This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 564: Shattered Moon!

When two completely different and equally terrifying forces collided with each other, it produced changes that no one could have predicted.

Regardless of the interior of the moon or the surface of the moon, all the chakras that exist boiled, as if the boiling water was constantly being baked by the flames, and all the chakras were evaporated and dissipated.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya were already dumbfounded at this time, and they both felt an indescribable sense of depression.

More importantly, with the collision of these two forces, it has caused a chakra riot in their bodies.

All the chakras are running wildly, and even have the illusion of bursting out of the body, which is maddening.

Imai Kenta used Mu Dun with the Immortal Technique Chakra almost immediately, wrapping him and Hyuga Aya respectively.

It's just that this situation still caused him to spit out a mouthful of blood unconsciously. The collision of these two forces has completely surpassed human imagination!

The situation of Hyuga Aya is not so good, although she has the protection of Mu Dun, although she has the protection of Immortal Chakra, and even has the strongest physique of the three of them.

But her mouth also overflowed with blood, and her face became abnormally pale.

However, there seemed to be a little worry in her white eyes.

as well as.....

A barely visible light blue.

It's just that the two of them are in bad condition, and the conditions of the Otsutsuki hiding in the castle are much better.

With the power provided by the giant Tenseigan, and forming a terrifying barrier, their situation is naturally much better.

It's just that many of them are covering their eyes in pain, and blood is rapidly flowing from their fingertips.

The moment Otsutsuki also used the 'Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion' just now, this huge Tenseigan began to absorb the forces around it that matched it, in order to stabilize Werther himself.

After all, this reincarnated eye is the only driver of energy for all the oxygen, air and even the artificial sun inside the moon.

Its stability naturally trumps everything, and it will unceremoniously draw the power from around it directly.

Those clansmen of Otsutsuki have naturally become its first choice. Although it does not absorb it, there is no problem, but excessive use of its power still needs to pay a price!

Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly, his current situation is very bad.

Although his eyes are not blurred to see things, they can't bring out any pupil power, and his own chakra has been almost used up at this moment, even Susanoo can't help Werther. .

Slowly falling to the ground, Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, and then he let his right eye turn on forcibly regardless of his own.

The blood quickly overflowed from his right eye like water without money, and his chakra, who had just recovered some signs, was once again drained.

He was half-kneeling on the ground and coughed constantly, but soon, his coughing stopped slowly, and the momentum on his body gradually improved.

Time seemed to reverse from his body, and finally, when he raised his head again, dark chakra appeared on his body again, and Susanoo in the third stage completely wrapped him.

It's just that his right eye has been closed. Obviously, the power of this eye has been overdrawn, and there is no way to use it in a short time.

"It's really.... It's unexpectedly expensive..."

Uchiha Qi murmured, and at this moment, the golden rays of light in the sky and the dark rays of light had completely merged. This time, there was no such huge aftermath.

Maybe all the power was condensed and suppressed to the extreme. After all, the attacks on both sides exceeded the limit that everyone could understand.

Or maybe the power of this meeting is too huge, everyone has tinnitus, and they can't hear its sound at all.

Although there was no aftermath, the damage caused by the photo did not decrease in the slightest. Everything inside the moon collapsed quietly, and the situation was extremely strange.

It's just such a collapse, more in the place covered by golden light.

And where the black light covers, everything is silent, the wind does not move, the water does not flow, all visible and invisible things are solidified, and everything stops working within its scope.

The Blade of Time, at this moment, showed its power!

But unfortunately, although the golden light was affected and slowed down, it did not solidify.

It is still stubbornly moving forward, destroying, and devouring everything!

It's just that its footsteps are constantly being slowed down by the black light, and its power is constantly being consumed.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a moment, or eternity.

In this area where time has been completely affected, it seems that the meaning of time has been lost.

The damage caused by the two forces is no longer important, what is important is that everything in an area has been messed up!

In fact, everything now is completely out of control. Whether it is Uchiha Kai or the life and death of Otsutsuki Ya, it is impossible to control all this.

Whether this collision is a winner or a loser can only be left to fate!

Uchiha Qi shook his head helplessly. He found that his Susanoo almost started to collapse at this moment. Such a collapse seems to be an inevitable result.

No matter how he drives his chakra to make up for it, everything seems so useless.

Not only him, but everything inside the entire moon.

The entire moon is still collapsing quietly and silently. The light of these two destructive forces is more and more entangled, and such a collapse is even more terrifying!

The two forces superimposed in the spreading, and finally turned into a "turbulent wave", spreading all around with the momentum of destroying everything.

There was still no sound, and cracks seemed to appear in the sky, and as the power spread, everything in contact was shattered.

I don't know how long it has been in this place where the concept of time has been lost. The whole moon began to vibrate and began to collapse.

And when the two forces completely spread to the outside of the entire moon, the moon completely collapsed!

A suffocating feeling suddenly surrounded Kai Uchiha, and everything in his left eye had turned into a galaxy.

A little bit of starlight hangs in the sky, and it seems to be far away, and everything looks so wonderful and moving.

But Uchiha Kai's heart kept sinking. He really never dreamed that he would actually blow up the moon by fighting against that Otsutsuki Yaya?

It is true that he is very clear that this moon is not the moon of the previous life at all.

This is a man-made seal carrier used to seal a more terrifying existence.

This seal carrier has mountains, water, wind and air, and it is completely a place suitable for human habitation.

And its size is completely incomparable, compared with the moon in his past life memory.

But such a huge sphere that existed for an unknown number of years was broken like this, which really made him never imagine.

And the moment the sphere shattered, the air began to lose, the oxygen disappeared before the breath, and the feeling of weightlessness instantly covered him.

That feeling of being unable to help himself, that feeling of facing the darkness alone, this is really something he has never encountered before!

"I really didn't expect.... I would encounter such a situation... I don't know if Kaguya is out of trouble?"

Uchiha Kai wanted to smile bitterly, but he found that he couldn't laugh at all.

As the moon continued to shatter, he saw that an unknown number of people were struggling in the air with their necks covered.

Is it those people from the big paulownia?

What about Aya?

And Kenta's dog thing?

Their current situation may not be optimistic, right?

Turning his head to look, Uchiha Kai suddenly found countless corpses floating in midair.

These people are probably those Otsutsuki who died in battle, and now they don't even have a place to live!

Uchiha Kai never cared about whether others had a place to live after they died, because his own current situation was not optimistic, and he would not care about how others were.

There was even a sense of revenge in his mind.

Didn't your family desperately want to kill me and want Werther's family to be quiet so that they won't be disturbed?

Now you are completely bereaved dogs, and even the entire clan will perish, isn't it a great feeling!

"Thinking about it this way, it seems pretty good that I alone exterminated a legendary family..."

Uchiha Qi thought silently, his Susanoo had completely collapsed at this moment, and unbelievable pressure gathered on him.

In a hollow environment, people can't survive at all, not even a ninja as strong as him!

He raised his head and glanced at the corpses that were constantly floating, and suddenly a light flashed in his mind.

Especially under the illumination of the giant Tenseigan floating in the air, he seemed to see a dead bone sitting in the depths of all the bones, and even in such an environment, he still did not scatter.

"Is it this guy..." Uchiha Kai murmured, and an incredible sense of exhaustion hit his brain: "It's a pity... it's a pity that there is no strength to pass..."


In Konoha Village, the country of fire, it was late at night.

On a night with few moon stars, the silver-white moonlight sprinkled on the earth, showing a bit of hazy.

It was the night of the full moon. It seemed that full moons were not uncommon in this world, and the night of full moons was not such a wonderful thing.

Because under the reflection of the full moon, something terrible will always happen.

Just like the night Rin was killed by Kakashi, or the night Uchiha Itachi slaughtered the entire Uchiha clan.

Minato Namikaze was sitting at home, reading a book in his hand, while Naruto was also reading a book from the Ninja School.

Kushina is preparing lunch boxes for these two guys tomorrow, taking care of the two most important men in her life. She is very willing and very happy.

Such a quiet time, such a warm environment, is not only the pursuit of Namikaze Minato, but also her pursuit.

"Dong dong dong!"

At this moment, a sudden knock on the door broke the silence.

Kushina opened the door with a little dissatisfaction on her face, and this time it was Kakashi again.

The last time this guy came over was a week ago, and it was also half a month after Uchiha Kai and his team of three left Konoha.

For half a month, there has been no news from this team.

Even the entire ninja world seemed calm, all of which seemed a little unexpected.

However, Kushina didn't want to care about these things either. She was neither a member of the ninja system, nor was she a Jōnin. She only cared about Namikaze Minato and Naruto.

"It's better to give me a reason, Kakashi." Kushina frowned and looked at Kakashi: "It's already off-duty time, and you don't even look at what time it is, you're still running here? "

"Sorry, Kushina-sensei." Kakashi looked very anxious. He didn't mean to be polite to Kushinado at all. He quickly walked into the room and came to Minato Minato: "Lord Hokage."

"What's the matter, Kakashi, so anxious?" Minato Namikaze also saw Kakashi's abnormality, he put down the book in his hand and asked quickly.

Kakashi's face was very dignified, he pondered: "It's the moon, this time the moon has changed again, Hokage-sama should come out and take a look in person, and this time the moon seems to be a little more wrong."

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato immediately stood up and walked towards the balcony.

But this kid Naruto ran faster than him, and he ran out in a flash.

It is not a matter of a day or two that there is a problem with the moon. Although it has not been a long time, it is particularly clear.

Almost every night, it can be seen by the naked eye that the light on the moon is particularly dazzling.

Such an abnormal situation naturally cannot hide from the ninja's eyes.

Not only Konoha, I am afraid that all the Shinobi villages have already noticed that something is wrong.

Namikaze Minato walked to the balcony, then pressed down Naruto who was standing on the balcony, and then looked up at the sky.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and there are no clouds in thousands of miles. It is a rare good night.

In such a night, it is very easy to observe the changes of the moon, but for a moment everyone seems to have noticed that the moon is not right.

"Today's moon.... so strange." Naruto said loudly: "It... seems to be shaking?"

"Yes, it's shaking." Kakashi nodded: "Actually, this kind of shaking has been going on for several days, but we didn't take it too seriously before, but today is different. This kind of shaking is particularly obvious, and Through our eyes, we also found that a huge meteorite fell off and came towards the ninja world."

"Is it a huge meteorite?" Minato Namikaze frowned tighter this time: "Damn, where did it fall? When will it arrive?"

"This point, my subordinates are not very clear." Kakashi hesitated for a while, and finally he could only shake his head helplessly.

The meteorite's landing, how fast is UU reading, and where the landing will break, they have no way to calculate it now.

But what is certain is that if those huge meteorites fall into the scope of the Fire Nation, I am afraid that the entire Fire Nation......

"Minato!" At this moment, Kushina suddenly shouted, and her hand trembled as she pointed at the moon in the sky: "Moon....moon...."

Minato looked at Kushina with some doubts, then he looked at the moon, and the next moment he was sluggish too.

The full moon in the sky suddenly burst into a ripple visible to the naked eye. In an instant, the vibration suddenly intensified, and then when everyone couldn't react, it exploded with a bang.

Under the light of the explosion, the entire ninja world was suddenly bright as day, and under the power of terror, there were many places where the crust was unstable, the ground cracked, the mountain peaks collapsed, and earthquakes appeared all over the place at the same time.

At the seaside, the turbulent waves rolled up hundreds of feet high, and rushed to the shore with the momentum of devouring everything.

I don't know how many seaside villages were instantly swept into the sea, and many small islands in the Land of Water disappeared in this moment.

The volcanic eruption in the land of the earth, the wind swept through the land of the wind, and the thunder in the land of thunder...

In an instant, unimaginable natural disasters occurred everywhere.

I don’t know how many people are thinking in their hearts, is this the end of the world?

But the next moment, a blue brilliance suddenly bloomed on the original moon position, and this brilliance illuminated the earth.

In an instant, the world seemed to freeze, and everyone looked at the sky blankly.

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