This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 702: Reincarnation eye chakra pattern

"What exactly is going on....."

On the other side of the mountain range, the Fourth Raikage looked at the Konoha crowd with resentment. He already felt that he seemed to be completely tricked!

That's right, he only feels that way now.

What is this?

Come to see Uchiha Kai fighting with others?

Is this watching?

He can't even see his farts, okay?

The speed he is most proud of has actually become useless in front of these two people. He can even say that he can't see what the two of them have done!

What exactly is going on?

At this moment, only this sentence echoed in the mind of the fourth Raikage. Who is that guy who looks like a monk?

Why does he have such terrifying power?

Why has the ninja world never heard of this guy before?

And Uchiha Kai, what the **** is going on with this guy?

Such physical techniques, and the destructive power caused by these physical techniques, are beyond his imagination!

Originally, he was extremely good at taijutsu and possessed the Lei Dun chakra mode. He was once proud that his physique ability was basically unsurpassed.

But after being taught by that mysterious Uchiha and then by Uchiha Kai, although he didn't dare to think so blatantly, sometimes he would still feel resentful.

That mysterious Uchiha and this Uchiha Kai just occupied some natural advantages, and their physical skills were just seen through.

They simply can't be like themselves, just relying on taijutsu to produce effects that others can't achieve with ninjutsu.

However, now he not only feels a little pain in his face, but his heart hurts even more.

Can't do it?

Others not only did it, look at the broken mountains and rivers, look at the truncated rivers, and look at the areas that were originally covered by forests, but are now empty.

The most terrible thing is that this is not one person, this is something two people can easily do!

In fact, he didn't know that in the future in the original work, there are still people who can do it, and even do it even more exaggeratedly.

Akai, that's the guy who almost kicked out a new ending.

If it wasn't for the fact that he met Madara Uchiha, who had already turned into a large tube, there might not be so many troubles in the future.

Just imagine, a six-path-level powerhouse is kicked like that, and the entire ninja world may not be able to find a second one.

"This matter is a bit complicated to say." Nara Shikahisa felt that it was almost the same when he saw it now.

The display of power is enough for now.

Uchiha Kei and the reincarnator made the mountains of the real Sugi no country look like this, not to mention the fourth Raikage, even Shikahisa himself was dumbfounded.

Such explosive power, such strength, is even more terrifying and suffocating than when he fought against the Fourth Raikage last year!

He didn't wonder why Kai Uchiha didn't use Susanoo. In such a battle, at such a speed, I'm afraid that using Susanoo would be a drag.

They're here to arrest people, you can't catch up with others, so use it to arrest a ghost?

But that's enough, it's impossible for anyone who wants to do it in an instant if it's destroyed like this.

But this guy, Uchiha Kai, really can.

Seriously, Lu Jiu thinks Uchiha Kei really deserves respect. Who can resist this kind of strength?

But this guy is still doing things according to the rules. According to his own message, he lets himself be restricted by the rules. He doesn't want to lose himself because of the expansion of strength and power.

"Tell me, I have time." Fourth Raikage said in a muffled voice, if he didn't figure out these things, he would never give up. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

"This matter is a bit troublesome, and you have to be mentally prepared. But before that..." Shikuku turned to look at Aya Hyuga, Kenta Imai, and Kakashi: "Three, go and help Kai Minister, I think it's almost there."

"Well, we got it." The three of Hyuga Aya nodded, then jumped straight up.

They've waited long enough, and they don't want to wait any longer...


" it really made by humans?"

On the other side of the Sugi no Country Mountains, Ohnogi brought Masao Gono, Deidara, and Anbu who he specially selected into the mountains.

However, when they walked in all the way, they witnessed the terrifying power blooming and destroying everything!

Looking at the terrain that had been completely destroyed and the burning flames, they really had too many questions in their minds.

The country of Sugi is considered their Yanyin site, and many of them have come here to investigate on the spot, where is the right place to set up a stronghold, and where is the right place to deploy troops, in order to deal with Yunyin's attack. First release https://(www)https://m/.x81zw./com/

Take Masao Gono, for example, he is the leader of the garrison in the country of Sugi, and he personally spends a lot of time in this vast mountain range that occupies almost 80% of the country of Sugi.

Although Ohnogi did not come in person, he also observed and analyzed everything here through various intelligence.

But now, here and there, what they remembered?

This place now looks like a **** on earth. I'm afraid this mountain range has completely lost its strategic value at this time, right?

"It's...unbelievable..." Ohnogi muttered to himself, he really feels a little scared now, he really can't do such a destructive power of combat!

And, in the ninja world, someone who can achieve this level...

It seems that in his memory there are only those two from fifty or sixty years ago!

But the problem is that those two died long ago, and although it is possible for Uchiha Kai, it will not be destroyed like this!

Onogi had read the information on the country of the vortex, and in his impression it was exaggerated enough, but now all this has completely exceeded his expectations.

He even regretted that he would bring the troops to join the alliance.

But soon, he calmed down again.

He knew that Uchiha Kei was fighting with an unknown person, and I'm afraid Uchiha Kei did not do it alone.

Then, the people who fought against him are obviously not weaker than him, as for not seeing Susanoh...

I'm afraid it was the mountains that blocked them, so they couldn't see the giant, right?

Ohnogi can only comfort himself like this now. He really has to think quickly about his gains and losses. Whether it is that Uchiha Kai or some mysterious person, none of them seem to be easy to deal with.

If it was a normal choice, he would consider that mysterious man. After all, the hatred between him and Uchiha Kai is really undeniable.

But who is that mysterious man, and why did Konoha and Yunyin join forces to arrest him?

It's not even just arresting, it's about killing that guy completely.

What is the reason for this to happen?

Also, if he offended two Shinobi villages at one time to recruit this guy, what would the actual effect be?

Originally, the relationship between Yanyin, Yunyin, and Konoha was very bad. For him, if he offended him, he would be offended. It's no big deal.

But the problem is that if they offend the people they help, whether they can be obedient is another question.

For the development of the village, Onogi was always cold. In the original book, he also hired Xiao to complete some war missions against small countries.

All the starting points he considered were actually for his own village.

He wouldn't care if the people he recruited were some wicked guys.

To be able to use it as a knife to deal with the village's enemies, that's enough!


Just as Oh Yemu was thinking about it, the earth suddenly shook, the mountains smashed across, and the terrifying aura shot straight into the sky.

This violent vibration spread infinitely, and the place where Oh Yemu and the others were located was cut off, creating an unimaginable gap.

Several Anbu led by him fell directly into it, and no one was seen anymore.

At this moment, they suddenly saw two figures appearing in the deep pit under the disappearing mountain range. The majestic chakra made people suffocate...


"Don't want to be resurrected completely? Can't hold your body? You're welcome?"

Hearing the words of this fellow Ci Xian, Kai Uchiha's eyes became even more gloomy.

He seems to know what this guy is thinking!

This guy, Ci Xian, has two abilities to absorb chakra, one should be a living creature, and his function is to directly devour chakra.

And his chakra is probably an excellent tonic for that living creature.

It's just that because of the high quality of his chakra, that living creature fell into a deep sleep and could not be used for the time being.

The wedge on Ci Xian's body can also absorb chakra, but too much absorption may cause Ci Xian's body to die directly.

Death may not be an unacceptable thing for this guy, especially...

I am afraid that for him, death is the real resurrection!

But the resurrection of his body may not be acceptable to the proud Otsutsuki.

It's either that his strength doesn't meet the requirements, or that his body is too weak, and his lifespan is definitely not enough for him.


"Have you seen my body?" Uchiha Qi stared at Ci Xian, and then he shook his head disdainfully: "I really thought you could do it yourself, I have to say, you did give me a huge surprise, but I've almost figured out your situation."

"I think you are right." Ci Xian raised his head proudly: "Your strength is really good, you have reached or even surpassed the performance of a young Tsutsutsuki, but that's all. Your bloodline is a good supplement to me, And your physical activity is very satisfying to me, as long as you give you time you will be a new Otsutsuki, so..."

Ci Xian clenched his hands slightly, his face had become a little morbidly frenzy: "You are already a pawn, instead of being the **** of that damned woman Kaguya, you might as well be mine, you will feel Otsutsuki radiant!"

"It looks like you like to dream very much." Facing Ci Xian's attitude, Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, and the ninja sword that yin and yang condensed radiated black and white light, adjusting his whole person's aura to the peak: "It seems that The conversation is over."

"Well, it's time to end." Ci Xian nodded, and with his words, a chakra soared into the sky: "Although your power is very strange, it is probably the time provided by the eye of reincarnation for you. Power. These powers are very rare even in Otsutsuki. I have to say that you are indeed very talented, and I will cherish your power."

Uchiha Qi looked at this chakra indifferently, and finally his eyes began to roll.

In the face of this opponent, he really can't have the slightest reservation.

He has already determined the general direction of this guy's strength. To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that he was not afraid of ninjutsu, Uchiha Keiza would have used ninjutsu to deal with him directly.

Don't look at this product and don't dare to absorb it, it can achieve the same effect by directly shrinking it for you.

And Susanoh?

Kai Uchiha wanted to use it, but when he thought about this guy's physical skills and his speed, I'm afraid Susanoo was really just a living target!

This is probably the first combat experience that Uchiha Kai has experienced as a suffocation. He really did not expect that Susanohu was restrained so simply as his conventional means of combat.

But fortunately, he did have long thought of using other abilities as his conventional means of combat, and he was not so embarrassed.

"So, the current situation is forcing me to use some special means of combat, although it is not mature..."

Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly, the chakras on his body had reached the extreme, and at this moment these chakras changed again.

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His eyes were still scarlet, and the ripples in his eyes seemed to move slightly, and the next moment, blue chakra appeared on his body.

These chakras cover his body like a coat. The ultimate fire attribute, thunder attribute, earth attribute, and the aura of yin and yang escape are vividly reflected in this dazzling azure blue!

The reincarnation eye chakra mode, this is the most powerful method that Uchiha Kai can use!

Even though this method is only as strong as it is its defensive power is even worse than that of Susanoo.

However, its attack power has definitely reached or even surpassed that of Susanoo. He has used Susanoo all the year round, so this kind of judgment can still be made accurately!

And this time, in order to make sure that there would be no accidents, he even integrated the chakra of the twin eyes into it.

This move was very risky, but to his disappointment, it seemed that the Chakra of the Tenseiyan entered the Chakra of the Eye of Samsara, and it did not appear as he imagined.

That power, more like the Immortal Chakra, maintains a kind of parallelism, but it operates with the state of Kai Uchiha at this time.

"It seems that I think too much." Uchiha Qixin laughed at himself slightly, but his eyes were very firm: "This state, although it is the first time to use it, I think it is enough to deal with the trouble at this time. Are you ready?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Kai Uchiha's figure disappeared in a flash, and his speed completely reached a new level with the cooperation of the "Leap of Time".

It was as if he had directly traveled through space!

The ninja sword was swung, and the power of yin and yang escape completely exploded. Kai didn't use any ninjutsu, but this knife condensed the chakra of his whole body.

Complete body Susa's sword swing is to concentrate the power in one point and suddenly explode, so it has the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

At this time, he is also imitating that state, so...


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