This guy, Imai Kenta, was beaten up by Aya Hyuga, and sometimes he really suffers from it.

However, this guy is not so easy to be beaten, he runs quite fast, the main reason is that Uchiha Qi didn't do it.

Uchiha Kai was not interested in taking action because of this matter, although he endured it very hard, and even once regretted why he didn't take action to teach this guy a lesson.

Because Hyuga Aya seemed to have also woken up, she left the room directly through this chase. Obviously, the excitement was interrupted, and it would be difficult to return to the beginning.

"What a bastard!"

Although Uchiha Kai was also very upset, he didn't go to the trouble of going to Imai Kenta too much, because he believed that Hyuga Aya would never escape his palm!

With this in mind, they also returned to Konoha after a good night's rest, and Otsutsuki Yosuke did not break his promise, and gave him a thing before Uchiha Kai was about to leave.

When Kai Uchiha saw what he sent, and after feeling it for a while, he was 100% sure that Yosuke Otsutsuki did not lie to himself.

"It turns out that Otsutsuki Ya can also use Tenseigan Chakra mode, it's really it."

Sitting in his room, Uchiha Kai looked at the tin stick in his hand and couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

That's right, Yosuke Otsutsuki gave him the same tin stick that Otsutsuki Ya also used!

The trouble this tin rod brought him at that time was simply unimaginable.

If it weren't for the fact that he has the complete body of Susanoo to protect, and Susanoo also has the chakra of this tailed beast.

I'm afraid that he will be gone after the divine air strike, not to mention the rebirth of the golden wheel after that.

"However, what material is this tin rod made of?"

Looking up and down this tin stick constantly, I have to say that the workmanship of this thing is not very good, it can even be said that it is a bit rough.

But its material is very strange, the length of nearly two meters is very light, and it can hardly feel any weight.

The most important thing is that it has a very high affinity for Chakra.

It seems that no matter what kind of chakra is imported, it can be easily accepted by it, and then displayed through it.

Of course, what fits its attributes best is actually the power of Tenseigan, and... the power of yin and yang escape!

When he was on the moon, when Uchiha Qi got this tin stick, he clearly felt its connection with Tensei's eyes.

And now that he has returned to the Ninja world, he can also easily pass this tin stick and faintly feel the reincarnated eyes stored on the back of the moon.

That's why he decided that Yosuke Otsutsuki did not lie to him.

"Unfortunately, there is no way to guide the power of Tenseisen if you are not on the moon." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "Actually, strictly speaking, even in the ninja world, you can guide the power of Tenseisen through this tin stick, but... ..”

It's just that Kai Uchiha didn't know how to do it at all, or he didn't learn how to do it at all.

Yangsuke Otsutsuki gave him the 'instruction manual', but the **** still kept it in his hand. The content on it is all the words used thousands of years ago.

The dyslexia caused by this to Uchiha Kai is simply unimaginable, and it takes a lot of effort just to identify the meaning of these words.

Not to mention that the difference in expression is huge, all of which have brought great trouble to Kai Uchiha.

"Forget it, let's study slowly." Uchiha Qi sighed: "The harvest of this trip to the moon is also big enough, and you can't be too greedy."

This trip to the moon is probably more rewarding for Kai Uchiha than Aya Hyuga!

Of course, this kind of gain depends on personal judgment. I am afraid that in Hyuga Aya's eyes, her own gain is the greatest. After all, she has gotten rid of the shackles of the caged bird, which is the biggest obsession in her heart.

But if you really want to talk about the improvement of strength, I am afraid that she still can't compare with Uchiha Kai, even Imai Kenta is the same.

This time on the moonwalk, he first made the tailed beast Chakra connect with the complete body Susanoo one step further, and used all the Chakra to wield the strongest 'Blade of Time'.

The second is to understand the upper limit of his pupil technique. For the first time, he clearly understood that he did not have any pupil technique in the traditional sense of the kaleidoscope.

His own pupil technique is simply a higher level, and it can even be said to reach the upper limit of the eye.

This is also the reason why every time his pupil technique is used, it consumes him so terribly.

Of course, these are not the key, the key is that this time he learned about the Yin-Yang Escape in detail through the library of the Otsutsugi clan.

And he also used these materials to make himself successful, and it was relatively simple to use the power of yin and yang.

But what's interesting is that when he helped Hyuga Aya to lift the bird from the cage, he unexpectedly caused the yin and yang escape power in his body to skyrocket.

Even the control power has risen a step, which is a surprise, right?

In addition to these, the most confusing Uchiha Kai, a little happy and a little worried, is that he met Otsutsuki Yumura and also got a unique power from him.

Although these powers do not have any substantial power, they make Kai Uchiha seem to be improving rapidly at an incredible speed.

And every time he improved, it was almost within his grasp, which really made him feel incredible.

It's just that luck and misfortune depend on each other, and Uchiha Kai is not a good person who thinks that "everyone is good" in his heart.

He was really worried about whether this thing could be something with serious harm.

For example, this thing allows Otsutsuki Hamura to forcibly erase his will and occupy his body after he has grown to a certain stage!

Although it feels like a conspiracy theory, it is better to be careful as a human being. Madara Uchiha just believes in Hei Jue too much, so he has such an end.

"But fortunately, with a certain pre-plan, at least some things can be prevented, right? Although I don't feel any malice from him, the most important thing is to be careful."

Putting the tin stick on the scroll, Uchiha Qi sealed it again, and then he began to think about the mission report.

He didn't know how to write this mission report, could he tell the truth?

Tell Minato Namikaze that he ran to the moon, and then met a group of Hyuga with white eyes calling themselves Otsutsuki, and then he and their leader had a fight and blew up the moon.

The last guy who had been dead for thousands of years suddenly deceived the body, and then used the supreme power to reorganize the moon?

This report is probably not a mission report when I write it out. It might be more appropriate to simply treat it as a report, right?

Well, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to write like this in this world, right?

At least this guy, Jiraiya, didn't dare to write like this, he only dared to write some small yellow texts to attract people.

After all, the only thing he wrote seriously was on the street.

But when it comes to Jiraiya, Uchiha Kai has not seen him for a long time.

Probably in the second year after he returned to Konoha, that is, after Uchiha Qi solved those fog hidden, and killed five patriarchs.

Jirai also said hello to Minato Namikaze and left Konoha. He told Minato Namikaze that he had more important tasks. After all, there were still those mysterious organizations in the ninja world.

Although Namikaze Minato doesn't want to leave, he also knows his teacher's character.

In the end, he was able to hand over a handful of kunai to Jiraiya, and instructed Jiraiya to summon himself at the critical moment so that they could leave together.

Jirai did not refuse, he knew that this was his disciple's intention, and he also knew that if he really met that mysterious Uchiha, I'm afraid his chances of surviving were not high.

Uchiha Kai can easily beat himself like that, not to mention the more mysterious and terrifying guy.

Before leaving, Jiraiya visited the three generations of Hokage and Uchiha Kai respectively.

He didn't say much specifically, at least on Uchiha's side, he just expressed that he was very happy in Konoha, and before leaving, he also asked Uchiha if he would like to write with him.

There is no need to say more about the result, but it can be seen that Jiraiya is also really happy in Konoha.

Probably for him, he has learned a lot from this experience in Konoha, and although Namifeng Minato has changed his approach, his original intention has not changed.

Jiraiya's departure from Namikaze Minato may be sad, but for Uchiha Kei, it was a real relief.

This **** old man has also caused a lot of trouble in Konoha, causing Uchiha to go and fetch people a few times.

But this guy is not that stupid, at least he didn't tell Kai, Imai Kenta and Kakashi to go to the customs museum with him.

Otherwise, Konoha may be lively again.

"Brother." Just when Uchiha Kaixin was thinking about a lot of mess, the door of his room was knocked, and a clear voice came from outside the door.

"Is it Iori?" Uchiha came back to his senses and said directly, "Come in, the door is unlocked."

Soon, Iori opened the door and walked in. She didn't sit down but said with a smile: "Sister Aya and Brother Kenta are waiting for you in the laboratory, but my brother seems to have no thoughts of the past, so... "

"Are they in the laboratory?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, then he nodded: "Well, I see, then I'll go over now. Please, Iori."


"I said, what about the two of you? Don't you take a break?"

When Uchiha Qi came to the laboratory, as expected, Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya had already gathered here, which made him spread his hands.

"I only came back yesterday, and we will gather today? Please, isn't your mental state too good?"

"Actually, I don't want to, but..." Hyuga Aya sighed helplessly: "I can't stay at home for too long, after all, my caged bird has been released. I haven't figured out how to explain it yet."

"Looking ahead like this, it's not the Aya I remember." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "But it's understandable that you don't want to cause such a big stir, you can use it as a hole card. Especially your Hyuga clan's current internal Well, it's a good weapon."

Uchiha Qi still doesn't know what the situation of the Hyuga clan is now, but it is certain that the internal pessimism has almost reached its peak.

Before he left, the division within the Hyuga clan was very serious, and in three months, such a sharp contradiction had reached a peak.

It's just how to reach a peak, I'm afraid that's actually the case, nothing more than civil strife.

And the three generations of Hokage will probably also participate in it. After all, Uchiha Qi knows that those clans have always visited the three generations of Hokage.

This gave the three generations of Hokage a reason and opportunity to intervene. After all, it is still tenable to ensure the 'tradition of the Hinata clan' as a reason.

And he really got Hyuga Hizu, and for him, it was also a severe blow to Minato Namika, and by the way, he could reap an obedient Hinata, which was a very good deal for him.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to miss this opportunity. I am afraid that even if Hyuga's people don't look for him, he will make people take the initiative to contact Hyuga.

Even if he does not have such an idea in his heart, his followers of those interest groups will take the initiative to create such an opportunity for him.

But unfortunately, no matter what they think, Uchiha Kai will not and will not let them succeed.

After all, Hyuga is also her basic game. Now that Hyuga Aya has got rid of the caged bird, she can find a way to get more in the Hyuga clan!

"I think that Aya can showdown with Hyuga and Hizu." Kenta Imai sat on the side and pondered for a while, and said, "Aya, who destroyed the caged bird, is a huge bargaining chip for him. After all, the lunatic from the Hyuga branch is probably not the same. Less, who in their hearts doesn't want to break this cage."

"It is necessary to showdown with Hyuga Ripa, but there is no rush to do this." Uchiha Qi thought for a while and said directly: "We need to find out what he thinks of the caged bird after he succeeds."

"Do you mean that you will continue to split the clan and the clan in the future?" Hyuga Aya responded quickly, she quickly asked: "Indeed, the problem of the clan split is too big, everyone is a family, suddenly Divided into two opposing camps, this kind of thing..."

"However, Aya, there is one thing you must seriously consider." Before Hyuga Aya could finish her words, Uchiha Kei interrupted her: "If you are standing in a higher place, you may look at things. It will be different. It is true that the existence of the caged bird is too abhorrent, but in a certain sense you must admit its existence, preserving the blood and eyes of your family, remember that blue?"

Uchiha Kai's words made Hyuga Aya frown. She really didn't expect Uchiha Kai to ask such a question.

But I have to say This question is indeed worth thinking about, the caged bird is indeed the pain of the Hinata family's separation.

But I have to say that this thing is indeed the patron saint of the Hinata clan.

Another way of understanding is that its existence is the patron saint of the family, the umbrella for the weak, but also the lifelong **** of the strong!

At the family level, the caged bird really has the value that it has to exist!

This question made Aya Hyuga frown. Is it true that the story of the hero who killed the dragon but turned into the dragon himself?

"Ki, do you have a solution to this question?" Suddenly, Aya Hyuga, who frowned tightly, showed a smile: "I don't think Kai would say such things casually, especially if you still Help me with the caged bird."

"Indeed, I have some other ideas." Uchiha Qi smiled, he stood up and walked to Hyuga Aya and started to untie the forehead guard on her head: "Even if it is used as a bargaining chip, it is not impossible... ..”


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