This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 491: back to the village

"This Uchiha is too cautious ( Find the latest chapter!

Two days later, Uchiha Kai encountered what Orochimaru gave him, and the group returned to Konoha.

Looking at the Hokage Rock symbolizing the Konoha logo in the distance, Uchiha Kai's mind was bland, but Jiraiya and Uchiha Obito were a little inexplicable.

However, the emotions of these two people are also relatively easy to understand. Probably one is feeling that things are right and wrong, and the other is excited to return to Konoha, right?

Although the group of five had different thoughts, they didn't delay, and soon they went to Minato Namikaze to report.

Namikaze Minato knew that Uchiha Obito was back. If he hadn't provided Uchiha Kai's location, Obito would have been hard-pressed to find Kai and Kakashi.

As Uchiha Fuyue said, the whereabouts of the three of them are really difficult to track.

Even if they don't have the slightest disguise, it will never be easy to find them.

But what Namikaze Minato never expected was that this time, not only did he get what he wanted, but his teacher Jirai was also kidnapped by Uchiha Qi, which made him very excited.

But this guy, Jiraiya, quickly made his stand.

Perhaps for him, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Instead of letting Namikaze Minato hold some expectations, it is better to directly explain his thoughts and positions.

Fortunately, Namikaze Minato had long thought of what Jiraiya might do.

He knows the character of his teacher, as long as his teacher remains objective to maintain the promotion of this reform, this is completely enough.

What's more, isn't his teacher, to some extent, supportive of him?

"Aren't you going to talk to Captain Minato?" After coming out of Hokage's office, Uchiha Qi looked at Jirai curiously and asked, "You haven't been back to the village for so long and you haven't met him, so is it really okay to just leave? ?"

"I'll go to his house for dinner tonight, and see Kushina and Naruto by the way." Jiraiya said with concern: "But boy, what do you think of my suggestion? Our cooperation will definitely be the best choice. , and trust me, we can make a lot of money!"

"Do you think I'm short of money?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head and glanced at Jiraiya: "Please, I'm really not interested in writing a book with you, so the shameful thing is left to you."

"Really, pretending to be so serious." Zilai also muttered in dissatisfaction.

Along the way, he has talked about this topic with Uchiha Kai many times.

But every time the result is the same, that is, Uchiha Kai rejected the proposal without any hesitation at all.

Uchiha Qi himself was quite puzzled, how did this guy Jiraiya think of finding him to complete some books in the Intimacy Paradise series.

Maybe it was at the custom shop that night that disgusted this guy too much?

After making Jiraiya nauseous that night, there seemed to be some problems with this guy's mental state the next day.

The ghost knows whether it is because he is tired from playing, or it is caused by insomnia after holding it all night.

Uchiha Kai himself is more inclined to the first one, because he himself has not slept all night, isn't he in good spirits the next day?

But what made Kei Uchiha speechless was that it only took a few hours for this guy to recover, and he took the initiative to invite Kei Uchiha to write a book with him.

If you just write some books about thinking about ninjas and fighting ninjas, maybe Kei Uchiha can give some opinions and suggestions.

After all, this guy Jiraiya has also written a positive energy book like "The Legend of Perseverance", and even the name "Naruto" comes from this book.

But when Jiraiya told Uchiha Kai, the book he wanted to write was a brand new one, and it would be written as a whole series of books.

Uchiha Qi immediately knew what he meant. Sure enough, this new series of books is called "Intimacy Paradise"!

Uchiha Kai is a person who cherishes feathers. He will never allow such nonsense books to have his name printed on it.

So he directly rejected Jiraiya's invitation, but what he didn't expect was that Jiraiya didn't seem to give up at all.

For the next two days, he was almost annoyed every hour.

Even if he returns to Konoha now, this guy has no intention of giving up, he can only say that this guy is really persistent.

"Whether it's fake or not, I don't want my name to appear in this kind of book." Uchiha Qi shook his head disdainfully: "Come on, maybe you can become famous with it."

"My name is not too small in the world of ninja, right, I still need to rely on this to become famous?" Zilai also rolled his eyes, and finally he sighed with pity: "Forget it, since you don't want to, I will too. You can't force it, really."

"Where are you going." Jirai didn't continue to talk about this, Uchiha Qi was naturally very happy, but he chose to change the subject quickly.

"Go home." Zilai also stretched his waist: "I haven't been back for so long, and I don't know if it's covered with spider webs and dust everywhere. It's really troublesome, if that's the case, I need to publish a Task, call a group of sub-indulgences to come and help."

It is indeed a good choice to let Xunin to solve these troubles.

Anyway, at this stage, the Genin people are constantly being tempered by accepting tasks.

To be precise, it is the process of accepting the stage of 'obeying the command and accumulating tasks, and getting familiar with the tasks'.

Everyone came here like this, except Uchiha Kai and the others who just caught up with the ninjas during the war.

The most important thing is that these tasks are quick and cheap to be done by the ninjas, so why not do them?

After sending Jiraiya away, Imai Kenta and Kakashi also left one after another.

After going out for so long, they also have tasks to take off.

Although their mission this time was actually similar to a vacation, the happy Namikaze Minato still gave them a two-day vacation.

Imai Kenta and Kakashi plan to go home and have a good rest. They have also had a good harvest these days, at least they have had a good time for a few days.

But Imai Kenta doesn't look so happy because he thinks Uchiha Kai released his pigeons.

One of the reasons he came here this time was to see the situation of Uchiha Kai's fusion-tailed beast Chakra.

As a result, when he was about to reach Konoha, he couldn't help but ask, and he was stunned to learn that Uchiha Qi had already merged.

This suddenly made his face darken, even if Uchiha Qi comforted him and said that there was still a chance in the future, he was too lazy to have a chance with this guy Uchiha Qi.

This also makes Uchiha Kai quite helpless. This kid is quite arrogant?

"What about you, what are your plans?" After waiting for the two of them to leave, Uchiha Qi turned to look at Uchiha Obito: "How long do you plan to complete this mission this time?"

"This.... I don't know, but I think I can at least take it with me for a while." Uchiha Obito thought for a while before he said: "But I can't stay for long, in case they come to find me , it turns out that my current situation, then everything is exposed."

"Well, you can decide for yourself."

"One week, enjoy a week in Konoha, and I'll go back."

"Okay, but remember your mission."

"An La An La, one is the guy named Ghost Shark, and the other..."

"It's the tailed beast Chakra..."


In Uchiha Obito's mind now, the man who looks like a **** and a demon, and the huge Susanoo who looks like Shura came into the world are still appearing in the world.

These two figures have been circling in his mind, and for the first time he has seen the power that shocked him to an unparalleled level.

He always knew Uchiha Kei was strong, and he himself had lost to this guy three times.

When the kaleidoscope was just turned on, he was so mad that he was beaten by Uchiha Qi and sobered up.

When he accepted the inheritance of Uchiha Madara and inherited the name of Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Kai appeared again and taught him a profound lesson.

On the night he attacked Konoha, although he lost first to Namikaze Minato, he went back again to make sure the Nine Tails succeeded in making a mess.

And this time back, also created his third failure.

This time he was completely stunned by Uchiha Kai, and even if he exhausted his means, he could not do anything to Uchiha Kai.

On the contrary, in the end, the guy he hated at the beginning made him think that he was a sinister viper.

He was dragged out of the abyss of darkness, depravity, ignorance, and hatred.

Uchiha Kai has never been a good person, which Obito is very clear in his heart.

His methods are bloody, and he has no bottom line in dealing with the enemy.

Whether it is Uchiha Yu, Uchiha Xiu, or the fire of the Uchiha family near the bamboo forest in the back mountain.

Or the dead souls of Wuyin and Yunyin wailing in the Pure Land, all of which prove how **** his methods are.

But isn't Kai Uchiha a good guy?

This point, Obito is also very confused.

If Kei Uchiha is not a good person, how can he explain everything he did for Konoha?

If he is not a good person, why is the phrase 'strong ninjas are those who carry the will of their dead comrades and move forward' through word of mouth?

If he's not a good guy, why is Kakashi crawling out of the abyss proudly?

If he is not a good man, how can he get the chance of redemption?

This is an extremely complicated person, because it is really difficult for you to tell what this person does, and he is an extremely **** and inhuman guy.

He is still a person who is full of light in his heart, bears the will of losing his teammates, and is in the abyss but keeps moving towards the light.

However, apart from the question of human nature, Uchiha Obito is also quite concerned about another thing.

That is, Uchiha Kai actually used the chakra of the tailed beast to integrate into his Susanoo?

The most important thing is that his method seems to make his Susanoo continue to evolve, in other words, his kaleidoscope is constantly evolving!

Is this kind of practice only suitable for his situation, or is it effective for everyone who has a kaleidoscope and has opened Susanoo?

Uchiha Obito is not sure about this, but he can be sure of one thing.

That is Uchiha Kai I am afraid that he will need this kind of chakra, and he needs to let himself collect it for him!

"It plan has been broken."

Standing on top of Susanoo, feeling the power that he had never experienced before, Uchiha Kei also felt incredible.

He found himself underestimating the power of the tailed beast, or rather, he underestimating the limit he was at right now.

Ninety percent of the fusion degree, this can be regarded as very high, and it is very close to the state of complete fusion.

However, such integration becomes more and more difficult in the later stages.

Even the nine-tailed Chakra, the benefits provided to him are really not that terrifying.

But this time the fusion was somewhat unexpected.

When these eight-tailed chakras entered Susanoo, it immediately resonated with the nine-tailed and three-tailed chakras that were originally in Susanoo.

And in this kind of resonance, he kept giving up to Susanoo, and through the continuous enhancement of Susanoo, the cells in Kai Uchiha's body were driven to run wildly.

Therefore, he felt that he seemed to have an indescribable feeling of 'blood boiling'.

"That's fine. Although I couldn't integrate the chakra of the immortal technique in the unintegrated period, the result is not bad."

Uchiha Kai felt the power within himself, and he seemed to feel that he could destroy everything.

"Furthermore, Aya's immortal mode is not up to standard, and my own power is not sure whether I can completely control that power like Madara Uchiha. After all..."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but glanced at his Susanoo.

Nearly 150 meters tall, Susanoo's body was covered in jet-black armor, and the mask of the Utengu covered its face.

Above that long nose, are a pair of scarlet eyes full of destructive aura!

The ninja sword was still hanging around his waist, but there was only one ninja sword from beginning to end. This probably has something to do with Uchiha Kai's habit.

Now Uchiha Kai's Susanoo is obviously not up to the standard.

Maybe they just got this power and didn't temper them to the peak.

Or maybe it's because his pair of eyes that have just merged and have completely reached the level of an eternal kaleidoscope are essentially weaker than those obtained by the 'correct way'.

No matter what kind, compared to Madara Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha or even Kakashi's Susanoo, his is obviously unqualified.

Another point is that his Susanoo has no wings yet, which fully shows that his Susanoo still has a very high growth potential!

"Compared to Madara Uchiha and Sasuke's Susanoo who is more than 200 meters high, and Kakashina who is almost 200 meters high, I just can't see it enough."

Slowly withdrew the chakra, and Uchiha Kai slowly landed.

"As for the immortals of the Six Paths, Indra's Susanoo... Forget it, they are not mortals strictly speaking."

"You..." When Uchiha Kai fell to the ground, Uchiha Obito ran directly in front of Uchiha Kai: "Your eyes... The tailed beast can improve Susanoo, and it can also improve Writing round eyes?"

"I don't know either." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "I also discovered this kind of thing by accident. I don't know how extensive it is, but I need to trouble you with one thing."

"I see." Uchiha Obito nodded: "However, why are you telling me something so important? Does Minato-sensei know?"

"I don't know, I didn't tell him. Because it's my own secret, as for why I tell you..."

"You can guess..."


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