This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 145 The bloody fight begins

The sky of Gray Bone Academy is always gloomy, and the sunlight shining in the academy seems a little pale.

The autumn wind blows gently, blowing up a few black leaves, and also brings a bit of solemnity to the silent Gray Bone Academy.

In front of the square of Gray Bone Academy, many wizard apprentices stand in a dense crowd. They are of different sizes, but they are all wearing standard wizard robes. Many of them hold a magic tool or a powerful attack item tightly in their hands. There is bloodthirstiness and fierceness in their eyes, and some people are full of melancholy and panic.

Lucian stands at the front of a group of formal wizards, looking down at the many wizard apprentices below, with deep eyes.


Soon, not far in front of Lucian, a large amount of shadow magic gathered and eventually formed a gray-bone wizard in a black robe. He was hidden in the shadow of the wizard robe, so the wizard apprentices below could not see his appearance, but the mental pressure of a second-level wizard had already spread, making his voice full of solemnity and majesty.

The gray-bone wizard glanced around, then waved his hand vigorously, "Gray-bone Academy wizard apprentices, kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

According to the secret guidance of mental power, the gray-bone wizard's voice directly detonated the emotions of the wizard apprentices. They shouted with all their might. In the deafening sound, the wizard apprentices also took the opportunity to vent their negative emotions such as anxiety and anxiety in their hearts.

"Let's go!" The gray-bone wizard waved his hand, indicating that they could land on the airship.

Lucian raised his head slightly and found Carly and others in the crowd, but at this time the latter were cooperating with the order and landed on an airship.

"Come back safely." Lucian silently sent a blessing.

He had done everything he could to help the few people, and the next blood fight would depend on Carly and the others.


The blood fight site is located in a wasteland. More precisely, it is located in a deserted secret realm. This place has been fully explored and collected by formal wizards, and has lost its original value. After a simple transformation, it has become the most suitable blood fight site.

In other words, this is a huge cage.

As the host of this blood fight, the third-level wizard De La Torre arrived at the scene early and began to conduct the final inspection of the blood fight secret realm.

"Old man, I hope these apprentices of your academy don't die too quickly." The wizards from the high tower came earlier, and their leader, the wizard Luotu, had lightning flashing in his eyes after seeing the team led by the gray bone wizard, and even transmitted his voice directly to the gray bone wizard's mind through mental power.

"Hmph." Graybone Wizard snorted coldly, but ignored the ridicule of Wizard Lotu. The conflict between the two of them was irreconcilable. If it weren't for De La Torre's presence and the constraints of the oath, I'm afraid they would have taken out their magic tools and started fighting.

After waiting for a while, the teams from the Forest School and Winter Castle also arrived one after another.

At this time, if the formal wizards were at least calm on the surface, then these apprentices who were about to enter the secret realm seemed extremely nervous.

They glanced at the wizard apprentices in other teams, trying to observe something before the battle, but all the apprentices were very vigilant at this time, and it was difficult to get some useful information from their appearance alone.

"The wizard apprentices trained by each wizard organization seem to have some differences in temperament..." Lucian was also observing the apprentices in the other three teams at this time.

If the Greybone Academy team is more murderous and has a sinister aura, then the wizard apprentices in the tower look a little aloof, the apprentices in Winterhold are cold, and the apprentices in the Forest School look more cheerful, and some of them even seem more naive. At this time, they all vaguely form small groups, and their trust in each other seems to be relatively high.

"It seems that the apprentices trained by each wizard organization are also different. The key lies in the style of the leader..." Lucian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the Greybone Wizard who was giving the apprentices the final encouragement.

"You... are wizard apprentices of my Greybone Academy. Show your usual cruelty, kill them all, tear them apart!..."

The Greybone Wizard directly increased his promise at this time. The various rewards promised even made some formal wizards feel a little jealous, and some of the stimulated wizard apprentices had slightly red eyes at this time, waiting to enter the ruins and kill everyone.

"Even if the number of apprentices killed meets the requirement, if they die in the secret realm, then there will be nothing..."

Lucian shook his head in his heart. After noticing that Carly and others were not instigated by these temptations, he breathed a sigh of relief, but in his heart he was thinking about how to use his identity as vice president to gradually change the future Gray Bone Academy.

The other three wizard organizations were also giving their apprentices their final instructions at this time.

"You can go in." De La Torre's voice boomed, and in front of him, a space door had appeared at this time.

However, the one who entered before the apprentices was a huge evil eye with many tentacles floating in the air next to De La Torre.

That was De La Torre's magic pet, and also the referee who monitored the fairness of the blood fight!

"Let's go, kill them all!"

The apprentices roared and rushed into the ruins, and then under the arrangement of the "referee" evil eye, they began to be randomly teleported to various corners of the ruins.

"Let's go over there and wait. In addition, if you want to watch the fighting scenes of some apprentices, you can directly order these evil eye sub-bodies..." After watching the last apprentice walk into the bloody secret realm, De La Torre gently waved his hand to close the entrance to the secret realm. At the same time, hundreds of streams of light flew towards many official wizards.

"Help me check this wizard apprentice." Lucian grabbed the evil eye sub-body in his hand, and then he showed the image of Kali to the consciousness inside.

Soon, the eye of the evil eye sub-body in Lucian's hand began to deform and became a somewhat weird mirror, and inside the mirror, the image of Kali emerged.

"Huh, it looks relatively safe for now." Lucian breathed a sigh of relief, and then checked the conditions of Edison and Gagarin, and his spirit was slightly relaxed.


But not long after, a formal wizard hammered the table angrily.

"Damn it!" The bearded wizard from Winterhold cursed in a low voice, as if he was extremely angry, but he could only glare at the tower, but he didn't dare to act rashly in front of De La Torre.

"It seems that the wizard apprentice he invested in had an accident not long after the start..." Lucian glanced at the bearded man, then turned his gaze to the mirror in front of him, and at the same time used his mental power to communicate with the evil eye in the mirror, and began to check some scenes where the battle had already begun.

Soon, Lucian noticed a siege in the secret realm.

It was eight wizard apprentices from different organizations slowly surrounding a blond apprentice, and beside the blond apprentice, there was a dead wizard apprentice body. There was a smooth incision on the neck of the corpse, and blood was flowing out at this time.

On the side of the blond apprentice, there were two special gears floating around him in a special rhythm, fast or slow. These two seemingly harmless tooth blades were terrifying weapons that the eight wizard apprentices feared.

However, perhaps it was because the blond apprentice gave the other wizard apprentices a strong sense of oppression that made these wizard apprentices determined to work together to eliminate the biggest threat in advance!

The eight wizard apprentices slowly surrounded him, their eyes alert and ferocious. One of the third-level wizard apprentices from the Forest School even took out a green branch with a special smell, as if he wanted to use this powerful magic tool to perform some special magic to attack.

"I need a little time to prepare! He's dead!" There was a hint of ferocity in the eyes of the wizard apprentice, and he also used his mental power to drive the branch in his hand, making the color of the two leaves on this branch more green, and a powerful magic element fluctuation began to gather quickly.

However, the wizard apprentice surrounded by them was not panicked at all, and even looked a little excited.


A gear surrounded by lightning drew a beautiful arc in the air, and immediately cut the throat of a wizard apprentice.

The bloody tooth blade continued to fly, and after drawing a beautiful arc in the air, it flew towards the forest school wizard who was trying to activate the magic tool in his hand.

"Stop it!" A body-refining wizard from Winterburg roared, and wanted to use his body to block the tooth blade, but the tooth blade showed its flexible side. After drawing a beautiful "z" in the air, it quickly came to the other party in the eyes of the forest school wizard apprentice full of confusion and fear.

The high-speed rotating tooth blade did not choose the most vulnerable neck, but with a strong attitude, it blasted through the head of the wizard apprentice.

It was as if a bloody firework bloomed instantly, with a kind of weird beauty.

At the same time, the other tooth blade turned into a terrifying cutting machine, cutting the body-refining wizard from Winterburg into several pieces. Although the body-refining wizard's terrifying vitality would not kill him for a while, he had completely lost the ability to resist, just like a live fish pressed on a chopping board waiting for the judgment of fate.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the eight wizard apprentices were nearly half killed, including a wizard apprentice who mastered a formal wizard-level magic tool and a powerful and strong body-refining wizard!

"Run, run!" The other apprentices were still a little stunned at this time, but after discovering that they had been killed by two temporary companions before they fought, their inner fear overwhelmed their fighting spirit and began to disintegrate in different directions.

"Hahaha..." The blond wizard apprentice who stepped on the disc-shaped magic tool laughed happily. He controlled the flying mechanical magic tool under his feet and began to chase and kill without mercy.

The two gears swirling around him were like two invitations from hell.

With almost no effort, he successfully killed seven of the eight wizard apprentices, including a third-level wizard apprentice!

Lucian, who observed this scene through his evil eye, narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help but worry about Carly and the others.

This wizard apprentice was the No. 01 on the hunter's list, the Electromagnetic Heart!

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