Three-Foot Deity

Chapter 24 Iron Pimple

Before he had time to think about it, Li Zhi quickly went downstairs, put on a mask and a hat, covered himself tightly and chased him out.

At the beginning, Li Zhi could already clearly see the direction in which the blood bat was escaping through the blood line on its head.

After the blood bat landed on the ground, he used the streets to escape quickly. His speed was much faster than Li Zhi at the moment, but he did not escape in a straight line, and Li Zhi only needed to see a general direction from a distance. Catching up from a distance.

When Li Zhi chased after him, he didn't have the intention of hitting the other party's head with a sinful spirit. The methods shown by the other party were already very terrifying and beyond what he could resist.

The reason why he caught up was because Li Zhi vaguely guessed that the matter might have something to do with him.

Now it seems that the monk who flashed past on the unfinished building and the things that happened later seem to indicate one thing. Someone has been watching Cha Cha.

What happened here recently?

Although Xia Tian's awakening happened, it was definitely not like this. Wan Yuyan also mentioned that even after the special department 'Human Sect' briefly investigated him, they did not go into details.

And all these unusual changes started to appear after that bastard Zheng Yong disappeared before he fell into coma.

It has something to do with Zheng Yong, it has something to do with myself...

At this moment, surrounded by a ball of blood light, the blood bat behind him with its batwings fully retracted was very fast, dodging continuously in the city streets.

The man he called Iron Pimple behind him obviously also had scruples and did not dare to attack from a distance, which also bought him some time.

It had just finished raining, and there were still some cars on the street, but very few pedestrians.

In fact, even if there are occasional pedestrians, they pass by so quickly that no ordinary person can see them clearly.

It's just that they wouldn't have thought that someone could keep up with them from a distance by using other means without actually keeping up.

"It's really perverted..."

While chasing after him with all his strength, Li Zhi couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Every time, he only needs to look at the general direction from the sinful aura, and then keep following. The blood bat needs to keep dodging and taking detours, but he does not need to do this. But he can keep up at the moment, and he feels that it is more luck.

The speed of these two guys is beyond his comparison.

He originally felt that after training in the secret base and taking a few fruits obtained by Fu Shou, his speed was incredible now. But now he realized that there was no way he could compare with these two people.

During this period, he lost track of the opponent several times and had to speed up to the front to search for him.

Fortunately, he had determined that the blood bat was leaving the city and escaping. He had a general direction, and the rest could only depend on luck.

Obviously, relying on luck is still unreliable, and Li Zhi still lost track of them before leaving the city.

Taking out his mobile phone and briefly looking at the map in this direction, Li Zhi chose the direction of the new industrial zone and could only continue to try his luck.

I chased him for more than ten miles, but found nothing.

Cursing those two guys for being so strong, Li Zhi had to give up and continue his aimless pursuit, because when he got here, it was possible to go to the seaside or the mountains.


Just when Li Zhi was about to return to the city, suddenly there was an explosion in the distance and the ground was shaking.

It was at least ten miles away, but he could feel the explosion and vibration here, so imagine how amazing it was.

On the right, heading towards the mountains.

Li Zhi rushed over quickly without hesitation.

Even at Li Zhi's speed, it would take quite a while to cover such a long distance.

When we get here, we are close to the old industrial area. The old industrial area is full of abandoned and relocated factories.

It is said that there is a new development strategy here, and many factories have been relocated. However, there are also some who have stayed here and refused to move, and have caused some troubles. Therefore, this place looks very deserted, and it looks like abandoned factories.

When Li Zhi got close to 1,000 meters, he didn't even see any fire. You know, if explosives caused such a big noise, it would definitely not be like this.

But if it was caused by the fight between those two guys, it would be terrifying just thinking about it.

When he got here, Li Zhi did not dare to continue passing at full speed. He was afraid of being discovered, so it was better to approach with caution.

Just when Li Zhi wanted to quietly approach the abandoned explosion factory area, his ears suddenly twitched slightly, and he immediately found a building to hide. About ten seconds later, a huge black motorcycle came speeding from a distance.

Li Zhi only made a preliminary estimate of the speed of this car, which was at least over 330. It was not an ordinary person who could drive a motorcycle to this speed.

The speed of the car was so fast that most people couldn't see clearly, but Li Zhi, who was hiding in the dark, had his eyes wide open.

"Monk?" The person driving the car was definitely a beautiful woman with a curvy figure, but what surprised Li Zhi even more was that there was a young monk sitting behind the car.

Neither of them were wearing helmets at such high speeds.

The huge motorcycle slowed down slightly after reaching 100 meters, but it also started to enter the ruined explosion factory area at a speed of over 100 meters per hour before making a beautiful emergency stop.

"The fluctuation is over here. Let me stop it. The spiritual energy here is simply violent and chaotic. Who dares to fight so brazenly in the river and sea, and risk his life..."

It was Gao Feifei and Chen Wu who came on a motorcycle. When Chen Wu got off the car, he didn't look at the bombed-out factory building in the distance, but felt the changes in the spiritual energy around him.

"Be careful, this is definitely not damage that can be caused by the awakening level. Contact the Ma Department immediately..." Gao Feifei looked solemn at this moment and grabbed Chen Wu who was about to pass.


At this moment, there was a sudden cold snort.

Gao Feifei and Chen Wu both looked on guard. Because Gao Feifei's mental power had been exploring the surroundings, they didn't notice anyone. They were naturally frightened when they suddenly heard a cold snort.

At this moment, a golden light flashed in the distance. Gao Feifei was still a thousand meters away when she noticed it. When she pulled Chen Wu into the car and prepared to drive away, the golden light was already not far away from them.

"I'll kill him, Tie..." Chen Wu saw the golden light gradually dissipating, and when he saw the figure clearly, he couldn't help but want to curse.

"Shut up." Gao Feifei glared at Chen Wu, then looked straight at the person.

"Gao Feifei and Chen Wu from the Renzong Jianghai Branch have met Vice Minister Song. We just noticed that there is a huge spiritual energy riot here. I don't know if Vice Minister Song is here."

Although she usually eats sweets when working with Chen Wu, she looks like a young and beautiful girl. Now that something is really going on, Gao Feifei's ability is revealed.

"Why is this an iron lump..."

Chen Wu glanced at Gao Feifei, helpless as if something bad had happened to him.

The visitor has a face with Chinese characters, and his expression is as cold as cold iron. Without any words, people feel like they are seeing a cold-blooded animal when they see him.

"If there are only child soldiers like you left in the film, there is no need to exist. You are being lured away from the mountain without knowing it. I asked you to investigate the spiritual energy anomalies near Jianghai University. The results are good. It has been so long. What did your investigation find?"

Originally, Chen Wu was stopped by Gao Feifei and was not ready to speak, but when he saw this tough guy come up and say this, he immediately became unhappy. Who were he talking to?

"Well, Deputy Minister, Song... Deputy Minister, you are just the deputy minister, you can take care of your second department, but it is not your turn to take charge of our first department. You are still a child soldier, you have such a big face, what the heck, You have never peed your pants, and you have never been young. We are proud of being young. Forget it, you are older, so I will treat your words as envy and jealousy."

Even though Chen Wu is always scolded by Gao Feifei when he is usually with Gao Feifei, in fact this guy is not a good person.

To be clear, he was a thorn in the side at the headquarters. Later, the former minister asked him to come from the headquarters. He doesn't care about that at the moment.

"Being impudent, having no authority, no dignity, you deserve to be punished..." Song Tiegang took a step forward, and in an instant, an oppression like a landslide and tsunami came over him.


Gao Feifei's mental power instantly formed a mental barrier. The mental barrier was already rippled under the impact of the other party's power and was about to explode at any time.

The cassock of young monk Chen Wu also glowed with golden light instantly, and it felt like it could be held up at any time.

"Mom, you are so strong."

Chen Wu cursed secretly in his heart, but he was not afraid at all: "Sister Feifei, please don't stop me. I don't believe he dares to do anything. The human sect still has rules."

"Shut up. You are so young. You know how to use some Internet buzzwords when talking to the minister. Don't you know how to speak properly?"

After Gao Feifei scolded Chen Wu, she apologized to Song Tiegang: "Don't mind, Vice Minister Song. Chen Wu is too young. The minister specially asked for it from the headquarters. He doesn't know how to speak at a young age. You don't remember the villain." But, don’t act like a child.”

"As for being transferred away from the mountain, we were actually aware of it after the blood bats appeared. However, it was not a death order from above. We don't seem to need to die. We only need to observe and report. In fact, we have already reported it to our deputy minister at that time."

Gao Feifei spoke rationally, and when she said this, she took a special look at the factory where Song Tiegang, the tough guy, was fighting the blood bat.

The meaning is also very clear. For existences like blood bats, if we go there, we will die. Also, you, the deputy minister who is above the awakening, seems to have not left the other party behind.

Chen Wu's unscrupulousness and Gao Feifei's secretiveness made him unhappy but unable to get angry.

What's more, getting angry with the two remaining little dolls also made him lose some value.

After giving the young monk Chen Wu a cold look, Song Tiegang snorted and walked away.

He just stepped away, but with every step he took, his figure was dozens of meters away, almost like Li Zhi sprinting with all his strength, and he was about to disappear before his eyes in a few steps.

" brain is sick...ah..." Chen Wu said unhappily as he watched Song Tiegang leave.

But before he could finish his words, Gao Feifei slapped him on the back of the head before he could finish his words.

"Speak well, you will be punished sooner or later if you talk like this." Gao Feifei said in a lecture.

Chen Wu rubbed the back of his head and yelled at Cheng Tiecheng who was leaving: "Okay, talk to me, right? You are sick, and if you don't treat it, you will be worse. Last year, a drop of lovesickness tears can't flow to my cheeks, so you can talk like this." Well, you have to be educated."

Song Tiegang: "......"

Although Song Tiegang had disappeared from the sight of the two of them, the situation here was still under his control, but he could not understand what Chen Wu meant for a while.

"Huh? You also know how to speak classical Chinese..." Gao Feifei was also surprised and couldn't understand Chen Wu's words for a while.

Chen Wu rubbed the back of his head after being slapped by Sister Feifei, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, just like I said before, if there is a disease in your head, you need to treat it. He has such a big face."

When he said this, Gao Feifei understood instantly and raised her hand to fight.

"Sister Feifei, let's go and see how Tie Liaoda is doing with the blood bats. He said it so nicely. It's not just that he didn't take down the blood bats himself, he is also an extraordinary being. He failed and pretended to be a big-tailed wolf with us... …”

Chen Wu had learned the lesson now and rushed out immediately.

Gao Feifei shook her head and followed Chen Wu helplessly.

The battle beyond the level of awakening is not the kind beyond the ordinary, so it's good to see it.

It is very shocking and rewarding to feel the riot of spiritual energy here and then see the destroyed factory.


Song Tiegang, who had already left far away, had an even colder face, clenched his fists, and a slight flow of blood from the corners of his mouth. If he hadn't been afraid of being seen by the two little guys just now, he was seriously injured, and he would have really wanted to teach these two little guys a lesson. .

Renzong Jianghai branch should really be reorganized. It is a joke that such a guy can become a direct member of the two major operations departments.

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