This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 137: ??Freeze

"Lin, hold on, we are about to cross the border of the country of grass and enter the country of fire!"

Kakashi cheered Nohara Rin while protecting Nohara Rin and ran towards the border of the Fire Country.

Kakashi's heart is a little heavy now, looking at the twenty or thirty Anbu Kirin behind him, he feels really bad now.

After he had dealt with the two Kirin Anbu who were left behind, he took advantage of the situation to unravel Rin Nohara's illusion.

In the end, after waking up, Nohara Rin gave him a terrifying caution - a tailed beast was sealed in Nohara Rin's body!

Kakashi didn't know why the Kirin Anbu did this, he was in a state of confusion at the time, and the Kirin Anbu had already returned!

Kakashi had no choice but to pull Nohara Rin and start to flee, and his goal was very clear - that is to return to Konoha!

Because there is the best sealing technique in Konoha, there is their teacher's wife in Konoha!

Although a lot of people know about Kushina being Shuri from the Nine-Tails, they are definitely not well-known. As students of Minato Naikaze, they still know it.

Taking Rin Nohara to raid all the way, Kakashi suddenly felt that something was wrong!

Why did you choose Rin Nohara?

Why did you seal the tailed beast on her body?

Why was it so easy to break through?

Why did the mist ninja behind them keep attacking them, and even some of them died because of Kakashi's counterattack, but they didn't seem to have a real killer all the time!

Too many doubts swirled in Kakashi's mind, but unfortunately Kakashi couldn't think about it at all, because these chasing Mist Ninjas were getting closer and closer!

"Damn it!" Kakashi scolded secretly, and then pulled out the ninja sword and slashed a knife at an approaching Kirin.

This Mist Ninja's reaction speed was also extremely fast. He immediately took out his kunai and retreated, as if he had no intention of continuing to fight Kakashi.

But this guy didn't mean to let Kakashi and the others go.

Lin silently ran in front of Kakashi, feeling the turbulent chakra in her body that did not belong to her, her heart was confused.

She could feel the strange chakra in her body getting more and more turbulent, and she seemed to have guessed Kirito's plan.

These Kirinobu Anbu just wanted her to return to the Land of Fire, and even to Konoha Village.

Rin Nohara couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if the three tails erupted in Konoha. She didn't dare to say nor did she know how to tell Kakashi.

"Obito, if it were you, what would you choose?"

Lin thought silently in her heart that she seemed to have seen Obito, the boy who would smirk at her every time she saw her, the boy who was completely different from Kei Uchiha, who was full of sunshine all over his body.

In order to save Kakashi, he put himself in a desperate situation. He knew that he would die and gave Kakashi his only eye. He...

Thinking of this, Rin Nohara seemed to have a voice in her heart, a voice that was constantly tempting her!

Nohara Rin's originally distracted gaze became firm. Looking at Kakashi's shimmering ninja sword, she made a decision...


And in the woods in the distance, a figure is rushing fast.

Uchiha Obito used his only right eye to observe the surrounding situation, and under the guidance of the whirlpool face, he quickly left in the direction of Kakashi and the others.

"Obito, I guess there's going to be a fight in a while. Before that, I have something to tell you."

"What?" Obito said quickly, his writing wheel turned slightly, discerning his direction in the woods, and his speed did not slow down in the slightest.

"Your fighting ability is not as good as mine. Besides, my huge body is now attached to your scarred body to protect you. I suggest that if there is a battle soon, it is best for me to take action on your behalf."

Obito's hair swayed in the wind, and said quickly: "No, Madara once said that the left and right eyes need to be ready to exert true power, and Kakashi, who has a pair of writing wheels with me, is on the battlefield, Cooperating with him is definitely above you. This time, Kakashi and I will protect Rin together."

"..." The whirlpool face stopped making a sound and fell into silence.

It's a pity that the silence didn't last long. As a chatterer, it was more uncomfortable than killing him directly.

"You're right, and now that your body is transplanted with cells from the pillars, the two opposing forces of Chishou and Uchiha are fused, and maybe an unprecedented power will erupt."

The figure was galloping fast in the forest, and time had passed for nearly three hours before I knew it. Because it was summer, the sunset seemed to be extra long, but it was still much darker than before.

Suddenly, countless water droplets fell from the sky.

"What's the matter, is it raining?" Obito asked suspiciously, and the voice of the whirlpool face sounded in his ear, "Obito, it's close to the place."

"Very good." Obito's eyes narrowed, and as they kept getting closer, suddenly a scorching heat came from his lost left eye.

It seems that the wheel-shaped eyes began to resonate, and the broken picture kept flashing in front of his eyes.

"Damn, what the **** is going on!" Covering his left eye, Obito's face showed a hideous look.

"Don't think about it, I'll be there soon, I'll be there soon, hold!"

Anxiety made Obito's Chakra erupt, his speed increased by one point again, and the woods beside him flashed like a phantom.

After passing through the last bush, his eyes lit up in an instant, and the entire battlefield came into his eyes.


The only Shuanggouyu left in the right eye shrank subconsciously, and the scene in front of him was something he could not even dream of.

At this moment, he didn't know what he was thinking, but he only felt that the surrounding world suddenly turned pitch black, and boundless coldness emerged from the depths of his bones.

The harsh thunder sounded, like a thousand birds chirping, and the thunder condensed on the ninja sword in Kakashi's hand.

The old friend's ninja knife pierced the heart of the goddess in the dream...

Time, frozen at this moment...


The figure of the goddess fell down, and there was blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth, but she could no longer stand up.

"Lin, I'm Lin, is your name Obito? It's nice to meet you."

"Obito, you're late again..."

"Obito, it's amazing, eh, Kakashi seems to be even more powerful."

"How many times have I said it, don't hold back when you're injured, but I've been watching you and stretched out my hand."

"Obito, we're going on a mission, I'm... a little nervous."

At this moment, countless images of memories erupted in his mind, and he felt that his brain was about to explode. The pain in his heart was a pain he had never experienced before, even if it was the insanity when he thought he was going to die. Piqiao, I have never experienced it.

"Kakashi, Lin will leave it to you, protect her well."

Countless pictures, and in the end, only this sentence was left in his mind, a tear of blood flowed out of his right eye uncontrollably, and the double hook jade began to spin wildly...

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