This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 159: ?Convert mania

There are not many conversations between Uchiha Fugaku and Namikaze Minato, but the importance is self-evident.

Through this meeting, Uchiha Fugaku has made his own decision and policy.

He and Uchiha Kai will use the fastest means to suppress the most active 'hardliners' in the clan as much as possible.

As for their final result, Uchiha Fugaku cannot guarantee.

But one thing is for sure - their last disappearance will definitely be counted on Orochimaru's head.

It can be said that this move can not only solve the hidden dangers in the clan, but also help Minato Naikaze to attack the opponent.

In fact, Minato Namikaze was not satisfied with Uchiha Fugaku's proposal.

He really couldn't accept this kind of attack on people of the same village and the same clan, and framed others.

But before that, Uchiha Kei told him about it, and he had some mental preparations, so he could only take a reservation.

And now that this matter is almost completely settled, Minato Namikaze also has a feeling that he can't tell the truth.

Uchiha Tomiya seems to have been prepared for a long time. After he handed a document to Minato Namikaze, Minato Minato was still a little hesitant, but he didn't bother about it anymore.

It turns out that this document was actually specially arranged by Uchiha Fuyue to investigate when Uchiha Qi was on a mission.

And he actually found something interesting.

Although it is not 100% sure that Orochimaru is the mastermind, Uchiha Fuyue's subordinates really found an abandoned laboratory and some relatively cruel traces in this laboratory.

This document was carried out by Uchiha Fuyake to investigate the "Disappearance of Uchiha Yu", and it was also handed over to the three generations of Hokage.

It's just a pity, so far there is no news from the three generations of Hokage.

Uchiha Kai has not read this document, and Uchiha Fuyue has not said anything in detail, but Uchiha Kai did not pay too much attention to such trivial matters.

He visits Uchiha Fuyake few times in the first place, and they both know each other's mentality to guard against each other. Who doesn't have a little secret not to tell?

In addition to submitting this report, Uchiha Fugaku also promised that in addition to thoroughly investigating Orochimaru to help Naikaze Minato succeed in his election, he will also support Namikaze Minato in other ways.

"Whether it is voting or public opinion, we will find a way, and will not leave any traces."

Uchiha Fuyue resolutely assured that it is very simple for the Uchiha family to help the main wave Feng Minato to create public opinion, that is, it is enough to keep fighting over Orochimaru.

They didn't even need to do anything, but deliberately set their sights on Orochimaru, submitting some information to the three generations of Hokage from time to time, or simply publishing it.

At that time, Orochimaru will experience a terrifying landslide whether it is the will of the villagers or the will of the three generations of Hokage.

And the worse Orochimaru's reputation, the more advantage his competitors will have.

With Uchiha Fugaku's guarantee, Namikaze Minato also gave his own promise.

If their plan is successful, then Namikaze Minato will definitely help the Uchiha family to change their predicament after taking the seat of Hokage.

But the premise is that the Uchiha clan should change themselves first.

It can be said that the outcome of this meeting was very good, and Uchiha was satisfied in all aspects.

Even in the end, Uchiha Kai proposed to let Kakashi enter Anbu to heal his torn wound, Namikaze Minato directly agreed.

After the night party this time, Uchiha Kai Uchiha Fuyue's long sip, which made Uchiha Kai feel a little funny.

Only he knows how much pressure Uchiha Fugaku has on him.

Now that there is such a result, of course he can breathe a sigh of relief.

Uchiha Kai is similar, but he knows that whether it is him or Uchiha Fuyue, all this is just starting.

Uchiha Fuyue has a lot to do, and Uchiha Kai knows that there is a more difficult challenge waiting for them in the future.

That is Uchiha Obito, that is the disaster of the Nine Tails!

I want to completely free the Uchiha family from the tragic fate of extermination, and I want Uchiha to stay in Konoha without worrying about being stabbed in the back.

So after securing the position of the fourth Hokage after coming to power, what we have to do is to play his due role in the disaster of the Nine Tails!

"So the next step is to watch Uchiha Fuyake's actions." Uchiha Qi thought silently.

"The Kakashi thing has been promised, whether it's Namikaze Minato or Uchiha Tomitake.

I don't need to worry about the investigation. The big reform of the security department and the clan only needs to be watched and selected.

And the last important thing... is Uchiha Yu. "

Kai Uchiha won't come forward about the reform, but he will give advice to Uchiha Fugaku.

In fact, even if Uchiha Qi didn't say it, Uchiha Fugaku could do it well.

And when the plan came out, when those hardliners jumped out, it was time for Uchiha to start.

It's not convenient for Uchiha Fuyue to do this, but Uchiha Kai doesn't care.

Whether it is to use the power of the security department in an open and honest way, or to escape into the darkness and directly do it, he can do it all.

And now Uchiha Kai finally has time to deal with Uchiha Yu's problem.

It has been a while since this guy was caught, but it has not been dealt with due to various problems.

And now Uchiha Kai has been temporarily idle, new candidates for the guards are brewing, and problems within the family are also fermenting.

This is a good time to deal with Uchiha Yu, although you need to share information with Uchiha Tomiya.

But he didn't know what the real information Uchiha Kei wanted to get.

Thinking of this, after a good rest for a day, Uchiha Kei quietly entered the basement where he was imprisoned the next night.

Kai Uchiha's basement still looks the same, but in fact it has been remodeled by Uchiha Fugaku.

Not only have there been more traps, but the surrounding trees have also become more lush, and the most important thing is that there are more guards hidden here.

When Uchiha Kai slowly approached, a ninja with scarlet eyes suddenly appeared in front of Uchiha Kai.

After taking a careful look at Uchiha Kai with his Sharinyan, he slowly knelt down on the ground: "Master Kai."

"Are you careful?" Uchiha Kai looked at the guy in front of him and asked casually, "Your name?"

"In the next sect." Uchiha sect replied calmly: "I am the ninja arranged by the patriarch to guard and guard here, Mr. Kai, and we will completely obey you in the future."

"Yeah." Uchiha Ki nodded, but he scoffed at Uchiha's remarks.

It is true that you can obey my orders completely, but the level of obedience is lower than Uchiha Fugaku.

And these guys might tell Uchiha Fugaku about all their actions, right?

Although Uchiha Fuyue has already greeted Uchiha Qi, but Uchiha Qi still felt a little funny when he heard this.

Fortunately, Uchiha Kai has already started to act, and he needs a group of useful ninjas to do things for him.

He doesn't want to end up in person for everything in the future. It is necessary to spend some time cultivating useful people.

"Tell me about the situation here, and the situation of Yuchi Uchiha."

Uchiha Kaixin thought about it, but he asked the business directly, but he always felt that the name Uchihazong was a bit strange.

"Yes, Lord Kai." Uchiha Sect was still half-kneeling on the ground with his head lowered, his movements standard and respectful.

"We have a total of four teams in charge of guarding this place alternately. I am the captain of the third team, and each of our teams is responsible for six hours of monitoring tasks.

As for Yuchi Uchiha, his current condition is not good, but his mental state is okay, but his limbs were picked off by the patriarch, and he no longer has the ability to be a ninja. "

Don't have the abilities of a ninja?

Uchiha Kai's face became a little weird, this Uchiha Fuyue's black hand is even more powerful than himself!

Is this a form of... converts' fanaticism?

Abandoning the original belief and entering a new belief group, the degree of fanaticism displayed is really unimaginable.

After being guided and inspired by Uchiha Kai, Uchiha Fuyue has completely embarked on a different path than before.

I am afraid that in order to show his determination and will, he will completely cut off and change all the past of himself and the clan, so he will have a ruthless means?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that his son Uchiha Itachi is not a phenomenon of converts' fanaticism?

Induced by the three generations of Hokage through Uchiha Shisui, he grafted from loving his family to loving the whole village, thus making the thing of 'destroying the family and protecting the village'.

It has to be said that the fanatic mentality of the converts, the kind of complete separation from and hatred of everything in the past, can cause great destructive power.

But these are all things in the future. The current Uchiha Itachi is still a kid, and it will take some time for him to grow up.

On the other hand, Uchiha Shisui, this guy deserves Uchiha Kai's attention.

He now doesn't know exactly what happened to the junior Uchiha Shisui.

But if necessary, Uchiha Kei can meet him now.

If this guy has accepted the call of three generations, Uchiha Kai will ignore him.

However, after waiting for him to open the kaleidoscope, he tried to find a way to get the eyes of this other god!

If not, then Uchiha Kai can start from the Finally, see if you can use him and Uchiha Itachi to try to do something.

Just like....let's see if I can trick Sandai and his group of interest groups, as well as guys like Akatsuki in the future.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai knew that everything was in the future.

These are all fantasies before he solves his key problems.

After calming down, Uchiha Kai looked at Uchiha Sect again: "Does he know of your existence?"

"I don't know, Mr. Kai. Every time we go in, we will use drugs to make him comatose to prevent him from discovering things he shouldn't find." Uchiha Sect said calmly.

"Very good, then prepare the props." Uchiha Ki nodded: "I think the patriarch should have told you about the death row, right?"

"Yes, Lord Kai." Uchiha Sect nodded: "May I ask if you have any requirements."

"Uchiha Yu has a fiancée, but unfortunately the patriarch won't let me do it. Then you find a death row, female, with a body similar to her, and then change her face and hair color to that, can you do it? And... ..his family, including his brother...can do it?"

"You can do it all in one hour, Lord Qi."


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