This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 140: ?Create new worlds


"What about people?"

Uchiha Qi stood silently on the spot, with the ninja sword in his hand standing in front of him, always guarding against Obito's sneak attack.

But he stood there for a long time, and he found out that the guy with Obito really left, which made Uchiha Kai a little puzzled.

"Really gone?"

Uchiha Qi looked left and right, he didn't understand why he left.

He has gradually figured out the attack rhythm of Uchiha Obito, and he is ready to chop off Shiro's body the next time he gets the chance!

But soon Uchiha Qi sighed, and it was better to leave. Although Uchiha Qi had a great advantage, he knew his own problems, and his eyes were starting to feel a little sore.

After all, he doesn't have white blood cells, so his pupil power is a little less.

"But be careful, the ghost knows if this guy will suddenly come back and attack me." Uchiha Qixin thought silently, but he didn't put away the ninja sword in his hand.

Step by step toward Kakashi's position, Uchiha Kai glanced left and right before lowering his body to check Kakashi.

There is no problem, it's just that he was a little too emotional and finally passed out. His chakra is still full and there is no big problem.

After learning this result, Uchiha Qi was relieved. Although there is a big deviation from the original book, the deviation is not too big. Kakashi is part of his plan!

However, when Uchiha Kai saw the knife mark on Kakashi's left eye, Uchiha suddenly started to think, he stretched out his hand and opened Kakashi's eyelids.

Suddenly a scarlet three-hooked jade writing wheel eye appeared in Kakashi's eye socket, which made Uchiha Kai nodded.

It seems that after this intense stimulation and resonance with Obito's eyes, his eyes have also turned into a kaleidoscope.

It's just that what is the bias of this eye, Uchiha Kai is a little confused about the situation.

Kakashi is not a member of the Uchiha clan after all, and his eyes seem to be the same no matter what the bias is - because the absorption of chakra is more serious.

However, Uchiha Kai thinks that this thing should be biased towards the body. If it really improves the chakra aspect, is Kakashi still so miserable?

Or because of the bloodline problem, Kakashi can't get feedback at all?

After thinking about it for a long time, Uchiha Qi sighed and let go of Kakashi's eyes. He didn't go to take this eye back. This eye is the testimony of his friendship with Obito. Maybe it will be useful in the future.

Turning his head, Uchiha Kai walked to Lin's side. At this time, Lin was lying in a pool of blood. The tree beside her was covered with the corpse of Kirin Anbu, which looked extremely terrifying.

But Uchiha Kai didn't take it too seriously. He had seen even more terrifying scenes, so would he still care about them?

It's just that Lin's death made Uchiha Qi a little emotional. Although Qi and her are not too familiar with her, I have to say that this girl's character is quite lovable.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Uchiha Qi felt the chakra slowly spilling out of the girl's body, which made him stunned for a moment: "Is this.... the chakra of the three tails?"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi quickly took out an empty scroll. These chakras can't be wasted. Whether they are useful or not, they can be used for research.

Uchiha Kai, who unfolded the scroll, changed the ninja sword to his left hand, and quickly took out a pen in his right hand. Just as he was writing something, his body paused again, and he seemed to think of something.

After thinking for a while, Uchiha Kai suddenly smiled.

Then he quickly wrote various characters on the scroll, and finally slapped Lin's body with both hands and sealed it together with the three-tailed Chakra.

"Uchiha Obito, maybe I can prepare a big gift for you!"


"That it really Kai Uchiha?" Standing in Madara Uchiha's secret base, Uchiha Obito asked in a low voice: "That, some gloomy guy?"

"My other clone told me that it should be him."

Bai felt that the voice echoed in Obito's ears: "And his strength is very strong, if I am not mistaken, he should have turned on the kaleidoscope. You are not his opponent, you only have one eye, and he has already Gradually understand your abilities."

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?" Obito was stunned for a moment, and then he recovered his calm: "What is the matter with the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?"

Obito is really curious about what is going on with these eyes now, and he can feel that his eyes have undergone tremendous changes.

And the terrifying power that allowed him to enter a strange space just now was caused by his own eyes.

If it wasn't for this kind of power, I'm afraid Obito would have really been killed by the cold guy Uchiha Kai!

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, this is a special ability only possessed by your Uchiha clan."

Bai Jue's voice still sounded so cynical and indifferent: "How do you say it, you need a huge mental fluctuation to open these eyes, such as killing the person you love most, or witnessing the death of the person you love tragically. Wait, it's just as miserable as you or cruel enough."

"Sure enough, he is a gloomy guy." Uchiha Obito's voice was extremely indifferent: "Is it a kaleidoscope? It's really deep enough to hide, but...he will be a good opponent!"

As miserable as yourself?

Wouldn't that have witnessed the death of the most beloved person in front of his eyes, and he was also killed by his best friend?

Or, this guy killed the person he loved most with his own hands?

Uchiha Obito remembered that this guy went to the battlefield very early, and his teammates changed batch after batch, but this guy is still alive!

It's hard to tell if all his teammates were killed by him, otherwise this guy wouldn't have such eyes!

Only with eyes like this can you find your weakness and finally defeat yourself, right?

However, Uchiha Obito is not discouraged. He has just obtained this eye, and he is not so familiar with the use of this eye.

He felt that as long as he had enough time, Uchiha Kai would fall into his hands sooner or later!

Uchiha Obito walked forward silently, looking at everything he was familiar with. When he left, he thought he would not come back here again, even if he did, it would be a long time later.

Unexpectedly, fate played a big joke on him, and his world changed dramatically in that second.

He didn't bring Lin's body back because he knew that if Lin knew she would die, she would definitely want to be buried in Konoha.

"You're still back." Madara Uchiha with white hair looked at Obito who was covered in blood, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He doesn't look surprised because it's all in his calculations!

His plan was successful, he knew the Uchiha clan too well.

And in order to make Obito believe him more, Madara Uchiha calmly let Obito know part of the truth, and the deepest things behind it will naturally be covered up.

For example, let Obito know that Lin has three tails implanted in her body, let him understand Kakashi's last resort, and naturally he will not doubt anything deeper.

"I want to recreate a perfect world, without Lin's reality, I don't need it." Uchiha Obito said solemnly in the deep underground.

"Very good." Madara chuckled, and suddenly he asked in a low voice, "Isn't the battle with the soil not seen by others."

Bai Jue beside him said: "Something went wrong, Kakashi is still alive, and there is a variable, that guy should be Kai Uchiha, he... seems to have a kaleidoscope too. Obito is not an opponent, if Not relying on my strength, Obito is dead."

"Is that so?" Banana whispered, in fact, he already knew through Bai Jue here.

But now with Obito, he is too lazy to think and spend time instilling ideas and nurturing another person who doesn't know the details at all.

"Ki Uchiha? It's interesting, what is his ability? Do I need to think of something? For example..."

Obito said coldly: "I don't know, I don't need your help. I will solve that guy myself. Although I knew him before, but in my opinion, he is the same as Kakashi. After all, he is so good. opponent.

And in the world I'm about to create, there's Kakashi, there's Rin, there's everyone, maybe him.

Alright Madara, stop worrying about irrelevant people and tell me how to create the world in my dreams. "

"Hmph, young people are really impatient." Banana smiled and said: "Forget it, whatever you want, there is no need for you to thank you, come here, from today onwards, you will be the savior of the world."

Obito stepped forward without hesitation, Madara looked at him and said, "Look at my eyes."

"Huh?" Obito raised his head, and the blood-red Sangou jade flashed in his eyes. In an instant, he felt a terrifying chakra aura coming from the huge golem behind Madara.

However, before he could take a closer look, the picture suddenly changed, and he had already appeared in a vast white space.

"here is?"

"This is my illusion space."

Beside Obito, Madara, who was still looking old, explained, "This place is still empty, but I can project everything according to my will, and if I want, everything can be changed, for example. "

With his explanation a burst of chakra erupted from his body, Obito subconsciously took a step back, only to feel that there was a change in this space that he couldn't tell.

Then in his surprised eyes, Madara Uchiha changed dramatically.

Gray hair began to turn black, wrinkles began to disappear, and the body was rejuvenated.

The fiery red armor was draped over him, and a terrifying aura came over him.

"What a youthful power I haven't seen for a long time." Madara shook her hand.

"Is this what you looked like when you were young?" Obito was shocked, but his tone pretended to be calm, "It's really amazing here, you can even restore your youth."

Madara, who regained her youthful appearance, chuckled and said, "What is this, as long as you use the power of the golem, there is nothing that can't be done. Even if it is to bring the dead back to life, it is just a matter of hand."

"Use illusion to create a perfect world, then release it to everyone and bring them in."


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