The exercise control room was unusually quiet at this time.

In just two or three minutes, they already had four planes shot down.

Two of them were Bi2 bombers, two Su I75 fighters.

All of them are state-of-the-art fighters.

These fighters are as fragile as tofu in the face of water droplets.

Even if it’s the missiles they launch.

For water drops, there is also no threat at all.

“General Zhang, it can’t go on like this.” Jia Wei Chinese with sadness in his breath.

The battle was unfair from the start.

Water drops are invincible.

Even if they have more means of attack, they have no effect on water droplets.

“If you can’t do it, you have to do it, I don’t believe he is really a copper wall and an iron wall, invincible!”

Yevgeny’s heart was full of anger.

He didn’t believe that anything in this world was completely invincible.

A hundred missiles could not shoot him down.

That’s a thousand, ten thousand!

Lao Tzu does not believe that a missile cannot damage you a little.

When a mosquito bites you, you may not feel much, but when there are more mosquitoes, it can also suck your blood dry.

Jones and Zhang Heng both looked at Evgeny.

The decisions made at this time are for humanity as a whole.


All the weight fell on the four of them.

Water drops are invincible, that’s what scientists tell them.

Evgeny does not believe!

But in the end, they don’t know how many fighters they will lose.


Just a few people hesitated.

Another fighter was hit and fell.

This is a Tu I160 bomber.

The huge fuselage exploded instantly, forming a huge fireball in the air.

Fortunately, the pilot ejected it a moment before the water droplet hit it.

“General Zhang, you can’t wait any longer, he is invincible, we can’t win this battle!”

Jia Weiguo pleaded bitterly.

He seems to be a staunch defeatist.

“Boom…” The continuous missiles hit the water droplets again.

It still didn’t slow him down in the slightest.

At this moment, the battle over the Liangshan military training base is being broadcast live through all parties and transmitted to all parts of the world.

“Is this the weapon of an alien civilization? It’s overbearing! ”

“Lying groove, it’s completely invincible!”

“How to do this, I have already eaten no less than two hundred missiles, and they are still smooth as a mirror.”

“Is this just an alien probe?”

“We thought it wasn’t dangerous!”

“If the alien warship comes, what power will we have to parry?”

Looking at this battle, the world does not know how many people’s hearts are cold.

The gap in combat effectiveness between human beings and alien civilizations is too great.

In front of water droplets, human fighters, brittle like a piece of paper.

There is no power to parry at all.

Not only ordinary people, but also leaders of various countries are watching this battle.

Especially the four major powers that supply fighters.

Although five warplanes have now crashed.

But no country’s leader influences the judgment of the four in the control room.

Whether it’s fighting or retreating.

It’s all up to the four of them to decide.

In the command room.

Jia Weiguo is still asking for a retreat.

“Please go out first, we have our own judgment!” Yevgeny wants to drive Jia Weiguo out.

At this time, what he hates the most is defeatism.

Where is there a reason to surrender without fighting.

“Now that we raise our hands to vote, my opinion is that we must take this opportunity to shoot down the water droplets, even if we use nuclear weapons, we can’t let one of his probes run so rampant in Blue Star!”

Evgeny raised his hand first.

Jones looked at the screen.

At this time, two more fighters were shot down.

Various missiles flew in the sky, and machine guns were constantly strafing.

Water droplets don’t hide from these blows at all.

It’s all straight up.

As the chief of security, Jones certainly knew that he could not let the tiger return.

But he didn’t have much confidence in shooting down water droplets.

“Lead him to the nuclear explosion test area and attack with nuclear weapons!”

Zhang Heng could also see the dilemma between Jones and Bach.

The drops have already eaten at least three hundred missiles and do not work at all.

Only an attempt to use nuclear weapons gives you a chance to shoot them down.

“I approve!”

Yevgeny raised his hand in favor of Zhang Heng’s statement.

For them, maybe this is the best way to go.

“I agree with that approach.” Jones also raised his hand.

For him, the use of nuclear weapons is less than such losses, and most importantly, only with the use of nuclear weapons they have a glimmer of hope.

“Since everyone is in favor, then use this method.”

Zhang Heng picked up the microphone and gave instructions.

“All planes spread out, distance themselves from the water droplets, and fly in the direction of Robber!”

On the battlefield, the pilots of various aircraft heard this order.

All slightly relieved.

They are under too much pressure.

As military men, without orders, it is impossible for them to withdraw from the battlefield.

But the water droplets gave them a terrible feeling.

A plane crashed right under their noses.

All the weapons and equipment they carried on the plane were tried.

That drop is almost invincible.

It’s desperate.

The above ordered them to fly to Robber, which is obvious, is to use a nuclear bomb.

Their task is to draw the water droplets.

“How did these planes turn around?”

“The planes are scattering, they are running!”

“It’s time to run, this is obviously a pebble hitting a stone, what are you waiting for if you don’t run.”


The audience looked at the scattered planes and began to talk about it.

Although the planes scattered, the overall direction was to the northwest.

In the control room, Zhang Heng was slightly relieved to see that the planes were all executing according to his orders.

The water droplets seemed to lose their target at once, and the explosion stopped.

Originally, the flight speed of the water drop was only 2400m/s, and the fighter they dispatched this time.

All are the latest fighters.

Advancing at full speed, even if it can’t reach such a fast speed, it won’t be easily caught up by him.

Directing water droplets to Robub shouldn’t be a big problem.

“The speed of water droplets is increasing!” Zhang Hongbo looked sharply at the screen.

Everyone looked over.

At this moment, the flight speed of the water droplet has reached 5000m/s, and it continues to increase.

“It’s over, it’s over!” Jia Weiguo did not go out.

He just sat in the back.

When he saw the speed of the water droplets skyrocket.

He knew it was all over.

At this time, the voice of the satellite monitoring department sounded in the entire control room.

“General, the acceleration of the water drop has reached 700m/s2, the overload is as high as 71.42G, and his speed is about to reach the third cosmic speed!”

Almost as soon as the satellite monitoring department said this sentence, the speed of the water droplets was displayed on the screen to reach 9.6km/s.

This speed can fly into space.

And the speed is still climbing!

“Is this alien technology?”

Everyone in the entire control room froze at this moment.

Especially several scientists, their hearts were deeply shocked, ten seconds added to the first cosmic speed, they are not at all human beings.

Humanity is finished….

This is the truest thought in the minds of several scientists.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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