Mysterious water droplets appeared over the imperial capital, suspected to be the tears of the Virgin.

In this age of internet, it spread all over the country almost instantly.

Whether it's the scarf, Douyin or prestige, more and more people are paying attention to the mysterious water droplets appearing over the imperial capital.

The research and development department of a material company in Imperial.

"It's impossible! No one can make this material!"

An engineer in the R&D department looks at water droplets in the air with a telescope.

Although he did not personally touch the water droplets in front of him.

Just through the telescope.

He felt that this material could not be manufactured.

Its surface is as smooth as water, and the city scene is clearly reflected on it.

It stood motionless in the air, as if fixed there.

"Could it be that other materials research institutions have developed new materials, which is 'showing off'?"

Someone in the R&D department came up with their own ideas.

The research of materials science is extensive and profound.

Especially in this age of scientific explosion.

It is not impossible for other institutions to develop new materials that are beyond the cutting edge.

To make an epoch-making new material, I naturally want to show it off.

Put it in the air for all to see.

It seems to be a very good way to show off.

"Which agency will it be?"

The older engineers were extremely disappointed.

Other agencies are showing off their skills, and this explanation is entirely possible.

This level of material is made.

Really worth showing off.

"Could it be Lingdong Nanomaterials Research Center?"

The engineer shook his head: "I only visited their R&D department last week.

They are working on ultra-strength nanomaterials.

It won't be them. "

"Could that be the National Institute of Materials Research?"

"If it was the National Institute of Materials, they wouldn't show it off."

"Who would that be?"


All speculation about the water droplets is almost impossible.

No one knows who put the tears of the Virgin Mary there.


research center.

Chen Feng looked at the picture projected by the proton.

At present, there are at least tens of thousands of people in the entire imperial capital observing water droplets through various means.

And the discussion about water droplets on the Internet is also very lively.

This is exactly what he wants.

"Let the water droplets remain in place and stand by." Chen Feng said in his mouth.




Imperial Police.

meeting room.

"What's the meeting?"

The brigade leader Luo Yun asked his leader as he walked to the conference room.

The leader glanced at him.

"You don't know? How did you, the criminal investigation captain, do?"

For the dissatisfaction of the leader, Luo Yun was not nervous at all.

Instead, he said with a smile: "You don't know how tricky this case is in my hands. I haven't closed my eyes since last night."

"You don't even have time to look at your phone?" the leader asked.

"Looking at my phone? I don't even have time to eat, and I'm still looking at my phone!"

Luo Yun really has nowhere to say.

I have worked so hard for the case, and the leader has to be considerate and considerate.

The leader of course heard what Luo Yun meant.

"Then you'll know by looking at your phone now."

At this time, Luo Yun had already sat down in the conference room.

He opened the phone and glanced at it.

I just found out that the prestige group, the circle of friends was all screened by one thing.

"Water droplets appeared in the sky above the imperial capital, like the tears of the Virgin."

"Mysterious water droplets, or a 'dazzling' work by a material company."

"She's as beautiful as a work of art..."


All information is accompanied by a picture.

A mirror-smooth, flowing water-shaped artwork.

Only after understanding.

This drop of water was 3.5 meters long and was hovering 300 meters above the imperial capital.

Luo Yun understood.

This meeting is for this drop.

But on second thought, it's not right.

No matter whose dazzling work this water drop is, just contact the dazzling person and let him get it down.

All aircraft are prohibited from flying in this area.

But there is no need to rise to the height of the discussion meeting.

at this time.

Other sub-department leaders also walked in.

Everyone took their seats.

"I believe everyone is clear about the content of our meeting."

The leader at the front speaks.

The projector on the back also projects pictures in addition to the water droplets.

There was also a lot of discussion in the conference room.

"What the hell is this Nima? It looks weird."

"What we need to judge now is not whether it looks good or not, but to determine who put this thing on, this area is forbidden to be empty, and this person must be punished."

"But what we stipulate is that drones and the like are prohibited from flying, and a hydrogen balloon also needs to be punished?"

Everyone now has a consensus.

This sparkling water droplet should be a hydrogen balloon made of a special material.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain how it can be suspended in mid-air.

"Okay, everyone be quiet for a while, maybe you don't know why we have this meeting."

The leader speaks.

It was silent for a moment.

Luo Yun listened carefully.

Meetings of this level are generally encountered in large criminal investigation cases.

Form a task force, etc.

A hydrogen balloon appeared in the low-altitude no-fly area, and there was no need for a meeting.

This shows that there must be a hidden secret that everyone does not know.

"Xiao Wang, tell everyone about the radar monitoring situation."

Next to the leader sat a technician.

A young man, in his early twenties.

"Good leadership."

Xiao Wang called out the previous radar signal.

Their police station has the right to conduct radar monitoring of this low airspace.

According to normal circumstances, there are flying objects in this low-altitude area.

They should have detected it long ago.

But in fact, the police department's detection system seems to have failed.

They know that the water droplets in the air still pass through the Internet.

"Look, leaders, this is the real-time monitoring signal of our low-altitude radar from last night until now."

Xiao Wang projected the content on the computer in front of him to the big screen behind him.

The airspace coordinates on the screen show the low airspace of the imperial capital.

Real-time scanning of radar signals.

The top is empty.

No targets were found.

Luo Yun frowned.

Low airspace detection radar he knew.

And helped him solve cases many times.

As long as there is an aircraft in the no-fly area of ​​the imperial capital, it is impossible to avoid radar detection.

"The radar failed?"

Luo Yun expressed his doubts.

Everyone else looked at him.

Some people here do not understand what is displayed on the projection.

"It's not bad. Our engineers have repeatedly tested it. As long as there is an aircraft in the no-fly area, our radar will give a warning."

Xiao Wang clearly told everyone that the radar is normal.

"But now there is nothing in your radar display area. Isn't that water droplet floating in the air?" Luo Yun said again.

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