This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 147: Chicken Soup Saint Monk

The fighting in the wake of the Linghai tide has been going on for six days.

The evil spirit on Gu Qiu's body has almost condensed into substance.

In such a complex battlefield as the wake of the Linghai tide, Jianxiu, a cultivation system that can explode his own offensive in a short period of time, undoubtedly has a unique advantage.

And he and Li Shiyi, as one of the most outstanding sword cultivators of the human race, did not know how many demons they had killed during these six days.

There were so many that he couldn't even remember them.

Perhaps, the demon cultivators that many cultivators have seen in their lifetimes are not as many as those that Gu Qiu had killed in these six days.

At this moment, he was looking at the sky in the distance, frowning slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this moment, there seemed to be a breeze blowing, bringing a refreshing air current.

Then, a sword repair figure appeared behind Gu Qiu along with Qingfeng.

"Gu Qiu."

"Supplements, have you felt it too?" Gu Qiu asked calmly without turning his head, knowing who was coming behind him.

"Although there is no specific statistics on casualties, I can clearly feel that the casualty rate of my human cultivators in the past two days is not quite right." Li Shiyi replied in a deep voice.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon," Gu Qiu said, "what do you think could be the reason?"

"I think, there should be a real expert in the Demon Race." Li Shiyi frowned and said.

This is the greatest possibility.

"According to this trend, our plan may not proceed as expected." Gu Qiu was worried, and the Sect Master's warning before he left flashed in his mind.

Help him delay the time of the demons as much as possible.

Today, only eight days have passed since the Sect Master left.

This time is far from enough.

"No matter what the situation is, we must change this situation, and we can't let the demons slaughter our human monks without hindrance and scruples."

Li Shiyi said: "Even if Soul Venerable and Yu Zun take action this time, we will try our best to hold them back.

even if"

Even if it is.

at the cost of one's life

The eighth day of the Battle of Linghai Tide.

Western Frontier State.

This was once a state in the Western Regions of Zhongling, which was extremely prosperous and lively.

However, with the invasion of the Demon Race and the outbreak of the Spirit Ocean Tide, the Western Frontier Province has long since become a desolate and dangerous place, and now it has become a corner of the cruel and chaotic battlefield of Dao and Demon.

Above the heights of the former state city Lingcheng of Xibeizhou.

Two streams of light flashed by.

Then, behind a stream of spiritual air in the far west of the streamer path, a human race cultivator who had been hiding here for a long time fell straight from the sky.

In the city far to the east, two Second Tribulation Realm cultivators fell to the ground and died.

In the five small battlefields in the north direction, there are a total of eight human monks, and at the same time, the eyes are dark and they have lost their vitality.

There were no scars at all on these people's bodies, and their expressions were peaceful, as if they were asleep.

Do not know how to take action, when to take action, there are dozens of cultivators, including even a cultivator of the Three Tribulations Realm, just like this.

Even among the strong demons, there are only a handful of people who can have such a means.

Right now.

The two streamers stopped, revealing the figures in them.

The blue dragon ruled, and the white tiger ruled.

Not long ago, the two of them were the guards of Zhongling, the guardian deity of Zhongling, but now they have changed their heads, but they have become the demons of the demons, and they have become the death gods who harvested the lives of the human monks on this battlefield. . :.

The reason why the casualty rate of the human race has risen sharply in the past two days is because two days ago, the master of the blue dragon and the master of the white tiger began to intervene in the battle of the sea of ​​​​spirits.

These two masters were once the two most powerful monks in Zhongling.

In the face of such an existence, in order to stop him, in addition to the courage and will beyond ordinary people, it also needs truly powerful strength.

At least Zhongling has no such power.

Jianzong has a peak swordsman like Xie Qingyun, but Xie Qingyun is not here now.

So who can stop the two of them in their footsteps?

In a trance, a monk wearing a cassock appeared in front of the master of the blue dragon and the master of the white tiger.

His cassock was stained with blood, which should have been dirty, but it still gave people a clean and dusty feeling.

Body and mind are like that.

Chicken Soup Saint Monk.

The abbot of Chicken Soup Temple has cultivated to the highest realm of physical invincibility.

Ordinary attacks can't hurt him at all.

Even the high-quality magic cultivators in the magic army also have no way to deal with him.

Even the raging spiritual flow was ignored by the chicken soup holy monk.

Next to the holy monk of chicken soup, there are two sword cultivators.

Who can stop the master of the blue dragon and the master of the white tiger?

Naturally, it is Jianzong.

The most powerful force of the Zhongling Human Race at the moment is Jianzong.

One monk and two sword cultivators stood in front of the master of the blue dragon and the master of the white tiger.

"Xie Qingyun faced the two of us, and in the end, he chose to escape. Don't you think that you can be stronger than Xie Qingyun and can stop me?"

The master of Qinglong looked at the three people in front of him and asked.

His tone sounded very sincere, but it was actually condescending contempt.

"Have the Sect Master fought with you?" Gu Qiu was a little surprised.

"Run away." The master of Qinglong said with a smug smile.

"This way" Gu Qiu thought for a while, then said concisely: "Then you are really strong, I admire it."

"Then are you still going to shake the tree?"

Gu Qiu held the sword, thought for a while, turned his head to look at Li Shiyi and Chicken Soup Saint Monk beside him, and after looking at them, he turned his head and replied seriously to the master of Qinglong: "We want to give it a try. "

His answer was calm, yet confident.

The Azure Dragon Lord was a monk in the town area before that.

There are only seven monks of this level in the entire human race, and for any monk, it is an unattainable existence.

But Gu Qiu never lacks the courage to challenge.

Hearing Gu Qiu's words, Master Qinglong couldn't help but let out a burst of joyful laughter from the bottom of his heart, raised his finger to Gu Qiu, and said, "You human monks are so arrogant and cute."

He snorted coldly and waved his hand, "Since that's the case, I'll play with you."

next moment.

The wind and rain are dark, and the lightning and thunder are thundering.

The flow of spiritual power began to roll inexplicably, forming a tornado that splashed out.

Qinglong dominates, and at this moment, he made a move without any mercy.

Layers of ripples rippling from his palm, and the pressure is like a monstrous flood opening pressing on Gu Qiu, Li Shiyi, and the holy monk of chicken soup.

But at the same time, a Buddha's name sounded inexplicably between heaven and earth, whispering into his ears.

"Om, Baza, hey, om, Baza, Zhanza, Mahalu na hum."

This is the mantra of Mahasattva Bodhisattva.

Chicken soup saint monk face peaceful meditation.

He took a step forward, a step of a hundred feet, blocking Gu Qiu and Li Shiyi.

This monk in a cassock, facing the attack dominated by Qinglong, stretched out his arm and made a seal with one hand, and whispered the Buddha's name.

Just like the name of the Buddha mantra, the great momentum comes in an instant.

The whole body of the holy monk of chicken soup burst into golden light.

The tornado issued by the master of the Qinglong, although it has the momentum of the sky at this moment, seems to be able to turn the clouds and rains, the rivers and the seas, but they are the only ones that cannot enter the surrounding of the holy monk. To provide you with the fastest update of this sword repair, the 147th chapter chicken soup holy monk is free to read. :.

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