This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 125: ?Solution

"Be careful, it's a writing wheel!"

As Uchiha Ki killed a Kirin with one knife, the ninja who was with the Kirin immediately discovered the difference between Uchiha and he shouted to remind the other ninjas who were fighting together.

As expected of the Kirin, they didn't seem to take the death of their comrades too seriously at all. The degree of indifference was simply chilling.

The blood fog policy actually started a long time ago. Just look at this guy without eyebrows. He was born in the same year as Kakashi and Uchiha Kai.

And he directly killed everyone in his class when he graduated. It is conceivable that the blood fog policy had already started when Madara Uchiha controlled Mizukage.

After Uchiha Obito took over the position of Madara Uchiha, he naturally accepted this 'political legacy'.

And under his control, the entire Wuyin Village was ruined.

Uchiha Kei didn't care about Kirin Shinobu who died in his own hands. For him, he didn't need to care about the life of the enemy.

Scarlet eyes quickly glanced around, and he basically knew the current situation.

The opponent had a total of twelve people, and they were divided into three teams to deal with the five Uchiha Kai.

Kakashi has always been with Rin Nohara in order to protect her, so the two of them can be regarded as a team.

Just like this, can it really deal with Uchiha Kai and the others?

White Eyes can ignore this so-called mist concealment technique. The strength of these mist ninjas is average, and Kakashi can also see through this post-operative person.

And Imai Kenta, the only one who doesn't have a pupil technique, has the ability to perceive. The existence of this fog-hidden technique is really not meaningful, and it's even a disservice!

"Tell me, why did Kirin come to the country of grass?" Uchiha Qi said calmly, his eyes were locked on the two Kirin hidden in the Hidden Technique of Kiri.

One of the two Kirin Shinobi is short, the tall one is a normal male, and the short one seems to be about the same size as Uchiha Kai.

The most interesting thing is that Uchiha Kai found that this short guy seemed to be a woman.

It is not uncommon for a woman to enter Anbu, and sometimes female ninjas can perform some tasks better than male ninjas.

It's not a problem for a young man to enter Anbu, after all, there are geniuses all the time.

But it is very interesting for a young woman to enter Anbu, which only means that this woman is probably not ordinary if she is not today.

Neither of the two Kirinos answered Uchiha Kai's words, and the two, one tall and one short, looked at him vigilantly.

This scene made Kei Uchiha a little bored, but he didn't dare to relax his vigilance. Ninja is a profession with a high probability of overturning.

I don't know how many famous and powerful ninjas died in Kuwushang, such as Ye Cang from Sand Ninja Village.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Qi directly chose to dispatch, and he appeared directly beside the male Mist Ninja with an instant body technique, and the blue Ninja sword broke through the air!

The male Kirin was very focused and reacted very quickly. The moment Uchiha activated his hand, he had already dodged away, and the female Kirin on the other side was not idle either.

At the moment when Uchiha inspired the attack, she already quickly formed the seal with both hands, and it was only a moment of 'Water Escape·Water Dragon Bullet' to complete the seal.

A water dragon quickly spewed out of the female Mistin's mouth and charged towards Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha Kai didn't care after he slashed the air with a knife. Looking at this turbulent water dragon, Uchiha Kai saw through its weakness and structure in a moment.

The ninja sword in his hand stabbed the water dragon with a strong blade. The next moment, the water dragon was directly stabbed into two pieces by Uchiha!

At this moment, the male Kirin suddenly tapped his toes on the ground, and the whole person floated towards Uchiha Kai.

In the air, he gently pulled out his saber, and with a slight push with his left hand, the scabbard in his hand fell gracefully and plunged straight into the soil on the ground.

His movements looked gentle, but they were actually very fast.

The wrist of his right hand was slightly rotated, and after the knife in his hand drew a perfect curve in the air, it pointed at Kai Uchiha's throat without the slightest firework.

His movements don't seem to be standard, even for beginners like Uchiha Kai, his movements have superfluous movements that even many beginners who practice swords will not have.

But what shocked Uchiha Kai was that he displayed a different kind of smooth beauty in his hands, which gave Uchiha Kai a different kind of pressure.

"Samurai?" The sword in Kai Uchiha's hand slowly lifted: "Or the seven ninja swordsmen?"

But no matter who it is, this guy is Kai Uchiha's enemy!

The three hooks in the eyes of Uchiha's writing wheel quietly turned, and the next moment, the two knives met in the air, making a soft sound of 'clang'.

Uchiha Kai's ninja sword was in front of him smoothly, and when the male Kirin's sword was only twenty centimeters away from him, he blocked it!

What a quick swordsmanship, what a clever swordsmanship, Uchiha Kaixin thought to himself.

The three hook jades in the writing wheel stopped quietly, and Uchiha Qi instantly locked the eyes of this mist Although he admired the knives of the mist ninja, he hoped that the mist ninja would die now !

It's just that this male Kirin seems to have had experience fighting Uchiha. After he failed with one strike, he immediately closed his eyes and kicked Uchiha at the same time.

How could Kai Uchiha suffer from this kind of loss, he turned slightly to avoid the kick, and then his left hand burst into a terrifying arc!

"Right now, dodge!"

But at this moment, the female Kirin suddenly shouted, and the male Kirin in front of Uchiha Kai stepped on the ground ruthlessly, and the next moment Uchiha Kai felt a strange chakra.

"The Art of Melting Escape·Monster Melting!"

The orange-like magma spurted out and quickly spread towards Uchiha Kai.

The scorching temperature and the highly corrosive acid startled Uchiha Kai, but Uchiha Kai was not a cover, just one second before this **** 'magma' touched him, he had already completed the instant body technique.

He landed steadily on a tree, looked at the ground that was eroded by the 'magma' and collapsed, and after looking at the woman with the mask, Uchiha Kai frowned.

Is it a coincidence that this woman is not seen in the original book to stop Kakashi?

Because all the people who came to intercept Kakashi in the original book were all killed by the soil, and there was no one alive at all, which is why Uchiha Qi was so surprised when he saw Qingshi.

But I am surprised, the enemy is the enemy, Uchiha Kai never thinks about the original work, especially when these people are his enemies!

Suddenly, Uchiha Kei felt as if the wind was blowing, and the sound of the wind seemed to be accompanied by the sound of a long knife breaking through the air...

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