Three-Foot Deity

Chapter 26 Preventing monsters from possessing you


When you spoke the words, your voice seemed extremely tired. You calmed down for a moment before speaking again.

"What's your... name... what... do you... come..."

The other party's demonic voice, which affected Li Zhi's mind, controlled his body, and penetrated his spiritual core, was trembling a little at the moment, and it was difficult to pronounce every syllable.

Moreover, Li Zhi, who had eaten the red fruit and was filled with spiritual energy in his body, felt that the power of the penetrating influence in the sound was weakening.

You Qi felt that the ray of light at the core of his mental power did not seem to be afraid of the sound, so he simply controlled the mental power he could just feel to avoid the influence and penetration of the sound, and let it impact towards the core.

Like snowflakes falling on a hot sphere, the spiritual power carried by the magical voice melted instantly when it came into contact with Li Zhi's spiritual core.

The impact on Li Zhi at this moment was not as great as the original sentence.

At this moment, although Li Zhi had no time to think carefully, he already understood some things and took advantage of the situation.

"Ah... my name is Wan Yong. My strength suddenly increased... I fought... at school... and killed someone. I hid... here looking for food..."

It was unclear what the situation was now, so Li Zhi decided not to reveal his ability to crack the opponent's magic sound control, and took advantage of the situation.

As for Wan Yong, it was just a temporary name he thought of Zheng Yong and Wan Yuyan.

After tracking them all the way before, especially when they noticed the appearance of Gao Feifei and Song Tiegang, Li Zhi hid in the dilapidated and abandoned factory building, crawling directly on the ground covered with dusty spider webs without moving. At this moment, his state was indeed very similar to that of running for his life in embarrassment.

"Student...student, where are you?" the voice sounded again.

But Li Zhi clearly felt that what sounded this time was just a voice. It was either a voice with magical power or a voice that came into his mind.

"Class 2, senior year at Jiang...Hai University..."

Li Zhi came to this thing as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Come in...carry me...leave..." The blood bat's weak, intermittent voice sounded again.

Because what the blood bat said next did not have any special power, let alone that kind of demonic influence, Li Zhi had actually fully recovered at this moment.

He was also measuring quickly, but he was still a little slow and struggled to bend down and reach into the kennel.

I bent down and looked into the kennel. I saw two big dogs and a small dog. They were both completely asleep and no one was there.

There was no one, but there were red lights and black lights under the straw where the dog lay.

At such a close distance, Li Zhi could feel it without looking. But what surprised Li Zhi was that the black light, black dots, and red dots all became extremely weak at this moment.

Like a candle in the wind, about to be extinguished.

Only the brightness change of the red line is not too big, but it is incomparable with what I saw on the unfinished building before.

In just a moment, Li Zhi grabbed the big dog and pretended to carry it away.

Li Zhineng could see that the two big dogs and the puppy were not in a normal state, otherwise it would have been impossible not to wake up the two big dogs when he came so close just now.


The demonic voice of the blood bat sounded again, but this time Li Zhi could clearly feel that the special power of the demonic voice was weaker, and he did not even need to use the power in his mental core to dissolve it. He relied on his own spirit to dissolve it. You can resist it with your own strength and will.

But he didn't resist and just opened the straw.

He immediately saw the blood bat hidden underneath, wrapped in a layer of red fascia. Although his body could still be seen as humanoid, it looked like a silkworm chrysalis.

Take action immediately?

Will this guy have the last resort to fight for his life...

Li Zhi hesitated in his heart, as if he was being manipulated and struggled a little. In the end, he didn't explode immediately, but his hand was grasped at the top of the blood bat's head.

There is no situation in the past where all the sinful energy of the other party is directly transformed into fruits.

There were five more light red fruits in his hand, a few black fruits, and some small black and red rice-shaped fruits fell on the ground.

Not all converted?

It was also the first time for Li Zhi to encounter this kind of thing. He seemed to be struggling and grabbed it with his other hand.

Two more red fruits were caught, but the other swaying red sinful energy above the blood bat's head could not be completely transformed.

What is going on? Does this guy really have the power to fight back in the end, or is it because the opponent is too strong?


Blood Bat was also very annoyed, but at this moment, he felt that his life force was drained again. Fortunately, he suddenly felt that the active particles of spiritual energy in the surrounding heaven and earth seemed to be fluctuating.

The Blood Bat, who was on the verge of death and self-declared, would naturally not think that this was caused by the student-looking person in front of him. He just thought that he was too seriously injured.

Fortunately, after Li Zhi grabbed it several times, he still picked up the blood bat, which weighed only a few dozen kilograms and was completely wrapped in bloody fascia, with one hand.

It was like grabbing a bag and throwing it behind him.


When the blood bat's body wrapped in fascia reached Li Zhi's back, it was instantly attracted to his back like a magnet. Not only that, two bone spurs appeared from above the fascia and stabbed Li Zhi's neck directly.

There were also two bone spurs stabbed into Li Zhi's waist, but they didn't penetrate too deep.

Feeling the stinging pain in his neck and back, Li Zhi almost burst out at this moment, but he still held it back.

He already understood the other party's intention. In his current state, it was obvious that he couldn't use that kind of magic sound for a long time.

According to the previous effect of the magic sound, even if you don't specifically resist, it will gradually weaken. So now the other party is going to use this method to control yourself, and then let yourself help him escape...

"Ah, you... what kind of monster are you? Quick... let me go..."

So at this moment, after Li Zhi immediately pretended to be stinging, he felt a little awake, and he was so frightened that he wanted to reach out and catch the monster crawling behind him.

"You're in good health... don't... move... I'll kill you if you move..."

There was no magic sound, and ordinary sounds came into Li Zhi's mind. Just as Li Zhi thought, the blood bat threatened Li Zhi, and the bone-spur winged hand penetrated deeper into his neck, causing blood to bleed from his neck.

Li Zhi seemed to be held hostage by a monster and frightened, standing still and not daring to move.

He also deliberately expanded his muscles, as if he was afraid but wanted to explode.

"Boy... I am the elder of the Jianghai Branch of the Yongsheng Sect. You... channel... kill people... have nowhere to escape. Today... listen to my order... so that you have the power... to save your life... right now. Go up the mountain..."

Although ordinary speech is still a bit laborious, it is obviously not as consuming as the magic sound.

At this moment, it was threatening and tempting, and at the same time, the bone spurs penetrated deeper, especially the pain from the back.

"Ah... don't... don't kill me. I didn't kill anyone on purpose. Okay, okay..."

Li Zhi acted panicked, but in fact he was extremely calm.

Even when the opponent's bone-spur wing-hand penetrated, he did not burst out to resist. Although the resistance could only be delayed and it was difficult to stop the sharp bone-spur wing-hand, he felt that there was no chance.

The anomaly that had just captured the sinful aura made him want to observe it first.

Moreover, the blood bat's injury was very serious, and he was more anxious than himself.

According to what Blood Bat said, Li Zhi rushed towards the mountain forest quickly. The speed he showed at this moment was almost the same as when he ate the red fruit for the second time. He had already surpassed the world champion. He could run 100 meters for seven or eight seconds without any problem. a state.

Just now, he pretended to be scared and wanted to grab the blood bat from his back. When he turned to look at the changes in the bloody evil energy above his head, he also found that some of it was also dissipating and dimming.

But it didn't dissipate directly like Wu Haiyang did at the beginning.

This guy's life force is passing away and he is about to die, but he is persisting. This is Li Zhi's judgment. If he continues, he will definitely become weaker and weaker. Even if his bone-spur wing hands are threatening Li Zhi at this moment, he actually has no So afraid.

Not bursting out or fighting with all his strength, just running with his body alone, which does not consume much.


Blood Bat is still commanding Li Zhi.

Li Zhi was like a robot at the moment, running continuously in the mountains and forests.

While running, he looked at the blood bat behind him from time to time. In fact, he was looking at the blood line above his head.

Wu Haiyang died before, and the blood line disappeared immediately.

The condition of this blood bat is as if its vitality is passing away, and then its bloodline gradually dims.

So, the evil spirit is related to the vitality?

Although he is not sure, Li Zhi has already made such a guess, but currently there is only one example of blood bat, so he cannot be sure.

Since the other party is still weakening and his vitality is passing away, then he will continue.

However, Li Zhi didn't want to remain passive like this. He wanted to take some initiative. Even if it was a bit risky, he had to take action. This would determine what he would do in the end.

So after climbing over a mountain and reaching the top of the mountain, when Blood Bat directed Li Zhi to rush from here to another mountain peak, Li Zhi had already quickly observed the surrounding situation.

When he jumped onto a large rock on the top of a mountain more than ten meters high to observe, the sound of blood bats was still ringing.

"Keep going...forward, past..."

"Go to hell, monster, ah, Todoroki..."

At this moment, Li Zhi, who had been obedient just now, suddenly jumped down from the stone and hit the stone below hard with his back.

After falling more than ten meters, and with his intentional impact, the impact was really not that small.

The rocks below made a roar, and after the impact, Li Zhi desperately grabbed the blood bat behind him with both hands.

" can't control me...get down here, you monster, ah, I'll fight you, bang...bang...bang..."

Li Zhi frantically grabbed the blood bat wrapped in bloody fascia. The force used by his fingers was quite strong, but he could not completely break the fascia.

Under the impact, there were some tears in the special bloody fascia, which caused the blood of the blood bat to flow out. As a result, Li Zhi even heard the blood bat's muffled grunt and the sound of blood flowing out.

As he kept scratching, he kept hitting the rocks.

If you try this method to test the other party's depth, it shouldn't be life-threatening.

The blood bat can't even move forward. If he wants to be his foot, even if he still has fatal means, he won't use it on him easily.

This can ensure life safety, and can also continue to aggravate the blood bat's injuries, and can further test and prepare for the final attack.


"Damn it, you're looking for death..."


"If you don't stop... you'll be dead... tsk..."


Blood Bat was also slightly injured by Li Zhi's sudden attack. Although it was only slightly aggravated due to his serious injury, his strength and vitality were indistinguishable at the moment.

Coupled with the special secret method that seals himself, there is very little he can do. If he forcibly breaks the seal at this moment, he will only die.

Only by returning to a secret base at the Gate of Eternal Life in a sealed state can he have a chance of survival.

He originally thought that he would find an opportunity to test this kid again later, but he did not expect that this kid would risk his life with him first.

At this moment, when he shouted to stop but had no result, the winged hand that penetrated Li Zhi's neck and body exerted force, and instantly penetrated deeper.

"Is this kid in good health..." This is the feeling of a blood bat, but it doesn't stop there. After all, even if he doesn't have much strength, it is not something Li Zhi can easily intercept if his wing hands of this level penetrate his body. .


This is what Li Zhi wanted to test. He did not activate his strength, did not explode into the strongest state of his body, and could even be said to be in a relaxed state to allow the wing hand to penetrate.

He felt whether he could solve this problem instantly.

If there is a real life-and-death fight, how to deal with this threat?

At this moment, he seemed to be stabbed and fell to the ground in pain.

"Kill me, I would rather die than be possessed by a monster..." While struggling and rolling in pain, Li Zhi roared uncooperatively, as if he was extremely afraid of being possessed by a monster.

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