This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 184: ? Hands-on (2)

Imai Kenta casually found an inconspicuous place in the forest, and then sat down against the tree.

No matter from which aspect, tonight's mission is full of strangeness.

Imai Kenta is reluctant to participate in such a thing. This is the matter of the Uchiha Kei family and has nothing to do with him.

He was even forced to cooperate with Kai Uchiha. If it wasn't for the sake of his own life, and he also felt that Kai Uchiha's plan was feasible, he would probably ignore this guy at all.

"The most important thing is that he actually let that crazy woman, Aya Hyuga join in." Kenta Imai changed to a more comfortable position.

"It seems that this female lunatic has some incredible information, and there is nothing that can be done about the lunatic Uchiha Kai, I hope this lunatic can control this lunatic.

But the combination of a lunatic and a lunatic actually pulled me in..."

Imai Kenta felt that he was probably the only normal person in this three-person team. This feeling made him feel both happy and worried.

He is happy that he is still a normal person, but he is worried that he has two abnormal people as teammates. He is afraid that his life in the future may not be easy.


Just after resting for a while, Imai Kenta suddenly felt a wave of chakra coming up from the ground.

This discovery made Imai Ken too stunned, and then he seemed to think of something.

According to Hyuga Aya, Uchiha Kai seems to be doing some kind of experiment.

From the current point of view, it seems that the site of this experiment should be underground. The woman Hyuga Aya probably found the experiment through her eyes.

"It's really a poisonous snake." Kenta Imai shook his head and thought about it for a while. He felt that he should not mind his own business.

"Forget it, this matter has nothing to do with me. It doesn't matter to me who suffers, I'm just here to perform a mission."

Thinking of this, Kenta Imai simply stretched and continued leaning against the tree to rest.

He didn't want to come for tonight's task at all, and the fact that he joined the security department made the elders in his family very angry, but Kenta Imai used his companion's request to slow it down.

Uchiha Kei is indeed his companion, and the elders in his family can't say anything.

He could only keep reminding him that the Uchiha clan could not be trusted, and that was the end.

" could I not know that Uchiha is untrustworthy! But if there is a choice, who would cooperate with a lunatic? Especially this lunatic brought a lunatic with him!"



In the forest not far from Imai Kenta, Uchihagawa seemed to sense something.

He opened his own writing wheel, and suddenly his eyes turned scarlet, and in each of his eyes there was a gouyu slowly spinning.

He does not have the perception ability of Kenta Imai, but as a Uchiha who has been on the battlefield, his vigilance has always been very high.

He seemed to sense that there were people around him, and what was even more terrifying was that he seemed to sense that these people had been following him, but he just didn't know why he had revealed his aura just now.

"It's not bad, boy, actually found us."

Uchiha Asahi hadn't figured out what was going on when a voice rang in their ears: "It's no wonder that Master Qi trained you, so you already have a writing wheel."

"Who are you?"

Uchiha Chuan quickly stopped his father behind him, and at the same time took out a kunai and said, "I didn't hear Master Qi speak about you."

"It doesn't mean that we don't exist." The night ninja also showed a pair of scarlet eyes, which were also just a pair of gouyu.

"Go back, there are some things you are not qualified to know right now. When Lord Qi lets you know, you will naturally know. In the end, forget what happened tonight."

"I'm not qualified to know..."

Uchiha Chuan looked at the man in black quietly, and finally sighed, he closed his writing wheel.

Along with his movements, the man in black also hid again, as if he didn't exist at all.

Uchiha Chuan stood there for a long time. At this time, his heart was a little complicated. He always thought that he should be Uchiha Kai's relative confidant.

But now it seems that he is still a long way off.

Although the man in black just now was a single-gouyu writer just like himself, but when he really fought, Uchihagawa felt that he might not be an opponent.

And the number of the other party is probably not too small, which also means that there are probably not too many people under Uchiha Kai. This discovery made Uchiha Chuan feel a little bit shocked.

He found that he was really far away, and he still had a long way to go.

At this moment, Uchihagawa suddenly felt that his shoulder was being held down, and when he looked up, he found that it was his father.

"You're still young, Chuan." Uchiha Asahi showed a smile: "Come on, Mr. Qi is young but very capable. If you work hard, you may become the person that Mr. Qi relies on most in the future."

"I will try my best." Uchihagawa nodded.

Yes, he is still young, as long as he works hard enough, his future is worth looking forward to!


"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

In Uchiha Kai's underground laboratory, Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Osamu had already fought a battle, and Kunai and Shinobi collided with each other, making a piercing metal symphony.

However, the two of them were still restrained in their fights. Neither of them used large-scale ninjutsu, and they were basically relying on taijutsu and the insight of Sharinyan to fight.

Uchiha Kai simply didn't want to destroy the equipment here. Although he didn't feel bad for not spending his money, wasting time is not something worth considering.

And Osamu Uchiha was unwilling to affect his younger brother because of their battle.

Although it's hard to imagine how bad his brother is now, but even so, he doesn't want worse things to happen.

The two figures were constantly intertwined, and Uchiha Kai found that his speed was really getting faster and faster.

If things go on like this, I'm afraid some "instant body stop water" will become "instant body open".

Ninja and Kunai are constantly intertwined, and the two figures are constantly shrinking, but Uchiha Qi obviously has the upper hand.

As Uchiha Kai continues to study his own writing wheel and kaleidoscope, his level has been improved by a notch.

And Uchiha Osamu couldn't let go at all, although Uchiha Kai was similar.

But in this small-scale physical competition, the comparison is really about who moves faster and whose writing wheel can see better!

Another entanglement, Uchiha Kai immediately seized the opportunity while Uchiha Xiu did not penetrate.

He raised his left hand and grasped his hand precisely, and gently twisted Osamu Uchiha's Kunai and fell to the ground.

The ninja sword in his right hand, with a blue chakra, stabbed at Xiu Uchiha.

If it wasn't for Osamu Uchiha who was fast enough and immediately took out a Kunai and blocked Kai Uchiha's sword at the last minute, I'm afraid he would be overturned!

"Lend your hand to use it."

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai said something softly, and at the same time his left hand got stuck on Uchiha Osamu's right and started to seal.

Osamu Uchiha reacted immediately, but unfortunately Uchiha Kai was faster than him.

The right hand holding the ninja sword suddenly loosened, and at the same time his body made a slight move to avoid Osamu Uchiha's Kunai.

At this time, the first seal has been completed.

And while Uchiha Osamu's left hand stabbed his body out of balance, Uchiha Kai punched him in the face!


Osamu Uchiha was in pain, and he felt that his teeth seemed to be loose.

Most importantly, his right hand has been carried uncontrollably, and two more seals have been formed!

Uchiha Kai suddenly released his control over him and kicked his left hand fiercely.

Suddenly Kunai flew up, and Uchiha Kei got stuck in his right hand again.

The last seal is completed, and Osamu Uchiha really feels the danger now. Such an environment is really not suitable for him to fight!

Besides, Osamu Uchiha is a little strange, why hasn't his support come yet?

But now he can't think about the issue of support. He has to deal with this guy Uchiha Kai, or he will really suffer!

The scarlet Sangou Jade moved slightly, and a large amount of chakra instantly gathered in his eyes. Osamu Uchiha raised his head slightly to look at Kai Uchiha's eyes.

At the moment when his eyes met, his huge chakra spewed out immediately, and the illusion of Sharinyan was on the verge of triggering.

Of course, Uchiha Osamu knew that Uchiha Kai was very capable of fighting illusions, but at this time he had no better way.

And Uchiha Osamu believes that even if Uchiha Kai's illusion resistance ability is strong, he can't resist himself in a highly concentrated battle. This can be said to have gathered a huge chakra and carefully prepared illusion, right?

As expected, Uchiha Kai was still stunned, but this stunned time was less than a blink of an eye.

But for ninjas, especially for their Uchiha ninjas, it's enough!

Osamu Uchiha immediately punched Kai Uchiha fiercely. Although his right hand was already controlled by Kai Uchiha to complete the seal, he believed that he still had a chance.

Uchiha Kai frowned, and he was very calm in the face of Uchiha Osamu's punch.

Quickly seeing the trajectory of his fist, his right hand flicked lightly, and then he jumped up.

The kunai in the air was falling fast, Uchiha Qi jumped up and saw the trajectory of the kunai's Then he turned around in the air and kicked the kunai fiercely. past!

Affected by Uchiha's inspiration, this kunai suddenly increased in speed, like lightning shot towards Uchiha.

Uchiha Osamu is not a vegetarian either, his right hand has been separated from Uchiha Kai, and his speed is fast enough to avoid this kunai with just a light bow.

At the same time, he kicked his feet fiercely, and the whole person flew out to the side. At the same time, he also quickly knotted up while flying upside down.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Almost at the same time, two fireballs were released, and they collided in the air, sending out a rolling heat wave.

Osamu Uchiha glanced at the laboratory. He found that his younger brother was fine, which made him feel relieved while thinking about what to do next.

"Get out of here quickly, or you'll be in big trouble!" Osamu Uchiha thought silently, and then he got up immediately.

But at this moment, a knife was suddenly nailed to his path.

And behind him, a huge Chakra figure in the sea of ​​​​fire cooperates with the flames, looming...


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