personally promote you to a military marquis. It just so happens that the East Gate has suffered heavy losses, so you will be responsible for the defense of the East Gate. How about it?"

Wang Hao clasped his fists and bowed:"I will definitely live up to your expectations!"


Congratulations on being promoted to a military marquis, command +3; first time to offer advice, outstanding performance.

Reward: Intelligence +2; Politics +2;

The county magistrate nodded:"Okay, hurry down and prepare!"

All the soldiers:"Yes!"

After leaving the council hall.

Military Sima Li Lu came up and bowed and said:"Brother, congratulations!"

Wang Hao hurriedly bowed:"Thanks to Sima's cultivation, otherwise I, Wang Hao, would not be here today."

Li Lu smiled:"Why are you so polite? In the final analysis, it is still you who have the ability. If it were someone else, I would not be able to help him up even if I wanted to!"

"But seriously!"

Li Lu stood in front of Wang Hao and looked at him carefully:"I really didn't expect that you could have so many ways. You can think of such a disgusting thing as boiling gold juice."

Wang Hao was a little embarrassed:"Well, I was forced to do it, otherwise who would be willing to do such a disgusting thing."

Li Lu nodded:"That's true. The Yellow Turbans are powerful, ten times larger than our army. To be honest, we have made a profit by being able to hold on today. As for the future, no one can say for sure!"

Wang Hao could feel it.

Li Lu was very pessimistic about the future. He might feel that he could not hold on for too long.


Wang Hao was extremely sure:"Sima!"

Li Lu turned around:"Hmm?"

Wang Hao was determined and his voice was sonorous and powerful:"We will definitely win!"

Li Lu was stunned at first, and then she smiled faintly:"Well, I believe you, you even thought of a way to boil gold juice, how can you not win!"

""Let's go!"

Li Lu came over and patted Wang Hao on the shoulder:"Let's talk about the joint defense. I'm really worried about you leaving the north gate!"


Wang Hao was immediately embarrassed:"Sima, you have me in your hands!"

Li Lu nodded:"Of course, no matter where you go, you are my soldier!"

The two chatted as they walked:

"Forehead......Actually, it is not impossible"

"You kid, do you agree?"

"But I have a condition!"

"What are the conditions? Just tell me!"

"Transfer Zhang Nan, Li Le and Tie Niu to me. I am very good at using these three people!"


Li Lu frowned, a little hesitant.

Wang Hao asked back:"Why, you don't want to?"

Li Lu shook her head:"No! Seeing that you have to deal with that mess, I reluctantly agreed to it, but it is only for these three people, no more!"

Wang Hao snorted:"Look at how stingy you are, you meanie!"


Li Lu stared blankly :"Believe it or not, I won't give these three people!" Wang Hao responded:"You can give them to me or not, I can train them again, but this is about helping each other......."

Li Lu suddenly became depressed and said,"Brother, what are you doing? I was just kidding. They are just Zhang Nan, Li Le and Tie Niu. Can't I give them to them?"

Wang Hao smiled faintly,"That's better!"

Li Lu:"......"


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