This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 439: people outside the leaves

Gently tossing the blood on the cut jade, and looking at the Yun Ninjas lying on the ground, Uchiha Kai shook his head slightly.

These guys really can't pose any threat to him.

Especially when he is serious, even if the number of these cloud ninjas far exceeds his, but they can't pose any threat to him at all.

With a slight sigh, Uchiha Qi directly took Kiriyu back into his scabbard, and Hyuga Aya will let all the people from the security department come down.

None of these members of the Guard seems to have recovered, because they still feel as if they are in a dream.

Too strong, Uchiha Kai's performance is too strong.

Faced with thirteen opponents alone, it was such an understatement that the entire battle had not even reached three minutes.

And within these three minutes, Uchiha Kai had killed almost all of these guys, leaving only one earthen platform that fell miserably to the ground.

This guy was saved by Uchiha Kai, but it was just an illusion.

Although those guys' voices were so small, Uchiha Kei couldn't hear what they were saying.

But with the wheel-shattering eye, he can almost know the meaning just by looking at his mouth shape.

It can only be said that these Yun Ren are really unlucky, and they met this guy Uchiha Kai.

Likewise, the members of these guards are now looking a little unlucky.

They had come to fight, and it took them hours to get here, and they ended up doing nothing.

Instead, they watched a three-minute Uchiha Kai solo show, and in the end they were going to collect the corpse.

"Are they the ones who went to make trouble inside Konoha?"

Hyuga Aya was the only person in the security unit who remained calm. She walked to Kai Uchiha and looked at the corpses all over the floor suspiciously.

"Damn, are you too strong or they are too weak, guys like you are so easy to make people wrong."

"Really? Then I'm really sorry." Uchiha Kai shook his head with a smile.

"Actually, they are not bad. The only pity is that he restrained them too much. In other words, the ninja whose main ability is taijutsu is restrained by me when they encounter me."

Hyuga Aya was a little unhappy when she heard this, but she didn't refute Uchiha Kai.

Although she was very upset, she also had to admit that Kai Uchiha's words were correct.

Think about it, wasn't it easy for Uchiha Kai to solve the original Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Rigami?

Although there are many Yun Ninjas now, Uchiha Kai has never been a guy who is afraid of many people.

I'm afraid the more people there are, the more he can show his strength, right?

"Although I am very dissatisfied, I have to say that it seems to be the case." Hyuga Aya sighed, and then her eyes turned to Tutai: "What do you do with this guy? Is he the commander?"

"Probably, I seem to have read his report." Uchiha Qi touched his chin.

"The name seems to be Tutai, and he also has some status in Yunyin Village. It's not impossible for this guy to die here, but he can exchange more benefits, so we don't need to refuse, right?"

This guy Tutai, Uchiha Kai actually has no influence.

But through the description of Orochimaru, and the ball-like **** ninjutsu just now, he seemed to remember it.

This guy seems to be the guy who protected Naruto's shadow clone in the original book.

In addition, this guy seems to have an unusually close relationship with the third generation of Raikage, and even trained the fourth generation of Hokage and the eight tails.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai will basically not kill Tutai directly.

Just like what he said, it's not impossible for this guy to die.

Because his death will bring a heavy blow to Yun Yin's morale.

But such a blow is only a one-off, and even in the hands of experienced and capable people, they can completely use Tutai's death to make Yun Ren's morale bottom out.

Therefore, it is better to bring back Konoha directly, and then use some special techniques to dig out the secrets in his heart.

Finally, I was thinking about how to use him in the war between Konoha and Yunyin to get more benefits.

Standing at different levels, the way the questions are asked will be different.

If it was before, Uchiha Kai would definitely cut off this guy's head, or just set fire to it.

That saves time and trouble.

But no, as a superior, he must consider all aspects.

What he needs now is not just in his own interests, but also in the interests of the same camp where he stands.

Thanks to the hard work of the members of the security department, they quickly collected eleven corpses, and then they returned to Konoha Village with Kai Uchiha.

It was just twelve o'clock in the middle of the night when they returned to Konoha.

After briefly explaining the situation, Kai Uchiha let everyone disband.

It's too late now, plus they've been on a mission for almost a whole day, and everyone looks very tired.

Even if they didn't make a move, it was still a day's journey.

Let these guys take Yun Ren's body to the security department for inspection, and at the same time instruct them to keep an eye on the soil platform and not let this guy have any accidents, and then he left here.

After a good night's rest, he came to Hokage's office early the next morning.

Namikaze Minato had already been looking at the documents inside, and he was probably the most tiring person during this time.

"Ki-kun?" Minato Namifeng also looked at him in surprise: "So early? By the way, I heard that you went to stop those Yun Ren intruders yesterday, have you found anything now?"

"Ah, in fact, the task was completed yesterday, but it was too late, so I came to report now."

Uchiha Ki nodded: "But Captain Minato, shouldn't you stay here for the night, right? Maybe Naruto and Kushina Junin will be very dissatisfied with you?"

"How is that possible, I came here with Flying Thunder God." Minato Minato Minato smiled and shook his head.

"There are seals I arranged in the office, and a lot of good news has come back recently. However, let's talk about your situation first, have you caught them?"

While talking, Namikaze Minato put a report down in front of Uchiha Kai.

However, he covered the report and looked at Uchiha Kai with a smile on his face, obviously wanting Uchiha Kai to tell his situation first.

It can be seen that he seems to be in a good mood now, maybe there is some good news from the front line?

Although Yun Ren did not take Yun Ren too seriously, Namikaze Minato was still under a lot of pressure.

For example, casualties and the like are all things he needs to face...


"Not bad, good news."

Seeing Minato Namikaze like this, Kei Uchiha also showed a smile.

He doesn't know how the front line is going, but he knows that it seems like there should be good progress for Minato Namikaze to show such a state?

It's just that it's not clear whether Uchiha Fugaku performed well, or Sarutobi Hiizan did something extraordinary.

Uchiha Qi is naturally hope, Uchiha Fuyue has extraordinary gains, because this guy has an eternal kaleidoscope of writing wheels.

"Just yesterday, I got an unexpected piece of information." Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi said directly: "The source of the information.... I also ask Captain Minato to forgive me, it's Orochimaru."

"Orochimaru...?" Minato Namikaze was obviously stunned when he heard the name, but then he nodded.

"It's no wonder that Teacher Jiraiya can't be found. It turns out that he is now in the country of fire. Is there any connection between the two of you?"

"It's not really a connection. I once asked him to help me find something, and I will also provide him with the whereabouts of Lord Jiraiya."

Uchiha Qi thought for a while, and slightly revised some places to say the existence of Orochimaru.

"He's having a headache right now with Lord Jiraiya's pursuit, and he doesn't seem to have the idea of ​​returning to Konoha. However, if Captain Minato wants me to do something..."

"Is that so?" Minato Namikaze held his chin with one hand and thought for a while, and then he said, "Let's talk about it first, let's see what happened."

It can be seen that Namikaze Minato seems to be hesitant, and Uchiha Kai seems to be able to guess his thoughts.

However, Uchiha Qi couldn't tell what he was thinking. If it was the same as what Uchiha Qi thought, then the use value of Orochimaru would be greatly enhanced.

However, this matter still needs to make the final decision of Namikaze Minato.

Uchiha Qi didn't hide anything, he directly sent a snake to Orochimaru to find him and started talking about it. As for their part of the deal, he didn't hide it either.

Namikaze Minato had seen him do his best, so he didn't mind saying such things.

And this kind of transaction is in line with Orochimaru's character, or it can more appropriately create an image of this guy's heart is Konoha.

Anyway, in the psychology of Namifeng Minato and Jiraiya, isn't Orochimaru such an image?

Sure enough, after Namikaze Minato listened to Uchiha Kai's narration, he couldn't help falling into silence, and then he showed a dumbfounded expression.

"That is to say, those Yun Ren chose to take a detour because they were too careful, and it happened that they installed the Orochimaru that was going to complete your commission in the country of fire?"

Namikaze Minato asked amusingly: "And then Orochimaru simply found a reason to give you this information?"

"Yes, so..." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "I took care of thirteen of them, including the commander, and the identity of this commander is also very interesting."

"Oh?" Minato Namikaze was a little curious: "Who is their commander? Also, how did you deal with them?"

"I killed everyone except the commander." Uchiha Qi said flatly: "As for their commander, I stayed, and now they should be detained in the prison of the Ministry of Guards, that guy's name, It's called Tutai."


Hearing this name, Namikaze Minato suddenly looked at Uchiha Kai in disbelief. As Hokage, how could he not know what this name stands for?

He really didn't expect that Yun Yin's side was so generous, and he actually sent this guy here.

However, if this guy really enters Konoha, then the consequences and impact of the consequences and the impact may be feared by Minato, but fortunately, this guy is really unlucky.

I don't know if it was an intelligence leak or something else, he didn't act according to the predetermined plan at all, and even took a long detour for this.

But the day didn't go as expected, and he was unlucky enough to bump into Orochimaru.

With this big fish, many things can be made simple and clear.

Namikaze Minato has already started to think about how to make a fuss about this guy and get more information and intelligence.

Of course, there is one more thing that needs to be taken care of before that.

"Very good, I will send the people from Anbu to the interrogation class." Minato Namifeng thought for a while and said, "Of course, if you want to interrogate Qi-jun yourself, then you can..."

"Forget it, I interrogated a guy before, and he died immediately. I don't want to come here again."

Kai Uchiha shook his head decisively: "I'll let Rizai send him to the interrogation class later, so that the Anbu people can relax."

"Yeah, that's fine too." Minato Minato Namikaze nodded, but then his voice began to lower: "As for Orochimaru, what do you think of Qi-jun?"

"What do I think?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head, and then said: "This depends on the judgment of Captain Minato, but personally, my thoughts are more inclined to keep him in the current state, Free from the leaves."

Uchiha Kai's words made Minato Minato nod slightly. He did have similar considerations, but he hadn't made up his mind yet.

But now I hear that Uchiha Kai also seems to have such a plan, so it seems to prove that some of his ideas coincide with Uchiha Kai.

Indeed, Orochimaru is free from If he continues to maintain such a state, then it will be an excellent choice for Konoha.

He is too dangerous, and at the same time his strength is too strong.

The most important thing is, what kind of rebound this guy will cause when he returns to Konoha, Namikaze Minato can't guarantee it.

He didn't worry about whether Orochimaru would compete with himself for the position of Hokage after Orochimaru came back.

He has been in the position of Hokage for more than two years, and his mind is very clear. Even if Orochimaru comes back, there is basically no chance.

What he is worried about is only the matter involved in Orochimaru, whether it will cause various problems inside Konoha, after all, Orochimaru has really done some experiments.

Regardless of whether he was doing it for his own convenience, even if he only considered obeying orders, his hands were stained with the innocent blood of his fellow villagers.

This matter will not be so easy to pass, even if you show your magnanimity, it is not in such a situation.

This guy seems to be thinking about Konoha in his current state, and he can help Konoha to do a lot of things that Konoha can't do, and it's not easy to start.

This kind of existence is really very necessary, which is more practical than the so-called roots.

"Then, Qi-Jun should maintain this kind of contact with Orochimaru." Thinking of this, Minato Namikaze's voice became even lower: "However, Qi-Jun, you also have a mission."

"I understand, Captain Minato." Uchiha Qi smiled slightly: "I will keep an eye on him, at least I won't let him have any thoughts about the people in the same village, if he has any dangerous thoughts... "

Having said that, Uchiha Qi listened to it, and Namikaze Minato also nodded, and everything was silent...



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