This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 59 Refining Success

"!" Lucian couldn't help but sigh in his heart while using his mental power to examine the pile of spoils.

If Apollo's collection before temporarily relieved his urgent needs, then the part of Noriaan's collection taken out from the broken storage pendant this time made Lucian feel like a windfall.

You know, this is only a small part of Noriaan's accumulation, but its value has exceeded the harvest Lucian seized from Apollo last time, and it is even higher in quality, without some ordinary materials "filling the numbers".

The only pity is that in this part of the collection, there are no witch tools that Lucian urgently needs, but only specimens, magic stones, and some collected materials.

However, Lucian can't use these things for a while, so Lucian put some of the high-value materials into the space ring and temporarily stored the rest in the corner of the laboratory.

At this time, Carly solemnly picked up the head specimen beside her and carefully collected it.

This was a testimony to her understanding of the cruelty of the wizarding world. At the same time, she was extremely grateful that she had made the right decision at the beginning.

"Carly, are you ready? If you are, I am ready to repair your hunting bow!" Lucian had already cleaned up the pieces of pendant fragments and placed them together with other materials and broken bows, making all preparations before refining the hunting bow.

"I am here!" Carly heard the call and trotted towards Lucian. However, after running two steps, she paused for a while, turned back to the human head specimen, carefully cut off a corner of the outer wooden base, and then hurried back.

"Teacher Lucian, I want to add a small inlay item later, is that okay?"

Carly looked at Lucian with a hint of pleading in her expression.

Lucian shrugged and did not refuse Carly's small request.

"Then let's get started." Lucian finally sorted out the materials according to the alchemy drawings, then looked at Carly, who had already picked up the pieces of disassembled waste from the alchemy pendant.

"Witch array No. 1, fourth-level intensity high temperature." Lucian quickly used the system's identification function to identify these pieces of disassembled objects, and then began further purification according to the recommended treatment methods on the identification results.

Carly began to run around the laboratory at this time, either helping Lucian to deal with the production of some auxiliary materials, or opening or adjusting a certain witch array in advance, or helping Lucian to take out some necessary instruments from a corner of the laboratory...

Soon, with the careful cooperation of the two, several pieces of pendant fragments had turned into a ball of bright silver metal liquid, and under Lucian's further careful control, with the star iron ore, slowly formed the central part of a hunting bow.

Lucian's forehead was already sweating, alchemy and potion preparation are both very delicate jobs.

Just like now, he needs to constantly use his mental power to adjust the fine structure inside the metal bow to ensure that the mental power channels inside can be unobstructed and that the connection design can meet the design on the alchemy drawing.

"Carly, bring the hunting bow over here!" After Lucian's mental power sensed that the fine channels inside the bow had been basically combed out, he did not hesitate to carry out the last step of refining.

"Here it comes!" Carly quickly took out the hunting bow and handed it to Lucian.

Swish - Lucian waved his hand without hesitation and immediately used his magic power to cut off the rough fracture of the hunting bow, making the crack of the bow smooth and in line with their design.

"Merge." Lucian carefully combined the two broken bows and the newly refined metal bow to form a complete hunting bow.

At the same time, the bright silver metal liquid was slowly cleaned out from the metal bow, and began to quickly merge with the wind-singing wood bow on both sides with the magic.

The tiny mental power channel inside the metal bow body is connected to the original wooden bow body, so that the three parts of this hunting bow gradually become a whole.

Carly stood on tiptoe, holding her breath and watching carefully, but there was an unconcealable expectation in her eyes.

At this time, Lucian's refining process has reached the part of inlaying bowstrings and making decorations. However, when Lucian finished inlaying the bowstrings, he gave up the main position on the operating table, "Carly, the details of the decoration part are left to you. After all, this is your hunting bow."

Carly was stunned when Lucian suddenly called her, and then came over with some surprise, "Yes!"

But Carly's surprise was only for that moment. When she personally started to operate, she was trembling slightly, and the hand holding the alchemy tool seemed more like holding a bomb.

Lucian couldn't help but feel a little amused when he saw Kali carving on the bomb, but he thought it was Kali's first time to operate it, so he suppressed the corners of his mouth that were curled up, but he couldn't help it, so he turned around and let the corners of his mouth rise silently.

Kali had carefully embedded the piece of wood she had just cut into the bow, right where her thumb usually rests when holding the bow.

Carly hopes that this method can serve as a constant reminder for herself.

When the decoration process was over, Carly reluctantly handed the hunting bow back to Lucian. "Teacher, it's done."

Lucian nodded slightly, took the "bow embryo", moved to another laboratory table, and began the enchantment work.

Because it was the most basic enchantment rune, and it was not even necessary to combine the enchanted runes into a complete wizard array, the enchantment process of this hunting bow was relatively simple. Soon Lucian finished the engraving and hiding of a total of nine wizard runes.

"Success!" Soon, Lucian put away the pure silver carving knife in his hand for engraving, and then picked up the hunting bow that was already carrying magic fluctuations.

"Identification requires 10 points of reverence. Do you want to identify it?" Lucian looked at the function of the system identification module at this time, and his face couldn't help but smile.

After all, the system's appraisal fee, to some extent, also reflects the preciousness of the item, and the fact that the appraisal fee can reach 10 points of reverence means that the quality of this finished hunting bow is better than one expected.

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