This wizard is unscientific

Chapter 112 Magical Alchemy House!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Shot after shot.

If it weren't for the Black River Valley border town at this time, it would be shrouded in drifting heavy rain.

The sound was washed away by the heavy rain.

I'm afraid that the gunshot has been noticed by someone long ago.

A dozen shots later.

Reload the steam bullets, pick up the steam shotgun, and aim at Tucker's angry dwarf alchemist.

This time he just took aim and didn't fire.

The anger gradually faded away, and reason began to occupy the brain again.

While he was reloading, the wizard did not attack him.

He already felt something abnormal.

This guy doesn't seem to be an enemy.

"Who are you?"

The dwarf alchemist asked in a low voice.

"As I said just now, I am a guest seeking help from the alchemist."

"I didn't mean any harm."

Tucker didn't dare to mention words like dragon breath and dragon scales to avoid irritating this dwarf alchemist who was good at "angry".

"There are no alchemists here."

The dwarf alchemist hummed.

"You're not welcome here either."

Tucker looked at the dwarf alchemist whose beard almost touched his knees. Tucker shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh well!"

"I will come again tomorrow. I don't know if the alchemist here will be there at that time."

After saying that, Tucker walked out.

Anyway, this guy's magical alchemy hut is right here.

And it is still the rainy season during the gray night period, and the road outside is not ordinary difficult to walk.

It seems that there are still people who care about him, otherwise the store would not be rummaged through.

This dwarf alchemist is not in a combat sequence and does not have many means of self-protection.

He can't run away.

When Tucker just crossed the door frame that was previously broken by the dwarf alchemist.

"Are you a wizard?"

came the dwarf's voice.

Tucker turned around and spread his hands.

"It's obvious."

"What's your level?"

The dwarf looked Tucker up and down, and gradually put down his steam shotgun.

"Level 19." Tucker said truthfully.

"Damn it, you're only level 19, you're too weak." The dwarf muttered in a low voice.

"If you can help me, I can quickly advance to level 25 or above, and my witchcraft can also be quickly upgraded."

"I was stuck at level 19 for a long time and accumulated a lot of source energy experience."

"Level 25?" The dwarf thought to himself.

Obviously in his opinion, level is obviously linearly proportional to strength.

"Level 25, although still very weak, but..."

The dwarf alchemist, with his eyes wrapped in thick eyebrows and eyebrows, carefully looked up and down Tucker for a long time.

"You don't look too weak."

"Moreover, you actually have the power of two rune ring staffs."

"Generally, it would be difficult for an extraordinary person of your level to master the power of the two rune ring staffs."

"What's more, one of the ring staffs is a shadow ring staff."

A hot temper is a hot temper.

This dwarf alchemist's vision is quite vicious.

"Human wizard, if you wish, we can make an agreement."

"I can help you refine the items you need."

"But at the end of the next gray date, you have to keep me safe."

Tucker's previous powerful dodge ability seemed to have a certain deterrent effect.

The dwarf alchemist could not restrain Tucker, and seemed to be afraid that Tucker would go out and reveal the secret he was hiding here.

"Before the next gray date ends?"

Tucker thought secretly, and then looked at the dwarf alchemist.

"Are you planning to leave here on the next gray date?"

"Yes, I want to return to Saint Rand." The dwarf alchemist whispered, although the low voice was still loud.

"Back to Saint Rand? Aren't you the alchemist of this shop?"

Tucker was startled and asked immediately.

"Damn it, this is the shop of one of my apprentices. He died in the last adventure."

"I was hiding from my enemies here, but you discovered me." The dwarf alchemist said with dissatisfaction.

"Um...that's a lot of information!"

Tucker took a deep breath.

"I asked, how could there be a third-level alchemy expert with a magical alchemy cabin in this small place like this border town in the Black River Valley?"

"The bartender, it seems that he didn't mention the dwarf alchemist because... wait a minute."

Tucker pondered for a moment and then asked.

"Is your apprentice here a dwarf?"

"Of course the dwarf's apprentice is a dwarf, a human wizard. You have too many questions. Are you willing to complete the deal?" the dwarf said a little irritably.

Tucker nodded and said: "I am very happy to complete the transaction with Mr. Alchemist."

"But won't you ask me what I need to forge?"

"As a wizard of your level, I can forge whatever you get." The dwarf alchemist said confidently.

As he spoke, the dwarf alchemist walked towards the trunk of the tree, which was not thick. He placed one hand on it and chanted a magical spell in a low voice.

Not long after, a curtain-like door frame was opened by the dwarf alchemist.

"go in!"

Tucker's eyes narrowed slightly and he examined it for a moment. After making sure that there was no danger, he walked over.

If this third-level alchemist wants to use the "imprisonment" characteristics of this magical alchemy hut that is not even a "layer dimension" to trap Tucker.

Tucker could only reluctantly accept all the inheritance from this third-level alchemist expert.

However, this dwarf alchemist has the usual temperament of a dwarf.

He has a bad temper, but at least he is honest and trustworthy.

"Damn it, how on earth did you discover my [Magical Alchemy Cabin]? You know, I spent most of my savings to build this magical cabin."

After entering the alchemy hut, the dwarf alchemist asked loudly while rummaging for things on the thick wooden shelves.

"Maybe it's because my perception ability is stronger!" Tucker responded vaguely.

At the same time, Tucker was also looking at the magical cabin in front of him.

"Compact" is Tucker's first feeling.

There are thick storage shelves on three sides, with various drawings, scrolls, storage boxes, and some extraordinary storage bracelets stacked on them.

"I don't know if this alchemist has a large-capacity extraordinary storage bracelet."

Tucker's heart moved slightly when he saw those storage bracelets.

"You can ask later."

In the middle of the stacking rack, there is barely enough space for two people to walk side by side.

On the left and right sides of the wall facing the entrance, there is a small wooden door on each side, which should be the alchemy expert's living room and alchemy secret room.

As a movable "magical alchemy hut", the cost is high.

It's great to have such a large space.

At this moment, the dwarf alchemist seemed to have found something of his own.

It was a bloody scroll.

With just a glance, Tucker's nose could smell the smell of blood and a little bit of devil.

"The traveler and wizard from before, they both turned this place upside down, but they couldn't find this magical alchemy cabin."

"You must know that they are all powerful extraordinary beings in their thirties."

"Human wizards and those two extraordinary beings are the opponents you may face next. They even have helpers."

"If you're scared, it's okay to leave now."

"If you are not afraid, then sign this contract."

"I will complete it for you..." said the dwarf alchemist and glanced at Tucker.

"Five servings!" Tucker said crisply.

"I will complete the forging of five materials and items for you." the dwarf alchemist said cautiously.

"Can I take a look at this contract witnessed by the devil?" Tucker made a polite gesture.

"no problem."

The dwarf alchemist directly spread out the contract scroll witnessed by the demonic power.

Bloody words appeared.

Tucker scanned it step by step.

When examining the text, Tucker was also gaining insight into the essential power of this contract.

Using the power of the "contract devil" as a medium, the blood hub is established, and then a balanced scale is constructed.

The soul from the blood veins serves as an introduction.

Once someone makes the decision to break a promise, a demonic curse will come.

Oral promises are far less tangible than the constraints of such a devil's contract.

This type of strongly binding contract is often the witness and beginning of friendly cooperation.

Tucker nodded after a moment.

"A very fair agreement."

With the dwarven alchemist officially activating the Demon Pact Scroll.

The two of them dripped blood into the scroll respectively.

A black halo of light bloomed from the devil's contract scroll and filled the two people.

The contract is officially concluded!

If possible, Tucker would never shed his blood in front of the devil.

But when Tucker's skill can use "Accuracy·Correction" to cut off the veins, and it can also use "Steam·Original Phase" to adjust the veins.

Tucker doesn't mind using this method to reach an agreement.


Tucker's "Steam·Original Phase" can adjust the connection between oneself and the world more effectively than "Accuracy·Correction".

If we say, "Precision·Correction" is scalpel-style precision retailing.

Then, "Steam·Original Phase" is wholesale on a large scale.

But soon, the angry and violent roar of the alchemy expert "Baggins Thor" came from the magical alchemy cabin.

"Is this the material you're talking about?"

"This is quasi-lord-level material."

"This contract is simply unfair."

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