This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 200 The role of ink

There was a hint of sternness in Mir's voice. As a personal maid, and also a personal maid who served the children of the family, her status was the top among the servants, so she naturally discovered the problem with this maid.

Although Lucian did not look back at this time, he secretly pricked up his ears, looking forward to how this maid who was suspected to be a player would resolve this crisis.

After all, according to the rules of [Lula]'s family, ordinary maids will be punished to a certain extent if they are instructed by others to enter important places by mistake. If they break in without permission, they will be severely punished and may even be arrested. He was immediately hanged for this.

However, even the most ordinary punishment is very painful for a low-level maid, and she will be sent to a solitary room for at least a week to a month. And if this maid is a "player", then the price of this "confinement" punishment will increase infinitely.

"You and Miss didn't see me come in. You have never seen me before..." Just as Lu Xian was looking forward to it, he suddenly noticed a special fluctuation in his mental power, which seemed to have some kind of special power. The power began to interfere with him, urging him to look in the direction of the maid and look into her eyes.

"It's some kind of training system that I don't know. Judging from the strength, it's similar to a third-level wizard apprentice." Lu Xian quickly came up with an answer, but he still cooperated with this "player" very "obediently" Hypnosis, he turned around together with the maid Mir beside him, and under Lucian's deliberate control, [Lula]'s eyes gradually became lost.

"Huh? There is a golden light in his hand... No, it's not his hand, it's the drop of liquid in his hand. Is this the special ink Thanasis said? Well, it's a pity that this ink seems to be a consumable. He just After using it, the golden light contained in the ink disappeared. "

Lu Xian observed attentively. The strength of this "player" was not high, so he was not worried that his disguise would be seen through by the opponent. Instead, he quietly observed the movements of this player with great interest. Combined with what he had just said, That drop of golden ink, Lucian also had a rough guess about the function of the ink.

This is a special item that can be used to "offset some of the rules"! Just like just now, this maid attacked herself and the maid Mir, which obviously violated the first rule of the Real Land. However, offset by that drop of special golden ink, this "player" did not suffer the backlash of the rules. .

However, judging from the fact that this maid only performed a preliminary hypnosis on them and erased part of their memory, there are limits to the rules that ink can offset, or in other words, there are limits to the rules that a drop of ink can leverage. This also makes This maid cannot let herself or Mir assist her in her work through "long-term control"...

Lucian quietly observed, but in the next moment, he was pulled away by Mir absently, "Miss, we are going to the back garden to see the tulips. The tulips there are very beautiful..."

"I don't want to see the flowers, I also want to see what she is doing in the study..." Lu Xian wailed in his heart, but at this time he was "playing" the role of "a five-year-old girl under hypnosis", so He could only suppress the reluctance in his heart and walk towards the door in small steps. At the same time, he had to cooperate with the "hypnosis" effect to say some words that fit his current state.

However, before leaving, Lucian quietly left an inconspicuous spiritual mark on the maid's sleeve through the spiritual thread released from outside.

This player who plays the role of "maid" may have a better understanding of the rules of dreams than he does. Lucian feels that it may be more beneficial to him to keep this player for a while.


"Good night, miss."

Lucian lay on the bed, closing his eyes while a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

Among the dozens of people I came into contact with today, the only person identified as a "player" was one person, and there were two other guys who were "suspected" players.

One of them is [Lula]'s father's groom [Deman], and the other is a knight in the family. However, Lucian did not know the latter due to his limited status, and he did not have the opportunity to observe him up close.

But now it's night. According to the rules of the dream, you and other players will be able to temporarily "take off" the masks, and maybe some very interesting things will happen.

Thinking of this, Lucian actually had an inexplicable expectation in his heart, but he also understood that night must be the hardest hit area for "players" to die. After all, once you leave the role you play to act, if you are "stealed" by others, "If it's true, then you really can't understand even if you die.

"I'd better be careful first. Although my 'performance' today probably didn't reveal any flaws, if I want to go on some adventures without [Lula], I'd better find a 'substitute'. Even if I'm discovered by others, I won't be able to do anything." Also try to divert their thoughts towards other people as much as possible..."

Lucian weighed the pros and cons, and when the twelve o'clock bell rang, Lucian suddenly felt that the dream's suppression of his rules was released at this moment. As long as he wanted to, he could now completely break away from [Lula] With this identity, he can freely use his original body to fight in any battle.

"Huh... the power of this dream is also a bit fierce." Just as Lucian was checking for any abnormalities in his body, Count Thanasis' carefree voice also rang in his mind.


"Stop talking. This damn place can actually detect my flawless disguise..." The voice of Count Sanasis sounded in Lucian's mind, and it seemed to be a little aggrieved.

"I met another 'player' today and witnessed him using golden ink..." Time was tight. Lucian did not have the patience to listen to Count Sanasis's complaints. Instead, he directly told him what he had gained during the day and expressed some of his own guesses.

"Well, that thing can indeed be used in that way, but... waste! What a waste!" Count Sanasis said angrily. He seemed to notice that Lucian was a little confused, and couldn't help but say something.

"Boy, think about it, why is it called 'ink'? If its function is just to help you pry the rules, then wouldn't it be more appropriate to call it another name?"

Lucian was stunned, as if he thought of something, but it felt a little vague and not very real.

"The biggest function of ink is to tamper with the rules when you find the book of rules! Or write them on ordinary paper and make them a consumable law." Count Sanasis's voice echoed in Lucian's mind, making his body stiff and a little dazed.

Tamper with the rules?

Lucian's breathing was slightly rapid. In the dream world, the rules are more important than his own strength. If he found the book of rules and wrote on it that all "players" except Lucian Kevin would die suddenly, then wouldn't he be safe?

"Boy, I appreciate your idea, but if you want to write such a law, the amount of ink consumed is extremely large, and you may not even find so much ink in the entire dream space." Count Sanasis noticed the thoughts in Lucian's mind and hummed twice.

"For you, the greatest use of these inks is to write some consumable rules, for example, to prevent you from any harm within one minute, or to make all supernatural powers invalid within 10 seconds, or to allow you to gain power from the future within 30 seconds..."

"This kind of command written by ink can also be used during the day. Collecting more and accumulating more will definitely not harm you." Count Sanasis said seriously.

Lucian's mood also calmed down a little. After taking a deep breath, he made up his mind and began to use the rules in the dream world to separate from [Lula].

Wow - when the two bodies were completely separated, Lucian suddenly felt that something seemed to be left in Lula's body, which made him feel a little creepy, and at the same time he understood the connection between himself and [Lula].

However, Lucian also understood that he could not give up exploration because of danger, so all he could do was to be cautious enough in the adventure.

"By the way, Sanasis..." Lucian suddenly thought of something and called Count Sanasis. "You said... as my pet, do you represent my identity in some aspects, and can you control [Lula] to carry out some activities?"

Lucian's idea was simple, that is, to use Count Sanasis to temporarily control [Lula] for himself. In this way, as long as his body and Lula have a relatively independent relationship, he can cause some confusion and interference to other "players".

"Yes, but my spirit will be greatly suppressed in the dream, so now the time I am awake every day is very limited..." Count Sanasis, he also understood what Lucian meant, and immediately smiled and said that he would be able to play the role of a "sleeping" good girl when Lucian left.

After hearing Count Sanasis's guarantee, Lucian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He placed Count Sanasis's body plush ball next to Lula, and then relied on the shadow stealth witchcraft to quietly leave [Lula's] room.

"From what I can tell from my perception, there are quite a few active 'players' in the family." Soon, Lucian's face became a little solemn, because through his mental tentacles, he could keenly sense the supernatural fluctuations around him, and most of the pressure from these fluctuations was actually at the level of a formal wizard, and there was even a more obscure aura fluctuation, which even surpassed the gray bone wizard Lucian knew.

"Haha, it's really a 'crowd of talents'!" Lucian couldn't help rubbing his nose, and his subsequent movements became more restrained, trying to avoid making a big noise.

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