Three-Foot Deity

Chapter 13 Opening a Breakthrough

After careful consideration, Li Zhi conveyed his knowledge and analysis to Wan Yuyan in the simplest and safest way.

For the rest, we can only rely on Wan Yuyan.

Li Zhigang was also listening to Wan Yuyan's interrogation and knew that they were indeed professionals, but apart from the attack on him, there was not enough evidence.

Of course, it is a bit risky to say this, but the wild dogs and golden retrievers were beaten badly by me at that time. I guess I don't know anything about what I said. If there is no proof, there is no need to worry too much.

The meaning he wants to convey is very simple. The specific quantity, the master-slave relationship between golden retrievers and wild dogs, and the relationship between direct killing and indirect killing are enough to make many articles.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Zhigang said it, Wan Yuyan was pleasantly surprised.

"Killed two people directly, three people indirectly, three...two..."

After reciting it twice, Wan Yuyan was so happy that she punched Li Zhi on the shoulder with excitement.

"Your news is so timely. Just wait here and I'll have someone prepare some information."

After speaking excitedly, Wan Yuyan immediately took out her phone and called the Inspection Bureau directly to ask someone to check some information.

Li Zhi was not in a hurry to leave, and continued to sit quietly in this room and wait.

It didn't take long for the pre-trial expert Wan Yuyan mentioned to be here.

Although Wan Yuyan was the captain of the major case team and had just participated in the interrogation, from Li Zhi's point of view, she was also very powerful.

But half an hour later, the pre-trial master used the information provided by Li Zhi to interrogate him, and Li Zhi knew what a real master was.

The other party directly looked for a breakthrough from the Golden Retriever, and continued to break through the Golden Retriever's psychological defense line with the help of information advantages.

As the other party gradually broke down the golden retriever's psychological defense, Li Zhi finally understood the whole story.

Seventeen years ago, Wu Yaozu, with a net worth of only a few hundred million, cooperated with a multi-billion company to develop a mine. He was originally only a minority shareholder.

However, during the development process, a major mining accident occurred. Sixty-nine people died. This mining disaster directly caused chain problems for the company.

In the end, Wu Yaozu benefited greatly from it and directly annexed the billion-dollar mining company that cooperated with him.

He changed from a small shareholder to a major shareholder, which shows how many unknown things there are.

Among them, the former financial director, accountant and a manager disappeared collectively. It was later discovered that they had transferred 380 million of the company's funds, and were later determined to have absconded overseas.

This was the top priority for Wu Yaozu to finally counter-annex the partnership. Not long after these three people disappeared, the wives of two of them died in a car accident during a petition.

What happened more than ten years ago is already in the past.

If it weren't for the incident between Wu Haiyang and Xia Tian, ​​Wan Yuyan was eyeing Wu Yaozu, and she had read all the case files related to Wu Yaozu before, and she wouldn't have reacted so quickly.

The pre-trial master of the Inspection Bureau relied on this information to successfully lure the golden retriever into believing that the wild dog was exposed and he was used as a scapegoat while he was in severe pain and under high pressure.

Golden Retriever finally broke down and was broken through, revealing that he and Wild Dog sent those three people to the stowaway boat, but he didn't know anything at all.

As for the two women's vehicles, they were indeed stolen by him. He was less than twenty at the time and was living with wild dogs. He was good at petty theft.

As for what the wild dog did to the car later, he didn't know, and the car accident had nothing to do with him. At most, he could only steal the car.

Although this golden retriever is just a peripheral player, his breakthrough is of great significance.

Li Zhi could even imagine that the more than three hundred million dollars back then were probably hacked by Wu Yaozu, and the three guys who were identified as absconding must be dead.

The last two people killed by wild dogs were definitely not as simple as making a fuss. Maybe they got some evidence, such as the evidence that the three people were ordered by Wu Yaozu, which made Wu Yaozu kill them directly.

Wan Yuyan and the others also judged in the same way, and then immediately interrogated the wild dogs.

However, this wild dog is indeed difficult to chew, but Li Zhi believes that the wild dog will not last long.

Once these things are investigated, Wu Yaozu will not be able to protect himself, and he will have no energy to deal with himself.

Otherwise, if he is targeted by a ruthless guy with a net worth of billions, Li Zhi will have trouble sleeping and eating even in his current situation.

That kid Wu Haiyang dared to let a big car hit and kill Xia Tian's family of three. His father was more vicious than him. If a gunman came one day, Li Zhi didn't think he could block the bullets or dodge the bullets now.

Although it is an innocent disaster, since a problem has arisen, it must be solved, or the person who caused the problem must be solved.

Now that it was certain that Wu Yaozu could not escape the investigation, Li Zhi left the inspection hospital with ease.

On the way back, Li Zhi ate two black fruits.

Now the black fruit can no longer bring any changes to his body, but after eating it, he still feels refreshed and full of energy, so Li Zhi simply eats it as a snack.

Back at the Entrepreneurship Building, Li Zhi checked the car after getting out of the car. The situation where the car was hit was not too serious, but it still needed to be repaired and painted.

This car belongs to Brother Feng Da Feng, who is also a brother who helped Li Zhi and Zheng Yong a lot. Even if he repairs it here, he still has to explain it to Brother Feng.

This day is almost like working in the Inspection Bureau, and another day has passed.

Go back and wash up and start to deal with some things.

Three hours later, Li Zhi received a call from Wan Yuyan. Wan Yuyan on the other end of the phone was so excited that the wild dog started to spit.

Wan Yuyan said that the case was serious and it was not convenient to tell Li Zhixiang, but she reassured him that Wu Yaozu was dead this time.

Li Zhi already knew the details, so he felt relieved, but he still thanked Wan Yuyan.

This is a sincere thank you. It is precisely because of inspections like Wan Yuyan that some evildoers can get the retribution they deserve.

In the afternoon of the next day, Li Zhi drove Brother Feng's car to Daren Teahouse.

Brother Feng's full name is Feng Da. He has done many businesses. Now his wife owns three clothing stores and he owns two teahouses.

He is in his early fifties, slightly fat and bald, but he is extremely enthusiastic.

Knowing that Li Zhi is driving over, even if Li Zhi is Party B, he will come down and greet him personally every time.

"Brother, didn't I tell you that it's okay? I saw that you came here specially. But it's okay to come over, haha, brother misses you very much. I haven't chatted with you for a long time, and I feel like I'm rotten again. By the way, little one Yong."

As soon as Li Zhi got out of the car, Feng Da immediately stepped forward enthusiastically.

"He went out to play. He will definitely come to see you when he comes back." Li Zhi said, pulling Feng Da to the place where the car was hit by a baseball bat.

"Brother Feng, I'm so sorry. Our company will be fully responsible and will compensate you..."

Feng Da didn't let Li Zhi finish what he said: "Brother, you are looking down on your brother and me. If you ask me to compensate for this, how can your brother and I mess around in the future? Just get the car ready, let's go , let’s go have tea, you’re here today, and there’s a master in our teahouse today.”

Daren Teahouse is a three-story store, with each floor covering an area of ​​more than 180 square meters. The first floor is the exhibition hall, and the second and third floors are private rooms.

At this time, in a large private room with an area of ​​more than 60 square meters, eight or nine people were sitting around a huge Panlong tea table, with a rest area and a dining table next to it.

As soon as he came in, Li Zhi's eyes caught sight of one of them. He was in his early forties, tall and thin, and he was sitting very elegantly. The most important thing was that there was a beautiful woman beside him, and there was a bodyguard standing not far behind him.

These are enough for people to see at a glance that he is different from ordinary small bosses.

What attracted Li Zhi even more was that there were several black lines on this guy's head, but these black lines were not very solid. The most important thing was that there were hundreds of black spots on this guy's head, and there were also some... Red light spot.

It's like the starry lighting effects, which makes people want to watch more.

This scene made Li Zhidu's eyes light up...

"Haha, everyone, everyone. This is a young hero in our business community. He started his business in college and is working in the tourism industry. Mr. Li Zhi and Mr. Li. Brother, have you met these people? Mr. Wei, Mr. Zheng, Mr. Hao... and... There are these people..." Brother Feng took Li Zhi and introduced the people present.

Finally, I would like to solemnly introduce the guy in the middle with the special effects of stars above his head.

"I would like to introduce this person finally, Huang Sen, Chairman Huang. Chairman Huang is a person who does big things, unlike you, brother, and us who do small business."

"Not to mention anything else, we made a lot of money by casually giving us two pieces of news some time ago. It's a pity that I invested less at the beginning, otherwise it would have almost caught up with my annual profits."

Hearing what Feng Da said, everyone else also had smiles on their faces, obviously they had gained a lot.

Some ridiculed him for not believing in Director Huang at first, while others said that they had earned more than they had in the past year.

After all, everyone began to praise Chairman Huang, praising him for his magnanimity, ability, and ability, and for being able to lead everyone to make money.

At this moment, Feng Daqian let Li Zhi sit where he originally sat, which was next to Huang Sen.

Huang Sen was the host, and Feng Da was sitting beside him as the host.

Normally Li Zhi would not agree, but this time he did not refuse.

Some people saw him sitting down directly, with obvious contempt in their eyes. Feng Da should be polite, but everyone in the mall must understand that when others give you face, you must also learn to keep it yourself.

You have to know how much you weigh, but the atmosphere is very good now and no one says anything.

Huang Sen and others praised him, smiled, raised his hand and pressed it down slightly, and said very humbly and kindly: "I am also half a Jianghai person. I came back to stay for a while this time and met some good friends. By the way, I just want to chat with everyone."

"It's not convenient to talk about some things about the private equity fund I run myself, but other promising stocks other than private equity funds are still OK. I don't do the secondary market, but I can let everyone make some money in the secondary and tertiary markets. I’m very happy to help everyone.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Mr. Wei whom he introduced before immediately looked at Huang Sen with admiration.

"Director Huang is a man of great courage, and he is engaged in big business. Several companies that are about to be listed have shares of his fund. I invested half a million yuan before, but after the C round some time ago, the price has already increased. Ten times as much.”

"There is also a scientific-level company that Director Huang invested in before. Now it has increased five times. Dozens of times after going public are just trivial. What we have earned is nothing."

After he finished speaking, the beautiful female secretary beside Dong Huang also stood up and served tea to everyone, while speaking in a pleasant voice.

"Director Huang has supported many listed companies over the years. When I returned to my hometown this time, I also saw that it was difficult for the business community in my hometown to make money. Although Director Huang told everyone before that they were all stocks that he selected based on his own vision, Director Huang has a special status. Our board of directors has already told Director Huang that we still don’t want him to make casual introductions.”

When he said this, some people immediately became nervous.

Hearing what the beautiful female secretary said, Huang Sen was slightly unhappy and raised his hand to stop him: "We are all from my hometown. Don't mention these words. Come, let's have tea. How could Huang forget to support his hometown when there is an opportunity to make money?" Compatriots.”

These words made everyone feel grateful and moved.

Li Zhi had been watching from the sidelines. Now he first saw the sinful black lines, black dots and red dots on Huang Sen's head.

It's like knowing that this person has a problem first, and that he has deceived countless people, and then after hearing these words and reasoning about it, he feels that the problem is big.

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