This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 40: 1 love at first sight


Amidst the tsunami-like cheers of the Qingshan Army, a purple electric snake suddenly streaked across the previously calm sky, followed by a gust of wind and dark clouds.

God is not beautiful.

Lu Qingshan raised his head and glanced at the cold sky, as if he felt the existence of the Tao of Heaven, and harbored deep malice towards him.

"Are you fighting me?" he whispered.

Lu Qingshan stood on the top of the city, his long hair flying with the gust of wind, the electric snake was rolling on the top, boiling like a frying pan, and the Qingshan army was excited and publicized like a tsunami.

"Alright, that's what's interesting."

He raised his head, looking at the vast sky.

It's numerous fun to fight the destiny.


After taking Feiyun City, the Qingshan Army truly gained a firm foothold in the Hu family fief.

However, the expansion plan of the Qingshan Army did not stop, and it radiated rapidly around.

The teaching of "Qingshan Swordsmanship" is also steadily advancing, creating an atmosphere for the whole people to practice swords.

The martial arts of the soldiers began to advance by leaps and bounds.

Lu Qingshan was not idle either.

He communicates with artisans, understands the craft foundation of this world, and proposes his own needs according to the actual situation.

Those demands surprise even the most experienced craftsmen, but they are surprisingly feasible.

In a world like Daoyuan Realm, in addition to martial arts, the means of the Mo family have an amazing effect.

Because craftsmanship is an extremely important part of whether it is in war or if you want to liberate productive forces.

In addition, Lu Qingshan is also building schools in the territory, and at the same time, he has summoned many storytellers and accountants to train them as teachers.

Not only popularized education, but also disseminated his advanced ideas and theories.

After this series of unheard-of policies were issued, the people in the area occupied by the Qingshan Army had already broken through the sky in their admiration and love for Lu Qingshan.

And as the Qingshan Army's behavior of "returning the fields to the people" was spread, the name of the Qingshan Army was even more popular in the fief of the Hu family.

Many people who are still under the rule of the Hu family are looking forward to the early call of the Qingshan Army.

The Hu family had long since lost their morals.

Once the ruler loses the popular support, will his demise be far behind?



The Qingshan Army, which emerged from the Daqing Mine, is rolling like a snowball, getting bigger and faster.

From the attack to the capture of Anling City, the Qingshan Army took a full twenty days.

From Anling City to Pofeiyun City, the Qingshan Army spent more than a month.

But then, the Qingshan Army pushed through the Hu family's fief at the speed of a small city in five days and a large city in ten days.

Its speed is fast and its momentum is huge. Throughout history, it has never happened before, which makes people feel terrified.

Even in the Qingshan Army, apart from Lu Qingshan, no one can understand why the Qingshan Army can grow so fast?

The Qingshan Army continued to advance, and the Hu family's army was not their opponent at all.

Soon, the Qingshan Army was approaching the main city of the Hu family, Hujia City.

Soldiers approach the city.

The century-old Hu family, which has survived several generations of Qin kings, has been standing still, has ushered in the biggest test in history and is at a critical juncture.

But at this time, there was an unfamiliar army in Hujia City.

An army that does not belong to the Hu family.

In a luxurious compound in the center of the town house.

"The anti-military force is strong, and the royal family turned a deaf ear to my Hu family's request for help. Only your Tang family is willing to lend a helping hand." Hu Tianma gritted his teeth.

After the Qingshan Army took half of their Hu family's fiefdom, they asked Qin Yitian for help, hoping that the royal family could send troops to help them put down the rebellion.

As a result, Qin Yitian refused without hesitation because he was in danger of Tiecheng and had no spare energy to send troops.

This made Hu Tianma hate Qin Yitian even more, but he never thought that when Qin Yitian asked their Hu family to send troops to support Tiecheng, they were not perfunctory.

"This time, I would like to thank you Tang family for helping me. Great kindness and great virtue. My Hu family will never forget it. After the rebellion is quelled and the lost land is recovered, the old man would like to thank you for half of the territory."

Hu Tianma drew a line with his finger on the map, facing the people of the Tang family headed by Tang Yuan.

There are three great families in the Qin state, the Hu family, the Fu family and the Tang family.

The Qingshan Army has grown to such a degree that only the Tang family, who are also three great families, has the ability to lend a helping hand.

Tang Yuan said: "Patriarch Hu, please rest assured, I still understand the reason why lips are dead and teeth are cold.

The anti-military situation is in full swing, and my Tang family fief is adjacent to your Hu family. If your Hu family falls, the next target of the anti-army will definitely be our Tang family. "

"My Tang family will definitely help in this battle."

Tang Yuan said this, which calmed Hu Tianma's uneasy heart a little.

With the help of the Tang family, this battle can always be won, right?

Just thinking of the losing streak these days, Hu Tianma's heart is still a little shaky.

"I want to see if this Qingshan Army is as powerful as it is rumored to be able to beat your Hu family into this." Tang Yuan has his own pride.

You haven't been beaten, have you? - Hu Tianma secretly complained in his heart, but his mouth was full of praise, "No matter how strong the rebel army is, how can it stop your Tang family's iron cavalry?"

Tang Yuan laughed. Even though he knew that Hu Tianma had to bow his head under the eaves, he happily accepted the compliment.

It was at this moment that the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside the door.

"Patriarch, it's not good, it's not good!"

Hu Tianma frowned, his expression darkened, and when he saw the guards pushing the door and barging in, he said gloomily, "Didn't you see me discussing something important? If it's not an important matter, I'll take the head on your neck today. !"

The guard was trembling all over, and said timidly: "Patriarch, the city is broken..."

"How is that possible?!" Hu Tianma got up, "The rebels just arrived, even if they are big, the walls of Hujia City are indestructible, and the city gates are made of fine iron, how can it be broken in an instant?

Could it be that their Qingshan Army can still fly and escape? "

"Yes... it was the guards guarding the city gate who rebelled, killed others, and opened the city gate... Qingshan Army, Qingshan Army has entered the city!"

The guard finished speaking in one breath, with a look of despair on his face.

Hu Tianma also changed his face, screamed miserably, and his eyes were splitting.

With his last hope, he looked at the Tang family beside him, "Brother Tang..."

Facing Hu Tianma's bright eyes, Tang Yuan sighed and shook his head, "It's not that my Tang family refuses to help your Hu family, if not, I won't go this way, it's just the current situation, it's true No need to fight..."

"The Hu family, it's over." Tang Yuan thought silently in his heart.

There is no geographical advantage, and the Qingshan Army is so strong, how to fight this battle?

Even if they barely win, it is estimated that the manpower will be almost empty, and the losses will be heavy.

It is possible to help, but it is absolutely impossible to help the Hu family to pay such a huge price.

"Retire the army," Tang Yuan and the others said, "Quickly go back and tell the owner of the situation here, so that the owner can be prepared, and the ambitions of rebelling against the army will not be satisfied by a single Hu family."

Tang Yuan was worried.

It was the first time in his life that he had seen such an opponent, and he was born out of nowhere, and his behavior was even more unheard of.


The sound of hoofs is intense.

On the streets of Hujia City, Lu Qingshan rode a war horse and walked at the forefront.

The doors of the houses on both sides of the street were no longer closed, but opened a little.

A pair of fiery eyes looked at the Qingshan Army who swaggered into the city—who did not know where the Qingshan Army had passed, not only did they not offend the people, but also distributed the nobles' property to the people.

Not to mention resisting the Qingshan Army, the people of Hujiacheng heard that people in other places had their own fields, their eyes were red, and they even broke their hands to count the days when the Qingshan Army took Hujiacheng down.

"General, did you arrange the people at the city gate a long time ago?" Gu Tianyan, who thought he would experience a big battle, but was able to swagger into the city in a dramatic way, couldn't help but ask.

In his opinion, it must be Lu Qingshan's magic plan, and he has already contacted in advance to arrange an internal response.

"No," Lu Qingshan shook his head, "I didn't arrange it."

"Then what?" Gu Tianyan couldn't believe it.

"Whoever wins the hearts and minds of the people wins the world," Lu Qingshan said with a smile: "Do you think this is an empty phrase? The common people are the ones who know how to choose a good bird to live in."

"After taking the Hu family, what will the general do next?" Gu Tianyan couldn't help but ask again.

"Isn't this still the Tang family and the Fu family?" Lu Qingshan smiled meaningfully, "Even if these two families were won, wouldn't there still be other countries?"

Gu Tianyan was shocked and looked at Lu Qingshan's calm but angular face.

He never thought that Lu Qingshan's ambition would be so great.

The world in Lu Qingshan's mouth turned out to be the whole world.


The Hu family has no geographical advantage, and the battle has become a one-sided crushing trend.

After some moderate resistance, Hu Jiacheng completely fell into the hands of Lu Qingshan.

The only pity is that when the Qingshan Army entered the city, Hu Tianma, the head of the Hu family, packed up and escaped from Hujia City through a secret passage.

But Lu Qingshan didn't care about that either.

The Qingshan Army is the general trend, what can Hu Tianma do alone?

With the complete overthrow of the Hu family's rule, Lu Qingshan, as always, rewarded the entire army, distributed land to the people, developed craftsmanship, opened schools, printed and distributed the "Qingshan Sword Art", spread his ideas, and at the same time began to build roads and bridges. .

These things require a lot of money, and it may be a little reluctant for Qin Yitian to take it.

However, after copying the Hu family and obtaining the assets that the Hu family had accumulated for a hundred years, it seemed to be relaxed, which shows how far the Hu family's exploitation of the people has reached.

Lu Qingshan's name spread throughout the territory overnight.

However, for a few days, the children on the street were filled with nursery rhymes praising Lu Qingshan, and storytellers also spontaneously began to spread the achievements of Lu Qingshan and the Qingshan Army.

Many people's worship of Lu Qingshan has become close to believers, especially those slaves who have been exploited.

"If we can unify this world and bring all the power together, what are the Other Ghosts worth?" Lu Qingshan put down the letter from Qin Yitian in his hand, thinking.

The letter is about the situation over the past few days in Tiecheng. It was Lu Qingshan who specially asked Qin Yitian to help him pay attention and informed him in time.

He wanted to know if his big move, which was completely different from the previous one, would lead to a different move on the White Walkers' side.

The truth is, at least so far, there's been nothing out of the ordinary on the White Walkers' side.

The White Walkers didn't move, and Lu Qingshan naturally couldn't ask for it.

Because this time, he was going to crush these White Walkers with an upright momentum.

"It's the Tang family's turn now." Lu Qingshan moved his fingers on the map on the table, and finally settled on the Hu family's fief.


Spring to autumn.

In the blink of an eye, it was the coldest season in the north.

Goose feather snow fell.

Compared with the severe cold weather, the Qin state was extremely hot, showing a fiery upward trend, like a piece of fine iron being tempered and transformed.

A flame called Qingshan Army has burned all over the Qin state, bringing with it the fire of reform and opening up.

Qin City, the palace, the imperial study.

Qin Yitian looked at Lu Qingshan, shook his head, and sighed, "General, I never imagined that you can do this in less than a year."

In less than a year, the Hu family, the Tang family, and the Fu family were overthrown by the Qingshan Army.

Countless fields have been distributed to the common people, hundreds of schools have sprung up, craftsmanship has developed rapidly, and the number of Qingshan Army has grown to an astonishing level. The name of Lu Qingshan is even greater than that of Her Royal Highness.

This is only the first year, and in another ten years, what will Qin Guo be like?

Qin Yitian felt that his imagination was not enough.

Lu Qingshan stared at the stars in the sky along the window, his eyes became endlessly distant, it seemed that he had crossed the entire galaxy and reached a high place.

He was not arrogant, and was extremely calm, "His Royal Highness, I still think it's too slow."

"We don't have as much time as we thought."

"When is the general going to attack Wuyang Kingdom?" Qin Yitian asked Lu Qingshan incomparably trusting.

Wuyang State is a neighboring state of Qin State.

"Don't rush, you have to wait," Lu Qingshan explained in a deep voice: "First, once we attack Wuyang, Qin will definitely be the target of public criticism. At present, Qin is not strong enough to bear such public criticism."

"We have to wait until the Qin state is strong enough to face all this before we can do it."

"Second, we have to wait for the White Walkers."

"Wait for Other Ghosts?" Qin Yitian frowned.

"The last time, a year later, I took the Dragon and Phoenix Army to the depths of the snowfield and met the King of the White Walkers when I reached the Lake of Yellow Springs."

"I want to see, if I didn't go to Yellow Springs Lake this time, the King of the White Ghosts would appear as scheduled, and what kind of reaction would he make."

Lu Qingshan raised his arms towards the moon outside the window, stretched his fingers, and grabbed it slightly, as if he wanted to hold the moon in his hands.

Qin Yitian was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that the man in front of him had a strange and indescribable charm.

She hesitated for a while, and finally said, "General, I have something I wanted to ask you for a long time?"

"Just ask!"

"The Qin Yitian you know, what is the relationship between UU Reading and the general, is it very close?" Qin Yitian said, "When the general first saw me, he called me Yitian."

"What's the relationship..." Lu Qingshan thought for a while, and seemed to have thought of something worth recalling. A smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he said softly:

"Holding the child's hand, coexisting with the child."

Lu Qingshan's eyes fell on Qin Yitian's charming face that he had seen many times but still couldn't get tired of it, just like when Longtan first met.

Some fetters are already doomed when they first meet.


Do not.

It's "love at first sight".


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