This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 459: Just by him?

The Fourth Raikage got up early in the morning, and he went directly to a wood next to Yunyin Camp and started exercising.

What happened in this period of time made him feel very bad.

First, he lost to Uchiha Fugaku twice in a row on the battlefield, and caused both raids to fail.

Then he also got the news that the earth platform seemed to be found, and it was confirmed.

In the end, his younger brother Chibi pulled up and was calculated by the three generations of Hokage.

Even if that old immortal guy is really going to die now, he still pulled at least 1,300 Yun Ren to go on the road together!

His younger brother is still in a very bad mood now, and he seems to be still blaming himself for his choice.

But the only good news is that it seems that because of this incident, his younger brother has become a lot more mature.

Although he was in a low mood, the fourth Raikage could see that his younger brother's eyes were full of hatred.

He wants revenge, he wants revenge like Konoha.

Hatred has always been a good medicine for growth, although this good medicine can also become the poison of falling into darkness.

But as long as it is well controlled, so that people can see hope and feel love, then it will only be a good medicine!

"Although the loss is huge, it is not a big deal strictly speaking."

The fourth Raikage punched out, and the sound of breaking the sky suddenly echoed around.

"A perfect Ya-Tai people will be better when he becomes more mature. His value will completely surpass the loss of more than 1,000 people! As long as he can grow up."

Although such an idea is very cold-blooded, it must be admitted that the strength of the human pillar is really too important, especially a perfect human pillar.

Once they have completely exploded their own power, it is not a problem to easily destroy a small country!

Kirabi's character has some problems from beginning to end.

As his older brother, the fourth Raikage, it is clear that he always felt that such a character would be a drag on Kirabi.

But he didn't take it too seriously before, because before that, he really never met an opponent like Uchiha Fuyue who made him helpless.

In his heart, his younger brother will be handed over to him for protection, and it is also a good thing to let his younger brother live carefree all the time.

But reality gave him a cruel slap, and he was a little anxious now.

He was worried that the conscience and indecision in his younger brother's heart would cause big problems!

This time, more than a thousand ninjas were killed, and in order to meet hundreds of ninjas, they gave up completely killing and destroying the troops behind the enemy.

What about next time?

Such a thing, the fourth generation of Raikage does not want to happen.

"I can only find a way to guide him now, and everything depends on him."

The fourth Raikage retracted his fist, and the next moment he threw out another punch. A big tree in the distance was directly broken by his fist wind!

"The backup troops should be arriving soon. There are about 2,000 people here this time. I really didn't expect to invest such a large-scale army. We must find a way to end this war as soon as possible!"

This time, Yun Ren has invested nearly 10,000 ninjas for the war.

Excluding those who had died and those who were sent back to the rear with serious injuries, the number of ninjas still on the front line was always more than 8,000.

To be honest, the fourth Raikage is really aggrieved now, because their strategic actions can't be carried out at all.

The long logistics troop transportation, and Uchiha Fuyue on the front line forcibly blocked their entry channel, so that they can't enter the country of fire at all now.

It's been almost three months since they started fighting, and they can only fight for strategic points back and forth on the long and narrow battle line within more than ten kilometers, and they can't make any progress!

It can only be said that Konoha really deserves to be one enemy and four, and successfully defended the Ninja Village of his home.

Squad-to-squad clashes break out every day now, and the long forest has almost become a meat grinder for their two armies.

If it goes on like this, the ghost knows when the fight will last!

"When the backup troops arrive, attack the Konoha camp directly!" The fourth Raikage looked a little ruthless.

"I dispatched with Kirabi to give him a chance to vent, and at the same time let my troops enter the country of fire!"

Although Uchiha Fugaku is terrible, it seems that he is the only one on the front line of Konoha now.

He doesn't know if the commander has been decided within Konoha, but he knows it should be soon.

According to information, Konoha has held two conferences.

And what makes Raikage four generations interesting is that the guy at Namikaze Minato actually intends to **** more power from the family ninja.

And in order to consolidate and stabilize his position, he actually attracted those civilian ninjas.

This approach made him feel funny, but also extremely vigilant in his heart.

As a shadow, he naturally hopes that his Ninja village can develop better.

But the ninja family is the cornerstone of a ninja village. Are you really afraid of trouble?

Although there is a war to transfer conflicts, but you lost the war, have you considered your consequences?

Even if you win, those clan ninjas come back to their senses, do you think those civilian ninjas can really compare to them?

Shaking his head, the fourth generation of Raikage didn't bother to care about Konoha, this Ninja Village, naturally, the weaker the better!

"Forget it, I may not be in the mood today, so let's go back."

After exercising at random, the fourth Raikage felt that he lacked interest, so he stopped decisively.

In his mind now, everything is about the surprise attack on Konoha Camp by the large army.

Even if he knew that his surprise attack was coming, it would definitely turn into a frontal attack because of those **** white eyes.

But his current injury has basically recovered, and he has basically obtained information on Uchiha Fuyue.

With an angry Kirabi to cooperate with him, he didn't think there would be any problem.

Only when he just took a step, he suddenly stopped.

Turning his head, he frowned.

Because not far from him, there were three guys in black robes and strange vortex masks, standing on a tree not far away.

This kind of dress, that unique vortex mask, seemed to make him think of something at once.

It seems that according to the information, the night of the Konoha nine tails is artificial.

And the people who caused all this are dressed like this, in addition to the things that broke out in Wuyin Village, it seems to have something to do with them!

"Who are you?" Although he had already guessed in his heart, the Fourth Raikage quietly asked, "Why did you appear in Yun Yin's position, courting death?"

"Are we?" A short-haired guy with a swirl mask took a step forward.

His voice sounded so hoarse and deep, as if he had crawled out of hell!

"We're here to find the Yatai people, you are the fourth Raikage, right? It's interesting, we don't want to fight you, so..."

"Can you give us the power of the Yatai people?"


Can you give us the power of the Yatai people?

This sentence was very calm and light, but it suddenly roared like thunder in the ears of the fourth generation of Raikage.

Are these guys running here for the sake of Renzhuli?

Or in other words, for those in Ren Zhuli, the tailed beast with terrifying chakra!

The face of the fourth generation of Raikage became a little gloomy. From Konoha to Wuyin, have these guys set their sights on Yunyin's side now?

The fourth generation of Raikage really did not expect that these guys disappeared for a year or two, but they appeared again.

Although judging from their actions, it seems that they did not put Zhu Li's life in danger, but thinking about it carefully seems to be better luck!

Didn't the nine-tailed person Zhuli almost die, because the nine-tailed was released, and there was only one fate that broke away from the tailed orc Zhuli.

And Sanwei is probably lucky, but he was also controlled by the illusion, and then launched a large-scale attack on his own troops.

The interval between these two attacks was only a few months. Is it because they felt that they were doing things too high-profile, so they stopped temporarily?

Or did they spend all this time studying the Chakra of the Tailed Beast, and now they are starting to collect the Chakra of the Tailed Beast?

Thinking of this, the Fourth Raikage suddenly felt a little dangerous.

Because Kirabi was brought out by him, even if there were many powerful ninja guards around him.

But these guys in front of me are probably not afraid of the huge number of ninjas.

Because there is also a Uchiha ninja among them, who can cast the same color and powerful chakra giant as that Uchiha Kai!

But thinking of this, the fourth generation of Raikage moved slightly in his heart.

Although he is not sure who this guy is more powerful than Uchiha Fuyue, but you don't prevent him from trying!

Uchiha Fuyue took him into such a big trouble, but he also found a way to deal with it.

Now he decided to use the three people in front of him to try his own judgment!

Thinking of this, the fourth Raikage showed a sneer: "Want the eight-tailed man Zhuli?"

"Well." The black masked ninja who took the lead nodded casually: "If you can hand it over, I can help you attack Konoha's frontal troops."

"Ha." The sneer on the Fourth Raikage's face became more and more intense.

Suddenly, a huge chakra erupted from his whole body, and his hair stood up like a Saiyan transformed!

In an instant, his figure has completely disappeared, and he was already behind this black masked man in one appearance!

"I need your help? Die!"


The black masked man sighed lightly, his eyes had already turned scarlet as early as the fourth Raikage burst out with huge chakra.

The weird pattern with a looming double image had already appeared in his eyes.

The terrifying speed of the Fourth Raikage suddenly slowed down. If he was like a bolt of lightning just now, he can only be regarded as a normal speed now!

Gently bowing his head, avoiding the arm with the thunder light, he kicked out the fourth Raikage with one kick!


Fourth Raikage's body was thrown out like a cannonball, and he scratched a deep mark on the ground.

I don't know how many trees and rocks were hit, and he was smashed into pieces.

Huge smoke and dust scattered all over the sky, and countless birds were startled by him and flew into the air in a panic.

"Qi, you won't kick him to death with this kick, will you?" At this moment, another man in black asked playfully, "In this case, it seems that we don't need to fight anymore."

"Not dead, is there something wrong with your perception, Kenta?" Uchiha Qi said flatly: "Also, his physical fitness is not that bad. Also, change your voice, I don't want to be surprised."

The three men in black are naturally Uchiha Kai, Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya.

They set off early this morning and arrived after killing several Yun Ren teams along the way.

It's just that they themselves are a bit incredible, because they actually bumped into the fourth Raikage.

Now that you have encountered it, you can also save some things.

But Uchiha Kai is a little surprised that this fourth-generation Raikage seems to be really strong.

The speed just now was really beyond his cognition.

If he hadn't sensed something was wrong, he would have used 'Back of Time' to forcibly slow down this guy.

I'm afraid that at that moment, I'm going to hit out my Susanoo.

In addition, it is the first time that Uchiha Kai has met a ninja covered by the "Retrospect of Time", and his performance is comparable to that of a normal ninja.

He still maintains a certain speed and mobility!

Unfortunately, Uchiha Kai is not a normal ninja, and almost all the normal ninjas who died in his hands were killed by him.

"This guy's physical fitness is really exaggerated." Uchiha Kaixin thought to himself.

When he stepped down just now, he actually felt that his feet were a little You must know that he was in a constant speed state, but the other party was in a super high speed state, and the force he received was also different.

But at that moment, he felt as if he had kicked a steel plate.

And that guy was kicked by himself at super high speed, but he didn't die, and it wasn't even an injury.

This kind of physical fitness really makes him envious.

"Your Excellency the Fourth Raikage, you don't look very good." Although Kai Uchiha was full of thoughts, but when the smoke gradually dissipated, he spoke directly.

"Because of your rash move, I decided to hand over the power of the eight-tailed people to me, and I won't kill you. What do you think?"

"Go dream!" The fourth Raikage roared angrily, but he didn't dare to act rashly now.

In the state of full strength, the opponent directly grabbed the trajectory of the action, and then kicked it!

This guy is not Uchiha Fuyue who basically has no physical ability, this guy is even more terrifying!

"Is that so?" Uchiha Kai's tone sounded a little disappointed, and then he turned his head.

"Brown, White, you guys go in and find Zhuri Yatai, I'll make up with you after I get rid of this guy."



Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya almost rolled their eyes when they heard his name.

However, they all controlled their emotions very well, and Hyuga Aya said directly: "Ah, hurry up, black. Don't play too much, and you will die here."

"Don't worry." Uchiha Qi smiled slightly: "As for wanting me to die, it's not that no one can't do it, but..."

"Just rely on him? Let's forget it..."



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