Three-Foot Deity

Chapter 6 Summer Changes

By the window, Li Zhizheng was eating fried rice and looking outside with relish. There were several snacks placed beside him.

After the body exceeded its limit, although it was no longer like the bottomless pit it was before eating the black fruit, the food intake also increased a lot.

The reason why he has been standing by the window is also a kind of self-test for Li Zhimo.

Standing by the window on the seventh floor, even if his eyesight was good before, he could only see a small area downstairs. But at this moment, he felt like he was carrying his own telescope. With his eyes focused, he could see several times farther than before.

This is true not only of vision, hearing and smell.

At this moment, he was standing by the window, constantly trying how far he could see and hear. Of course, he was also trying to control it.

The senses such as vision, hearing, and smell actually have room for controllable changes, but it is difficult for ordinary people to detect them.

Li Zhi had learned some simple methods at the Inspection University before, and even tried to use them during expeditions.

It's just that at that time, the foundation was limited and there was not much room to enhance control, but now it is completely different.

At this moment, Li Zhi could even see monks activity on the 60-story unfinished building opposite, which was far away from him...

Um, wait, monk?

There seems to be some light...

Although Li Zhi had always kept himself calm and calm in dealing with everything since he had the abnormality, and would not show any differences easily even when he was alone, but he vaguely saw some light spots that were not like normal lights, and he was still worried A tight.

Li Zhi stopped eating and took a closer look at the unfinished building...but when he looked again, there was nothing. Could it be that he had been dazzled just now?

"Go to hell..."

Just when Li Zhi wanted to take a closer look, a voice suddenly came to his ear.

As his hearing improved again, the moment Li Zhi heard the voice, a name came to his mind, Xia Tian.

How does this sound like summer?

Li Zhi immediately opened the screen window and looked out, because he did not see Xia Tian in his normal field of vision, and the sound also came faintly from the far corner.

In the further corner where Li Zhi parked his RV, ordinary people could only clearly see that someone was there. Unless they used binoculars, they would never be able to see their faces clearly.

But when Li Zhi looked over, he had already seen clearly...

I saw Xia Tian, ​​who was holding a fruit knife, rushing towards the man who was hugging two beauties...

"Fuck, Wu Haiyang."

At this moment, Wu Haiyang's bodyguards seemed to be making room for him to pick up girls. They were all a little far away and had no time to come over.


Xia Tian's eyes were blood red and his hands were trembling, but at this moment his knife was already inserted into Wu Haiyang's chest.

The two women hugged by Wu Haiyang were so frightened that they screamed and backed away.

If Xia Tian had any fighting experience, or even had the experience of fighting wild beasts like Li Zhi, or was calm enough, he should know that at this moment his knife was not inserted into the flesh at all.

But he is just an ordinary student, a young man blinded by hatred.

The only thing he thought about was to kill this guy before the bodyguards came up.

"I am going to kill you……"

Just when Xia Tian roared, Wu Haiyang, who was supposed to be assassinated, had a proud look in his eyes, as if he had everything under control.


Wu Haiyang raised his foot, and it was obviously Lian Jiazi who kicked Xia Tian away.

But he didn't exert too much force this time. After kicking Xia Tian away, he also lightly patted his limited-edition sneakers worth tens of thousands with his hand.

Because he didn't kick hard enough, Xia Tian struggled in pain after being kicked away, then rushed up and took the knife to kill Wu Haiyang again.

At this time, Wu Haiyang's bodyguards had already rushed over.

Under Wang Lei's signal, a bodyguard was scratched by his knife when he specifically stopped Xia Tian.

To them, this is all child's play.

It seemed chaotic, but everything was under control when Wang Lei and another bodyguard were scratched.

Wang Lei and the bodyguard suddenly got into action. Even though Xia Tian was a tall basketball player, he had never fought before. To them, he was just a kid.

"Click... click..."

The two people came from both sides and put their feet on Xia Tian's legs, and the sound of broken bones came.

The two of them directly exerted force and pushed Xia Tian down fiercely. However, with this push, many bones on Xia Tian's body were broken. Except for the hand holding the knife, many bones on his body were already broken.

In fact, Xia Tian had already lost the threat after his leg bone was broken, and he was already screaming in pain.

As for the two female classmates who had been hugged here by Wu Haiyang for intimacy, they were already so frightened that they kept retreating and trembling.

At this time, Wu Haiyang rushed out of the business car where his bodyguards were parked outside and rushed over the fence.

Wu Haiyang also watched. When he saw the commercial car stalled, he knew that everything that should be recorded had been recorded, so he walked towards Xia Tian unhurriedly.

"Ah...Wu Haiyang...ah..."

"You have to give back my parents...and my sister's life..."


At this moment, Xia Tian was screaming in pain.

Wu Haiyang looked at the clothes that had just been punctured by Xia Tian, ​​and pointed at the wound: "Did you see it? In order to guard against desperadoes like you, I specially bought a bulletproof vest and wore it inside. You still want to stab me with your little broken knife?" break."

"Crack..." Wu Haiyang took a step forward and stepped directly on Xia Tian's chest. The sound of broken bones came from Xia Tian's chest again.

"It's shameful for you, right? You stopped me before, sued me and made trouble, and now you want to kill me. Do you really think that someone like you can fight with me, and you are worthy of it."


Xia Tian was already coughing up blood, and his whole body was shaking with pain, but his eyes were fixed on Wu Haiyang.

Wu Haiyang stepped on Xia Tian's chest: "I don't like leaving trouble the most. Today's problem will be solved today, but you are not worthy of dirtying my hands and feet. Now it is you who have threatened my life and injured me. My men will accidentally hit you harder, don't worry, I won't let you die, I'll just make you lie in bed forever."

Kicking hard again, Wu Haiyang directly signaled Wang Lei and the others to take action. The first half of the incident was recorded by the driving recorder on his bodyguard's car. With that witness, as long as Xia Tian is not killed, everything will be legal and reasonable.

In fact, according to Wu Haiyang's original idea, it would be most satisfying to kill him directly. He also had this idea, but Wan Yuyan was watching too closely, and he was afraid that the old man would drive him out of the country again.

After all, he was abroad and had many unsolved problems.

Wang Lei and another bodyguard received the order and prepared to carry out the final cruelty.


At this moment, a 360-degree surveillance probe rose above a RV more than ten meters away from them, and Li Zhi's voice came from above.

At this moment, Li Zhi, who was dozens of meters away from the window on the seventh floor, was also looking here.

He actually felt that at this distance, his roar could be transmitted, but he still used his mobile phone to control the surveillance probe and use it to make sounds.

Wu Haiyang and Wang Lei were startled by the sudden sound, and they all looked at the RV.

"Stop looking, it's right here. I've recorded everything you just said, and I've also called to report it to the inspector. You'd better let him go immediately and wait here for the inspector to come."

What just happened happened too fast. Fortunately, Li Zhi recorded the second half in time. At this distance, even if he went downstairs and rushed over, it would be too late.

Fortunately, two RVs are equipped with remote control and monitoring equipment.

Wu Haiyang looked at the probe on the RV, and then looked around. His original good mood was gone.

At this moment, Wu Haiyang was very angry. He deliberately found such an area without surveillance and set up a plan to lure Xia Tian to take action. He did not expect that such a thing would happen again.


Wu Haiyang snorted coldly: "No matter who you are, get out of here immediately and don't cause trouble for yourself."

While threatening, he also looked at the four bodyguards who had just rushed in. Two bodyguards immediately rushed towards the RV.

"Hey, hey..."

Li Zhi was very calm: "Don't mess around. I am controlling it remotely, and there is no one in the car. Also, don't think about destroying things in the car. Everything I recorded is directly transferred to my mobile phone, and then I will hand it over to the inspection team. All your actions are under surveillance now, so you'd better pay attention."

Several bodyguards froze at the same time and looked at Wu Haiyang inquiringly.

At this time, Wu Haiyang was looking around angrily, but with his eyesight, how could he see Li Zhi who was on the seventh floor in the distance.

In fact, the shouting here has already attracted many people to open their windows and watch.

"You don't need to report for inspection..." Wu Haiyang suppressed his anger and looked at Wang Lei: "Call and report for inspection."

While feeling angry in his heart, Wu Haiyang didn't say anything else, he just looked at the probe on the RV with sinister eyes.

He swore that he would never let this hateful guy go.

I have never felt so aggrieved, that my careful layout was messed up like this.

Of course, when he asked Wang Lei to call, the hint in his eyes was also obvious.

So what if there is a video, he also has the image of Xia Tian assassinating him, Wang Lei and the others can still destroy each other when they subdue them.

In fact, Wang Lei signaled that some bodyguards were already pressing down on certain parts of Xia Tian.

They have received professional training and know how to make people unable to get up for the rest of their lives...

What they didn't know was that Li Zhi could see what they had just done without looking through the camera. He had already understood Wu Haiyang's purpose earlier, so Li Zhi naturally would not give them the chance to hurt Xia Tian again.

"You'd better not mess around. This man has already lost his ability to resist and attack. I recorded it in detail. If he hurts you too much in other ways, he did it deliberately."

"By the way, I will hand the video to Captain Wan of the major case team. If you are sure that Captain Wan has any evidence, if you can get rid of it, then you can do whatever you want."

Of course, while they were telling their purpose and thoughts, Li Zhi also quickly went downstairs with his cell phone.

The incident just happened suddenly. Although he saw that the other party was worried and temporarily threatened the other party, Li Zhi was also afraid that something would happen again later, so he had to rush out.

"Damn..." Wu Haiyang gritted his teeth and cursed these two words when he couldn't find anyone.

Wu Haiyang has never been angry with him since he was a child, even when he went abroad.

I felt like I was holding my breath in my chest, feeling suffocated and angry.

Even though Wan Yuyan was forcibly detained because of Xia Xue's matter before, she wasn't so angry. This bastard came out of nowhere and dared to threaten her.

Especially when the other party mentioned Wan Yuyan, it made the muscles in the corners of his eyes twitch uncontrollably.

Wang Lei, who was under Wu Haiyang, didn't know what to do at this moment. He stopped making further ruthless moves and looked at Wu Haiyang, waiting for his further instructions.

Of course, even if they didn't continue to attack, Xia Tian would still feel uncomfortable at this moment.

To be precise, life was worse than death. At this moment, he was not only in physical pain. Looking at Wu Haiyang's appearance, he thought of his sister Xia Xue crying on the phone and talking about being raped.

Thinking that his parents would report the crime when they found out, he rushed from school to the major case team, but...

This damn beast not only raped his sister, but also killed his sister and his parents. That was not an accident. It was definitely not an accident.

If I can't avenge them, what's the point of living...

What's the point of living...


At this moment, Xia Tian felt as if some gate in his body was opening and burning, and his anger was like a volcano erupting.

" hand..."

At this moment, Wang Lei and another bodyguard who were escorting Xia Tian felt the surrounding temperature rise sharply.

The most important thing is that they suddenly felt as if their palms were pressed against a red-hot iron, and they were instantly burned. They jerked their hands, and traces of flames had already ignited the clothes on their arms and other clothes on their bodies.

"Brother Wang..."

Several other bodyguards were also shocked. They didn't understand what was going on, but Wang Lei and the others suddenly burst into flames.

Those who didn't know thought they had been burned by the opponent's incendiary device. They took off their clothes immediately and wanted to help, while Wang Lei and the others rolled around desperately.

Xia Tian lost his suppression, because his legs were kicked off, one of his arms was twisted, and his sternum was broken a lot. Although his body was filled with the burning power of the explosion, it was difficult to move.


But at this moment, the strength of his body supported him to use the hand that had been holding the knife to throw the short knife that had been burned by the flames.

Wu Haiyang, who felt extremely aggrieved and angry and wanted to kill someone, turned his head and looked here. The knife that was like burning in a furnace had already stabbed into his chest.

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