This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 508: Awakened man

"Minister Qi, I'm sorry to disturb you."

"You're welcome, Minister Shikaku."

Kei Uchiha gestured for Shikahisa Nara to sit down with a smile, while Aya Hyuga made two cups of tea and brought it over.

All this seems so harmonious, but Nara Shikaku seems to be able to feel it instinctively, as if Uchiha Kai doesn't welcome him too much?

But he didn't pay too much attention to these, anyway, he didn't think about how long he would stay here.

He knows that the relationship between Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya seems to have grown by leaps and bounds during this period of time.

It is said that many people said that they often saw the two people entering and leaving various occasions together in pairs.

Especially after get off work, they will often enjoy dinner together.

Of course, Nara Shikahisa doesn't care about such gossip.

Young people need their own space.

Even though this young man is already the most powerful person in Konoha, Nara Shikahisa can still look at all this with a normal mentality.

Maybe it's because he is also standing in a very high position, that he will look at all this with a relatively ordinary mentality?

"Thank you, Miss Aya."

Nara Shikahisa smiled politely, then took a sip of the tea in the cup and said slowly.

"Minister Qi, this time I came here to tell you something relatively important."

"Just call me Kai. If Lu Jiu-kun has something to do, in fact, you can ask the people under your command to come over. Why do you need to do it yourself?"

Uchiha Qi also took a sip of the tea from the cup: "However, there is something more important than Lu Jiu-kun coming in person, so let's talk about it directly."

"it is good."

Nara Shikahisa smiled and nodded. He didn't care about Hyuga Aya at all, and just stood aside, and directly stated his purpose.

"Actually, the purpose of this visit is very simple. First of all, our negotiation with Yun Yin has been completed."

"Completed?" Uchiha was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood what he meant: "You mean, those guys have reached a consensus with them?"

Obviously, what Nara Shikahisa said will never be on the bright side, what Konoha and Yunyin are negotiating.

Those are pure **** and have no practical meaning at all.

The real negotiation is probably carried out in an unknown, or even desolate, tavern, unknowingly.

However, this negotiation can only be regarded as a small-stage negotiation, even if Konoha played out two of the four hole cards.

However, with Nara Shikahisa's professionalism, the returns from these trump cards will definitely not be low.

"Yes, a consensus has been reached." Nara Shikahisa smiled and nodded: "Basically, it is based on what you designed when you met with the guy named Osay before, and made more systematic additions and explanations. ."

"Osay?" Uchiha Kai nodded: "Have you formed an alliance?"

"Yes, the official negotiation has started, and Konoha will propose an alliance action 'targeting against the mysterious organization', but it is limited to this."

Nara Shikahisa sighed slightly: "Their attitude is still very tough, and it is really difficult to make them vassals of the alliance.

But that's fine, at least we don't need to devote too much energy to them. "

"Yes, these guys are really not very good tempered, it's good to have less things, not to mention..." Uchiha Qi chuckled disdainfully: "It's not that we can't ask for compensation from other places, right? "

Nara Shikahisa nodded with a smile, indeed, you don't need to agree on this point.

Anyway, we are too lazy to spend our energy on these thankless things.

The name of the first ninja village in the ninja world can indeed bring too many intangible benefits.

For example, credibility, and because of the refraction generated by credibility, an unimaginable number of tasks can be obtained.

Because everyone has sufficient confidence in Konoha, and trust Konoha to complete their assigned tasks and have the ability to protect them.

What's more, Konoha really seldom publicly competes for the first ninja village in the ninja world.

But basically, the No. 1 ninja village in the ninja world recognized by everyone!

Otherwise, it is impossible to attract Yun Yin's prying eyes and have never launched such a war.

In the original work, Yun Yin was the victorious party, and Konoha also fell into an extremely embarrassing situation.

It took an unknown amount of time to recover from the haze of the death of the fourth Hokage and the failure of the Yunyin War.

But now, Konoha is the real winner.

"High-end ninjutsu, and low-end ninjutsu, we have obtained a relatively objective amount."

Nara Shikahisa didn't sell the trick, he said directly: "Some of these ninjutsu are their own, and some are obtained from the war, and the quantity is quite satisfactory."

"Paying so much at one time?" Uchiha Qi frowned: "Then what can they give for the next transaction?"

"So what I'm saying is, I'm relatively satisfied." Nara Shikahisa laughed.

"The amount that I and Hokage-sama had drawn up did not allow them to revise and refute, and because they were also bargaining during the negotiations, they made a relatively interesting proposal."

"Oh? What topic?" Uchiha Kai was a little interested.

"Their proposal is that they will make some compensation, but other than the alliance, other related topics of discussion cannot be written into the negotiation materials. For this, they can directly pay for all the needs of the exchange characters."

"It's interesting, aren't they afraid that we will regret it?"

"So they asked to sign a contract directly, and they also asked for topics such as compensation for defeat, which were reserved for more formal occasions."

Uchiha Qi touched his chin, these Yun Ren are big and three thick, but their brains are still relatively flexible.

It seems that they have suffered a loss, but obviously they have also figured out the current needs of Konoha.

Therefore, simply feed Konoha directly, and through the **** of the contract, let Konoha not talk about this further.

And in order not to be embarrassed, they also did not allow too detailed information to be recorded.

Get what you need first to stabilize the situation, and the rest will be discussed later!

Just like compensation for lost wars, there is nothing they can do if they are defeated, so war compensation is naturally necessary.

As for how to compensate, how to compensate.

At that time, they will not have the four generations of Raikage, the eight-tailed people Zhuli, and the surviving Yun Ninjas, etc. as a check, and they can also have better room to play.

However, the advance proposal they gave is really moving.

Because those are exactly what Konoha needs to do at this stage!

"It seems that this matter has nothing to say." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "It's really cheap for them."

"It can only be said that they caught what we wanted and went for it."

Nara Shikahisa also sighed a little: "With these ninjutsu, we can speed up what we want to do, after all, it's a little troublesome now..."

"Trouble?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, then he seemed to realize something: "You mean..."

"Well." Nara Shikaku nodded, then he stood up: "Okay, let's not talk about this issue, I think that adult will make a choice."

"And the reason I'm here today..."

"I see, Lu Jiu-kun, are you here for Tutai?"


Konoha Hospital, in a single room on the top floor.

Although the three generations of Hokage had a weak face, they listened to Kento Sarutobi with a solemn expression and reported everything that happened to Konoha during this time.

The current state of Sarutobi Hizan is not very good, but his physical state is actually good. After all, he has received the best medical assistance from Konoha.

But after all, others are already old, and even with good medical assistance, his mental state can't keep up.

But now, no matter how tired he is, he needs to know what happened to Konoha during the time he was in a coma, and how the war between Konoha and Yunyin was progressing.

However, what he never expected was that the war between Konoha and Yunyin had ended.

And the way it ends is very dramatic.

Because Yun Yin brought the eight-tailed person Zhuli, this guy is extremely terrifying in the eyes of the three generations of Hokage.

But it also attracted a more terrifying guy.

The mysterious Uchiha who once attacked Konoha and at the same time attacked Kiriyin a few months later, that guy actually shot!

His purpose is very simple, it is the eight-tailed man Zhuli.

And because of his shot, the battle level was directly raised to an unimaginable height.

The aftermath of such a battle actually wiped out the entire Yunyin army!

Unbelievable and unimaginable!

After doing all this, that guy actually left calmly, and finally let Konoha 'pick up a bargain'.

To be honest, the three generations of Hokage now feel a little uncomfortable when they hear the news.

Because he had faced it head-on, and was so angry that he was almost full of power.

Even though he didn't fully show his power for various reasons.

But he also has a relatively intuitive understanding of how terrifying this **** fellow is!

However, when the power of the eight-tailed man is bursting with all his strength, he is not the opponent of the mysterious Uchiha at all?

Not only was he beaten so hard that he had to feign death to avoid capture, but he also made all his troops die?

Who the **** is that **** Uchiha?

To be honest, Sarutobi Hizan even recalled the incredible battle he had seen outside the village when he was young.

That was the battle against Madara Uchiha, the first generation of Mehokage-sama. When he was young at that time, he even thought that he had encountered a god.

Even thinking about it now, he still feels the same way.

However, the two ninjas who can deal with a country by one person have both died in or after the war.

In order to weaken the influence of such a terrifying force, and to make his position more stable at that time.

He let Danzo let go and reduced the influence of the previous Hokage.

Although he also felt a little wrong in his heart, he still did it in the end.

Only now, it seems that someone has once again reproduced the power of those people back then.

And relying on this power, he is constantly doing bad things!

Sarutobi Hizan sighed, he didn't think he could fight against this power.

Even at his peak, he felt that there was a clear gap.

But in any case, this evil force that was completely out of control did help Konoha a lot, and it helped Konoha out of the quagmire of war.

But, with good news, there must be bad news.

Although Sarutobi Hiizan put his dissatisfaction and hatred in his heart, he chose to cooperate with Uchiha and the betrayal of Namikaze Minato to fight against foreign enemies together.

But he knew more clearly that if both sides had a chance, they would definitely use all means to deal with each other.

However, how they are fighting, everything is still within the scope of a rule, and they will not easily cross the line.

But he didn't expect that those people from Namikaze Minato would start so fast and so dark!

The plan set by Minato Minato and the others is to break the almost unbreakable political interests he once established.

Even if it is to break him intentionally or unintentionally, it is formed with the 'ninja surname identity' as the core.

It can make these ninjas relatively isolated, so that he has the opportunity to defeat and win over one by one.

"Damn guy!" After listening to Kento Sarutobi's report, the third Hokage couldn't help but scolded.

The more you think about it, the more you get angry, the more you think about it, the more you get angry!

He Sarutobi Hiizaki almost used his peak to make Konoha stable.

And also won World War II and World War III, but the result?

Now someone actually wants to break the system that he has set up and re-create a new set of things.

The most important thing is that no one has the ability to resist such an approach!

Because it was still during the war, Minato Namikaze put forward his own ideas and opinions, and took the lead in pulling up the vote.

This move simply did not give other people any space and time to react.

Especially under the leadership of Uchiha Kai, it directly aroused the desire of those ordinary jounin.

And let them stand up and vote bravely, and finally confirmed this matter directly.

All in one go, even if those who oppose them have any objection measures, I am afraid they will not be able to do anything at all.

You must know that most of Konoha's energy is now completely devoted to the battlefield.

After the war, there should have been a relatively good gap.

However, this guy, Haze Feng Minato, did not send Shikahisa Nara to be in charge of the negotiation.

Instead, let Koharu and Mito Menyan, two of his old classmates, be in charge.

How to think in this, the three generations of Hokage can see it at a glance.

But even if it is seen, there is nothing to do, because the news has spread almost all over Konoha.

Everyone knows how excited the civilian ninjas, who make up nearly 80% of Konoha's population, are.

It can be said that there is basically no room for redemption in this matter.

It can be said that the three generations of Hokage spent half a lifetime of hard work has been completely broken!



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