This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 223: ?Cross and vertical cuts (below)

The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizano's house of Sarutobi really caused a lot of trouble for Minato Namikaze.

Because according to the "family" determined by blood, the Sarutobi family does not seem to have any boundaries of blood, and they are not "family ninjas" in the traditional sense.

But according to their actual treatment, they really can't be classified as civilian ninjas!

Many young ninjas in the Sarutobi family, especially many talented people, were actually educated. It is not inferior to the traditional blood ninja family.

Not only the Sarutobi family, but also the Shimura family is in a similar situation. This kind of feeling really makes Namikaze Minato very contradictory.

In fact, Minato Namikaze probably didn't know that when Konoha was first built, Senju-Shima defined them as a family.

Taking a deep breath, Namikaze Minato began to try to divide the village according to Uchiha Kai, and he seemed to have come to a conclusion!

That is, these Konoha giants rely on identity politics to benefit themselves!

Cut the village vertically, clarify the identity of each ninja, and clarify the ownership of each ninja.

But this is not clear, the most actual family situation of this type of ninja.

The Sarutobi family should actually be called the Sarutobi clan. They are the 'family ninjas' hidden among the 'civilian ninjas'!

They rely on their identities as "civilian ninjas" to seek practical benefits for themselves!

"Did they hide themselves..." Minato Namikaze hesitated, but he finally said it.

"That's right, the three generations of Naruto have been emphasizing the equality of civilian ninjas and family ninjas over the years.

There are also many policies that have begun to favor civilian ninjas. I believe that Captain Watergate can see these information. "

Uchiha Kai smiled, then sighed: "The civilian ninja's coat has become their last umbrella. How much benefit they get from it, who knows?"

"I really didn't expect that a single identity could play so many tricks." Minato Minato seemed to clench his fists, but he finally let it go.

"Ki-kun, when you said you didn't want to be Hokage, did you already see that the current Konoha is actually a huge mess?"

Don't want to be a Hokage?

Kei Uchiha thought about it for a while and then recalled that Namikaze Minato did talk about a similar topic at the time, but he rejected it without even thinking about it at the time.

To be honest, Uchiha Kai really didn't think so far back then, he just really hated the practices of the third generation and others.

And as long as the three generations of these high-level interest groups are still there, then the Uchiha family has no qualifications to be Hokage!

Rather than humiliating oneself, it is better to simply show an open-minded look.

Moreover, Uchiha has a lot of things about himself. For him, improving himself is much more comfortable than standing in the front and being watched by everyone.

He never felt that he was a 'clean' person, and he had done too many 'unclean' things.

If it wasn't for the fact that the 'Lone Wolf' was really difficult to move, he would not have come forward at all.

Even if he is emerging now, he is more willing to stand in an inconspicuous corner.

Even hiding behind the scenes, using their own methods and influence to gain benefits for themselves.

"Maybe, who knows." Uchiha Kai shook his head.

"Then, Captain Watergate, what are your plans now?

Continue to walk the road that has been paved now, so that you can also fight to become the same three generations.

Or choose a more difficult path and find a way to return to the original purpose of the original generation? "

The purpose of the first generation was expected to be to divide the ninjas by the ninja rank - to a certain extent, the class!

This is Kai Uchiha's own understanding. After all, turning ninjas into three levels has already explained a lot of problems.

With these three ninja levels, no matter who you are, whether you are a family ninja or a civilian ninja, you are all the same!

This is to turn all ninjas from identity politics into a class politics.

The identity contradiction was transferred to the contradiction of different ninja classes.

As Hokage, I want to find a way to adjust these contradictions and solve them, so that everyone can live better!

Namikaze Minato was a little silent, he knew what Kai Uchiha meant.

This is a multiple choice question, and it is also a test for him.

In the end, it is to continue to struggle for their own ideals, at least in the village to achieve the ideal of 'people can solve problems through communication and abandon hatred'.

It is still a compromise with reality. After all, the third-generation Hokage has already walked a seemingly correct path, and a series of settings of the first-generation Hokage have been destroyed.

After a long time, Namikaze Minato seemed to have made a decision.

His expression became extremely firm, and his blue eyes stared at Kai Uchiha: "I want to stick to my dream, I hope everyone can resolve conflicts through communication...

At the very least, there must be an equal opportunity for communication! "

"A great dream, I still say this." Uchiha Kai nodded unsurprisingly, as did Uchiha Fugaku.

"Qijun and Fuyuejun are not optimistic?"

Namikaze Minato sighed, in fact, he also knew that he might not be optimistic about the decision of these two!

It's too difficult. Three generations have been working for these decades, and he has done everything he can!

According to Uchiha Kai, the three generations of Hokage have given an identity label to all the ninjas in Konoha.

Let all ninjas with identity tags oppose each other and isolate each other, so as to achieve the means of **** he wants, and profit from it for his family.

He has completely broken a path, how difficult is it to walk back?

But Namikaze Minato quickly calmed down.

He is not afraid of difficulties, he has time, all he has to do now is to convince the two in front of him!

Speaking of these two people, I can trust them, and they have broadened my horizons and understood all kinds of secret people in Konoha Village!

Unknowingly, the two collaborators, Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyue, have become the most trustworthy people in Minato Namikaze.

I'm afraid he didn't realize this, but this is the effect that Kai Uchiha wants!

"It's really not optimistic, but it didn't exceed our expectations." Uchiha Fugaku sighed: "Ki-kun said that your choice will be like this, because it is also in line with your ideal."

"Thank you both for your understanding, thank you!" Minato Namikaze bowed directly, it could be seen that he was very sincere, and at the same time he was indeed full of gratitude.

"It's not easy to do this, but it's not too difficult." Uchiha Ki nodded and said softly.

It's really not difficult, because that's where he lived in his previous life.

He had seen many sayings that 'the moon is full abroad' and 'the breath outside is freedom', which made him feel very ridiculous.

Those who say such words probably don't know that the so-called freedom, equality and so on are all nonsense!

The beautiful lighthouse country relies on racial segregation, or identity politics, to make those commoners stand against themselves.

As a result, when they encounter things, they will only be stupid, marching without any purpose, just venting and destroying everywhere.

There is no program of action, no unified goal, and no clear political appeal. I have to say that this political "dragon-slaying technique" is really powerful.

But in the place where Kai Uchiha lived in his previous life, the society was cut sideways.

They all have their own positions, and they also know who their contradictory counterparts are. More importantly, they have a relatively fair ascending channel.

This is also why, the more people who are abroad, the more patriotic they are.

The more people who don't have enough cognitive level, the more they feel that 'the moon outside is rounder than the home'.

"We can take the initiative to break this stereotype of identity as an example, and we will take the initiative to let ordinary people in, which we have already done.

But there is one thing you should also pay attention to. You cannot ban certain positions of the high-level personnel of the blood family, because you still need to rely on them. "

Although Kei Uchiha's thoughts drifted away, he didn't stop: "But other people, ninjas are ninjas, and the level of each ninja needs to be considered.

As the core of Konoha, the number of Jōnin can't be large, so keep it under control. "

It is not clear how many Uchiha Kai has in Konoha Mirai's Joinin, but according to the animations and manga he has watched, it is actually not too much in the strict sense.

Of course, there are also hidden people, and Uchiha Kai has a say in how to catch these hidden people.

Resources, the higher the level of ninjas, the more resources they should have.

Whether it is money, training materials, the experience of senior ninjas, or ninjutsu, these are all resources!

"When you get the power, pull out all the families to talk about it and set up a parliament. Many things will be voted on here, but you have to find a way to get a veto."

Thinking of this, Kai Uchiha continued: "As for other people, set up a public resource system, the higher the level of ninjas, the more and better resources they can enjoy.

You know what I mean, this matter requires your work and time. "

"One-vote veto, I see." Minato Namikaze nodded.

"The public resource system is also very good, but in the process of enjoying these resources, you also need to perform your own responsibilities and obligations, right?

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will arouse unnecessary contradictions, and since we want to control the number of Shangnin, then the examination of Shangnin will also be intensified. Those who fail.... downgrade. "

Namikaze Minato's comprehension is very high, he immediately said all the words that Uchiha had not finished, which made Uchiha very satisfied.

The patriarchs of various families are together, and may not play with you for their own interests, so Hokage naturally has a specific right to avoid embarrassment.

One-vote veto, this is the right to best reflect Hokage's identity and status.

But this thing still needs to be discussed carefully, in case...

If Fengshuimen also degenerates because of the corruption of power, then he must find a way to prevent him from abusing his rights.

All kinds of things need to be guarded against. In fact, Uchiha Qi also knows that the product of "cross-cutting society" he chose can only be regarded as a fusion monster.

But he felt that the most suitable for this Konoha was such a fusion monster.

Just like an old capitalist country he knew well in his previous life, there are actually products of the Second International.

For example, the British Labour Party, the existence of that thing can actually be regarded as an existence that can give society a bottom line after the capital goes bankrupt.

And those Shang Nin people, it is also necessary to add a lot of necessary restrictions to them.

In the new reform measures, Shangnin will obtain a huge supply of social resources.

Then, while you are enjoying so many resources, you must also fulfill your obligations as a Jōnin.

In addition to times of war, there are also many dangerous and difficult tasks to deal with in peace.

In addition, it is also an obligation to let Shangnin lead the team to teach the young Genin.

After all, is it for the next generation? These can be included in the assessment scope.

"Canceling the special Shangnin, allowing the appearance of special students, and at the same time increasing the strength of the Shangnin assessment.

Also, the peace period has come, so let's set the number of tasks for the Joinin every half year. "

Kei Uchiha thought for a while and said, "Also, the guidance of the upper ninja and the training of the lower ninja is also included in the assessment.

However, the Jōnin who has already served is not within the scope of these assessments. "

In the eyes of Uchiha Kai, the title of Jounin is actually a slightly deformed existence.

It's not that it's bad. In the previous system, it could reflect some special things.

But in the new system, its position is a bit awkward, because it is not so good for allocating resources.

The allocation of resources to Chunin seems to be sorry for the Join in its name.

In the allocation of resources to Shangnin, this person's strength is obviously unqualified.

This kind of ambiguous existence is really a headache. Let him choose to be fair, and it is best to cancel it directly.

Instead, it was the birth of the special ninja. The so-called special ninja is a ninja who is extremely good at a certain aspect.

For example, a person like Akai who is very good at physical arts, he relied on Bamen Dunjia but kicked all six spots.

If such a person doesn't have the resources to cut the slope, he can't justify it.

As for the special Joinin like Red and Red Uchiha Kai can only express that you are working hard.

"It's all a good idea, I'll seriously consider it." Rarely, Minato Namifeng laughed. This was the first time he laughed tonight.

"But... Qi-jun wants to be lazy, right? I understand that as the head of the police department, Qi-jun is still very busy."

"There is another very important thing you need to prepare for, and that is to organize a ninja conference, not a family ninja conference."

If Kai Uchiha didn't care about Minato, he wouldn't even think about taking students.

"Every few years, it is held once, and its main function is to resolve various conflicts.

The candidates are chosen from among the upper, chunin, and lower ninja representatives, which can be individuals or groups, and let them vote by themselves.

By the way, there are also civilians, they are also eligible to participate. "

"It's a good idea. Summarize the contradictions, and then take the time to solve them. After a few years of assessment, you can summarize the new contradictions. What a good idea!"

Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up, and he found that Uchiha Kai really is a treasure trove!

This night, they talked a lot. And this night also indicates that the third and fourth generations have almost completely broken...


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