Telling a garrison ninja that Konoha dispatched two brigades may seem a little unreasonable.

But Uchiha Fuyue doesn't care about this at all, because his own position is enough.

And he also needs to give these, the ninjas guarding the front line some hope.

They arrived at the camp during the day, so after a good afternoon's rest, they set off again.

For a ten-kilometer journey, for a ninja, it really takes less than twenty minutes to arrive at full speed.

The arrival of Uchiha Fuyake immediately relieved the pressure on the Konoha ninjas stationed on the front line.

After all, the Yun Ren they faced was an army of more than 8,000 people.

There are only 2,000 ninjas stationed by them themselves. With such a huge gap, no matter who they are, they will feel panic in their hearts.

Uchiha Fugaku met the commander of this front line, a member of the Nara clan.

After this member of the Nara clan learned about Uchiha Fugaku and their configuration, they immediately handed over the command to him.

Of course, Uchiha Fuyue did not completely take away his command, but invited him to serve as his deputy.

Uchiha Fuyue is still well aware that his ability and level may really need the help of others.

And he knows better that one of the biggest reasons why he can lead the team to the front line is his strength.

What he needs to do the most is actually to deal with the crazy Fourth Raikage and the eight-tailed man Zhuri.

To be honest, Uchiha Fuyue still has some worries in his heart, after all, he doesn't know what step he can do.

"Fortunately, Hokage-sama still gave me some preparations."

When resting at night, Uchiha Fuyue touched the kunai in his ninja bag, which reassured him a lot.

This Kunai is naturally the mark of Fei Lei Shen, which was given to him by Uchiha Kai before he set off. Of course, this was also approved by Namikaze Minato.

With this kunai, he also got a lot of safety protection virtually.

Maybe Minato Namikaze couldn't go to the battlefield himself to cooperate with him, but it would be perfectly fine to help him move to a safe place.

What's more, with this suffering, you can still bring Uchiha Kai, who is now in Konoha!

This is the most important point. After so long of preparation, the rumors spread in the village have already exerted the effect they should have.

Coupled with the secret cooperation of Minato Namikaze, many ninjas know that the mysterious Uchiha who attacked Kiriyin Village used Susanoo in black.

Coincidentally, this is the same color that Uchiha Kai uses.

With the foreshadowing of these rumors, and Uchiha Fugaku's intentional or unintentional disclosure of the statement that "the color of Susanoo is random, and there is a high probability of the same color appearing".

In the end, there is Namifeng Minato to endorse him, and to some extent, it has helped Uchiha Kai and that mysterious Uchiha to be distinguished.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai can really have a limit and show it in front of Konoha Ninja.

By the way, you can also try to use the shadow clone to perform on Yun Ren.

It's just that it's completely unreliable to hope that Uchiha Kai will go to the battlefield, because he obviously has more important things to do on his side.

Therefore, Uchiha Fuyue should face these two guys alone for the time being.

He knew that his task was very heavy, and he needed to show his strength and forcibly suppress the scale of the current battle.

Sighing slightly, Uchiha Fuyue closed his eyes and quickly fell into sleep.

Uchiha Fuyue himself is indeed very tired, no matter how strong he is, he will feel tired, especially with such a rapid march.

On the contrary, dealing with the ninjutsu used by Yun Ren did not cost him much energy and physical strength.


After Uchiha Fugaku and Sarutobi Hiizaki set off, Uchiha Kai also spent a few days to arrange the work.

After all, Konoha is too big, and the police department is relatively scarce.

But fortunately, Fu Jiyong Tai and Uchiha Asahi are doing okay in their new positions.

Presumably they already have relevant work experience, so after a few days of adaptation, they can easily navigate their current jobs.

As for the missing manpower due to going to the battlefield, Uchiha Kai can only let the members of the security department who stay in Konoha do more heavy work.

At the same time, he did the same as before the Nine-Tails Incident when the prison was short of people. He hired a lot of young Genin who couldn't go to the battlefield to help.

These little guys can't go to the battlefield now, it's their luck.

If it was the era of Uchiha Kai, I am afraid they would not have such good luck.

It took him a lot of time to arrange these messy things.

Fortunately, there is no news from the front line yet.

It is precisely because there is no news from the front line that Uchiha Qi has time to sort out other things.

Because the front line has not officially started, the natural attraction is not so strong.

After the official exchange of fire on the front line, the eyes of the entire Konoha people are involved, and some things can be carried out.

"Is it here?"

However, the fact that there is no complete war on the front line does not mean that he has nothing to do.

The Security Department, together with Anbu and Genbu, is going to clean up the Yunyin spies in the village, which has been in progress.

It's just that because of the participation of three generations of Hokage before this incident, and Uchiha Kai's unwillingness to show too much, it has always been Anbu's dominance.

But things are different now, and Kakashi seems more willing to let Uchiha lead the way.

And the three generations of Hokage are not in Konoha, at this moment no one can really say anything about him.

According to the information obtained by Anbu and Genbu, coupled with the tireless investigation of the Security Department, they found an intelligence station.

And this information station is in the forest more than ten kilometers away from Konoha Village. It is very hidden and very difficult to attract the attention of others.

The main reason for letting it enter the eyes of Anbu and Genji was because they noticed that some ninjas would take certain tasks at a fixed time.

The only thing that is not very fixed is the time to return to the village.

"Yes, according to the information, it should be here." Kakashi nodded.

"Unfortunately, the Hinata Ninja of Anbu tried to see the situation inside, but there was a seal that blocked the view.

And he has observed that letter eagles often fly out here, so there should be no problem. "

"Is that so?"

Uchiha Ki nodded, and then his eyes involuntarily turned to the small wooden house whose outline could be vaguely seen in the distance.

"I'm afraid there are a lot of arrangements near them, but since we're here to arrest people directly..."

Having said this, Uchiha Kai paused for a while. Since he came to arrest people directly, he naturally wouldn't care about their arrangements.

Apart from being careful about some traps and detonating charms and the like, they don't need to care so much about other aspects!

Kakashi nodded slightly, as if he didn't have any opinion.

The Anbu behind him, and some clothes slightly different from their roots did not speak, obviously they did not have any decision-making power.

"In that case, let's act." Uchiha Qi twisted his neck slightly: "By the way, do you have any requests from Hokage-sama?"

"Hokage-sama said, keep as much as possible the manager's mouth, and do a good job of getting the information inside."

Kakashi pondered for a while and said, "But I think, I'm afraid there shouldn't be any information to get it. At that time, I still need Qi Jun's illusion to ensure that they don't die."

Indeed, this kind of intelligence ninja stationed in the heart of the enemy, I am afraid that their station will not leave too many intelligence letters, this is to prevent the enemy from checking them.

In order to avoid the strict inspection, they don't look like ninjas, but just some civilians or hunters or the like.

As for those data?

Naturally, there is no storage place, and it will be easier to use than your own brain.

Although there is also a huge risk in this, for example, in almost every big country's ninja village, there will be some specific groups or families who have mastered the secret technique of exploring the internal memory of the brain.

But every ninja village will develop some special techniques to prevent the leakage of this, such as spontaneous combustion techniques, or even more bizarre brain destruction techniques.

It is true that cutting off their heads directly before they cast these spells can also ensure that the information will stay.

However, doing so is also risky. Could the memory in a dead person's head be compared with that of a living person?

And when the brain stops functioning after death, some detectable memories will naturally become fragmented.

It is very troublesome to reorganize these memories, and it is precisely because of this that Minato Namikaze hopes to stay alive.

Illusion is an excellent means of control, and Uchiha Kai's illusion ability is an excellent existence in the eyes of others.

"Understood." Uchiha Kai smiled slightly.

Looking at the dense forest in front of him, he took a deep breath, and the next moment his eyes turned scarlet.

At this moment, all traces of chakra within his line of sight were revealed.

At this moment, Uchiha Kai jumped up directly, and then sprinted in the direction of the wooden house.

Kakashi raised his forehead and quickly followed in the footsteps of Uchiha Kai, and their subordinates quickly followed after the two set off.

This kind of raid can't give the enemy any reaction time.

Even if they are aware of it, they must not be allowed to commit suicide!

About a kilometer away, Uchiha Kai arrived in front of this wooden house in just a moment.

All the traps were avoided by him, and anything that affected Chakra could not be hidden in his eyes.

For him, such a trap simply does not exist!

The scarlet writing wheel glanced at the wooden house hidden in the forest, and the next moment he kicked open the door of the wooden house, and then rushed in directly.

Screams, one after another at this moment...


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