This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 118: Sword energy is 30,000 li in all directions, 1 Jianguanghan 19 states

After Li Qiubaijian opened the gate of heaven, Niu Er broke through the air and disappeared.

No one thought that the most domineering sword in the world, "Niu Er", finally chose Xia Daoyun as the new sword master.

This is not only a "bull ear" choice, but also Li Qiu's choice.

He kept Daxia safe during his lifetime, and so did his death.

He handed the inheritance to Xia Daoyun, who had the blood of Da Xia Dao ancestor.

The kendo leader.

Li Qiu lost the previous 20,000 years.

From today onwards, it is Xia Daoyun.


Chi Zun glanced at the bull's ears from Li Qiubai, cautious and jealous.

He didn't know the origin of this sword, but as a family of soldiers and demons who were born with furnace refining magical powers, he could feel an indescribable breath of terror brewing in the ears of the bull.

With this sword alone, Xia Daoyun had the right to ask him who had used the word art of war again.

Xia Daoyun is Daxia's princess. She has the great fortune that began with Daozu and finally Daxia, and her own roots are extremely good. First Xie Qingyun led her in the kendo, and then the Niu Er who gathered Li Qiu defeated the kendo to recognize the master.

With all these blessings, no one knows what magnificent scenery the female imperial sword will have today.


Above the city gate.

When Yu Canghai saw this scene, even though he had expected it in his heart, he couldn't help but sighed.

"Swordsmanship has been so many years, and I have not waited for a female sword fairy. Dao Yun can achieve what she is today. It is not easy for the whole swordsmanship."

"If it weren't for our ability to be seniors, we really don't want Dao Yun to make this sword."

"After all, before the realm really enters the sword fairyland, every time you use the sword of the sword fairy, it is a means of fighting your own Dao realm."

Xue Wushao shook his head.

"Dao Yun is now in such a realm, it is no longer a little junior girl who still needs our care, so why don't you blame yourself?"

"Furthermore, isn't your Long Wind Sword Formation a means of fighting your own Dao Realm with a lot of harm?"

"Compared to a strong sword immortal, if this sword can't be used today, she will retreat, for her, it will really do more damage to the realm, and it will be bad for Jianxin."

"What we have to do now is to take a closer look at Dao Yun's next sword, which should also be a lot of inspiration and benefit to us."

"Speaking of which, she will also be the first among the six people I waited for to use the sword fairy tactics..."

"It's old."

Yu Canghai was silent for a while, then sighed lightly and nodded silently.

Xue Wushao smiled, his eyes flickered, and he threw at the young woman who was holding the sword and murmured softly: "Let's take a look. The old Sect Master has inherited the swordsmanship, plus the bull ears of the sword immortal Chang'an. , What kind of sword will Dao Yun make today..."


Everyone is suspended above the sky.

Only Xia Daoyun fell on the ground because of the previous collision with Chi Zun.

Looking down on the vast expanse of land, she was the only one with a sword.

The tip of the ox-ear sword is inserted into the ground several inches, as if it is sheathed by the earth,

Xia Daoyun slowly closed his eyes.

"Senior, junior Xia Daoyun borrowed a sword from you."

She pressed the hilt of the bull's ears and placed her hands on top of each other and floated up slightly.

The bull ears show the power of a sheath.

An invisible breath was brewing, spreading and spreading silently.

After a while, this breath is everywhere in the world.

Chi Zun looked up at the sky with a little dread and confusion.

There, he felt that something seemed to be growing.

Here, Xia Daoyun, who had only slightly raised his hands, suddenly pressed down, pressing on the hilt of the Niu'er sword again.

"Sword, come!" she yelled softly.

The sword is coming? What sword is coming? Where did it come from?

Chi Zun's expression changed slightly, his eyes flashed with different colors, and he subconsciously thought of it.

The next moment, he got the answer.

Thousands of miles high in the sky was instantly cut into countless vertical and horizontal gullies like a chessboard.

Such as black and white double lines outline a chessboard.

Jian Qi.

What came was Jian Qi.

One hundred thousand, one million, tens of millions are extremely fierce, like a sword spirit of white practice raging, born in the sky.

A mighty wave of sword energy fell from the sky, as if Yuntian were used as a chessboard move.

The stars hang down and the plains are wide, and the moon springs from the river. Valley

The handwriting of the sword fairy, the atmosphere of the sword fairy.

Because this sword was borrowed from Li Qiu.

After Li Qiubai opened the gate with a sword that day, the sky full of sword aura was like a bull's ear, falling into the void and wandering.

Although the sword energy cut by the sword immortal cannot last forever, at least it will last for a hundred years.

With the help of bull's ears, Xia Daoyun borrowed the sword spirit from thousands of miles away.

"Everywhere is not the place where you were born, and all the time is not the year of your birth." Xia Daoyun murmured softly, as if talking to Li Qiubai.

"You are also proud where you die, and you are also proud where you live."

Nanyu is proud of Li Qiu's failure, Chang'an is proud of Li Qiu's failure, and Taiyi is proud of Li Qiu's failure.

"Prosperity wherever you go, and glory wherever you go."

The entire human race is proud of Li Qiu's defeat everywhere.

"No, don't go, don't pass, but nowhere."

Xia Daoyun, with folded hands and swords, changed his gestures, held the ear of the cow, and pulled it out of the ground, stepped forward, swept all the way, and began to climb into the sky.

"It is also honorable and glorious to see your sword with what you have given."

All sword repairers in the world are awarded the sword by Li Qiu defeated, and they are all proud of Li Qiu defeated.

"Senior, you will always be the unattainable in the round of Chang'an... Mingyue."

"It's the soul of the moon, and it's also... an immortal!"

There are people in this world who are born extraordinary.

Therefore, even after leaving, he still has a sword, which is expected to turn the three demon soldiers into two.

"Junior Sword Sect Xia Daoyun, today I borrowed the sword, not to open the heavenly gate, just to kill the devil!"

Xia Daoyun shouted.

At this moment, the sword aura in the sky is like a rainstorm initiating, all falling down.

All the sword points pointed directly at Chi Zun, like a magnificent tornado, splashing down on the head.

The tornado exploded towards Chi Zun almost in the blink of an eye.

"Come!" Chi Zun was so arrogant that he did not evade, holding the supernatural power conferred by the Bing Zi Jue, his fist as big as a bowl slammed into the sky full of sword energy like a torrential rain. UU reading

Such as the boiling boiler is tumbling.

When the two touched, the world shook, and ripples visible to the naked eye appeared.

In the next instant, Chi Zun's tall and robust body soared out into the sky.

The Demon Lord, who is known for his bravery and invincibility, was still repelled even when he used the first secret method of the Demon Clan's attack.

Sword Qi continued to pour down.

There was a crash.

The sagging sword energy changed again, like a green dragon coming fiercely.

The green dragon runs through.

Chi Zun's face was angry, his hands clasped his claws, and he reached out his palms, deep into the sword-qi blue dragon.

Clang clang clang!

Sparks flew everywhere, and the sword aura flooded Chi Zun.

After the sword energy dissipated, Chi Zun showed his figure in a mess.

His face was bloodstained, and finally no longer the former demon demon demeanor that was calm and composed.

Chi Zun only felt that his body was full of holes, as if he had suffered from Ling Chi.

The chest and abdomen burned like fire, and the pain went into the bone marrow. He hadn't encountered such a terrible injury for many years.

So much so that he almost forgot the pain.

It's not over yet.

Xia Daoyun glanced at the severely injured Red Venerable, and groaned softly, "Please take the sword from Red Venerable."

The bull's ears flew out of her hand.

The quaint bull ears burst out with dazzling and unprecedented sword light at this moment.

This sword light, not to mention Yumen Pass, is clearly audible even outside the Tianshan Mountains.

The world moves.

At the same time, the last wave of sword energy in the sky flew magnanimously from thousands of miles away, and then poured down.

Cover the sky and the sun.

Rough as a mountain.

Wind and thunder are ups and downs.

Gathering the right time and place, Xia Daoyun borrowed Li Qiu's sword to cut out the peak and most domineering sword of his life so far.


Sword Qi is 30,000 li in the vertical and horizontal direction, and nineteen states are glorious in one sword!

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