Three-Foot Deity

Chapter 54 Sin is like a tree. I was scared.

Nowadays, with the advancement of science and technology, office automation and paperless have been implemented for a long time.

But what departments are divided into? At least Li Zhi knew that after the establishment of the Psyker Administration Bureau, there were regulations on certain interactions with the Human Sect, and paper files must be kept.

Li Zhi of Renzong Jianghai Branch already knows the location. It looks like an office building of a private company, with a large artificial lake and some scattered buildings behind it. Apart from anything else, the main thing is that the area is large enough.

In this regard, the Psyker Administration Bureau is really incomparable.

Wan Yuyan had been here once before Li Zhi, but at that time he was just waiting outside the horse racing bureau's office and did not go inside. This time I went to the archives management alone and discovered that in addition to the normal identification at the gate, there is also a special pass check when entering the small building where the archives management is located.

Fortunately, Wan Yuyan had already applied for him, and he could log in to the Renzong website with his own number and password before he could enter.

Well! !

When Li Zhi actually entered, he immediately felt like traveling through time and space. Whether it was the building or the inspection area, everything was modern and technological. Entering this archives building was like returning to the oldest archives building.

There are three windows in total, and people are sitting inside the windows. There are stools outside, and you have to fill out forms with a pen.

Li Zhi didn't understand when he saw that the three windows read Level 1 Secrecy, Level 2 Secrecy, and Level 3 Secrecy respectively.

"Hello, I'm from the Psyker Administration. I'm here to deliver some documents. Where do they need to be delivered?" Just ask if you don't understand.

At this time, there was a young man at the first-level confidentiality window with a very good attitude.

"Take this from me. The Psyker Management Bureau is currently dealing with events that are under the Awakening. Those related to the Awakening are Level 2 secrecy, and those above the Awakening are Level 3 Secrecy."

Li Zhi already understood the other party's simple words.

Come to the first-level confidentiality window and send the files you brought over. The other party will register them one by one and ask Li Zhi to sign.

"We will file these. Please wait a moment for the ones you need to retrieve. I will go find them right away. However, it involves a second-level confidential document. You also need to get the signature of the current Director Ma of your Psyker Management Bureau. This signature is on Just contact me online." The little brother is very happy to do things.

When Li Zhi heard this, he immediately contacted Wan Yuyan. Wan Yuyan asked him to wait while she contacted the horse racing bureau.

Li Zhi was on the phone with Wan Yuyan, waiting for her to go through the process, and watched the little brother turn in with the documents and the file information he wanted to retrieve.

"Wan Lao, this is what the Psyker Administration wants to take..."

The little brother pushed open the door inside. Li Zhi was talking to Wan Yuyan on the phone. When the little brother pushed the door open, he also looked up. But at this moment, his hand holding the phone suddenly became so strong that he almost crushed the phone.

Because the moment the door opened, Li Zhi felt like his eyes were going to be blinded.

The entire room inside was completely illuminated by red light.


At this moment, Li Zhi's stomach grumbled, and the sound made the staff at the three windows look at him in surprise.

This feeling was the same as when Li Zhi woke up for the first time and his body was extremely lacking in energy and eager to swallow the fruit. Even because his body was much stronger, his voice was louder.

In Li Zhi's eyes, the sinful atmosphere was overwhelming in the house inside the opened archives room.

"Psyker Management Bureau, is our girl Xiaoyan here..." At this moment, a sleepy and lazy voice came from the room.

Then I saw a thin old man looking out.


At this moment, Li Zhi felt as if his spiritual sea was exploding. His muscles were tense, and he had the urge of a predator to pounce on his prey when he saw it.

There was no other reason. The moment the thin old man stuck his head out, Li Zhi finally understood why the room was filled with red light.

He saw red lines spreading across the top of the little old man's head. Three feet above his head, Li Zhi had seen three-foot red lines. They were formed by evil energy.

But the red line above the little old man's head is like a giant tree formed by red lines. The red lines above his head are densely packed, and even upward in layers, and finally it looks like a giant umbrella canopy above the red lines.

There are three-foot red lines in the umbrella cover, and a purple-red line has been vaguely formed. Inside the red line, there are some black lines and some gray lines, and there are other sinful auras that Li Zhi has never seen before.

It was like a giant tree umbrella formed by a three-foot red line and countless other three-foot evil spirits. Li Zhi no longer dared to look at the details and depths.

The attraction brought by that sinful aura caused the core of Li Zhi's spiritual sea to spin crazily, and there were even signs of breaking through his spiritual sea and rushing out.

At this moment, Li Zhi had to quickly suppress the riots and changes in the spiritual sea, suppress his own instinctive desire trend, and suppress that impulse.


"It's not Xiaoyan. This young man has achieved a breakthrough in Toad Kung Fu. Give it to me." The little old man muttered, took the file from the first-level confidentiality window and turned around.

The three window boys were even more shocked by the astonishing toad-like cry from Li Zhi's stomach.

It stands to reason that they are Human Sect staff, and the three of them are also at the psychic level. Although they are not combatants, they have practiced for many years. This is the first time I have seen this situation.

Normally, this embarrassing situation would have left Li Zhi speechless and even a little embarrassed.

But now he was completely shocked.

What blood bat, what Lydia, Martin Sares...

Compared with Wan Lao in the archives, these guys are like fireflies and bright moons.

Li Zhineng could see that the sinful auras had formed like an umbrella-shaped giant tree. They were not scattered at all, but seemed to be condensed together. If it weren't for the three-foot-long sinful auras, there were some gaps between them, like bamboo joints with gaps between them. The hollows were connected together, and Li Zhidu suspected that it was a tree.

If you kill people to get the red sinful aura, how many people do you have to kill?

Ten thousand? One hundred thousand? Or one million? still…… is this possible? Who can kill a million pigs by himself? Let alone a million pigs. Even if there are 10,000 pigs there for you to kill, you still can't kill them all.

What's more, in this day and age, even using thermal weapons to kill millions of people would be an earth-shattering event that would go down in history and shock thousands of years.

But based on past experience, those evil spirits cannot be faked...

Also, what’s going on with the other colors mixed in with the sinful aura, and what’s going on with the purple-red haze on the tree-shaped umbrella?

The shock that Li Zhi received at this moment was more shocking than the drastic change in his body and the sudden sight of the sinful aura turning from virtual to real.

It is precisely because he has gradually accepted that the sinful energy can be transformed from emptiness to reality, and can also be turned into pure spiritual energy to supply himself, and he has successively been promoted to psychic, broke through to the level of awakening, and even dealt with the extraordinary, he has become more and more aware of it. I understand how shocking this scene is.


The No. 3 confidential window was a girl, not too old. Because Li Zhi's stomach growled too loudly, and because of Wan Lao's words, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

After laughing out loud, she felt a little embarrassed and hurriedly covered her mouth.

Li Zhi just came back to his senses.

"Ha, I'm sorry, I just came here after practicing." It's no use that girl is sorry, Li Zhi has already spoken first. The less he cares about some things, the less embarrassing he will be.

Although these three people are young, it is obvious that the rules of the human sect are still very strict. They all have good professional qualities and they all nodded with smiles.

At this moment, Li Zhi couldn't help but look into the archives room. After calming down, he also realized a problem.

Wan Lao? Xiaoyan?

What's the relationship between that thin old man who looked barely 1.6 meters tall and Captain Wan just now, grandpa?

I had never heard Captain Wan say before that this was definitely a big shot. Could it be that he was the kind of boss who was like a monk sweeping the floor of a library? Could this be the big shot of the Renzong hidden in the archives room?

Killing one person is a crime, killing ten thousand people is a hero, killing millions is a hero among heroes.

At this moment, Li Zhi couldn't help but think of a passage he had read online before and thought it was particularly suitable.

This must be the hidden boss among the heroes.

After the unbelievable amount of sinful energy disappeared, Li Zhi's stomach also calmed down, and the core of the spiritual sea stopped rioting, but his mind could not be stabilized.

Originally he wanted to take another look, but in the end it was the guy at the first-level confidentiality window who handed him the documents and files he wanted.

After leaving the archives building, Li Zhi couldn't help but look back a few times. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have felt such an astonishing sinful aura at close range. He felt that ordinary houses couldn't hide it at all, especially at that height.

In retrospect, maybe that archives room was extraordinary too.

Quickly rushing back to the Psyker Management Bureau, Li Zhi went directly to Wan Yuyan's office.

It's time to get off work now, but Team Wan is still in the game as expected.

"I'm back. Bring the files and documents over and I'll sign for them. You can go back and rest first. I didn't schedule a shift for you today, and you won't be able to work tomorrow. There are more and more cases involving psychics in the past few days. Our bureau It’s still a bit chaotic now, so I’ll have to be busy for a while.”

The first-level secrecy and the second-level secrecy are very strict to the outside world, but internally they are fine, as long as they are not made public on a large scale.

"Team Wan, I met Wan Lao at the archives of the Renzong branch. He asked you why you didn't go there and whether that person had anything to do with you. Didn't you already have connections in the Renzong? Why did you join the Renzong before? Is it still so difficult for Zong?" Li Zhi handed the documents and files to Wan Yuyan and asked directly what was on his mind like a casual chat.

Wan Yuyan raised her head and said with a smile: "You have seen my grandfather. He is only responsible for file management in the archives. He is similar to the janitor here. How can I be arranged? What's more, my grandfather is old-fashioned and thinks that he did it It’s confidential work, and I’m not allowed to ask or tell me much about it. I only knew about Renzong through other channels.”

"The old man is okay. I just finished practicing and forgot to eat. As a result, my stomach kept growling. The old man also joked that I just practiced toad kung fu." Li Zhi felt that Wan Yuyan didn't seem to be lying, but he definitely didn't believe it now. Grandpa Wan Yuyan is like a gatekeeper.

Even if it is true, it only gives the impression to outsiders, like the sweeping monk in the Sutra Pavilion.

"Grandpa is usually very funny, but he never mentions things about Renzong, which is the style of the older generation. I have been doing this kind of work all my life, and although it is not a front-line job, the rules are stricter than anyone else, and they never let me learn from others. Asking about the Renzong, they even don’t support me joining the Renzong. Fortunately, I came to Jianghai." Speaking of her grandfather, Wan Yuyan was also very proud.

After all, his parents died early and he was raised by his grandfather since he was a child.

But her pride is obviously not because of Mr. Wan's strength, but because of her granddaughter's love for her grandfather.

But hearing these words, Li Zhi secretly sighed, it seems that Captain Wan, you really don’t know what kind of person your grandfather is.

Of course, even Li Zhi himself, after seeing such horrifying scenes through the aura of sin, could not imagine how anyone could have such a terrifying aura of sin and kill more than 100,000 or even a million people. Confidence.

At this moment, Wan Yuyan's cell phone rang. Wan Yuyan picked it up and stood up after listening to a few words.

"Don't rest either. If something unexpected happens, let's go over and take a look."

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