Somewhere in the secret forest.

A wizard apprentice was covered in gray. Under the cover of witchcraft and appearance camouflage, he looked inconspicuous at this time. If it weren't for the bloody smell of his injured calf, he would probably have merged with the natural moss on his body.

"It's almost there, it's almost there..." There was a glimmer of hope in the eyes of wizard apprentice Hunter.

Before entering the bloody secret realm, he still had a kind of confidence in himself or a survivor bias. He thought that with his relatively outstanding strength among the second-level wizard apprentices, he might not be able to beat those third-level wizard apprentices, but as long as he was careful inside the secret realm, he could still get a few badges and exchange some resources for his own wizard path as support.

But he didn't expect that the situation inside the bloody secret realm was more cruel than he imagined.

The preparations he made before entering the secret realm seemed so ridiculous in this cruel environment where third-level wizard apprentices had to be cautious and hide from place to place.

If it weren't for luck, he would have died in this cruel secret realm and become the "food" that nourishes this land.

But luck can only favor him for a while. When facing the possible searches, sneak attacks, traps, ambushes and other means of other wizard apprentices, Hunter still seemed to have difficulty in moving forward.

Just like last night, he was ambushed by a wizard team. Although he managed to escape by relying on a disposable life-saving wizard tool, his calf was also in a semi-crippled state due to the attack of witchcraft.

"The potion is almost used up..." Hunter felt the pain from his right leg, and could only grit his teeth and take out the last third of the recovery potion from his pocket.

After drinking it, the injury on his leg gradually healed, but because the amount of the potion was insufficient, his leg injury did not recover completely.

But soon, Hunter felt something. He didn't care about treating his wounds, but buried his head in the moss. At the same time, he restrained his breath and breathing to the extreme, trying to blend himself into the environment, leaving only a pair of eyes, looking through the gap, waiting for the judgment of fate with some trepidation.

Two figures in gray robes quickly passed by him not far away, which made Hunter breathe a sigh of relief.

But soon, his expression froze instantly, because he felt the breath of another person behind him, and the wizard apprentice behind him, who was full of malice, stepped hard.

"Hmm..." Hunter's expression twisted instantly, because the place where the third-level wizard apprentice stepped on was the wound on his calf.

At the same time, while he was desperate in his heart, he also understood that he was probably discovered by the three guys a long time ago, and their action just now was just a play out of some kind of bad taste.

Thinking of this, a desperate gray flashed in Hunter's eyes.

But at this moment, three arrows made of vines flew over from a distance. The arrows were attached with a faint breath of wind element, which made the arrows not only fly very fast, but also silent.

Puff puff...

The two weaker second-level wizard apprentices didn't even have time to resist, and were accurately pierced through the throat by the arrows. They only had time to make a "ho ho" sound, and then slowly fell to the ground with horror on their faces, and the spirit of life in their eyes quickly dissipated.

The leader of the third-level wizard apprentices noticed the arrows shot from a distance, and also summoned an ice shield to resist.


The force of the arrow was only slightly hindered, and then it penetrated the ice shield. However, under the third-level wizard apprentice's strenuous resistance, the trajectory of the arrow that was originally intended to penetrate the throat of the third-level wizard apprentice was slightly deviated, and finally only hit the latter's shoulder blade, and shot a terrible penetration wound there.

"Ah..." There was a trace of fear in the eyes of the third-level wizard apprentice.

One move, just a long-range move from the opponent, and he was already seriously injured. If he hadn't made a quick and ruthless decision just now, it would be unknown whether he could handle this arrow.

"Run!" He made such a decision almost subconsciously, and the whole person turned into a breeze, and began to flee quickly in the direction away from the arrow under the urging of wind attribute witchcraft.

But at this time, the second arrow had arrived.

Because there was only this third-level wizard apprentice left at this time, only one arrow flew.

Although the speed of this arrow, which was faintly surrounded by lightning, was not as fast as the previous wind arrow, it was more powerful. With a faint thunder, the arrow hit the back of the fleeing third-level wizard apprentice as if it had eyes. With a rhythm of the electric current, the third-level wizard apprentice who crawled on the ground soon emitted a faint black smoke.

"Strong... too strong..." Hunter stared blankly at the apprentice wizards who had died tragically. His eyes seemed a little dazed. After all, the reversal of all this was too fast.

The third-level apprentice wizard who was still high above and admiring his fear before death a moment ago was now lying on the ground without knowing whether he was dead or alive, like a dead dog.

And his two younger brothers who were about the same strength as him were dead. Even before they died, they probably didn't even know who killed them...

Hunter stood there in a daze. He didn't dare to move, for fear that the strong man using the bow and arrow would notice him because of his movements and shoot him with an arrow.

Under Hunter's anxious gaze, several wizard apprentices surrounded a wizard apprentice who looked a little petite and walked towards this side.

Two of the apprentices ran a few steps and passed Hunter directly, and skillfully looted the three corpses on the ground.

One of the wizard apprentices who looked more friendly showed a kind smile when passing by Hunter.

"This seems to be a wizard apprentice of our Forest School..." Hunter looked at the wizard apprentice and seemed to think of something. His heart suddenly beat a little unconvincingly.

" are..." Hunter was about to ask if the other party was a member of the temporary organization formed by the powerful apprentice with some legendary and mysterious colors, but he didn't know the specific name of the organization for a while. He hesitated when asking, not knowing how to describe it.

"Do you want to say... Mutual Aid Association?" The wizard apprentice who also came from the Forest School paused slightly, then she looked at Carly, and after seeing the latter nodded slightly, she smiled and stretched out a hand to Hunter.

"As long as you are willing to hand over the badge, at least before the end of the bloody battle in the secret realm, you can join us and get a certain amount of protection. Of course, if you want to continue to fight with other wizard apprentices to win badges in exchange for resources, we also respect your choice, but what your ending will be is no longer within our consideration..."

"I join!" Hunter's eyes flashed with a touch of joy belonging to life.

He took off the badge representing his identity and handed it to the wizard apprentice from the Forest School without hesitation. He breathed a sigh of relief as if he had handed over a hot potato. When he raised his head and looked at the sunshine above the secret realm, he felt brighter.

"The 29th..." Carly looked at Hunter, who was smiling the most innocently at this moment, and silently muttered a number in her heart.


Outside the secret realm, many formal wizards also paid attention to the "safe zone" that seemed a little out of place in the secret realm, but most of the formal wizards remained silent.

Because they found that this way of providing shelter seemed to give hope to those weak wizard apprentices, and it seemed that the speed of collecting identity badges was faster and more effective than the current hunting.

After all, if you want to hunt other wizard apprentices, you need to search hard, and the fixed shelter they built can attract more and more weak wizard apprentices to join as time goes by...

According to this logic, I am afraid that the powerful wizard apprentices who preside over this shelter will earn badges faster and faster...

Thinking of this, many formal wizards couldn't help but look at the badge exchange list set up by the third-level wizard De La Torre, and then they looked at Lucian with envy.

After all, now they all know that Carly is Lucian's student, so the badges she collected in the secret realm will most likely become Lucian's spoils of war in the end.

This is a huge fortune!

Many formal wizards regretted it at this time. If they had known that they would invest in Carly, although the big head would definitely be taken away by Lucian, they could still have a sip of soup by following Lucian's ass, and looking at the efficiency of Carly and others in collecting badges, they might even be able to drink a lot of soup.

Feeling the envious or complicated eyes of other official wizards, Lucian could not help but sit up slightly, raise his head, and smile.

This was like a parent whose child was praised at a parent-teacher meeting. At this time, the sense of pride and accomplishment made Lucian feel extremely happy.

And watching Carly gradually change from shy and silent to a leader with leadership temperament and big sister in the process of forming the "mutual aid association", this experience in the blood battle secret realm may also be a rare experience and spiritual wealth for Carly.

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