It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when Lu Tianhao returned to the office.

Bai Xiaobai had already finished her work for the day and was reading a book on the bookshelf.

Lu Tianhao happily came to Bai Xiaobai's desk, opened the file bag, took out the documents in the file bag one by one and put them on Bai Xiaobai's desk. "Sister Bai, I'm sorry, it seems you have to work overtime today."

Bai Xiaobai glanced at Lu Tianhao and didn't say much.

Instead, she silently put down the book in her hand and took the document from Lu Tianhao's hand.

She looked indifferent as if she had already known that Lu Tianhao had taken back all the procedures for Chunjiang Building.

Looking at the calm Bai Xiaobai, Lu Tianhao was a little confused. This is calmer than me who has a system!

Is this the so-called Taishan collapses in front of you without changing your color, and the elk rises on the left without blinking.

It seems that I am still too young and should learn more from Sister Bai.

Isn't it just a large company worth tens of billions!

Look at the daily transactions of the Lu family, they are all calculated in trillions!

However, a smug smile still appeared on his face. "Sister Bai, do you still remember the bet?"

Bai Xiaobai's face did not change, and she was still calm. "Okay, I promise you."

"When Sister Bai has time, please invite Sister Bai to Chunjianglou for dinner!" Seeing Bai Xiaobai agreed, Lu Tianhao was in a very good mood.

Lu Tianhao didn't want to have an office romance, he just wanted to invite Bai Xiaobai for dinner.

As for the purpose, Lu Tianhao didn't know.

Maybe it was because Bai Xiaobai's cold temperament was very attractive.

Maybe it aroused Lu Tianhao's interest!

Maybe it aroused Lu Tianhao's favor!

Maybe it was both!

After saying that, Lu Tianhao sat down in his seat and began to deal with some documents that Bai Xiaobai had sorted out for him and needed to be handled by himself.

"By the way, Sister Bai, try to take the people from the Self-Discipline Department to Chunjiang Building today and check the people inside Chunjiang Building."

"If there are any bad records, they will be fired directly!" Lu Tianhao bowed his head and ordered.

Bai Xiaobai nodded when he heard Lu Tianhao's words.

Bai Xiaobai immediately got busy after receiving the financial report from Lu Tianhao.

Holding the financial report, she left the office and went to the Self-Discipline Department and the Cadre Reserve Office to transfer people.

It was noon on the third day when Bai Xiaobai checked all the accounts.

With Bai Xiaobai's personal ability, no matter how clean you are, I can find something wrong with you!

Therefore, the management of Chunjiang Building was almost replaced.

In addition to the general manager Zhao Youli who took the initiative to stop his salary for rectification!

There were eight deputy general managers, and seven were replaced.

There were twelve directors, and eight were replaced.

There were thirty-six deputy directors, and twenty-five were replaced.

The senior executives of the logistics department, personnel department, public relations department, and marketing department have all been replaced by people from the Lu Group.

Zhao Youli is still the general manager of Chunjiang Building on the surface, but he is now a commander without troops!

Once something happens, the Lu family will be in charge.

To be precise, it is Lu Tianhao who is in charge!

Bai Xiaobai put a nearly 30-centimeter document on Lu Qingzhuo's desk. "Chairman, this is the detailed financial report of Chunjiang Building this quarter."

"I have sent you an electronic version. Do you need to take a look?"

"I can take people to meet with Mr. Zhao of Chunjiang Building in the afternoon."

Lu Qingzhuo looked at the financial statements on the desk and now he couldn't believe that Chunjiang Building was actually bought by his son.

Lu Qingzhuo has always planned to buy Chunjiang Building, but he once offered 20 billion and was rejected. Lu Tianhao brought 300 million to buy Chunjiang Building and was able to buy it. This is fortunate that he was not exposed.

Did Lu Tianhao sell out more than 20 billion in benefits?

But if that were the case, I would definitely receive a call from the relevant department, but now everything is normal. Every subsidiary of Lu Group is running smoothly, and it doesn't seem to be affected at all.

I haven't received any calls from major banks for loans. Could it be that this kid really has the ability to make the former boss of Chunjiang Building spit out this piece of fat meat?

What a joke, you are kidding!

Lu Qingzhuo frowned, "Xiaobai, have you read the transfer contract? Did Xiaohao add any excessive conditions to it?"

"I have read it. It's just an ordinary transfer contract. I contacted the former boss of Chunjiang Building. It is said that this time it is a one-time settlement. As for how much money, the former boss said that the person warned during the transaction that it can't be told, but..." Bai Xiaobai said calmly.

"But what?" Lu Qingzhuo asked.

"The young president's 300 million yuan was transferred to an anonymous black card in an international bank. I suspect this is three"On the surface, Chunjiang Building belongs to the president, but someone else is secretly helping to pay. We don't know who it is, and we don't know what the president needs to pay." Bai Xiaobai was arranged by Lu Qingzhuo to supervise Lu Tianhao. He has the responsibility to investigate the whereabouts of Lu Tianhao's money. Bai Xiaobai helped Lu Tianhao out of trouble. If Lu Qingzhuo asked Lu Tianhao directly. Lu Tianhao would never say the word three-party transaction. Because Lu Tianhao doesn't even know what a three-party transaction is! Lu Qingzhuo frowned when he heard this. Three-party transactions are very common in regular transactions, and even multi-party transactions are common. To put it bluntly, it means that Party A likes Party B's items, Party B likes Party C's items, and Party C likes Party A's things. The three people conduct commercial exchanges. "Don't sue Xiaohao for this matter, and Chunjiang Building should not be incorporated into Lu's Group for the time being." "It's just registered under Xiaohao's name, and the income and expenditure are also put into Xiaohao's bank card. ”

“Just tell me when Xiaohao has any large-scale transactions.” Lu Qingzhuo wanted to see what secrets Lu Tianhao had in the past few years that he didn’t know.

“Yes!” Bai Xiaobai agreed and left the chairman’s office.

Only Lu Qingzhuo was left to think.



Lu’s Mansion!

Early the next morning, Lu Wanqing finished her breakfast and put down her bowl and chopsticks. “Lin Chen, I won’t be back for dinner tonight. I have an appointment with Manager Guo from the bank and several bosses of building materials companies to have dinner together.”

“Wanqing, where are we going to eat? I’ll go with you. It’s not safe for you to go alone.” Lin Chen asked like a curious baby.

“Let’s go to Shengtian Villa.” Lu Wanqing answered calmly.

Although Shengtian Villa is not as famous as Chunjiang Tower, it is also a very prestigious restaurant.

“Shengtian Villa.” Lin Chen thought about it. “Wanqing, although Shengtian Villa is also very good, it is not as good as Chunjiang Tower. How about going to Chunjiang Tower at night. "

Lu Wanqing smiled helplessly. She really wanted to go to Chunjiang Tower, but she had no money.

Her company was about to start, and she had to ask the bank for a loan. How could she afford to hire people for unlimited consumption?

Besides, this contract was stolen by Lu Tianhao at the risk of his life.

If she messed up, Lu Wanqing's company would not only go bankrupt, but she would also feel sorry for Lu Tianhao!

Therefore, we can only succeed and not fail.

"Wanqing, don't worry. I will pay for it this time. Not only will we go to Chunjiang Tower, but I will also set Wolongtai as the venue for tonight's banquet. "Lin Chen looked confident.

If the restaurant attached to Chunjiang Building is the best restaurant in Linhai City, Wolongtai is the number one private room in Chunjiang Building.

The minimum consumption is more than two million, and a high deposit must be paid in advance, and it is still out of stock.

You have to make a reservation at least three months in advance to get a seat.

So Lu Wanqing just thought Lin Chen was bragging.

Lu Wanqing curled her lips and walked out of the room without caring.

"Wanqing, you have to believe me." Lin Chen shouted at Lu Wanqing's back.

Lu Wanqing closed the door heavily, and Lin Chen immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed a mysterious number, and said in an unquestionable voice, "Shadow, help me contact Chunjiang Building, I want Wolongtai tonight!"

A very cold voice came from the other end of the phone, and answered with one word "Yes!"

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