Wang Hao was overjoyed. He held a gun in one hand and a sword in the other.

He galloped on his horse, killing people left and right. He was so brave and invincible that he frightened people.


Experience +4000;

Kill ten people: 9/10;


Experience +4000;

Kill ten people: 10/10;......

Congratulations on upgrading the Killing God Domain.

Killing God Domain lv2;

Range: 10 steps;

Effect 1: 8% chance to shock enemy units and make them lose resistance;

Effect 2: 5% chance to suppress enemy units, slowing down their speed and reducing their force;

(PS: The degree of speed and force reduction is negatively correlated with the strength of the enemy units, that is, the stronger the enemy units are, the weaker the suppression of the Killing God Domain;)

Upgrade conditions: 100 kills;

Currently: 10/100;


The Killing God Domain has been upgraded.

Not only has the domain range been expanded to 10 steps; the key is that the second effect of force suppression has been unlocked!

As the designer of the game, Wang Hao knows the core of the Killing God Domain too well.

It is the second effect of force suppression!

Its force suppression effect is evaluated based on the comprehensive strength of the host.

In short, the stronger the comprehensive strength of the host, the more obvious the suppression effect on the enemy units within the range.

Can Wang Hao become a fierce general who can defeat thousands of enemies!

Like Zhao Yun, he rushed through millions of troops.

The key!

It lies in the Killing God Domain.

This force suppression is definitely a BUG!

As for the effect after killing 100 people, although it is also abnormal.

But in Wang Hao's mind, compared with the suppression by force, it seems a bit useless.

(PS: The unlocking effect of killing 100 people will be revealed in the future, so I will keep it a secret here.)

At this time!

Wang Hao was so excited to kill.

He wanted to kill all the rangers and strive to complete the goal of killing 100 people as soon as possible.


After he killed two more people, a voice sounded behind him:

"Back off!"

""Everyone, retreat!"

Deng Zhan's voice suddenly rang out.

The ranger who was about to kill him quickly withdrew.~~~

Wang Hao was slightly startled.

He reined in his horse and turned his head to look.

"What do you mean?"

Deng Zhan stared at the weapon in Wang Hao's hand, frowned and asked:

"Dare to ask......The weapon in your hand is the Lixue Sword?"

Wang Hao glanced at Lixue and nodded:

"That’s right!"

"You actually know this sword?"

Deng Zhan nodded with interest:

"This sword is tempered by blood."

"Therefore, the sword glows red, and its murderous aura cannot be concealed even after it is unsheathed!"

"Among the knights of my generation, how could we not recognize this sword?"


Deng Zhan seemed even more confused:

"If I remember correctly."

Taking a deep breath, Deng Zhan looked at Wang Hao and said,"This sword should be the sword of the current Zuo Zhonglang Jiang Huangfu Song. How come it is here with you?"

"You even know this?"

Wang Hao glanced at the Blood Sword and couldn't help but feel puzzled.......

He still honestly explained the origin of the sword:"Yes! It is General Huangfu's sword. However, when I left Luoyang, he gave the sword to me, hoping that I would live up to the reputation of the sword!


Deng Zhan couldn't help but gasp:"What did you say? General Huangfu actually gave this sword to you?"

Wang Hao hummed and said:"Why, is there a problem?"

Deng Zhan shook his head:"No! It's just......General Huangfu is such a hero, full of righteousness, how could he give this sword to a despicable villain like you!"

"Despicable villain?"

Wang Hao could only laugh.

He felt that there must be some misunderstanding!

"I don't know how I, Wang Hao, have angered you to allow you to slander me like this!" As soon as the words fell, a flash of inspiration suddenly came to Wang Hao's mind.

With a sneer,

Wang Hao raised the corners of his lips slightly:"I think this matter has something to do with Guo Quan?"

Deng Zhan frowned and did not respond.

Wang Hao smiled lightly:"It seems that my guess is right!"

After a pause!

Wang Hao continued:"Do you know how I became enemies with Guo Quan?"

Deng Zhan shook his head:"I only heard from Guo Quan that you colluded with the eunuch and seized the Yong County magistrate position that should have belonged to him."


Wang Hao was helpless.

He sighed and said softly:"This is such a poor excuse!"

Deng Zhan was immediately puzzled:"Why, is there a loophole?"


Wang Hao said bitterly :"Shouldn't you ask around before accepting the mission? Although I, Wang Hao, don't have much reputation, Lu Zhonglang is my sponsor!"~~~

Deng Zhan was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with horror:"Lu Zhonglang? Wang Hao? Are you......The young man that Lu Zhonglang brought back from Jizhou was born a local militiaman, but he achieved many remarkable feats?"

"That’s right!"

Wang Hao nodded:"It was me!"

Deng Zhan immediately realized:"Damn it! I was fooled by Guo Quan!"

Wang Hao continued:"Two days ago, Lu Zhonglang and I attended a celebration banquet. At the banquet, it was Guo Quan who deliberately provoked me because of my humble background. I never thought that I would counterattack him, and he was so scared that he pissed and shit all over the place, and lost all his face!"

"This person has no talent, perhaps he is not ranked in those fertile counties, so he fights for the bitter cold land of this border county, but your majesty is very perceptive and knows that it is difficult for children of noble families to survive in border counties, so he appointed me as the magistrate of Yong County."

Deng Zhan suddenly realized:"So that's how it is!"

After saying that, he hurriedly clasped his hands and said:"I listened to slander by mistake and almost caused a disaster. I hope that Magistrate Wang will forgive me!"

"No problem!"

Wang Hao didn't care, sheathed his sword, and said softly:"As long as you do me a favor, we can write off this misunderstanding. Are you willing to do that?"

""You can talk as you like, County Magistrate Wang."

Deng Zhan knew he was guilty, and said loudly,"As long as I, Deng Zhan, can do it, I will never refuse."

Wang Hao smiled faintly,"You can definitely do this!"

Deng Zhan:"Oh? Then I wonder what County Magistrate Wang wants you to do?"

Wang Hao did not hide it, and blurted out,"It's very simple, I want you to ask Guo Quan to come out, and as for the rest, you don't have to worry about it!"

"" Ah?"

Deng Zhan was stunned.

He knew that Wang Hao was going to take revenge.

But the Guo family was a Bingzhou noble family, and they were quite powerful. Once they offended such a family, the consequences would be disastrous.

Deng Zhan hurriedly reminded him,"County Wang, you have to think clearly. Guo Quan is from Bingzhou Guo's family. Once you anger Bingzhou Guo, I'm afraid......"


Wang Hao didn't care:"I have publicly stated that if no one offends me, I will not offend anyone. If someone offends me, I will cut the grass and eradicate it completely. Today, Guo Quan is trying to harm me, so how can I let him live in this world?"

"As for Bingzhou Guo......"

Wang Hao frowned, his murderous intent was exposed:"If he really dares to embarrass me, I, Wang Hao, will fight him. This unscrupulous family, full of morality and righteousness, but full of conspiracy and tricks, killing them will be a way to get rid of harm for the people!"

At this moment!

Deng Zhan's blood seemed to be ignited.

His eyes suddenly brightened, and he clasped his fists and bowed, feeling full of emotion:

"Since County Magistrate Wang has no fear at all, I, Deng Zhan, will sacrifice my life for you!"


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