It’s time for dinner.

The security chiefs of the four countries were enjoying the dinner that the Dragon Kingdom had served them.

After receiving Zhang Heng’s message.

They immediately stopped eating.

“Go, there is an important meeting to meet.” Jones said to Gabriel.

“Doesn’t it mean that tonight to tomorrow morning, we are free to move?” Gabriel looked puzzled.

Halfway through this meal, what important can it be?

“Emergency meeting, about water drops.” Jones only said such a word, and Gabriel immediately put down the cutlery in his hand.

Emergency meeting on water drops.

Their hearts immediately tensed.

Could it be that the water drop has spoken back again?

The message Zhang Heng gave them only said that there was an emergency meeting, about the water drops, and nothing else was said.

Just say it’s about water droplets.

No one will fail to pay attention.

It can be said that water drops are now the most important thing in the world.

International relations on counter-terrorism and drug control can only be in the back row.

Soon, everyone gathered in the reception conference room of foreign guests.

“What’s the emergency, did the water drop answer?”

Minako Koike couldn’t help but ask as soon as she arrived in the conference room.

If it is the drop of water that answers, this is crucial.

Is the problem of the Dark Forest finally being solved?

Yevgeny acted calmly and calmly.

From the bottom of his heart, he had not been afraid of any aliens, any dark forest strikes.

It’s just to scare yourself.

He would rather hear what the aliens had to say.

At this time, Zhang Heng quickly walked into the conference room.

“General Zhang, what happened?” Jones asked anxiously.

Several other people were also standing, looking at Zhang Heng with blank eyes.

“Don’t worry, everyone sit first.”

Zhang Heng signaled everyone to sit down first before speaking.

Everyone looked at each other, the news you sent is so urgent, can we be in the mood to sit?

Look at them indifferent.

Zhang Heng didn’t sell it anymore.

“You all know that now our Dragon Kingdom scientists are studying water droplets.”

As soon as he said this, the eyes of the three scientists who followed immediately lit up.

“What’s the progress?” Larisa couldn’t wait.

She was afraid that some special technology would be obtained by the Dragon Kingdom first.

Don’t underestimate the time of day.

Maybe they first discovered some kind of technology and then quietly hid it.

The water droplets bring alien civilization technology.

An inconspicuous technology on water droplets.

It is possible to bring a new round of scientific and technological revolution to human society.

Whoever discovers first, will naturally take the lead!

“General Zhang, you should know that science knows no borders.” Gabriel of Eagle Country also spoke.

Zhang Heng looked at him.

Go to your mother’s science without borders, really when Lao Tzu is a three-year-old child?

You eagle country don’t have a face, you don’t have points in your heart.

Scientists in our country in the last century wanted to return home.

How much hindered by you.

Here, science without borders is quite smooth.

However, on this occasion, Zhang Heng naturally wouldn’t say it in his heart.

However, Minako Koike stopped talking at this time, probably because she felt that the strength of their foot basin country was not as good as that of the eagle country and the grizzly bear country.

Ichiro Ida didn’t speak.

She also kept silent.

“There is no progress yet, but the scientists above have sent an application, as you said, this is related to the fate of all mankind, so let you take a look together.”

Saying that, Zhang Heng took out the application.

Each person was given a copy.

“What, they’re going to shoot at water droplets?”

Ichiro Ida, who was still very calm just now, immediately shouted loudly.

Shoot at water droplets.

How is it different from dismantling water droplets?

According to Evgeny, if you shoot at a droplet, you are showing your muscles directly with him now.

Even a provocation!

Although now everyone has a lot of speculation about water droplets.

People don’t agree that he is well-intentioned anymore.

But so far, the meaning of the water drop has indeed been well-intentioned.

In particular, he told humans about the Dark Forest, which is equivalent to snitching on humans.

And we shot him directly?

Isn’t it a naked provocation?

“I think it’s okay, if a shot can dry the water droplets from the sky, let’s just see what he looks like inside, if there are really aliens inside, ask him what tricks he is doing.”

Yevgeny’s eyes only glanced at the application, and immediately agreed for the Grizzly Country.

It can be seen that he is an extremist and extremely in favor of the use of force against water drops.

“Don’t worry, wait for the three scientists to finish reading.”

At this time, everyone found that the three scientists Gabriel, Larisa, and Minako Koike did not speak.

Staring at what’s below.

The passage of time ticking.

Minako Koike first put down the application materials in her hand.

Her heart was extremely shocked.

“Aliens use strong interaction to fix molecules on water droplets? Even the vibration of the molecule itself disappeared? ”

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

As a scientist, no one understands better than she does how hard it is.

“If this conclusion is true, then alien technology is too far ahead of us!”

Larisa also put down the paper in her hand.

She is not in much better shape than Minako Koike.

“I think their reasoning is tight, and now there is only one proof left, if the surface of the water droplet is intact, it can prove that the molecules on his surface are indeed fixed, and the aliens have mastered the use of strong interaction forces.”

Gabriel looked at the inferences on the data.

All the macroscopic properties that are now manifested on the water droplets.

All confirm his microscopic structure.

“What do you mean?” Jones looked at Gabriel, wondering what the three scientists meant.

They are engaged in security work and do not know much about cutting-edge technology.

Bach and Inoue also looked at their own scientists.

At this time, Minako Koike stood up and explained to everyone: “Judging from the current situation we have.

Water drops mainly have the following characteristics.

One is that its surface reflects 100% electromagnetic waves, which I believe has been verified by satellites of three countries. ”

Hearing Minako Koike say this, Jones, Yevgeny, and Bach were somewhat embarrassed.

They did detect water droplets with satellites, and even thought of signaling them, hoping to get a response from aliens.

It’s just that under the satellite electromagnetic signal, water droplets are simply not found.

This thing is covered in electromagnetic waves, like a ghost.

Zhang Heng didn’t say anything about this.

Minako Koike continued: “Second, the surface temperature of the water droplets is -273.15 degrees Celsius, which is absolute zero.

The third is his surface, which can still maintain the mirror effect under a million times magnification effect.

Based on these three points, I think they are right in their speculation.

The molecules on the surface of the droplet are firmly fixed, which makes it the hardest object in nature. ”

After Minako Koike explained so.

Others seem to understand.

“You mean you can’t even break him with a gun?” Yevgeny knew nothing about science.

He asked with doubt.

To him, a drop of water is like a glass product.

The kind that breaks when touched.

There is absolutely no such ridiculous situation that even a gun cannot be broken.

“It’s not that it can’t be broken, I think I shouldn’t even be able to leave a trace.” Larisa added.

This made Evgeny even more incomprehensible.

Larisa is the greatest living scientist in her country.

Is there really something on which the gun hits and does not leave even a trace?

“I see that this application says that shooting at water drops can also verify the Dark Forest strike?” Ichiro Ida spoke with questions.

This is not stated much in the application.

Zhang Heng could only explain it himself.

“Our scientists believe that the most important thing for us humans is to figure out exactly what the Dark Forest strike is and when it will come.

The only answers that can be given are water droplets.

He does not answer our questions.

We shot him directly.

If it really penetrates, simply study its internal structure to see if there are really aliens.

If it is not penetrated, it is also likely to alarm the aliens inside.

It doesn’t matter if they are angry or whatever, as long as they can give us an answer, they are strong now. ”

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