This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 327: terrifying destructive power

Kai Uchiha didn't want to use such extreme pressure to force the Hyuga clan to make a choice.

But the situation of the Hinata clan is indeed very different from the Uchiha clan he controls.

In the Uchiha clan, except for the patriarch, he has the most power.

It can be seen that he and Uchiha Fuyake jointly controlled the Uchiha family.

The original Uchiha Shin was indeed very powerful.

But following Uchiha Ki's visit, the bamboo forest in the back mountain lit up with raging flames.

This not only announced the collapse of a powerful force within the Uchiha clan, but also meant the rise of another, more formidable character.

Although there are still guys like Uchiha, who hold some of the rights.

But this group of people, as the Uchiha family gets better and better, I am afraid they don't need Uchiha to activate the hand, they have already shown a trend of 'obedience'.

The most typical representative is that they revealed the information of Uchiha Shisui.

Originally, Uchiha Kei was still thinking about when to clean them up.

But now it seems that this kind of thing doesn't need to be done, because their interior has collapsed on their own.

Ask Aya Hyuga to pass a message to the Hinata clan, and Uchiha Kai doesn't need to worry about the rest. Anyway, it's not necessarily him who will lose.

Originally, Kei Uchiha was moved by Hyuga's promise to Hizu, but with Nara Shikahisa's active dialogue today, many things seem a little less important.

Although it would be a good thing to have the support of the Hinata clan, but now this matter is a bit tasteless for Kai Uchiha.

Even if Uchiha Fuyake makes a choice, he will know how he should choose.

Giving the Hyuga clan three days to think about it is already a great deal of face for Uchiha Kai.

Otherwise, it's not impossible for him to give them one day to make a decision directly.

But such extreme pressure is too unsympathetic.

Pressure is an attitude and a skill, and he will give Hinata leeway.

But it will never condone them, making them feel that they really depend on their support.

After communicating with Aya Hyuga about what to say, Kei Uchiha simply left the laboratory.

Although he always felt that Aya Hyuga was weird today, he couldn't tell if it was weird.

Maybe every month, girls always have a one-week embarrassing period, right?

Even a ninja, this kind of thing is unavoidable, and Uchiha Kei can't touch these bad luck.

Besides, he also plans to go back for a rest. Anyway, it's his vacation now, right?

Uchiha's return to the village did not cause any disturbances. The most important thing was that no one knew what he did.

However, those who knew what he had done couldn't sit still at this moment.

On the second day of Uchiha Kai's vacation, a letter eagle appeared over Konoha.

When Anbu's ninjas passed this information to the relevant departments, everything changed.

Normally, such information would not be casually passed to other offices, but this time was obviously different.

Because what happened to Kiriyin Village was very similar to Konoha a few months ago.

Therefore, similar information will be specially transmitted to some specific offices, for example, the Ministry of Government will also check similar information.

Namikaze Minato was still calm after seeing these materials, because Kai Uchiha reported relatively clearly what he had done.

Whether it's fighting or trading with Orochimaru.

It's just that Kai Uchiha looks at the problem from his own perspective, and he is not so clear about many things himself.

And these people who pass on the information are all carefully selected Anbu.

They will count and calculate what they see, and finally pass it on in a summary.

Although the situation in the Land of Water is very critical now, they are forced to keep silent.

However, with the trouble of Uchiha Kai, how could Kiriyin Village still have the mood to take care of them?

This period of time has also become the best time for them to pass on information, or to evacuate Wuyin Village.

Although Namikaze Minato was calm, he was actually passing through the information passed by Anbu, who specialized in gathering intelligence.

He found out that this guy Uchiha Kai was really an understatement.

According to what he said, there may have been hundreds of mist ninjas killed by his actions this time.

Then according to Anbu's statistics, he killed at least 300 people, and this number is still increasing!

And because of the battle with him, there are thousands of people injured, whether it is light or serious!

What is this concept?

This is equivalent to Uchiha Kei alone, crippling a force close to a corps!

Although Namikaze Minato knew that Uchiha Kei was strong, at this moment he knew exactly how strong Uchiha Kei was.

Namikaze Minato was so amazed, let alone Nara Shikahisa.

He was still drinking tea. Looking at the information on the country of water, he guessed that it was probably related to Uchiha Kai.

Because the theme of the information was 'discovering the murderer suspected of attacking Konoha', so Nara Shikahisa opened it.

As a result, seeing this, he vomited all the tea he drank.

"Lord Hokage, this..."

Nara Shikahisa stood in Hokage's office, his expression looked very urgent: "Is this information true?"

"Ah, it's true." Minato Namikaze rubbed his head in distress.

"Isn't it written in the end, 'Two ninjas who are suspected to be accomplices appeared, and they used the ninjutsu of suspected space to take them all away', and one of those two people was me."

"But, Minister Qi actually caused so many casualties?"

Nara Shikahisa's face was still very difficult to calm down: "He even controls Sanwei? That's the fourth generation of Mizukage! Why didn't you tell me about this before?"

"Controlling the three tails is because the fourth generation of Mizukage participated in the battle, and he originally summoned me in advance, but because the distance is too far to convey the speed here is too slow, so he had to make a choice."

Namikaze Minato sighed, and could only take out the battle report from Uchiha Kai to deal with it.

"Qijun gave me the battle report yesterday, and I also know the details of the battle, but I didn't expect him to cause so much damage."

Didn't expect to cause so much damage?

This is no longer such a 'big damage'. Well, this is already ruthlessly stomping the face of the entire Wuyin Village on the ground and slamming it a few times!

The fact that this kid Uchiha Kai can control the tailed beast really gave Nara Shikahisa a lot of stimulation.

If it weren't for that day, Uchiha Kai was present almost the whole time.

And in the eyes of the Hyuga Hizu brothers, he defeated the real tail beast controller who was exactly the same as Nakaze Minato.

Nara Shikahisa had to wonder if the Nine-Tailed Night was created by Kei Uchiha.

This attack on Mist Ninja was essentially an escape for his life, at least it seemed.

But Kei Uchiha, the head of the security department, was also restless. He obviously came to Kiriyin Village for the suffering of Konoha.

Although the damage to the village was not great, the casualties were even worse than those of Konoha.

But who were most of the people Uchiha Kai killed?

It's all ninjas!

And because Konoha was unprepared, who died the most?

They are all civilians!

Nara Shikahisa didn't mean to look down on the commoners. On the contrary, he recognized them more.

Because without them, where would the prosperity and stability of the village come from, without them, how would they promote the development of the village's economy.

However, civilians cannot go to the battlefield, and ninjas are the main force of the battlefield.

In other words, Uchiha Kai is directly attacking the battle sequence of Kirin Village.

From Shikahisa Nara's point of view, I'm afraid Kirin suffered more losses than Konoha.

Especially according to the report, Anbu of Kirigakura had the most deaths.

It takes a lot of money to train a ninja, and even more money to train an Anbu, and these ninjas are important images.

With a tall enough image, you can get more task shares and achieve greater gains for the village's economy.

This time, Uchiha Qi severely attacked such an image, causing the group of Kirin to lose points collectively.

This lost thing is not the hundreds of lives.

I am afraid the hidden political interest value and economic interest value will be much greater.

"Lord Hokage, I only have one question."

Taking a deep breath, Nara Shikahisa's face became extremely serious: "Is this action really not exposed?"

"There shouldn't be any storms, Feng Shuimen's expression became serious.

"The destructive power and strength displayed by Minister Qi will make those who have come into contact with the blood descendant family throw the rat's arms.

If they really exposed Minister Kai, then they would not only worry about the internal revenge of those ninjas who were killed by Minister Kai, but also worry about the revenge from Mizukage.

Externally, they had to worry that Minister Qi would end up in person again, so they didn't dare to speak. "

"Then, as I guessed, what about the 'floating' buried deep in the ground."

Nara Shikahisa nodded. He agreed with what Minato Namikaze said, but he still needed to confirm.

"He will deal with the problem, right? No traces will be left, no traces will be found? Especially the traces of Konoha."

"Don't worry, I've seen him before." Said Uchiha Obito, and Minato Namikaze's expression improved a little.

"He is a trustworthy person, and in essence he is Minister Qi's subordinate, and he is also a person I identify with.

He is very mysterious. I can't say more. As you said, he is a floating person buried deep in the ground with Qijun. He knows what he should do. "

Uchiha Obito's words "I'm sorry" really touched the softness of Minato Namikaze's heart.

Although this disciple brought disaster to Konoha, he is now making up for it with practical actions.

Namikaze Minato is willing to believe him and give him a chance.

This time, Minato Namikaze was relieved a lot. He was able to sense this kid's heart through Uchiha Obito's Chakra.

He found out that Uchiha Obito was still a Konoha ninja, a Konoha ninja who yearned for Naruto.

"I understand." Nara Shikahisa nodded when he heard the words, and finally he said seriously: "If that's the case, then leave the rest to me."

"Oh?" Namikaze Minato came back to his senses and asked curiously, "Lujiu, what are you going to do?"

"Since it's 'sympathy for each other', we should also take the initiative to offer condolences."

Nara Shikahisa lowered a little: "After all, we are also victims."



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