This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 392: Your futility is disappointing

Uchiha Kai folded his arms around his chest.

Having already ended the battle, he has time to take a good look at the battle between Aya Hyuga and Kakashi.

The progress of this woman Hyuga Aya is really remarkable, and the moves used by the monk Dilu are actually quite interesting.

Although Uchiha Kai can't remember the name, it seems to be related to Xianju and Qianshou.

This connection may just be a similarity in name, and he doesn't know exactly how, but it seems that it is the case at present.

Even when he wanted to use other techniques to deal with Hyuga Aya, he forced this woman to interrupt his Chakra operation.

As a result, he has now completely lost his combat effectiveness.

Hinata Aya also kept his hand, and Uchiha Qi could see that if this woman really wanted to kill, this monk named Dilu might already be dead.

On Kakashi's side, he almost showed overwhelming dominance.

He first took down the guy named Xidu, and then defeated Dongmao in the chase. The remaining Beizi and Nanwu were desperate.

But when Kakashi used his vision of the wheel to the extreme, and also showed his offensive methods to the extreme.

The two were ultimately overwhelmed and lost to Kakashi.

Five minutes, only less than five minutes.

The three Konoha ninjas defeated all the so-called guardian twelve ninjas!

And in this battle, they killed five people directly, and killed five people directly in front of the big name and them!

Complete rout, the gap is unimaginable.

Such words involuntarily appeared in the minds of the survivors and the daimyo.

Daimyo really didn't expect that Konoha's ninja would be so powerful and exaggerated.

The remaining guardian ninjas resented such a fighting environment and such despicable practices.

But they also recognized one thing, that is, they really want to be outside, and there is no big name to affect their environmental combat.

Their chances of victory are also very slim.

It's just that in such an environment, their failure can be delayed, and they will withdraw after the failure.

Essentially, nothing has changed.

"Qi.... Minister Qi."

Daimyo sat in his place, his body trembling uncontrollably, and his voice sounded very hoarse.

"You...don't be impulsive..."

"Actually, I've always been calm, but it was you, Your Excellency, who was impulsive."

Uchiha Qi glanced at everyone present, and finally his scarlet writing wheel eyes fell on Daimyo.

"If you ask me about what happened last night, I can ignore it, and I can ignore what you said just now, but you shouldn't forget what I said to you yesterday, Your Excellency."

The daimyo swallowed, and now he really felt like he was soaking wet behind him.

Uchiha Kai, this guy, shouldn't he really plan to destroy himself and let the queen support his son?

Looking at the ruthlessness and decisiveness of this guy's shot, it's really hard to say what kind of things this guy will do once he's ruthless.

Daimyo is quickly thinking about his current situation, and it is inevitable that it will be very bad.

So how can we reverse, or minimize the loss?

Looking left and right, Daimyo suddenly realized that Uchiha Kei had left Kazuma behind.

Obviously this guy is going to be brought back to Konoha, it is necessary whether he has collected the nine-tailed chakra or not!

This guy must have gone too far to attract Konoha's attention, right?

Daimyo thought bitterly in his heart that as for the guys who were biased towards Konoha, except for the missing person who was killed by Uchiha Qi in Kazuma Kou, the others were still alive.

So is Konoha planning to close them up?

"Minister Qi, this matter is definitely a misunderstanding."

Daimyo took a deep breath, he had already made up his mind, and he forced himself to stabilize his emotions.

"In order to make up for the loss caused this time, I will disband the guardian ninja, and I will also provide a supplement to Konoha, what do you think."

"The proposal is good." Uchiha Qi nodded, and then he showed some smiles: "But why do you think that we came here to do this kind of thing, just a misunderstanding?"

Having said that, Uchiha Qi took a step forward, and then grabbed Kazuma's neck.

Kazuma was kicked over by Uchiha Kai, and he didn't know why, but he still hasn't fully recovered.

Maybe he has recovered, but he is just bearing the burden of humiliation and intending to give Uchiha Kai a fatal blow.

But Uchiha Kai never gave his enemies any chance.

The moment he grabbed Hema's neck, a terrifying electric arc erupted from his left hand, and then stabbed directly into Hema's shoulder.


Before Hema could even react, he let out a scream, and his body froze completely.

Kakashi and Hyuga Aya also came to Uchiha Kai's side at this moment, and they didn't disturb Uchiha Kai's practice.

Hyuga Aya knows the whole situation, and Kakashi also understands part of it.

Therefore, they are more willing to see what Uchiha Kai intends to do, and to what extent they intend to push this matter.

"Actually, it's easy to give the answer if there is a misunderstanding."

Uchiha Qi slowly pulled out his left hand, and then his eyes turned to Di Lu and the others who were scattered around, with a look of sarcasm on his face.

"Aren't you missing one person? Did this guy tell you that he was killed by us?"

"It's really funny, you look down on yourself too much." Before they could answer, Uchiha Kai shook his head.

"To deal with you, I don't even need to make any excuses, a reason enough for everyone to trust is enough.

So why do I have to deal with a person alone? Is he too strong, or has he discovered my secret? "

Having said that, Uchiha Kai deliberately paused.

Of course he knew how vicious and unpleasant his words were.

But he just wanted to use these people to leave a deep imprint on the great name.

As for what these guardian ninjas will think, Uchiha Kai has not given too much consideration for the time being.

Because no matter how much you think about it, until this matter is completely resolved, everything is in vain.

Even the impression that Uchiha Kai left on them now is probably cruel, arrogant and ruthless.

"Minister Qi..." Da Ming opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

But after all, it is a big name, his thinking is still very clear, he immediately said: "Minister Qi, we are also wrong in this matter, but I think my proposal is very sincere, and I believe that the fourth generation of Hokage is not willing to put it. This matter is too big, and the country of fire still needs stability."

"What you mean, we are also wrong." Uchiha Kai showed a smile: "Ah, maybe it is. But before that, please ask Your Excellency Daimyo to look at this thing, and then make a judgment."

While speaking, Uchiha Kai directly took out a scroll and placed it in front of Kazuma.

He Ma, who had been strangled by his neck, had his pupils dilated the moment he saw this scroll.

How could he not recognize this scroll?

But why is this scroll here?

Is it a lie?

Or did this guy really find it?

But no matter what kind, Kazuma has an indescribable fear rippling in his heart.

At this time, Uchiha Kai released Kazuma and let him fall to the ground.

Open the scroll, and in an instant, orange chakra rippling throughout the room.

That kind of gloomy chakra filled with despair, anger, etc., a series of negative emotions entangles everyone.

Such a terrible chakra that makes people feel fear in the heart, only the chakra of the tailed beast can achieve such an effect, right?

"This.... this feeling..." Di Lu and the others couldn't help muttering to themselves.

Such a chakra and the expression with the horse just now, all of them explain one thing!

That is, this scroll is probably from Hema himself, and is it possible that the Chakra in this is really collected by Hema?

Di Lu and others really couldn't help thinking like this, but they just thought like this, and many things couldn't be concluded.

Because the nine tails are the existence of Konoha, if Konoha intends to use such means to force the daimyo to make some compromises, it is not impossible.

The performance of Uchiha Kai has explained to the greatest extent that they really don't put too much emphasis on the You are familiar with this feeling, right? "

Uchiha Qi didn't have the slightest idea of ​​resealing these chakras. He looked at Kazuma, who was paralyzed on the ground: "It's also embarrassing for you. It's hard for you to collect such dangerous things, right?"

"Nonsense!" He Ma said through gritted teeth.

His body was completely paralyzed, but under the conscious control of Kai Uchiha, the paralysis did not spread to his head.

"Really?" Uchiha Qi shook his head indifferently, and suddenly he asked curiously: "Your futileness is disappointing. When and where do you think I will discover this scroll? "

"How am I..." He Ma just wanted to answer stubbornly, but he stopped halfway through his words.

Suddenly, a wisp of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Uchiha Kai and these people only arrived yesterday, and yesterday there were great rumors in the capital of the country of fire.

Is it these rumors that led Kubogo to look for his stuff.

Therefore, this guy died in his hands!

He suddenly wondered if Uchiha Kai did this on purpose.

They probed their own information in advance and understood the character of each guardian ninja.

Analyze what kind of actions they will make, and then deliberately wait for the fish to take the bait?

if it is like this....

Kazuma's paralyzed body has begun to tremble uncontrollably.

If this is the case, then the opponents they face are too terrifying!

And his dream may only end here, because his fate is already doomed....



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