Zhao Yang stood up with one hand, and carefully wiped the card with his sleeve for fear of dust sticking to it.

Although it would be reflective if it weren't for the wooden floor of Chunjiang Building, it still had to be done.

Zhao Yang had a cautious look on his face, holding the black card in both hands, and came to Ye Qingyou, handing it over respectfully, and his hands could be vaguely seen shaking "Miss, is this card yours? Please keep it."

Ye Qingyou nodded and took the card "This card is not mine, it was given to me by Mr. Lu."

Zhao Yang's eyes jumped again when he heard the three words Mr. Lu. It seems that this woman is Mr. Lu's prey. I didn't expect Mr. Lu to like this!

"Miss, they just offended you, please give me your instructions." Zhao Yang said respectfully.

As long as Ye Qingyou said to kill, the bodies of these people will appear in the sea tomorrow.

Of course, Ye Qingyou would definitely not do this.

Ye Qingyou just shook her head and said, "No, Mr. Lu asked me to wait for him in the room. Just tell me where the room is."

Zhao Yang immediately raised his head, called the lobby manager over, and said seriously, "Take her to the room, prepare a pot of black tea and dessert, and if she has any requests, you must satisfy them 100% understand?"

Even without saying it, the lobby manager knew that the black card with the word "Yi" on it represented Lu Tianhao!

Who is Lu Tianhao? The president of Lu Group!

Even if Ye Qingyou and Lu Tianhao were just casual acquaintances and had a good time together, she had to serve him well

"Miss, please follow me." The lobby manager made a gesture.

"Thank you." Ye Qingyou nodded.

"Are you Mr. Lu's friend? Thank you." Ye Qingyou thanked Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang was flattered and waved his hand quickly, "I dare not, I dare not, I am just an ant in Mr. Lu's eyes."

Ye Qingyou followed the lobby manager and walked forward a few steps. She looked back and saw Wang Lin who was knocked to the ground and vomited blood, Lin Bing who looked confused, and Zhao Yang who kept smiling at her.

Ye Qingyou clenched his fists. This was the third time that Lu Tianhao helped him out of trouble, not the fourth time!

Even if Lu Tianhao was not there, his name was enough to make everyone respectful to him. This kind of sense of security was never there before.

Over the years, Ye Qingyou had no self-confidence because of her poor family, which led to her timid personality.

Today she understood something called a sense of security!

Compared to the brother who sold himself to the underground organization in order to borrow 300,000 yuan, it was much better.

Even if he had many women...


[Due to your participation, the plot has been greatly changed, Ye Qingyou's favorability +30]

[Current favorability: 60 (love)]

[Ye Feng's aura of the rich -1% (current aura of the rich is 65)]

[Lu Tianhao's aura of the rich +1% (current aura of the rich is 35)]

[Get reward: International Paradise]

Lu Tianhao was driving to Chunjiang Tower, and he kept listening to the system folder talking about the relationship between Tiandao and the protagonists along the way.

Gradually understood the relationship.

Use the example of "Let the Bullets Fly" as an analogy.

Tiandao is Mr. Huang, and the forces in this world are the successive county governors, and the protagonists are Zhang Mazi.

The forces in this world maintain balance and continue to develop.

As the owner of each force, you will receive rewards from Tiandao, and Tiandao itself will also receive rewards.

And it is the kind of 30-70 split, why not Mr. Huang (Tiandao)?

But when Mr. Huang (Tian Dao) took a nap on this day.

Zhang Mazi (the protagonist) entered the city as the county magistrate, and the stable situation that Mr. Huang (Tian Dao) had managed for several Huiyuan was broken!

After waking up, Mr. Huang (Tian Dao) found that he could not collect money!

It would be strange if Mr. Huang (Tian Dao) did not want to kill Zhang Mazi!

And now Lu Tianhao took the initiative to tell Mr. Huang (Tian Dao) that Zhang Mazi (the protagonist) had entered the city and wanted to take over your stall!

He also helped Mr. Huang (Tian Dao) to deal with Zhang Mazi (the protagonist), why wouldn't Mr. Huang (Tian Dao) do it.

Just when Lu Tianhao figured out himself, Tian Dao and the protagonist, a system ring suddenly rang.

Lu Tianhao was confused "What's going on?"

I didn't do anything, why did Ye Qingyou's favorability grow so much.

It seems that Ye Feng's aura has not changed.

[Because the behavior of humans has little to do with Ye Feng. 】

【In the original novel, Ye Qingyou is just a protected vase and has almost no impact on the plot】

【Ye Qingyou is in love with others, gets married, and has little direct relationship with Ye Feng. 】

【Only when the protagonist is involved in something that is interrupted will the aura increase significantly. 】

The system folder explained.

Lu Tianhao nodded, the originalIn this case, it seems that we need to find more things for the protagonists in the future!


Zhao Yang had Wang Lin dragged to a private room and thrown on the ground like a dead dog.

Zhao Yang took out a cigarette and wanted to light it, but found that his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't light it at all. He simply gave up smoking and threw the lighter on the ground.

"Tell me, what did you do to that girl? I will try my best to keep your body intact." Zhao Yang cleared his throat.

"I..." Wang Lin knelt on the ground and opened his mouth.

Zhao Yang stretched out his hand and interrupted Wang Lin quickly, "Let's start with the unimportant things. I'm timid and have a bad heart!"

A guy who races in the valley every day says he is timid? Bad heart!

It turned out that Zhao Yang thought Lu Tianhao was just a person of the same level as the four major families in Linhai.

Until Zhao Yang posted the photo of Lu Tianhao's borrowed car on his circle of friends.

Those children of the four major families who usually ignored him began to contact him actively.

Moreover, the elders of the four great families took the initiative to invite him to the dinner.

All this was just because he could borrow a car from Lu Tianhao!

At the banquet, he heard a sentence that he would remember for a lifetime.

'It is because the Lu family calls them the four great families that they are the four great families, not because of their strength! '

At that moment, Zhao Yang truly understood how terrifying the two words [Lu Family] were!

The great power that seemed unattainable to him at ordinary times was nothing more than an ant that could be destroyed by the Lu family!

However, today, Wang Lin and his bastards actually went to trouble the Lu family's women!

Just ask the playboys of the four great families if they dare!

"I just want to pull the girl just now into our Sunshine Media." Wang Lin quickly picked the least important one and said.

Sunshine Media was the company founded by Zhao Yang and several young rich second-generations.

Zhao Yang's head buzzed and he almost slipped off the sofa.

This matter can really be big or small. Many women of big men are famous actors.

If Ye Qingyou is willing, it would be a good thing.

If Ye Qingyou wants to live broadcast, Mr. Lu will definitely invest money!

His own media company may become the leader in the industry within a few months!

But if Wang Lin did something out of line just now, that would be the day of his downfall.

"Wang Lin, can you guarantee that you didn't offend that girl just now?" Zhao Yang's face became even gloomier.

"I..." Wang Lin hesitated for a moment, he just wanted to trick Ye Qingyou into his room.

I don't know how much Ye Qingyou understood that.

Zhao Yang saw Wang Lin's hesitant look, and knew that this matter was not trivial. He slapped the table and said, "Wang Lin, if you don't explain it to me today, I will throw you into the sea to feed the sharks!"

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