This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 122: Youshenhua

A hidden area a little far away from the battlefield stood staggered.

The black lotus was shrouded in the black halo, shaking slightly.

Above each black lotus, there is a figure sitting cross-legged.

At this time, the figures on the three black lotuses in the center were shocked, as if something had changed dramatically.


Someone yelled, with consternation, anger, resentment, and disbelief in his voice, and his eyes stood up.

The figure on the black lotus is the body of the inner demon.

Not long ago, all of their souls were beheaded by Lu Qingshan.

This is simply a shame and shame. In a nest of their Heart Demon Race, an outsider appeared and beheaded them.

This is a great loss.

A heart demon can only distinguish three souls in his life, and each soul has been carefully selected by them. It is not easy to cultivate to the current state.

Now that they have fallen like this, how can they be heartbroken.

It doesn't matter yet.

The important thing is that with the posture shown by Lu Qingshan, it is clear that he intends to kill them all, sweeping their heart's nest.

Therefore, this matter is definitely not over.

"To leave, it's important to save your life!" Huang Yang had completely lost his courage, so suggested.

"No, you can't go, you must kill him, otherwise the secrets of our inner demons for many years will be exposed." Someone shouted, pointing out the key.

"But our soul-separation is so easily beheaded by him. In terms of combat effectiveness, our body is not as good as soul-separation," Huang Yang said very pessimistically: "It is even more impossible to be his opponent."

"We don't have to kill him personally, as long as we can hold him down.

Wu Zi, don't you still have a Soul Divide with Breath-Covering Demon Venerable, you should inform Breath-Covering Demon Venerable of our situation as soon as possible, so that he can come to support and eliminate the troubles. "

"As for us, we are trying to hold him down."

"Since he wants to sweep our heart, he shouldn't leave easily before he kills us."

"Let's pull with him."

The leader of the inner demon clan is very calm, and slowly arranges the way.

The heart demon known as Wu Zi nodded, "Okay, I will immediately inform the Venerable Breathing Demon of the situation here."

Immediately, the leader of the heart demon reminded: "We have to put away the goddess flower first, otherwise it will be discovered by the human sword repairer, that will be a great loss."

After being reminded like this, the other magic cultivators reacted.

"The flower of the gods is the core of our entire heart nest. As long as the flower of the gods is still there, even if the heart nest here is destroyed, we want to rebuild the heart nest, but it is just a matter of effort."

"The most urgent matter at the moment, in addition to dragging the sword repairer, is to save the Goddess Flower."

Another heart demon answered.

Immediately, the others nodded in agreement.

"Then let's put away the God of God flower first." The leader Demon Xiu shouted.

In the next moment, those dozens of figures jumped out of the black lotus.

In the center of the black lotus where they were entrenched, a trace of black magic mist escaped, making the heart trembling.

At this time, the leading heart demon made a handprint, and the black demon energy gradually dispersed, revealing the scene in it.

There was a black flower bone flower growing there, obviously immature.

That is the goddess flower.

There are only seven leaves in total in the Youshen Flower, like crystal jade.

The flower bone flower in the middle is as black as ink, and the endless rich magical energy is hanging down, coming down and blending into the ground below.

It looks like a devil's flower.

The black lotus of the inner demons grows here, and it also means to guard the wandering flower.

At this moment, all the inner demons were staring at this flower bone enthusiastically, like a pilgrimage.

They cared about this flower very much, so they stopped, and there was no one who dared to act rashly, for fear of destroying the treasure.

The leader of the heart demon took a step forward, a silver light rose in his hand, and his big hand leaned forward, cautiously leaning toward the goddess flower, hoping to hold it in his hand.

The moment his hand touched the goddess flower, the goddess flower bloomed with earth-shaking black light, releasing the sky-shattering glow.

A wave of heart palpitations rippled away.

Anyone who was touched by this wave of volatility felt out of their minds in an instant, as if they were going to wander too far away.

Heaven and man go out of their bodies, wandering beyond the sky.

This is the origin of the name Youshenhua, and it is also its most powerful effect.

Yushenhua was picked up by the lead demon and held it in her hand carefully.


Lu Qingshan waved his sword, and achieved an impressive record.

But he was not satisfied, his eyes looked at the unknowable depths of this area.

What he just killed was just to split the soul, and if the heart demon didn't kill their body, then they weren't considered dead.

Therefore, this battle is far from over.

The next moment, he closed his eyes.

In his mind, there is a light spot that is moving fast.

Peach blossom.

The nest where the inner demons inhabits is very large and infinite.

More importantly, there was a kind of mist shrouded in this place, which isolated the divine consciousness, which caused great interference in both the pursuit and the pursuit.

However, the heart demon dispatched to split the soul to fight. Seeing that the situation is wrong, the body can quickly abandon the cave and flee. It is difficult for him to find the body of these heart demon in a short period of time.

In order to solve this problem, he released the peach blossom early in the morning.

Because with the blessing of Xinyan, his flying sword has already exceeded 30,000 miles, which can completely cover ninety-nine percent of this area.

In the state of mind, the flying sword is like a radar. Although it cannot see the full picture of things as clearly as the naked eye, it can accurately perceive the enemy and display it in a scene similar to a red dot.

During the battle with the three souls of the heart demon, Taohua had been searching for the body of the heart demon for a long time, and now he was heading straight to the last area.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, there were already nearly ten "red dots" appearing in the mind's perception.

"I found you." Lu Qingshan opened his eyes suddenly, and his dark eyes flashed brightly.

Immediately, he immediately rose up with Yujian, rushing towards the place of Peach Blossom at extreme speed, with a clear goal.


In the area ahead, another misty magical energy evaporates from the ground.

Lu Qingshan felt awe-inspiring.

"What's the secret in this area, why is there always devilish energy?"

Until now, he still hadn't figured out the secrets of this area.


Suddenly, Lu Qingshan frowned.

He noticed that the ethereal demon energy that had been transpiring from the ground up suddenly disappeared at this moment.

"Something unusual," Lu Qingshan muttered.

"It should be some action on the inner demon's body."

"In all likelihood, I am going to run away and take away all important things."

Through such an abnormal change, Lu Qingshan was convinced that the reason why the magic energy evaporates from this place must be a great secret, and there should be some treasure.

Thinking like this, his speed became faster and faster, turning into a sword light, across this space, rushing towards the peach blossom.

Boom boom boom!

With the explosion at full speed, Lu Qingshan rushed to the road with great momentum. There was no cover, and it was not easy to cover it.

Therefore, at the center of the heart nest, the inner demons who had just picked the magic flower from the lower reaches immediately heard the huge momentum coming from Lu Qingshan on the way.

When they looked up, they saw a stream of light piercing the sky, not far from themselves.

"How could it come so fast?"

Suddenly, there was a panic among the demons.

"He's coming!" Huang Yang was even more shattered, unable to raise the slightest resistance.

In the mind demon's expectation, their heart nest area is so wide, and there is a mist from the gods of the gods to isolate the spiritual search. This human sword repairer wants to find their body, not to mention the needle in the sea, at least it will take a while. , How could I have thought that it had been killed in such a while.

call out! Valley

From a distance, Lu Qingshan saw the goddess flower held by the heart demon in his hands, and even felt the slight fluctuations from the goddess flower.

This wave of fluctuations from Youshenhua made his heart move, and he felt a sense of dazzling spirit.

"This flower is not simple, it's just fluctuations, it makes me almost out of my mind, the attitude of the demon, it proves its great value."

Lu Qingshan's eyes flickered, and he could see the cautious look of the inner demons who regarded the goddess flower as a treasure.

In an instant, he knew it was a strange flower and a treasure on earth.

Lu Qingshan was very decisive and shot directly.

"Sword domain!" He directly expanded the legal domain.

The purple-golden sword domain immediately spread out, encompassing him and the dozens of inner demons.


The next moment, the dragon bird emerged from the body, and the peach blossom that had been lurking nearby was also a swallow return. After receiving the new energy supply from Lu Qingshan, it burst out.

The two flying swords rattled clankly, like two thunders, and shot at the leader of the heart demon.

At this time, the heart demons in this area were all alarmed, casting their bodies, all of them glowing.

Everyone was panicked and panicked.

What was shocked was the appearance of Lu Qingshan, and what was panicked was that this was the first time in so many years that they faced the enemy head-on.

Facing the enemy, even if they lose the soul, although they are in pain, they will not be too flustered.

After all, the fall of the avatar will not affect their bodies.

But this time it was completely different.

As soon as the body dies, they are really dead.

This is too dangerous!

"Stop him!"


In a panic, the leader of the heart demon shouted loudly, instructing others to stop Lu Qingshan.

But compared to their powerful fighting talents and the soul-separation of their physical bodies, the bodies of these inner demons are too weak.

After all, Yuhun itself is their most powerful talent.

Except for the supernatural power of the soul, the heart demon only has a talent for controlling life.

In other respects, even the demons who are not as good as those of the seventh-rank bloodline and the sixth-rank bloodline.

Therefore, they immediately displayed the supernatural powers of life control without hesitation, with the intention of controlling and interfering with Lu Qingshan.

But under the protection of Lu Qingshan's perfect soul realm and the protection of the abbot of Tianxin, all this was in vain and had no effect on him at all.


The dreamlike sword light cut past, and the first heart demon who blocked Lu Qingshan's dragonfinch was immediately cut off by the waist.

While cutting off his body, Feijian continued to move forward.

"I can't stop him!" The demon whose body was cut off panicked in his heart, and he didn't die immediately.

Peach Blossom then arrived, with awe-inspiring sword intent, and directly exploded, completely shattering the two body of the heart demon, turning into a cloud of blood and exploding.

"Run! Run!"

"This person is invincible for the time being! Remember what we just said!" the leader of the demons shouted loudly.

These inner demons are very anxious and angry, but they are helpless, there is only one way to escape.

Their eyes were red, and they spread out in all directions at the fastest speed.

This is what I said earlier, try to pull, drag Lu Qingshan, and wait for Wu Zi's Soul Divide to come with Breathing Demon Venerable.

The Ninth-Rank Demon Venerable can suppress Lu Qingshan just by turning his hands, leaving him nowhere to stand.

The point is whether they can hold on until the Breathing Demon Lord arrives.

At this point, all the demons now have no confidence.

"Want to run?" Seeing these demons flee in different directions, Lu Qingshan immediately understood their plans.



Under the magical skills of the sword domain, layers of sword aura emerged in the purple-golden sword domain, forming a sword tide.

These sword auras contain terrifying penetrating power, destructive power and might.

This was the sword energy that Lu Qingshan had stored in the sword domain earlier, and it broke out in an instant, with the power of ruining the world, and it was extremely cruel.

First, ten thousand strands of sword energy were extremely flaming, like a divine sword transformed into an entity, slashing at those heart demons together.

Ten thousand swords come out together, what kind of scene is that?

"This... terrible!"

The dozens of demons in the distance were pale.

They found that even if they had a large number of people, they seemed to have nothing to do in the face of this offensive. Only the whole army was wiped out.

Clang clang clang!

All swords were sent together, quickly catching up with the demons.

The endless streamer hit these fleeing demons.

They were under sword-qi attacks. Although their bodies were shining and resisted by the gods and demons, they were after all demon cultivation that was good at the soul and soul. The flesh bodies were not as unparalleled as the other seven holy demons, and they were very passive.

In the clanging sound, there are already many inner demons spilled blood and even pierced.

Outside, Lu Qingshan stood in the sky, with all the wisps of sword aura rushing forward, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

On the other hand, he remained unmoved, like a general who dispatched troops and generals, and was still like a mountain general.


Lu Qingshan let out a whistle, and there were ten thousand strands of sword aura whistling, moving forward like a turbulent ocean.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the cold light shines.

Soon, the head of the first heart demon was cut off, and the headless upper body flew horizontally, and blood was spilled.

What kind of domineering is this, not moving in the sword forest, it is to kill these eighth-grade heart demon to lose their helmets and abandon their armor, how can it not make people frightened.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The sword aura is like a waterfall, and another wave of sword aura comes out.

Clang clang clang!

Between the heaven and the earth, the sound was ear-splitting, more and more heart demons were wounded, and blood splashed in patches.


Here, Lu Qingshan raised his hand, and the dragon bird and the peach blossom shot across the sky, and the sword light lased like a galaxy.

He was fighting the leading inner demon.

The leading heart demon has the cultivation base of three casting realms.

Although the body's combat power is not as prominent as the soul division, it is also terrifying.

Lu Qingshan now does not have the blessings of Dharma, Heaven, and Earth and Bing Zi Jue, and can't do the same as before. The two flying swords instantly take the life of the heart and demon, so he fell into a fierce fight for a while.

But it's just the difference between early killing and late killing.

Lu Qingshan's heart moved, Wangchuan also came out and joined the battle.

The three flying swords kept attacking, staggering back and forth, forming a sword tide, finding its weaknesses, and attacking constantly.

After swishing a few swords down, black blood splashed on the body of the heart demon god.

Compared with other holy demon races, the combat power of the heart demon body is indeed too much to see when the life control is not effective.

"No!" The leading heart demon was terrible under Lu Qingshan's successive flying sword offensives. The beheaded blood was blurred, the bones broke, and finally fell in a horrible cry.


Another moment passed.

All the inner demons were swept away, all their heads were harvested, and they could not escape the attack of the sword world.

Lu Qingshan, one person swept a heart demon's lair, and cultivated with a perfect fit.

This record is too brilliant.

When everything came to an end, Lu Qingshan began to count the spoils.

The first is the strange flower that the demons attach great importance to.

Lu Qingshan looked at the strange fluctuations in his hand, with strange light in his eyes and pondered.

"What the **** is this?"

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