This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 28: green water

, !

"Can I bring my friends to the island?" Zang Xiaojian looked at his father, his eyes sparkling with anticipation, "My friends come to visit, I have to treat them well."

The man couldn't resist such gaze, no matter how reluctant he was in his heart, he could only nod his head reluctantly, "Okay...but you have to be careful, you can't say what you shouldn't say."

"I know, I'm not a child anymore." Zang Xiaojian said with a smile.

Obviously still a child.

The man said in his heart.

He didn't ask too much about the origins of Zang Xiaojian's friends.

One is that although her daughter is a little bit out of temper, she is still very clever in nature and can distinguish between good and bad, and the second is self-confidence.

Three is the most important point.

He didn't want to care about the origin of that sword cultivator!

Zang Xiaojian, who got permission from his father, did not hesitate any more, and immediately rose from the sky.

It seems that the sword fairy sacrificed a flying sword.

Zang Xiaojian turned into a bright rainbow light and swam away, piercing the sky, thunder bursts, and the movement was great.

You can imagine his eagerness and joy.


Outside Lingye Island, above the Tianhe Sea.

Lu Qingshan hovered in the wind and waited quietly, and before he knew it, the moonlight turned red.

Until the thunder, the sword light is like a rainbow, shining in all directions.

The sword light came straight.

Above the vast sea, under the long moonlight.

A light yellow gauze shirt appeared in Lu Qingshan's sight.

He has been waiting, and now he finally has the person to wait for.

He looked at her and she looked at him.

At this time, it has been nearly twenty years since they met on Jiaolong Island.

In the past 20 years, things have changed and many things have changed. Even Lu Qingshan is worried that even if she sees Zang Xiaojian again, she will still remember the friendship of the year.

But the moment he saw Zang Xiaojian's eyes, Lu Qingshan knew that his worries were unnecessary.

Many things have changed, but Zang Xiaojian has not changed at all.

Zang Xiaojian looked at Lu Qingshan, pursed his lips, and then his dark eyes instantly brightened, and the corners of his mouth turned up again. There were small pear eddies on the goose egg's face, just like when they parted ways on Jiaolong Island.

After a moment of silence, Zang Xiaojian raised his head slightly, his eyebrows were flying, his expression was bright, and he said to Lu Qingshan, "Qingshan will not change?"

The message when they parted became the secret code when they reunited after a long absence.

"Green water flows forever." Lu Qingshan said solemnly with a bright smile and soft eyes.

They didn't seem to say anything, but in fact they said everything.


The man who didn't follow Zang Xiaojian out, but in fact had been leaning on the railing to look outside, slapped the railing of the Tanglou angrily.

"What are you doing?" The young woman, startled by her husband, patted her man angrily.

"Nothing." The man muttered, not daring to speak loudly in front of the young woman.

What can you do other than get angry? Isn't this a well-intentioned question?



Jianxiu or something, although men have not seen many, but it is not uncommon.

For the people of their family, although they are not Jianxiu, they have the talent to make Jianxiu jealous.

Therefore, it is also the sword cultivator who wants to be rare.

But the sword cultivator's "friend" that his daughter has been talking about for many years is naturally not something that ordinary sword cultivators can match.

What's more, after the man looked at it a few more times, he "seeed" it all at once. In the domain of Jianxiu's body, there are five swords hidden.

Each sword gave him a different feeling, but they were all noble and majestic, and the weakest sword seemed to be able to compare with the strongest of his own.

how can that be? What kind of family is that?

This kind of sword, let alone five, even if it is only one, it is already incredible.

If there are really five handles.... What is a river dragon, this is it.

The man couldn't help thinking in his heart, he didn't pay much attention to the outside scene for a while, but when he came back to his senses, the scene in front of him made him grit his teeth.

Bah! This little **** is so courageous, and he even started to use his daughter? !

Girl, you can use the sword, just like I taught you, which little **** wants to take advantage of you, you don't care about the three-seven-twenty-one, and cut him directly. ......Wait, girl, how come you are more active than others, all my words are taught in vain, right?

The man raised his hand and was about to destroy the railing beside him again.

"Huh?" The young woman glanced at the man.

The man felt a little guilty and withdrew his hand resentfully.

Well, after all, I am redundant.


Lu Qingshan, who just wanted to punch Zang Xiaojian but turned into a hug because of the latter's excitement, quickly let go of her, took a step back, carefully looked at Zang Xiaojian, and chuckled: "Two We haven't seen you for ten years, but you haven't changed much."

Zang Xiaojian's ears were flushed, not knowing if it was excitement or what.

"You haven't changed." She looked at Lu Qingshan and said.

Still as good-looking as before, Zang Xiaojian added in his heart.

It's just that in the past, she would have said it directly, but now it is hidden in her heart.

So in the past twenty years, she is not completely unchanged.

Humans are always changing.

"Where's Sister Yitian? I miss her too," Zang Xiaojian looked around, as if Qin Yitian was hidden by Lu Qingshan, "she should always follow you."

Lu Qingshan was a little puzzled.

Zang Xiaojian and Lu Qingshan blinked and reminded: "I told you at the beginning that my perception of swords is very strong... You wouldn't think I would be so stupid and unable to perceive. Is sister Yitian special?"

I always feel that I have been scolded... Lu Qingshan smiled and said nothing.

Diffuse red light.

Qin Yitian, who was wearing an ancient dress in a red palace dress, quietly appeared beside Lu Qingshan and stood side by side with Lu Qingshan. Although he was slightly lower than Lu Qingshan, his figure was still extremely tall.

"Long time no see, Tibetan girl."

Zang Xiaojian looked at Qin Yitian left and right, and couldn't help but say, "Sister Yitian, you are getting more and more "good-looking"."

The good-looking in her mouth is of course not as simple as the literal meaning.

"Young master's credit." Qin Yitian unexpectedly understood the hidden meaning in Zang Xiaojian's words.

"Lu Qingshan, how did you find my house?" Zang Xiaojian turned his head and asked curiously, "Can you find it in such a remote place?"

"The head of the Mo family who has disappeared for many years can be found, can't you still find a big Tibetan like you?" Lu Qingshan said with a smile.

"Yes," Zang Xiaojian nodded, "after all, you are so smart."

Zang Xiaojian's face of approval made Lu Qingshan a little guilty.

"Don't stay here, let's go to the island, I'll show you my house!" Zang Xiaojian finally remembered the courtesy of hospitality, and hurriedly greeted.

Lu Qingshan nodded and did not refuse.

Entering the island was one of the purposes of his trip.

Zang Xiaojian looked back at Lingye Island, then pinched the sword with two fingers, and silently recited a word.

In an instant, a purple sword swayed like a dragon, and finally connected end to end, swiping down towards the thunder.

A "gate" appeared in front of him, and it was unobstructed, leading directly to the island.

"Follow me!" Zang Xiaojian took Qin Yitian's hand, then stepped forward and stepped into the "gate".

Lu Qingshan followed Qin Yitian without hesitation, and walked away in a straight line.

After the three figures did not enter the door, Thunder closed again, threatening.


Xiaguang flashed.

Lu Qingshan officially entered the extremely mysterious Tibetan ancestral land, Lingye Island.

This is a land where spiritual energy is transpiring. There are cities, beautiful mountains, and vast plains.

At this time, Lu Qingshan's position was above the plain.


The earth shook, and a herd of golden giants ran across the plain.

The bodies of these giant elephants are golden and dazzling, reflecting the dazzling brilliance in the sun, and when their trunks are held high, they will make a thunderous cry.

In the distance, there are still wild cattle perched with flames all over their bodies.

A big river flows through the plain, and from time to time big fish jumps up from it, causing splashes of water, and the silver scales on its body flash with brilliance.

In the sky, there are also groups of divine birds with bright and bright wings flying across the sky.

"This is my ranch." Zang Xiaojian introduced to Lu Qingshan and Qin Yitian.


The corner of Lu Qingshan's mouth pursed slightly, but he didn't speak.

Around the plains are mountains with a height of tens of thousands of feet, and the mountains are full of purple air and fragrant.

That's the scent of medicine.

There are various rare and precious trees planted on these mountains, and the precious trees bear various fruits.

On the flat ground at the top of the mountain, there are still medicine fields one after another, and monks can be seen appearing in and out of them, and they are very busy.

"That's my family's medicine garden." Zang Xiaojian introduced again.

Your bed must be 300 square meters, right? Lu Qingshan couldn't help thinking in his heart. UU Reading

Zang Xiaojian led Lu Qingshan forward, and there were several cities below, all of which were huge.

Moreover, there are several towering tenement buildings in these cities, which are very distinctive.

"Where is your home?" Lu Qingshan asked after passing several cities and seeing Zang Xiaojian without stopping.

"There." Zang Xiaojian pointed forward.


Lu Qingshan was surprised.

In front, there is a great mountain with a height of tens of thousands of feet, towering into the clouds.

On the top of the Great Mountain, countless purple thunders rolled away from the earth, roaring constantly, like an uncoveted thunder pond forbidden area, which is daunting.

The weather is spectacular.

But thousands of feet below the top of the mountain, there is a huge protruding platform supporting a magnificent ancient city.

It looks like this ancient city is located in the sky.

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