This star just wants to learn

Chapter 425: Helping in times of need

[Tablemate, take a look at your thoughts. ]

Pu Tong looked at the message from Iori Yukino and felt that this guy was just here to add insult to injury. Everyone else wrote eight hundred words, but he ended up writing two thousand. Who can bear this?

He seriously suspected that Zhang Binyan was seeking revenge for personal reasons. This deliberate targeting was a bit too obvious. How could anyone write two thousand words of his thoughts after watching this?

The most important thing is that he doesn't know how to write. The so-called bystanders are fans of those who criticize the authorities. He was nervous throughout the show, so how could he have any deep feelings?

Precisely because you are involved, it is more difficult to write something profound from it.

[Stop making trouble Yukino, he has more than 2,000 words and it will not be easy to finish them. ]

Yu Wanwan mainly focused on pampering and started to speak kind words to Pu Tong. After all, this guy was really unlucky.

[You write 2,000 words, and I extract 800 words from them and make them mine. Isn’t it reasonable to have two in one life? ]

Okay, okay, you are so lazy, right?

Pu Tong was too lazy to pay attention to her, so he simply searched for a review template from the Internet. It was two thousand words. Wouldn't it be nice to search for a few more articles and put them together?

This program is unexpectedly popular and has a lot of discussion online. It should not be difficult to find a template for it.

I didn't expect that a participant in one of his programs would have to search the Internet to write his review after watching the program. It's not too outrageous.

"Don't be too outrageous about Pu Tong. He actually went on a CCTV program and performed so well. I cried with envy."

"You only see Pu Tong's brilliance, but not his talent. Whether it is this song or the performance of live questions later, I dare say that not many people can do it... Also, this guy is a bit handsome."

"He is indeed a little more handsome than me."

Pu Tong looked at the grand scene in the comment section for his thoughts after reading, and felt that the current netizens were really outrageous, and none of them even seriously discussed their thoughts after reading.

Because of the popularity of this program, many people chose to write their own, and few used templates. Now he has become the one who is least able to write.

The most outrageous thing is that some netizens sent him private messages asking for their feedback after watching the movie, but he didn't write anything. Who should he ask for when others ask him?

"Forget it, let's just write more randomly."

[Have you written down your thoughts after watching "The First Lesson of School"? Let me have a look. ]

Xie Mu actually didn't need to hand in this review homework. After all, he took a long leave of absence, but he still asked Ling Ling for the homework...

He wanted to use this reflection to judge Ling Ling's true condition. After chatting with Pu Tong that day, the idea that Ling Ling had never taken the exam at all wormed its way into his brain like a tarsal maggot.

If Ling Ling hadn't been in class normally, she would definitely not have written this kind of review task, and she definitely wouldn't be able to do it now.

Xie Mu rubbed his hands and waited for her reply. If Ling Ling had been studying at home, could it be that she...

Ling Ling: [Picture × 2]

Looking at the full two-page review sent by the other party, Xie Mu felt relieved for some reason. Compared to Ling Ling staying at home for special reasons, he still hoped that the other party was just an ordinary high school student.

At least, she would be healthier and happier that way...

It seems that I am overthinking it!

Ding Lingling's eyes moved away from the screen and fell on the reading notes on the table.

She didn't need to write about the tasks assigned by the school. The reason why she wrote this was just because she was a fan of Pu Tong, and the show this time was indeed very good.

The topic of the post-viewing review is "The Timeliness of Education from the "First Lesson of School"". For Ding Lingling, this is a very profound and interesting topic. After watching the program, she was deeply touched by Pu Tong's words, so she took action. I wrote this review.

After all, these two pages are much more than 800 words. How could you write so much if you just complete the task?

"Feel sorry……"

Ding Lingling said to herself, she seemed to have deceived the guy.

It's so stupid, really. She can see such an obvious test at a glance. In order to prevent Xie Mu from finding herself, she must do this.

She glanced at her legs covered with blankets, with a subconscious look of struggle in her eyes.

"Fortunately, I have the habit of writing my review."

They were obviously words of joy, but they sounded particularly sad and sad.

While Ding Lingling was stunned, the figure behind her door swayed and disappeared.

"What are your thoughts after watching this?"

Ding Yutao didn't know why his daughter was suddenly so sad. He only heard her mention her thoughts after watching it.

As a school leader, he naturally knew that this review was the "First Lesson of the School" in which Pu Tong participated.

Thinking of this, Ding Yutao gritted his teeth and looked a little annoyed. Originally, the popularity of their school's TV series was so high that it almost formed a monopoly within the university. Unexpectedly, No. 1 Middle School came out again.

The opening ceremony a few days ago was not enough confidence. He still thought that the other party had no back-ups. Who would have thought that Pu Tong had so many back-ups that he would just show up on a CCTV program.

Pu Tong's speech in "The First Lesson of School" was very similar to his speech at the opening ceremony. This caused the silent opening ceremony to become popular again, which caused No. 1 Middle School to overwhelm them again.


What they lost was never No. 1 Middle School, but Pu Tong. Even the success of their school depended on other people's scripts.

It was originally a great advantage, but I didn't expect that he could reverse it by himself.

Ding Yutao sighed secretly and immediately called Pu Tong. He didn't want to call for prosecution, but just wanted to ask about his daughter's sudden sadness.

If possible, he really wanted to open the door and go in to comfort his daughter, but with Ling Ling's stubborn temper, it would definitely be counterproductive.

Therefore, he could only retreat to the next best thing and ask Pu Tong, treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

He had a vague feeling that this boy knew something.

"Uncle, what's the matter? I'm writing my review." Pu Tong didn't even understand why this guy kept calling him. After all, he was the principal of the school next door. Is this really good?

Don't call me, I'm afraid of a misunderstanding.

After-viewing, after-viewing, Ding Yutao suddenly became angry when he heard this word.

He didn't want to mention the fact that their school was overpowered again. There was nothing to say about his inferior skills.

"My daughter seems to have become very sad after reading "The First Lesson of School". Do you have any clues?"

Pu Tong was instantly confused when he heard this. Are these two things related?

Things that can make Ding Lingling sad, although I don't know exactly what happened, it is probably caused by that boy Xie Mu, which is really not worrying.


Hearing the long silence on the other side, Ding Yutao instantly understood that this boy definitely knew the inside story.

"I don't know either." Pu Tong paused, "Besides, it's normal to write down your feelings after watching the experience..."

"Ling Ling wrote a full two pages, and she was still looking at it in a daze and feeling sad. Do you call this normal?"

Ding Yutao felt more and more that this boy was hiding something from him. He still believed in Pu Tong's character. If there was really something related to his daughter, could it be...

He immediately thought of the boy named Xie Mu. Could that guy really have a close relationship with his daughter? When he thought of this, Ding Yutao couldn't even hold the phone.

"How much? Two pages!"

Pu Tong's exclamation brought him back to his senses. Why is this kid focusing on this? Shouldn't he think about sad things first?

He patiently continued to chat for a few words, but still couldn't get anything out of Pu Tong. This kid was too skinny and could not tolerate salt and oil.

Instead of wasting all your efforts on this guy, it's better to test that silly boy named Xie Mu...

After hanging up the phone, Pu Tong's expression was particularly solemn. He took back what he had just said. Ding Yutao's call was still very meaningful.

He sighed and immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Ding Lingling.

[Sister, let me know your thoughts after watching this. ]

Two pages, isn’t that a coincidence? It’s not!

He really didn't know how to start with a full two thousand words, so this phone call was a timely help.

[How do you know I wrote it? ]

Ding Lingling had not yet recovered from her dejected mood, and she was a little amused when she saw this strange news.

She didn't waste any time and just sent him the two review notes.

[Thank you, please read comics next time...]

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