This star just wants to learn

Chapter 864: Skills Overwhelm All

"What should Pu Tong do? He is still a child!"

The International Cultural Exchange Festival on the other side of the ocean is going on, but at this time, the domestic live broadcast room is already in chaos...

They watched the Bangzi Country being extremely arrogant and stealing openly, watching them brazenly arguing with others, and finally watching the Beautiful Country sneaking in and adding insult to injury.

Although this group of people with ulterior motives are completely malicious in spreading rumors, this kind of thing happened on the international stage, and they are more or less unable to defeat four people with two fists.

People from the national delegation have come forward to explain, but the effect is still minimal.

Even in domestic live broadcast rooms, some viewers who worship foreigners and foreigners have begun to get angry and openly set the pace.

The public opinion environment in our own territory is like this, and it is conceivable that foreign discussion forums are now in various situations...

Many foreigners who don't know the inside story are only responsible for watching the theater. Subconsciously, they still prefer the beautiful country.

It's not that they take sides, it's just that the beautiful country has always attached great importance to cultural export, and its influence in the field of culture and art is top in the world. In comparison, foreign audiences are more familiar with it.

When people eat melons, they will always subconsciously tend to prefer groups they know something about. With this preconceived idea, they will naturally be biased.

And I have to admit that the beautiful country is too strong in this field. Even if they do not have traditional culture, their dazzling modern art works can still make them dominate.

The current situation is that if the two fight, one of them will be injured...

For so long, although China's modern art is remarkable, it is not that outstanding on an international scale.

In the eyes of most viewers, the outcome of today's cultural exchange conference is already clear.

Many people have also focused their attention on Pu Tong, who is about to give a speech on behalf of China. Under such heavy pressure, it is difficult to protect oneself wisely, let alone break the situation.

There are many people abroad who like Pu Tong. At this moment, they just hope that Pu Tong can seek happiness for himself and not get caught up in the whirlpool of public opinion surrounding this cultural event.

Especially when it was Pu Tong's turn to take the stage and he was still in a daze for a long time, everyone immediately sweated for him.

If I fall today, I will be lame even if I don't die...

What they didn't expect was that after Pu Tong came to power, he suddenly changed into a different person. He first reorganized the whole thing, and even used a Chinese proverb to distinguish the two things.

Borrowing excellent language and adding your own core and culture to create is precisely a part of cultural exchange and integration, and is also the core topic of every cultural exchange festival.

"Because of You" is indeed an excellent song, and it has real feelings that many English songs lack, rather than just being ear-catching and brainwashing.

If not, how could this song directly defeat all other English songs of the same period in a short period of time?

This trip and this move can not be called a gentleman too much.

Goryeo's behavior of appropriating other cultures as its own has already aroused public outrage in many countries. Taking other people's culture and directly registering it as a World Heritage Site is obviously not a friendly exchange.

Isn't this kind of behavior a proper villain?

There is a good saying: "Gentlemen are harmonious but different; villains are harmonious but not harmonious."

Foreign audiences are a little shocked by the charm of Chinese writing. The pattern and vision of this sentence are too great, and it is still applicable even in today's situation.

But the domestic audience was confused. Why didn’t they know this old saying?

Everyone thought about it for a moment and instantly understood. Pu Tong must have thought of such a sentence specially. After all, he was a brilliant writer and was proficient in writing poems and essays. What's wrong with making up an old saying on the spot? Foreigners don't know it anyway. .

Pu Tong "quoted the classics" and immediately sorted out the matter, which won unanimous praise from all the audience.

You must know that he is only seventeen years old, and his courage and courage to speak impromptuly and talk like this on such an occasion are impressive. His agility and courage are far better than most people present.

"Veni vidi vici."

After finishing his explanation, Pu Tong did not step down from the stage. Instead, he faced everyone in the audience and said these words to the camera.

In their eyes, Pu Tong in front of them seemed to have instantly changed from an elegant and gentle boy to a ferocious beast with teeth and claws. This sudden change made everyone stunned.

“Why does the world always change and destroy things that are different?”

Pu Tong muttered a few words to himself, followed closely by a low voice with a hint of questioning.

"So I think it's time for us to have a toast, (So I think it's time for us to have a toast,)

Let's have a toast for the douchebags, (raise a toast to those shameless people,)

Let's have a toast for the assholes,

Let's have a toast for the scumbags


Everyone in the conference hall just felt that this melody was brisk and very catchy. Although it only had a few lines, it must be an excellent English song.

They all looked at the representative of the beautiful country in unison. It couldn't be more obvious who the "shameless person", "despicable bastard" and "evil hooligan" Pu Tong was referring to in these lyrics.

The English song was their reason for attacking Pu Tong just now, but now the reason has reversed. Pu Tong used cultural exchange to directly fight back with a brand new English song.

What shocked them the most was that this English song was most likely an improvisation by Pu Tong on the spot...

Because Pu Tong had no way of knowing that he would be troubled before, how could he prepare such an offensive song in advance?

In other words, in order to fight back beautifully, he actually improvised an English song at the international conference to fight back?

The foreigners have not seen Pu Tong's creative ability, and they didn't expect that there would be someone in the world who could be so outrageous.

At the scene, except for the representative of the United States who had a black face throughout the whole process, others had already started to say "Oh, my god." crazily.

In their eyes, this fight back was too beautiful and too gorgeous, and they directly used their talent and talent to give a loud slap to the troublemaker.

This song is Kanye West's masterpiece "Runaway", even if there are only a few sentences, it can achieve a dimensionality reduction attack.

In his previous world, Kanye was a superstar singer in the United States, and this song was his peak work, so its influence was naturally beyond words.

Pu Tong glanced at the representative of the United States, and even saw a hint of jealousy on his livid face... It was obvious that they were greedy for this song.

However, since he had decided to fight back and make all the audiences in the world remember them, Pu Tong's "conquest" would naturally not end like this.

He slowly looked at the representative of Korea and showed a very bright smile.

Don't you like stealing? Today he will "steal" a Korean song in front of this group of people.

The representative of Korea trembled when he noticed Pu Tong's sight, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

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