This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 589: The poorest Hokage

" bastard!"

"Please, it's you who want to play chess with me."

"But why are you cheating!"

"Who cheated? Is it cheating to use a scribble eye?"

In Sarutobi Hiizan's house, Sarutobi Hiizan looked at Uchiha Kai angrily, while Uchiha Kai sat on the side with a nonchalant expression.

The chess played by Hizan Sarutobi and Kai Uchiha is actually just shogi.

In the previous life of Kai Uchiha, it is said that this thing was passed down from them to the next island, and he also played several times when he came to this world.

Shogi tests only the thinking ability and computing ability of the pieces, which are not difficult for him.

In particular, when he opened the wheel, his insight could be rapidly improved to an incredible level.

Whether it's combat, search, or analysis, it's the same!

And what shogi needs are also these abilities, so after turning on the writing wheel to observe the chess game, the game between the two of them has already appeared one-sided!

In a very short time, Uchiha Qi can analyze all the routes of Hiruzen Sarutobi's moves, and judge the pros and cons of himself, and then perform precise strangulation of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

It can be said that such a game is already a one-sided slaughter.

Sarutobi Hiizan didn't think too much at first, but when he noticed Uchiha Kai's scarlet eyes, he probably guessed what this guy wanted to do.

But he still has the fighting spirit, and he thinks he can handle it all.

However, when Kai Uchiha completely blocked his chess pieces step by step and disrupted his chess game a little bit, he began to be unbearable.

How does this play?

How's this going?

Isn't this the same as playing guessing cards with the people of the Hyuga clan, and as a result, the **** of the Hyuga clan opened his eyes and looked at the cards directly?

This is just cheating!

No wonder this kid would say whether to change the entertainment method. It turns out that this guy didn't plan to do it well at all. He planned to cheat from the beginning.

The most irritating thing is that this kid shamelessly felt that he didn't cheat by using the Shaker.

"I've never seen such a brazen person!" Hiruzen Sarutobi glared at Kai Uchiha, and then took a sip from the teacup beside him: "You are so complacent about cheating, you really deserve to be. "

"You're welcome, it's just a means of winning, there's no difference between good and bad." Uchiha Qi also picked up the teacup and took a sip: "Whether it's a chess game or a current game, for us, especially from the angle we are in. Said, victory is still the best means, as for the process, I am afraid that whether it is me or you, it will not be very important, right? For example, something should have happened in the Hyuga clan now."

"Indeed, whether it's a chess game or a current situation. Whether it's a village or the entire ninja world, it has always been a posture where the winner has the final say." Sarutobi Hizan silently put down the teacup in his hand: "Maybe it is When I am old, I always think too much, and I will look at a thing according to my own logic and judgment. I am afraid that I have lost the vitality of my youth."

"Who doesn't have a day?" Uchiha Kai put down the teacup in his hand and said in a flat voice.

"I have heard a saying that an old man has a treasure in his family. The precious thing about the old man is his judgment on the current situation, and his rich experience can guide young people to a more stable path.

But on the contrary, when people get old, they will become conservative and stubborn, thinking that their choices are the most correct and stable. However, although such a road is stable, it is still complacent, and it is easy to lose opportunities for improvement. "

Sarutobi Hiizhan silently listened to Uchiha Kai's words, he did not speak, but he had to admit that Uchiha Kai was right.

Indeed, no matter how he looked at it, he believed that the path he chose should be the most stable path.

Because his experience and experience told him that this was the best way to do it.

It's not that he can't see that sometimes breaking the routine is actually of great benefit to Konoha's development.

However, risks and benefits will always coexist. There will be no pie in the sky. If you want to gain something, you must have to pay and take risks.

However, standing in the position of Sarutobi Hizan, he is no longer suitable for taking risks, and he himself is not willing to take risks at will.

Sarutobi Hizan is also thinking about why he fell into such a field. He doesn't feel that he is sorry for Konoha, even now he thinks that he is actually promoting Konoha's development.

In particular, he led Konoha to win two ninja wars, especially when he implemented the second-generation Hokage's policy.

Under his leadership, Konoha did not lose his reputation, and he did not feel that his Naruto career was a failure.

but why?

Why did his disciples leave him one by one, and why did the successor he personally choose choose to betray?

Is it because you have done too much?

Or for some other reason?

Sarutobi Hizan sighed slightly, he had too many questions in his mind, and today he planned to take this opportunity to ask one of the leaders of all this.

"Can you tell me?" Sarutobi Hizan said calmly: "We don't talk about Hinata's choice or those policies now, I just want to know why, Namikaze Minato finally chose you, why did Orochimaru Take the initiative to betray me, and Zilai also..."

"In fact, you should ask yourself this question, Lord Sandaimu." Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly: "Your desire to control is too strong."

"Is it too controlling?" Sarutobi Hizan didn't get angry, but said as a matter of course: "As Hokage, shouldn't you have everything in your hands?"

"It is true that you have everything in your hands, and it is indeed beneficial to Konoha's plans. It is in your hands. But..."

Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly: "This will prevent some people who have better ideas but conflict with your thoughts from developing, and because of your transitional desire to control, you hope to hold everything in your own hands, and at the same time put Do you think it's really good to have your own ideas and values ​​imposed on other people?"

Having said that, Uchiha Kai once again came to two cups of tea.

The tea has become cold, and the chess game between the two has actually added up for more than half an hour, but neither of them cares.

Taking a sip of tea, Uchiha Keizai continued: "I never deny how successful your construction of Konoha was, nor how much you contributed to Konoha. However, you inherited the second generation of Hokage's right to Konoha. Uchiha's hatred, you can't deny this, can you?"

"Yes, I did not deny this, and there is no way to deny it." Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded: "Uchiha is too crazy and too strong, the research of the second generation of Hokage..."

"What about the current Uchiha?" Before the three generations of Hokage finished speaking, Uchiha Kai interrupted him: "What do you think of the current Uchiha?"

"Now..." Sarutobi Hiruzen paused, then sighed helplessly: "Perhaps, it's because I haven't met someone like you."

"No, in fact, there have always been such people, but they just didn't have a chance. After all, you didn't give them a chance."

Uchiha Qi shook his head, and he said calmly: "Actually, judging from your approach, you are also full of timidity and fear. You are worried that people from thousands of hands will come to power at one time, and because of the needs of self-interest groups, You deliberately made the Qianshou clan's plan to integrate all the families into the whole Konoha, aggravating them, and finally made them almost disappear in Konoha."

"At the same time, you set the original Konoha, and the ninja hierarchy of the entire ninja world was differentiated, and finally formed the de facto ninja village system where the family still dominates.

Cut the family and civilian ninjas vertically, and let your family hide at the top of the civilian ninja area. Is the Sarutobi clan so strong?

You also weakened the connection between the family ninjas and gained great power through this division, but in fact caused a split within Konoha.

Family ninjas and civilian ninjas have long been different. "

Sarutobi Hizan listened quietly and looked at Uchiha Kai quietly.

He had to admit that the twenty-year-old young man in front of him had completely seen through everything he had done!

Whether he admits it or denies it, these are facts that cannot be rejected and erased.

Did someone teach him?

If so, then the man behind him is too interesting.

If he just came up with it himself, then the young man in front of him is too scary!

"Tsunade's departure, in addition to the death of his lover and family members, I am afraid there is also such a reason. Jiraiya...hey..." Sarutobi Hizan sighed faintly, and then he raised his head and asked: "Did you come up with it yourself?"

"Otherwise, how can I convince Minato Naikaze?" Uchiha Qi nodded calmly: "Captain Minato is a person who has thoroughly inherited Jiraiya's ideas. He was very naive at the beginning. When I joined forces with him He didn't particularly believe in me. It wasn't until he sat on Hokage himself that you still influenced his judgment according to your own will, which made him truly trust me."

"If you could have been born twenty years earlier, that would be great..." Sarutobi Hiizhan fell silent, before shaking his head for a long time, and said with a slight sigh: "At least, we will not become enemies."

"But it's definitely not a friend, and I don't necessarily stay in Konoha." Uchiha Qi said flatly: "After all, I'm a Uchiha."

Uchiha, upon hearing this surname, Hiizhan Sarutobi picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip.

If Uchiha was not given a chance, he probably wouldn't have thought about this issue before.

But now, he really began to think seriously, or reflect on his own problems.

He was thinking, if he could give the Uchiha clan a little chance at that time, then now...

Shaking his head, he wasn't going to think about this, because everything was over.

"And what about Orochimaru?" After adjusting his mood a little, Sarutobi Hizan continued to ask, "Why did Orochimaru betray?"

"Orochimaru, in fact, his choice is very simple."

Uchiha Qi sat up straight, and then slowly said: "He is an outlier, but he is an outlier you condoned, right?

I remember reading some literature that after he witnessed the death of his parents, his mind changed a bit, and you didn't guide him well.

After he showed his talent for research, you indulged Danzo to let him participate, which caused him to yearn more and more for something that he couldn't reach, and also made him feel more and more, adding some of Konoha's The regulations made him feel more and more that Konoha was a cage. "

"Is that so?" Sarutobi Hizan sighed slightly: "Listening to what you said, I suddenly felt that I was really a failure. My friends have fallen, my disciples have left, and my heirs don't approve of my actions. .Even now, I know that some things are good, but I have to intervene to stop me, am I the most failed Hokage in Konoha's history?"

Uchiha Qi silently looked at Sarutobi Hizan, looking at the old face that was somewhat close to the original, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Looking up at the sky outside the window, the afterglow of dusk has completely left the earth, and the crescent moon has risen slightly from the horizon.

Uchiha Kai suddenly showed a smile, and time seemed to pass quickly.

Turning his head, Uchiha Kai smiled and looked at Sarutobi Hiizhan and asked, "Tonight, is it time for them to act?"

"Well, yes." Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded: "If you rush over now, it may be too late, but it may be too late."

"I don't need to rush over, because Aya and Kenta will handle it." Uchiha Kai said with a smile: "As for whether you are the most unsuccessful Hokage, it's hard to say, but I think there is a name that suits you."

"Oh? What's it called?" Although Sarutobi Hizan was a little curious about why Uchiha Qi was so relieved, he wouldn't ask, instead, he was more curious about other things.

"I think you may not be the most failed Hokage, but you are probably the most pitiful Hokage."


"Damn it, actually.... this is actually happening." Hyuga Hizu gritted her teeth, looked at Hyuga Aya who was helping him heal and said angrily, "Why, she did this."

"Human nature will always have Whether you are or she is, there is not much difference. If there is a difference, it is how this weakness affects you."

Hyuga Aya looked at Hyuga Hizu calmly, and then stood up: "Almost, although the toxin has not been completely removed, it will not affect your battle."

"Are you fighting?" Hyuga Hizu's expression was a little gloomy: "I knew that they would never let it go, but they actually contacted outsiders, they are really a bunch of beasts!"

"There's nothing to scold, Lord Patriarch." Hyuga Aya shook her head calmly: "History is written by the victors. They found outsiders, and we actually have them too. It's just..."

Saying this, Hyuga Aya's eyes became a little colder: "It's just that I want to use my own method to solve them."


"Especially, kill them all!"


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