This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 487: Reliable Ninja

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

Since Jirai also wanted to hear it, Uchiha Kai also thought about it, deleted some content appropriately and then said it out. Of course, he set up a sound insulation barrier.

Although there is nothing to hide about these contents, it can be said that they are prepared to provide Kakashi.

But there are also some problems here, that is, once these categories are exposed, the trouble they will cause is absolutely unimaginable.

Moreover, this guy is not as clear as Kakashi understands, he must have a lot of problems.

Uchiha Kai can basically conclude that this kid Kakashi may have realized a lot of things.

Judging from his overall performance, he is completely the kind of person who can see through but never speak out.

For example, during a meeting in the body, Minato Namifeng said intentionally or unintentionally, "The end of the war with Yunyin was actually an uncontrolled accident".

In addition, Kakashi is not stupid in the first place, first the rumors that came from Junmalu and then Uchiha Kai.

In the end, if there is no connection between the reform measures and the Yunyin War, Kakashi will not believe it if he is killed.

But he can be sure that this incident happened with the knowledge of his teacher.

Even Kakashi himself helped Shikahisa in Nara, quietly transporting a batch of supplies to the port and into Kiriyin, and finally into the hands of the Kaguya clan.

How many secrets are there, Kakashi can perceive and see.

But he kept his mouth shut, as if it had never happened.

But Kakashi was able to determine something in his heart very early on, that is, the Kirigakka incident may have something to do with Uchiha Kai, because at that time, the reform of the Ninja was going on.

Yunyin is also related to Uchiha Kai this time, because this time Konoha is carrying out the reform of Shangnin.

What's more, now Uchibo Lin, this guy lurking inside the unknown enemy has quietly run back.

Coupled with some of this guy's words, Kakashi really doesn't deserve to be the Minister of Anbu if he can't think of anything.

Sure enough, Kakashi didn't have any unacceptable actions.

For the help provided by Orochimaru and the use of various aspects, he can think clearly and clearly, but this can make it difficult to come by.

"Minister Qi, take the liberty to ask a question..." Zilai also considered it for a long time before he couldn't help but ask: "From what you said, whether it's Lord Hokage or you, you have nothing to do with Orochimaru. Very trustworthy, but..."

Taking a deep breath, Jiraiya asked in a low voice, "But, don't you think his performance is too coincidental?"

"What you want to say is that he appeared and accompanied that mysterious Uchiha in the war with Yunyin and this time?"

Uchiha Qi sighed: "Do you know that what you choose to ask is Konoha's top secret right now."

"I heard that Konoha is reforming, right?" Jiraiya suddenly said, "This time, I will go back with you and help you complete the entire reform.

And I also promised that when I return to Konoha, I will not stand on any side, and when the reform is completed, I will search for information on those mysterious organizations. "

Jiraiya back to Konoha?

Uchiha Qi touched his chin. To tell the truth, if this guy goes back, it might cause a lot of trouble.

After all, this guy's identity is really sensitive.

Konoha's current two opposing camps, one is the three generations of Hokage and its supporters. Although they are weak, they can still stick to one side.

The other camp is the four generations of Hokage, and the camp like Uchiha Kai who assists and follows him.

This faction holds a strong position in Konoha, but it cannot occupy all of them.

Coincidentally, the leaders of these two opposing camps, one is Jiraiya's master, and the other is Jiraiya's apprentice.

This guy can be said to have a very deep relationship on both sides, and his return will definitely cause competition between the two sides.

With his qualifications and abilities, once he is a party, there will inevitably be a ministerial-level position waiting for him.

This is a great help!

And the statement of this guy, Jiraiya, basically shows that he will not assume any party.

Maybe it's emotional, maybe he really doesn't want to stay in this troubled Konoha.

But in any case, although he did not join any party, he had already seen the compromise Uchiha Kai gave.

Maintaining the smooth progress of this reform has already shown his bias.

Although it was a bit cryptic, this result really made Uchiha Kai a little moved.

As for this guy leaving after the reform, it's not a big deal. The biggest problem is that he said he was going to find that mysterious organization?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but glanced at Obito beside him.

He was thinking, this guy won't have just finished teaching Orochimaru, and he will teach Jiraiya a lesson in the future, right?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi said directly: "Okay, and, this time, all the expenses for our mission trip..."

"I've packed it, these are small things!"

Hearing this sentence, Zilai also suddenly showed a smile, but this smile disappeared after a while.

"I want to know everything about Orochimaru, what is his relationship with the mysterious organization, and what is his relationship with Konoha."

"I have already said about the relationship with Konoha. He is now Konoha's pawn, a knife, and a person who is sheltered by us."

Uchiha Qi tapped the table lightly, as if he was organizing the language, and then he slowly said: "As for my relationship with Orochimaru, the relationship between Orochimaru and the mysterious organization, it will take some time to filter it out.

My relationship with Orochimaru starts from the first time I and Kenta Imai discovered Orochimaru's stronghold..."

Since you plan to say it, you don't have to hide it, it just happens to let Kakashi understand something.

Anyway, when they go back this time, they may go to consult Minato Namifeng, even if he said that the two of them will do so.

Therefore, it is more sincere to be more direct.

Uchiha Qi said in great detail, from the first time he raided Orochimaru, the second time Orochimaru left a gift and left.

Until the third time when Uchiha Kai detected the special situation of Kiriyin and set off directly, and the last few times that Orochimaru found him and provided information, everything was said.

Of course, he didn't talk about his separate transaction with Orochimaru.

Neither Uchiha Kai nor Orochimaru would say those contents, nor would they admit these things!

When Uchiha Qi finished talking about these things, Jiraiya was a little stunned, as if he had not recovered.

For a long time, he stared blankly at Uchiha Kai, and then pointed at him with a trembling finger: "Misty.... Is it really you who made it?"

"Ah, didn't you say it?" Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "The result of the mission was almost exposed, so the mysterious organization was just blamed."

"Yun Yin, this time it's you again?" Zi Lai also swallowed, his voice trembling.

"Otherwise? Didn't you listen to me carefully?" Uchiha Kai shook his head.

"What about the Nine Tails?"

"Familiarity is familiarity, slander has to pay a price. Besides, I'm not that familiar with you yet, be careful I'll let you go to Konoha Prison!"

"No, you little brat, why are you like a monster? Or..."

"You Uchihas are all monsters?"


Whether the Uchiha clan is a monster is uncertain, because the physique of people cannot be generalized.

Look at the ancestor Indra, look at Uchiha Madara, can the current Uchiha family be on a par with them?

Not to mention those monster-like guys, as far as Uchiha Kai is concerned, for the entire Uchiha, he is also a super monster.

He has the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and he is about to have the eternal kaleidoscope. This kind of achievement may not be comparable to those guys in the past.

But in this era, he can also sweep.

At least now, I am afraid that no one is his opponent.

At least now, not the big era in the future.

After Jiraiya knew these things, the whole person was a little confused, and now he didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed.

Happily, Namikaze Minato has grown, and he has become more and more like Hokage.

At the same time, he was also happy that a smart and exaggerated guy like Uchiha Kai appeared in Konoha to assist Namikaze Minato.

But he was also a little disappointed in his heart. Although Minato Naikaze still maintains his original intention, this matter has already been verified in Konoha.

But Namikaze Minato's approach has changed now. He doesn't seem to include the entire ninja world in his eyes, but concentrates on transforming Konoha.

It is true that transforming Konoha first is also a good choice to radiate the entire ninja world through Konoha's influence.

However, in this process, in order to make their plans to be implemented smoothly.

He can already indifferently use other people's lives as a bargaining chip to promote his own reform and development.

This is an unprecedented coldness and indifference!

If the face is an enemy, then such a mentality is naturally no problem.

Jiraiya is also a person who has experienced war, and he will not be soft-hearted towards the enemy, just like Minato Namikaze.

But some people are really not necessarily enemies, such as the village of fog hidden, they have already stopped the war with Konoha.

Some even become enemies, and in some ways it is completely their indulgence.

Just like Yun Yin.

It is true that Yun Yin was not at ease. They wanted to use Konoha's position in the ninja world to show their power, and they misestimated Konoha's strength.

But if he showed his power early in the morning, would Yun Yin still have such thoughts?

Well, this was originally a refutation, and Jiraiya himself couldn't completely convince himself.

His heart is very complicated now, really complicated, and in the end he can only sigh leisurely.

"Can't you figure it out?" Uchiha Qi looked at Jiraiya's appearance and couldn't help shaking his head: "You know? Your current state is very similar to the original Minato captain. He has asked me more than once, he and you. Can your dream really come true?"

"Oh?" Zilai was also stunned, and then he forced a smile: "How did you convince him?"

"I told him that it is impossible for people to understand each other peacefully and to communicate with each other."

Uchiha Qi looked at Jiraiya flatly: "In Konoha Village, do you think the conflict between civilian ninjas and family ninjas is easy to resolve?

In the entire ninja world, the development of various regions is unbalanced. For their own development and interests, villages and countries will inevitably seek more. War is just a means to obtain benefits.

I ask you, is it wrong to launch such a war for the development and future of the village? "


Zilai also hesitated, and finally he said helplessly: "From the perspective of the village, yes, if the village does not develop, the ninjas in the village will have no future development at all.

Standing on the invaded country and village, this is wrong, because they did not provoke others, and others want to take his things, this is harming their own interests..."

Having said that, Jiraiya himself stopped.

It is indeed not a simple matter for people to communicate and understand each other, because they do not have a peer-to-peer platform at all.

Since everyone is not equal and unequal, then face-to-face communication?

How to understand each other?

Seeing Jiraiya's silence, Uchiha Qi patted his simple, and then said softly: "Go back to Konoha and take a good look, and also communicate with Captain Minato, Captain Minato is already a qualified Hokage, and I also told him my answer."

Speaking of Uchiha Kai ignored Jiraiya.

However, he gave Kakashi a look, let him look at Jiraiya, and then walked out.

Imai Kenta glanced at Uchiha Kai, he thought about it and whispered to the unfamiliar Uchiha Obito to let him stay, then stood up and followed out.

He still has a lot of things he wants to figure out. If it wasn't for this guy, Jiraiya, he probably already knew the answer by now.

"Is it okay to tell him like this?" Imai Kenta followed Uchiha's footsteps to the top of the building, and he sat directly next to Uchiha's side: "In this way, there will be more people who know your secret."

"Even if I don't say it, Minato Namikaze will say something obscure in the end, so that he can guess the whole picture."

Uchiha Qi sighed, and then lay directly on the roof: "It's not too bad to see Jiraiya's analytical ability, he is strong.

And don't underestimate the relationship between Namikaze Minato and him, their relationship is too deep.

Instead of keeping it secret, it's better to tell him directly, it can also express some of my sincerity, right? "

"Aren't you afraid of his big mouth?" Kenta Imai imitated Kei Uchiha and lay on the roof a little funny: "Well, when I said something nonsense, Jiraiya's ninja qualities are still very reliable."

"Ah, yes." Uchiha Kai looked at the stars in the sky.

In his mind, he recalled that Jiraiya singled out six Payne to collect information, and passed them back to Konoha when he died.

"It is indeed a guy with first-class ninja quality, even if he looks extremely unreliable."

"Is it lustful, who doesn't know this guy. Let's not talk about him, how is the situation on Orochimaru?"

"Orochimaru, this guy is a little interesting..."


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