This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 116: Why are women so domineering?

Ming Zun stood on the sky, looking at Xue Wushao's back with a complicated expression.

This Jianzong sword repair brought him a deep shock and also brought him a lot of pressure.

First, Yu Canghai Jian defeated Zhan Zun, and then Xue Wushao defeated him. Such existence, as well as their sect, made Ming Zun feel that in the future war of Dao Demon, his clan will definitely not be smooth sailing, and it must be experienced. All kinds of ups and downs.

Ming Zun still has the power to fight again, but Xue Wushao can do it with a single sword. If this is a battle of life and death, if the fight continues, Xue Wushao must fall.

But this is not a battle of life and death.

Xue Wushao is even more a chicken thief, grasping this point, he immediately retreats after a sword is finished.

After that, he announced the result of the battle loudly, and the result was settled, and the Ming Zun was not given the slightest chance to fight again, which made him suffer a dark loss abruptly.

Ming Zun was aggrieved in his heart, but in such a highly anticipated situation, it was not something he could do if he refused to accept defeat.

Therefore, in the end, he could only look gloomy in the direction of Yumenguan, and then retreated.

"Crimson Venerable, Human Race is quite difficult and cunning. Be careful, don't overturn the boat in the gutter." He hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but remind Equator Dao.

Chi Zun nodded solemnly, without dismissing it.

The successive defeats of Zun Zun and Ming Zun have already raised his vigilance to the highest level.

Above Yumen Pass, Xue Wushao, who had lost the lamp, smiled slightly and couldn't help but compare with Yu Canghai: "Well, how does my sword compare to your sword formation?"

Yu Canghai nodded in admiration, "One sword divides life and death. In this sense, your sword is the true legendary sword repair method."

"Senior brother is absurd." Xue Wushao smiled and said with restraint.

There was no half of the coldness that had been shown in front of the demons.

Among the Seven Peaks of Jianzong, Yu Canghai and Xue Wushao have the deepest relationship.

Because they were the same group of sword repairmen who entered the Sword Sect, Yu Canghai was a little older, and his cultivation was slightly better than him, so it was only natural that Xue Wushao was called Senior Brother Yu Canghai.

Back then, Yu Canghai repaired the inner sword and Xue Wushao repaired the outer sword. They were the first in their respective fields and competed a lot with each other.

Moreover, because of the relationship between the schools of cultivation, the victory or defeat of the competition between them faintly determines whether the inner sword has a stronger voice or the outer sword has a stronger voice.

But embarrassingly, Yu Canghai repaired sword formations, while Xue Wushao repaired swords.

The peculiarities of the art of raising swords have caused it to be a murderous swordsmanship.

Therefore, Yu Canghai has been the stabilizer Xue Wushao since entering the sect, and it is still the same now that the second person in Jianzong is generally recognized as Yu Canghai.

For these false names, they said they valued it, but they didn't really care much.

But after all, the two have been fettered for so many years, and there is also a comparison between the outer sword and the inner sword which is strong and weak. It doesn't matter at all, but it is not.

So now that Xue Wushao Yijian lost his life, naturally he would not miss this rare opportunity to show off.

"Unfortunately, there is only one sword, otherwise you can also solve the next Chi Zun." Yu Canghai continued, his tone seemed rather regretful, but it hit the nail on the head.

Xue Wushao's complexion became stiff, not without embarrassment.

Indeed, laymen may be shocked by his sword, and they are beginning to wonder why Yu Canghai, who is obviously inferior to him, is the second person in Jianzong, not Xue Wushao.

But I know what I do

The other sword repairs one sword for life and death, because only one sword is needed.

He divides life and death with one sword, but it's because he only has one sword.

This is a very embarrassing thing.

"It's a pity that my sword was originally meant to kill a high-level demon, but now it can only be used in this way, letting the life deity be injured," Xue Wushao said with emotion: "Luxury."

Then he smiled lightly, skipped the topic for the time being, and said worriedly: "You shouldn't shoot anymore. My sword has also been shot. But there is still one of the three demon masters. This last battle can only be handed over to Daoyun is gone"

Xia Daoyun is the youngest of their seven peak masters.

Even if the talent is outstanding, the Six Tribulations Realm's shocking cultivation base has been cultivated in five hundred years, but that depends on who is compared.

Compared with the top demon sovereign like Chi Zun, the cultivation base of the Six Tribulations Realm is completely inadequate.

Even if Yu Canghai had the cultivation base of the Eight Tribulations Realm, he still had no chance to win against Zhan Zun. In the end, he was able to win by taking advantage of the strength of the Great Wind and Great Array.

Xue Wushao's cultivation base in the Seven Tribulations Realm was able to defeat Ming Zun through a sword that had been raised for thousands or two hundred years.

And it was only a victory and failed to kill him.

From this perspective, Xia Daoyun of Six Tribulations Realm's cultivation base, if he wants to defeat Chi Zun, it is simply a fantasy.

But Xue Wushao's tone was not completely unfavorable, but worried more.

"Then it depends on how she got in touch with that thing," Yu Canghai looked at the woman on Chengguan with temperament like the moon shooting in the cold river and Xia Ying Chengtang, and then smiled: "I believe her."

At the Yumen Pass, after Xue Wushao conquered the Ming Zun, the morale of the human monks began to rise, and they felt that the Demon Zun seemed nothing great.

Only a few cultivators with sharp eyesight and broad knowledge were worried about Yu Canghai and Xue Wushao's Shanggong.

They knew that the two people had to pay an unspeakable price.

But this kind of worry, in the current atmosphere of enthusiasm, seems a little insignificant.

Moreover, this truth, in fact, Zhan Zun and Ming Zun also understand.

But the question is, what price did the two of them pay?

If you don’t understand this, the Mozu will not easily go to war with Yumenguan

Xia Daoyun at the city gate looked calm and cast his gaze outside the city.

At this time, among the invisible demon army, a figure was slowly coming out of the queue.

That figure, holding a red halberd in his hand, filled his body with an indescribable pressure.

The air surging between the sky and the earth, but within a hundred feet of his body, it was silent, as if suppressed.

Looking at the figure, the cultivating monk Yumenguan couldn't help but change his face, and his voice full of jealousy uttered two words from his teeth: "Chizun!"

Xia Daoyun's gaze was sharply concentrated on the figure that seemed to suppress the entire world.

After a moment of stagnation, she raised her sword, Jianguang rushed out of Yumen Pass, passed the long wind array, and finally landed on the opposite side of Chi Zun.

When Xia Daoyun's figure fell out of the sword light, Chi Zun didn't care about other people anymore, and his gaze was directly on Xia Daoyun.

"This battle, are you fighting me?" There was no wave in Chi Zun's gaze, as if the defeats of the previous Zun Zun and Ming Zun had not been taken care of by him, and it had no effect on him.

This calmness made people feel chills.

"It's me." Xia Daoyun affirmed.

After hearing Xia Daoyun’s answer, Chi Zun paused, then lifted the red halberd in his hand, and pointed at Xia Daoyun far away, with indifferent eyes: "If Yu Canghai and Xue Wushao can fight again, UU read It will not end."

"They must have no power to fight again."

"So as long as you beat you, your suzerain must take action."

"Are you ready to accept sanctions?"

Chi Zun saw the situation very clearly.

And in this battle, he also had a reason to win.

Zhan Zun and Ming Zun have been defeated by Human Sword Xiu one after another. If he loses again, how much damage will they bring to the morale of Demon Race?

In addition, their purpose this time is to verify the truth and falsehoods of the Heart Demon Race, and to test the details of the Qingyun Sword Immortal.

If Xie Qingyun hadn't taken any action, they would have been sent away like this. Wouldn't it be a joke?

Cang! Cang!

The light of the two swords flashed, and then two long swords flew out of Xia Daoyun's body and hovered around her.

This is Xia Daoyun's natal sword.

Jinghong and Youlong.

Pina is astonishing, graceful as a dragon.

Xia Daoyun answered Chi Zun's question with actual actions.

"Could it be that you also want to defeat me with eight realms?" Chi Zun sighed. The moment he sighed, the world seemed to darken, and an indescribable intention to kill suddenly erupted.

"Six Tribulations Realm?" He seemed to be asking, but also as if talking to himself, the murderous intent that radiated from it made people feel numb to the scalp.

Chi Ji pointed out from a distance, wrapped in monstrous killing intent and power, and brought infinite pressure, but Xia Daoyun's expression did not change in the slightest.

"What is the realm to me?" she said.

The next sentence of this majestic female sword repairer truly made the killing intent as cold as profound iron. The supreme Demon Venerable in the Burning Moon Domain couldn't help but change color, and even became anxious and degenerate, and could no longer calm down.

"My Xia Daoyun cuts the devil, so why not be higher?"

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